path: root/translations/ca.po
blob: ccc3865633fd38e704b9ad6001285d98654e848a (plain) (tree)








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































# Translators:
# Arnau Mas <>, 2013,2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Evol Online\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-07-10 23:12+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-07-11 10:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrei Karas <>\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ca\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:9 deadmessages.xml:6
msgid "You are dead."
msgstr "Estàs mort."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:10 deadmessages.xml:7
msgid "We regret to inform you that your character was killed in battle."
msgstr "Lamentem informar-te que el teu personatge ha estat mort en batalla. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:11 deadmessages.xml:8
msgid "You are not that alive anymore."
msgstr "Ja no estàs tant viu."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:12 deadmessages.xml:9
msgid "The cold hands of the grim reaper are grabbing for your soul."
msgstr "Les fredes mans de la parca s'estan apoderant de la teva ànima."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:13 deadmessages.xml:10
msgid "Game Over!"
msgstr "Fi del joc!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:14 deadmessages.xml:11
msgid "Insert coin to continue."
msgstr "Introdueixi una moneda per continuar."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:15 deadmessages.xml:12
msgid ""
"No, kids. Your character did not really die. It... err... went to a better "
msgstr "No, nens. El vostre personatge no ha mort realment. Ha... eh... anat a un lloc millor."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:16 deadmessages.xml:13
msgid ""
"Your plan of breaking your enemies weapon by bashing it with your throat "
msgstr "El teu pla de trencar les armes enemigues colpejant-les amb la gola ha fallat. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:17 deadmessages.xml:14
msgid "I guess this did not run too well."
msgstr "Crec que això no ha anat massa bé. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:19 deadmessages.xml:15
msgid "Do you want your possessions identified?"
msgstr "Vols que les teves possessions siguin identificades? "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:21 deadmessages.xml:16
msgid "Sadly, no trace of you was ever found..."
msgstr "Tristament, no es va trobar mai cap rastre teu."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:23 deadmessages.xml:17
msgid "Annihilated."
msgstr "Aniquilat. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:25 deadmessages.xml:18
msgid "Looks like you got your head handed to you."
msgstr "Sembla que t'han tirat el teu cap als braços. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:27 deadmessages.xml:19
msgid ""
"You screwed up again, dump your body down the tubes and get you another one."
msgstr "L'has tornat a espifiar,  desfés-te del teu cos i aconsegueix-ne un altre."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:29 deadmessages.xml:20
msgid "You're not dead yet. You're just resting."
msgstr "Encara no estàs mort. Només estàs descansant."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:30 deadmessages.xml:21
msgid "You are no more."
msgstr "S'ha acabat la teva existència. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:31 deadmessages.xml:22
msgid "You have ceased to be."
msgstr "Has deixat de existir. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:32 deadmessages.xml:23
msgid "You've expired and gone to meet your maker."
msgstr "Has expirat per a conèixer el teu creador."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:33 deadmessages.xml:24
msgid "You're a stiff."
msgstr "Estàs rígid."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:34 deadmessages.xml:25
msgid "Bereft of life, you rest in peace."
msgstr "Cessat de vida, descanses en pau."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:35 deadmessages.xml:26
msgid "If you weren't so animated, you'd be pushing up the daisies."
msgstr "Si no estiguessis tan animat, diria que estàs mort. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:36 deadmessages.xml:27
msgid "Your metabolic processes are now history."
msgstr "Els teus processos metabòlics son història. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:37 deadmessages.xml:28
msgid "You're off the twig."
msgstr "Estàs fora de circulació. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:38 deadmessages.xml:29
msgid "You've kicked the bucket."
msgstr "Has estirat la pota. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:39
msgid ""
"You've shuffled off your mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the "
"bleedin' choir invisibile."
msgstr "T'has desfet del teu cos mortal, abaixat les cortines i unit al sagnant cor dels invisibles."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:40 deadmessages.xml:31
msgid "You are an ex-player."
msgstr "Ets un ex-jugador. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: tmp/deadmessages.xml:41 deadmessages.xml:32
msgid "You're pining for the fjords."
msgstr "Estàs avançant al fiord."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:30
msgid ""
"You've shuffled off your mortal coil, rung down the curtain and joined the "
"choir invisible."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:33
msgid "Right now, you would just love to be resurrected."
msgstr "Ara mateix, t'encantaria ser ressuscitat."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:34
msgid "Wait, did I just die?"
msgstr "Espera, acabo de morir? "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:35
msgid "What just happened?"
msgstr "Qua acaba de passar? "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:36
msgid "I guess you're not the One."
msgstr "Sembla que no ets l'Escollit."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:37
msgid "See you in the underworld."
msgstr "Ens veiem a les profunditats. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:38
msgid "Try again."
msgstr "Torna a provar. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:39
msgid "Don't panic, you're just a bit dead."
msgstr "No t'espantis, només estàs una mica mort. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:40
msgid "It's a bit late to start digging your grave, don't you think?"
msgstr "És una mica tard per començar a cavar la teva tomba, no creus?"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:41
msgid "Program terminated."
msgstr "Programa terminat. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:42
msgid "Mission failed."
msgstr "Missió fallida. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:43
msgid "Welcome to the Matrix, Neo."
msgstr "Benvingut a Matrix, Neo."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:44
msgid "Everybody falls the first time."
msgstr "El primer cop, tothom hi cau."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:45
msgid "Welcome... to the real world."
msgstr "Benvingut... al mon real. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:46
msgid "Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."
msgstr "Destí, sembla, tot i que no sense una mica d'ironia. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:47
msgid "There is no spoon."
msgstr "No hi ha cullera."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:48
msgid "One shot, one kill."
msgstr "Un tret, un mort. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:49
msgid "Some men just want to watch the world burn."
msgstr "Alguns homes només volen veure el mon cremar. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:50
msgid "You are fulfilling your destiny."
msgstr "Estàs complint amb el teu destí. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:51
msgid "Rule #8: Do not die."
msgstr "Regla #8: No morir."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:52
msgid "There will be no order, only chaos."
msgstr "No hi haurà ordre, només caos. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:53
msgid "Too bad, get over it."
msgstr "Llàstima, supera-ho."

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:54
msgid "There's no hope for us here, only death."
msgstr "No hi ha esperança per nosaltres, només mort. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:55
msgid "Death is the road to awe."
msgstr "La mort es el camí del terror. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:56
msgid ""
"Our bodies are prisons for our souls. Our skin and blood, the iron bars of "
"confinement. But fear not. All flesh decays. Death turns all to ash. And "
"thus, death frees every soul."
msgstr "El nostre cos es la presó de l'ànima. La nostra pell i la sang, les barreres del nostre confinament. Però no tinguis por. La carn es podreix. La mort ho converteix tot a cendres. I d'aquesta manera, la mort allibera l'ànima. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:57
msgid "Stop... Stop it!"
msgstr "Atura't... Prou!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:58
msgid "Today is a good day to die."
msgstr "Avui es un bon dia per morir. "

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:59
msgid "Any last words? Oops, too late!"
msgstr "Algunes últimes paraules? Ui, massa tard!"

#. (itstool) path: messages/message
#: deadmessages.xml:60
msgid "Confusion will be my epitaph."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:6
msgid "Disgust"
msgstr "Fàstic"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:7
msgid "Surprise"
msgstr "Sorpresa"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:8
msgid "Happy"
msgstr "Feliç"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:9 tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:19
msgid "Sad"
msgstr "Trist"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:10 tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:21 tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:28
msgid "Evil"
msgstr "Malvat"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:11
msgid "Wink"
msgstr "Complicitat"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:12
msgid "Angel"
msgstr "Àngel"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:13
msgid "Blush"
msgstr "Ruboritzar"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:14
msgid "Tongue"
msgstr "Llengua"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:15
msgid "Grin"
msgstr "Somriure"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:16
msgid "Upset"
msgstr "Alterat"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:17
msgid "Perturbed"
msgstr "Pertorbat "

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:18
msgid "Speech"
msgstr "Escrivint"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: emotes.xml:19
msgid "Blah"
msgstr "Blah"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:8 itemcolors.xml:82 itemcolors.xml:90
msgid "White"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:9
msgid "Black"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:10
msgid "Silver"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:11
msgid "Camel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:12
msgid "Brown"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:13
msgid "Orange"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:14
msgid "Dark Red"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:15
msgid "Red"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:16
msgid "Fuchsia"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:17
msgid "Pink"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:18
msgid "Mauve"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:19
msgid "Purple"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:20 itemcolors.xml:46 itemcolors.xml:71
msgid "Navy Blue"
msgstr "Blau marí"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:21
msgid "Blue Gray"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:22
msgid "Blue"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:23
msgid "Teal"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:24
msgid "Green"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:25
msgid "Lime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:26
msgid "Khaki"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:27
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:32 itemcolors.xml:57
msgid "Off Black"
msgstr "Negre apagat"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:33 itemcolors.xml:58
msgid "Ash Brown"
msgstr "Marró cendra"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:34 itemcolors.xml:59
msgid "Dark Brown"
msgstr "Marró fosc"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:35 itemcolors.xml:60
msgid "Dark Copper"
msgstr "Coure fosc"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:36 itemcolors.xml:61
msgid "Auburn Brown"
msgstr "Marró vermellós"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:37 itemcolors.xml:62
msgid "Honey Brown"
msgstr "Marró mel"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:38 itemcolors.xml:63
msgid "Copper Blonde"
msgstr "Ros coure"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:39 itemcolors.xml:64
msgid "Golden Blonde"
msgstr "Ros or"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:40 itemcolors.xml:65
msgid "Pure Platinum"
msgstr "Platí pur "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:41 itemcolors.xml:66
msgid "Cherry Blossom"
msgstr "Flor de cirerer"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:42 itemcolors.xml:67
msgid "Pinky Pink"
msgstr "Rosa rosat"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:43 itemcolors.xml:68
msgid "Fire Red"
msgstr "Vermell foc"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:44 itemcolors.xml:69
msgid "Light Violet"
msgstr "Violeta clar"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:45 itemcolors.xml:70
msgid "Purple Plum"
msgstr "Pruna lila"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:47 itemcolors.xml:72
msgid "Lagoon Blue"
msgstr "Blau Llacuna"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:48 itemcolors.xml:73
msgid "Twisted Teal"
msgstr "Verd Blavós Trenat"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:49 itemcolors.xml:74
msgid "Spring Green"
msgstr "Verd primavera"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:50 itemcolors.xml:75
msgid "Forest Green"
msgstr "Verd bosc"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:51 itemcolors.xml:76
msgid "Silver Grey"
msgstr "Gris platejat"

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:52 itemcolors.xml:77
msgid "Esperia Blue"
msgstr "Esperia Blava "

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:83 itemcolors.xml:91
msgid "Crimson"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:84 itemcolors.xml:92
msgid "Chocolate"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: list/color@name
#: itemcolors.xml:85 itemcolors.xml:93
msgid "Mint"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: required/field@description
#: itemfields.xml:11
msgid "Req. level %s"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:31
msgid "Bald"
msgstr "Calb"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:34
msgid "Bowl Cut"
msgstr "Tall en bol"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:37
msgid "Combed Back"
msgstr "Pentinat cap enrere"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:40
msgid "Emo"
msgstr "Emo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:43
msgid "Mohawk"
msgstr "Cresta "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:46
msgid "Pompadour"
msgstr "Arrissat "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:49
msgid "Center Parting"
msgstr "Ratlla al mig "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:52
msgid "Long and Slick"
msgstr "Llarg i polit"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:55
msgid "Short and Curly"
msgstr "Curt i arrissat"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:58
msgid "Pigtails"
msgstr "Trenes "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:61
msgid "Long and Curly"
msgstr "Llarg i arrissat "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:64
msgid "Parted"
msgstr "Mitja melena "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:67
msgid "Perky Ponytail"
msgstr "Cua de caball"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:70
msgid "Wave"
msgstr "Ones"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:73
msgid "Mane"
msgstr "Despentinat"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:76
msgid "Bun"
msgstr "Monyo"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:79
msgid "Wavy"
msgstr "Melena"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:82
msgid "Bunches"
msgstr "Flocs"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:85
msgid "Long Ponytail"
msgstr "Cua llarga de caball"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:88
msgid "Infinitely Long"
msgstr "Infinitament llarg"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:91
msgid "Choppy"
msgstr "Encrespat"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:94
msgid "Wild"
msgstr "Salvatge "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:97
msgid "Punk"
msgstr "Cua de samurai"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:100
msgid "Imperial"
msgstr "Llarg "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:103
msgid "Side Strand"
msgstr "De cantó"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:106
msgid "Messy"
msgstr "Messy"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:109
msgid "Flat Ponytail"
msgstr "Cua plana de caball"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:112
msgid "Tapered Nape"
msgstr "Tapered Nape"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:117
msgid "Human"
msgstr "Humà"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:123
msgid "Ukar"
msgstr "Ukar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:129
msgid "Demon"
msgstr "Dimoni"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:135
msgid "Elven"
msgstr " Elf"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:141
msgid "Orc"
msgstr "Orc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:147
msgid "Raijin"
msgstr "Raijin"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:153
msgid "Tritan"
msgstr "Tritó"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: items.xml:161 monsters.xml:18
msgid "Piou"
msgstr "Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:176
msgid "Acorn"
msgstr "Gla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:176
msgid "A natural food, ingredient, bait, or seed."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:176 items.xml:184 items.xml:193 items.xml:201 items.xml:209
#: items.xml:217 items.xml:225 items.xml:241 items.xml:249 items.xml:257
#: items.xml:266 items.xml:288 items.xml:297 items.xml:304 items.xml:323
#: items.xml:331 items.xml:379 items.xml:414 items.xml:423
msgid "Eat"
msgstr "Menjar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:176
msgid "Heal 12-18 HP"
msgstr "Curació 12-18 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:184
msgid "Bread"
msgstr "Pa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:184
msgid "A baked food, ingredient, or bait."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:184
msgid "Heal 25-40 HP"
msgstr "Curació 25-40 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:193
msgid "Fungus"
msgstr "Fong"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:193
msgid "A peculiar food, ingredient, or remedy against poison."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:193
msgid "Damage -5%; Defense +5%; Heal 25-35 HP"
msgstr "Dany -5%; Defensa +5%; Curació  25-35 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:201
msgid "Cheese"
msgstr "Formatge"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:201
msgid "A yummy food, ingredient, or bait."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:201 items.xml:396
msgid "Heal 30-50 HP"
msgstr "Curació 30-50 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:209
msgid "Piou Legs"
msgstr "Potes de Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:209
msgid "A tender food, ingredient, or bait."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:209
msgid "Heal 7-13 HP"
msgstr "Curació 7-13 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:217
msgid "Lettuce Leaf"
msgstr "Fulla d'enciam"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:217
msgid "A healthy food, ingredient, or bait."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:217
msgid "Heal 15-25 HP"
msgstr "Curació 15-25 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:225
msgid "Piberries"
msgstr "Pibaies"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:225
msgid "The famous staining fruit."
msgstr "La famosa fruita que embruta."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:225
msgid "Heal 12-23 HP"
msgstr "Curació 12-23 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:233
msgid "Sea Drops"
msgstr "Gotes de mar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:233
msgid "Yucky drops of salt water."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:233 items.xml:339 items.xml:347 items.xml:355 items.xml:363
#: items.xml:371 items.xml:431
msgid "Drink"
msgstr "Beure "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:233
msgid "Headache; Heal 10-20 HP"
msgstr "Mal de cap; Curació 10-20 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:241
msgid "Aquada"
msgstr "Aquada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:241
msgid "A nutritious fruit of the sea."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:241
msgid "Heal 75-100 HP"
msgstr "Curació 75-100 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:249
msgid "Pink Blobime"
msgstr "Blobime Rosa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:249
msgid "Yucky pink mucus of little blub."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:249
msgid "Headache; Heal 2-6 HP"
msgstr "Mal de cap; Curació 2-6 HP"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:257
msgid "Purple Blobime"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:257
msgid "Stinky purple mucus of blub."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:257
msgid "Stomach ache; Heal 30-70 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:266
msgid "Half Croconut"
msgstr "Mig Croconut"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:266
msgid "Its inside seems delicious."
msgstr "L'interior sembla deliciós. "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:266
msgid "Heal 65-90 HP"
msgstr "Curació 65-90 HP"

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  monsters.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: items.xml:273 monsters.xml:112
msgid "Croconut"
msgstr "Croconut"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:273
msgid "Fallen from a crocotree, this fruit could be opened."
msgstr "Caigut d'un crocotree, aquesta fruita pot ser oberta. "

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#. #-#-#-#-#  npcs.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: items.xml:273 npcs.xml:334 npcs.xml:339 npcs.xml:616 npcs.xml:621
#: npcs.xml:626
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Obrir "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:280
msgid "Old Book"
msgstr "Llibre antic"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:280
msgid ""
"A book that threatens to fall apart in your hands as you carefully browse "
"the pages."
msgstr "Un llibre que s'et desfà a les mans mentres llegeixes les seves pàgines."

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#. #-#-#-#-#  npcs.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: items.xml:280 items.xml:438 items.xml:445 items.xml:452 items.xml:459
#: npcs.xml:97
msgid "Read"
msgstr "Llegir"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:288
msgid "Plushroom"
msgstr "Plushroom"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:288
msgid "A strange remedy of many possible uses."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:288
msgid "Damage +5%; Heal 20-30 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:297
msgid "Pumpkish Seeds"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:297
msgid "Yucky seeds that threaten to grow out-of-control."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:297
msgid "Headache"
msgstr "Mal de cap"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:304
msgid "Delicious Cookie"
msgstr "Galeta Deliciosa "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:304
msgid ""
"This is a reward from the Cookie Master. Be careful before you eat it, its "
"effects are unknown..."
msgstr "És una recompensa del Mestre de les Galetes. Tinguis precaució abans de menjar-te-la."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:304
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Desconegut"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:323
msgid "Urchin Meat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:323
msgid "A seafood ingredient."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:323
msgid "Heal 28-35 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:331
msgid "Easter Egg"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:331
msgid "A chocolate shell covered of a very thin metal layer."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:331
msgid "Heal 60-75 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:339
msgid "Pibberries Infusion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:339
msgid "A potion made from pibberries."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:339
msgid "Heal 110-130 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:347
msgid "Fate's Potion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:347
msgid "An effective blood-loss remedy."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:347
msgid "Heal 240-260 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:355
msgid "Clotho Liquor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:355
msgid "Remedy used between feral warrior training sessions."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:355
msgid "Heal 575-625 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:363
msgid "Lachesis Brew"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:363
msgid "Rare, powerful and restricted remedy."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:363
msgid "Heal 1100-1300 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:371
msgid "Atropos Mixture"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:371
msgid "The most advanced potion ever synthesized."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:371
msgid "Heal 2300-2550 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:379
msgid "Elixir Of Life"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:379
msgid "A potion able to restore even dead trees to life."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:379
msgid "Heal 10000 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:387
msgid "Iron Shovel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:387 items.xml:396 items.xml:405
msgid "Use"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:387
msgid "Discover treasures, dungeons, and raw materials."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:396
msgid "Pumpkish Juice"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:396
msgid "Blood-colored juice from madly swarming pumpkish."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:405
msgid "Manana"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:405
msgid "A fast healing fruit."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:405
msgid "Heal 70-80 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:414
msgid "Curshroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:414
msgid "A strange remedy of many possible uses, cure poison."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:414
msgid "Damage per second +10; Heal 40-50 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:423
msgid "Carrot"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:423
msgid "Good in various recipes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:423
msgid "Heal 20-30 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:431
msgid "Red Plush Wine"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:431
msgid "Wine produced from black grapes in the south-east of Aurora."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@effect
#: items.xml:431
msgid "Heal 40-90 HP"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:438
msgid "Piou and The Fluffy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:438
msgid "This story is a warning against listening to flattery."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:445
msgid "Poem about Poems"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:445
msgid "A heart touching poem written by Nard."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:452
msgid "Chorus of the Woods"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:452
msgid ""
"Historical foundations of this poem is from centuries ago on the great "
"continent, Ealia."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:459
msgid "Communication Theory"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:459
msgid "Various explanations on the dialogue system."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:469
msgid "Small Tentacles"
msgstr "Petits Tentacles"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:469
msgid "Colorful tentacles with poisonous barbs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:476
msgid "Piou Feathers"
msgstr "Plomes de Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:476
msgid "Small feathers of innocent little piou."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:482
msgid "Tortuga Shell Fragment"
msgstr "Fragment de closca de Tortuga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:482
msgid "Used to make tools and decorations."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:488
msgid "Half Eggshell"
msgstr "Mitja closca d'ou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:488
msgid "Maybe something hatched, or someone was cooking."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:494
msgid "Ratto Tail"
msgstr "Cua de Ratto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:494
msgid "Hairless tail of ratto."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:500
msgid "Ratto Teeth"
msgstr "Dents de Ratto"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:500
msgid "Sharp incisors of ratto."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:506
msgid "Croc Claw"
msgstr "Urpa de Croc"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:506
msgid "It moves and pinches without its body."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:512
msgid "Squichy Claws"
msgstr "Urpes de Squichy "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:512
msgid "Claws from a wild squichy."
msgstr "Urpes d'un squichy salvatge "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:518
msgid "Tortuga Shell"
msgstr "Closca de Tortuga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:518
msgid "A symbol of shelter."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:525
msgid "Tortuga Tongue"
msgstr "Llengua de Tortuga"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:525
msgid "Adept to digesting blubs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:532
msgid "Pearl"
msgstr "Perla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:532
msgid "A beautiful round and shiny pearl."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:539
msgid "Coral"
msgstr "Corall"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:539
msgid "Can indicate the health of oceanic ecosystems."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:546
msgid "Blue Coral"
msgstr "Corall Blau"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:546
msgid "A coral dyed in blue by a blub."
msgstr "Un corall tenyit de blau per un bulb."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:552
msgid "Fish Box"
msgstr "Caixa de peix"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:552
msgid "A wooden box full of fresh fish that Couwan gave you."
msgstr "Una caixa de fusta plena de peix, que t'ha donat en Couwan."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:558
msgid "Aquada Box"
msgstr "Caixa d'Aquada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:558
msgid "Contains 50 aquadas."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:564
msgid "Croconut Box"
msgstr "Caixa de croconuts"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:564
msgid "Contains 17 croconuts."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:570
msgid "Plushroom Box"
msgstr "Caixa de plushroom"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:570
msgid "Contains 87 plushrooms."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:577
msgid "Poisoned Dish"
msgstr "Plat Enverinat"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:577
msgid "A special dish made of strange ingredients."
msgstr "Un plat especial fet d'estranys ingredients. "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:584
msgid "La Johanne's Key"
msgstr "Clau de La Johanne."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:584
msgid "An iron key to open La Johanne's entrance door."
msgstr "Una clau de ferro que obre la porta d'entrada de La Johanne,"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:591
msgid "Left Crafty Wing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:591 items.xml:605
msgid "This wing is slight and soft unlike its former owner."
msgstr "Aquesta ala és lleugera i suau a diferència del seu anterior propietari."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:598
msgid "Bat Teeth"
msgstr "Dents de muricec "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:598
msgid "What sharp teeth! They seem to be more dangerous than a knife."
msgstr "Quines dents més afilades! Semblen més perilloses que un ganivet. "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:605
msgid "Right Crafty Wing"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  items.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  manaplus_emotes1.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: items.xml:612 tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:27
msgid "Pumpkin"
msgstr "Carbassa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:612
msgid "An invasive specimen carved at festivals somewhere."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:619
msgid "Mushroom Spores"
msgstr "Espores de fong"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:619
msgid "Some colored spores, it helps mushrooms to spread across the land."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:626
msgid "Moss"
msgstr "Molsa "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:626
msgid "Grows in moist, shady areas."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:633
msgid "Tentacles"
msgstr "Tentacles "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:633
msgid "Boneless appendage of invertebrates"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:640
msgid "Common Carp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:640
msgid "Fresh-water is often infested with these pests."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:647
msgid "Grass Carp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:647
msgid "A smart fish; difficult to catch."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:654
msgid "Fishing Rod"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:654
msgid "Designed for sport's fishing."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:661
msgid "Fluffy Fur"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:661
msgid "This soft fur is used to make warm clothing."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:668
msgid "Guild Certification"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:668
msgid ""
"This piece of paper grants you the exclusive permission to create a guild."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:688
msgid "Creased Shirt"
msgstr "Camisa Arrugada"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:688
msgid "A spare shirt from the crew of La Johanne."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:701
msgid "%Color% V-neck Jumper"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:701
msgid "A simple %color% jumper made from a lightweight cashmere."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:714
msgid "%Color% Artis Tank Top"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:714
msgid "A %color% tank top made from cotton cloth."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:725
msgid "Sailor Shirt"
msgstr "Samarreta de mariner"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:725
msgid "Proof that ye be in the crew, matey!"
msgstr "La prova que estàs en la tripulació, company!"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:736
msgid "Legion's Training Shirt"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:736
msgid "Informal shirt worn during intense aerobic exercises."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:747
msgid "Legion's Copper Armor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:747
msgid "Good defense; worn by those with authority."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:761
msgid "Lousy Moccasins"
msgstr "Lousy Moccasins"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:761
msgid "Crudely assembled footwear not for comfort nor fashion."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:775
msgid "Armbands"
msgstr "Braçalets"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:775
msgid "Small armbands made of wood and iron."
msgstr "Petits braçalets fets de fusta i ferro."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:787
msgid "Copper Armbands"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:787
msgid "Sturdy, combat-issue armbands."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:799
msgid "Iron Armbands"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:799
msgid "Heavy armbands that slow-down all but experienced warriors."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:813
msgid "Creased Shorts"
msgstr "Pantalons curts arrugats"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:813
msgid "Spare shorts from the crew of La Johanne."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:825
msgid "Brown Trousers"
msgstr "Pantalons marrons "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:825
msgid "Classic trousers ornamented with some fluffy fur."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:850
msgid "Barrel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:850
msgid "It smells as if somebody used to live inside this barrel..."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:860
msgid "Leather Shield"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:860
msgid "Small and round leather shield with iron reinforcement."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:871
msgid "Bandana"
msgstr "Mocador"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:871
msgid "A striped bandana worn by some sailors."
msgstr "Mocador a ratlles portat per alguns mariners."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:896
msgid "Pumpkin Hat"
msgstr "Barret de carbassa"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:896
msgid "A carved pumpkin, the face will scare your enemy off."
msgstr "Una carbassa tallada, la cara espantarà als teus enemic."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:907
msgid "Fancy Hat"
msgstr "Fancy Hat"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:907
msgid "Worn when living away from cities."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:922
msgid "Brimmed Hat"
msgstr "Barret d'ala ampla"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:922
msgid "Unequip when indoors, please."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:937
msgid "Brimmed Feather Hat"
msgstr "Barret d'ala ampla amb plomes "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:937
msgid "Distinguishes someone as traveling."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:952
msgid "Brimmed Flower Hat"
msgstr "Barret d'ala ampla amb flors"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:952
msgid "To wear at festivals and certain events."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:970
msgid "Shemagh"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:970
msgid "An improved scarf used by mercenaries in tough environment."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:985
msgid "Knife"
msgstr "Ganivet "

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:985
msgid "A simple, but sharp knife."
msgstr "Senzill, però afilat ganivet."

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:999
msgid "Piou Slayer"
msgstr "Assassí de Piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:999
msgid "A short sword for amateurs."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1013
msgid "Training Gladius"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1013
msgid "A short combat-sword."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1027
msgid "Wooden Sword"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1027
msgid "For sword training. Do not show-off with it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1041
msgid "Artis Backsword"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1041
msgid "An engraved backsword with the symbole of Artis on its brass hilt."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1054
msgid "Piou egg"
msgstr "Ou de piou"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:1054
msgid "Hatch"
msgstr "Eclosionar"

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1065
msgid "Crimson Cashmere Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@useButton
#: items.xml:1065 items.xml:1074 items.xml:1083 items.xml:1092 items.xml:1101
#: items.xml:1110 items.xml:1119 items.xml:1128 items.xml:1137 items.xml:1146
#: items.xml:1155 items.xml:1164 items.xml:1173 items.xml:1182 items.xml:1191
#: items.xml:1200 items.xml:1209 items.xml:1218 items.xml:1227 items.xml:1236
#: items.xml:1245 items.xml:1254
msgid "Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1065 items.xml:1074 items.xml:1083
msgid "Color dye that can be used on cashemere clothing."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1074
msgid "Chocolate Cashmere Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1083
msgid "Mint Cashmere Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1092
msgid "Black Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@description
#: items.xml:1092 items.xml:1101 items.xml:1110 items.xml:1119 items.xml:1128
#: items.xml:1137 items.xml:1146 items.xml:1155 items.xml:1164 items.xml:1173
#: items.xml:1182 items.xml:1191 items.xml:1200 items.xml:1209 items.xml:1218
#: items.xml:1227 items.xml:1236 items.xml:1245 items.xml:1254
msgid "Color dye that can be used on cotton clothing."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1101
msgid "Silver Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1110
msgid "Camel Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1119
msgid "Brown Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1128
msgid "Orange Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1137
msgid "Dark Red Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1146
msgid "Red Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1155
msgid "Fuchsia Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1164
msgid "Pink Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1173
msgid "Mauve Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1182
msgid "Purple Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1191
msgid "Navy Blue Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1200
msgid "Blue Gray Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1209
msgid "Blue Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1218
msgid "Teal Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1227
msgid "Green Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1236
msgid "Lime Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1245
msgid "Khaki Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: items/item@name
#: items.xml:1254
msgid "Yellow Cotton Dye"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:8
msgid "Kitty"
msgstr "Gatet"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:9
msgid "xD"
msgstr "xD"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:10
msgid "^.^"
msgstr "^.^"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:11
msgid "Heart eye"
msgstr "Enamorat"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:12
msgid "Gold eye"
msgstr "Ulls d'or"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:13
msgid "Sleepy"
msgstr "Somnolent"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:14
msgid "u.u"
msgstr "u.u"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:15
msgid "-.-'"
msgstr "-.-'"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:16
msgid "Surprised"
msgstr "Sorprès "

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:17
msgid "Dead"
msgstr "Mort"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:18
msgid "Look away"
msgstr "Mirar de reull "

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:20
msgid "Palmhead"
msgstr "En serio?"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:22
msgid "Angry"
msgstr "Enfadat"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:23
msgid "Purple Sad"
msgstr "Trist Lila"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:24
msgid "Insult Buble"
msgstr "Insult"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:25
msgid "Heart"
msgstr "Cor"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:26
msgid "Emote"
msgstr "Emoticona"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:29
msgid "Epic"
msgstr "Èpic"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:30
msgid "Bad geek"
msgstr "Geek enfadat"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:31
msgid "Mimi"
msgstr "Mimi"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:32
msgid "Alien"
msgstr "Alienígena"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:33
msgid "Troll"
msgstr "Troll"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:34
msgid "Metal"
msgstr "Dificultós"

#. (itstool) path: emote/sprite@name
#: tmp/manaplus_emotes.xml:35
msgid "Crying"
msgstr "Plorant"

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-0-0.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/000-0-1.tmx:9
msgid "Sailor's Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-0.tmx:8
msgid "Oceania"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-1.tmx:8
msgid "Drasil Island"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-2-0.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-21.tmx:8
msgid "First Deck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-2-1.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-22.tmx:9
msgid "Second Deck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-2-2.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-23.tmx:9
msgid "Hold"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-2-3.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-24.tmx:8
msgid "Nard's Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/000-2-4.tmx:9
msgid "Alige's Hiding Place"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-1.tmx:8
msgid "Artis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-0.tmx:8
msgid "Light Armor Shop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-10.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-11.tmx:8
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-12.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-15.tmx:8
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-1.tmx:8
msgid "Noble House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-13.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-29.tmx:8
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-3.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-6.tmx:8
msgid "First Floor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-14.tmx:8
msgid "Basement"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-16.tmx:8
msgid "Harbourmaster Lodge"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-17.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-20.tmx:8
msgid "Backroom"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-18.tmx:8
msgid "Docks Warehouse"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-19.tmx:8
msgid "Merchant Hall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-25.tmx:8
msgid "Storage Room"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-26.tmx:8
msgid "Alchemy Lab"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-27.tmx:8
msgid "Blacksmith Shop"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-28.tmx:9
msgid "Red Plush Inn"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-2.tmx:8
msgid "Moon's House"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-30.tmx:8
msgid "Second Floor"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-31.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-32.tmx:8
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-34.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-35.tmx:9
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-36.tmx:9 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-37.tmx:8
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-38.tmx:8 ../../client-data/maps/001-2-39.tmx:8
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-40.tmx:9
msgid "unnamed"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-33.tmx:8
msgid "Legion of Aemil Headquarters"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-4.tmx:8
msgid "Library"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-5.tmx:8
msgid "Warehouse"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-7.tmx:8
msgid "City Hall"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-8.tmx:8
msgid "Left Wing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: properties/property@value
#: ../../client-data/maps/001-2-9.tmx:8
msgid "Right Wing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:27
msgid "Piousse"
msgstr "Piousse"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:37
msgid "Tortuga"
msgstr "Tortuga"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:46
msgid "Ratto"
msgstr "Ratto"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:55
msgid "Croc"
msgstr "Croc"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:65
msgid "Little Blub"
msgstr "Blub Petit"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:72
msgid "Blub"
msgstr "Blub"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:79
msgid "Toppy Blub"
msgstr "Toppy Blub"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:86
msgid "Crocotree"
msgstr "Crocotree"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:93
msgid "Plushroom Field"
msgstr "Camp de plushrooms"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:100
msgid "Frostiana"
msgstr "Frostiana "

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:109
msgid "Pikpik"
msgstr "Pikpik"

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:117
msgid "Tipiu"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:127
msgid "Tipiou"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:136
msgid "Manana Tree"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:139
msgid "Crafty"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:148
msgid "Pumpkish"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:153
msgid "Cuco"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:158
msgid "Pillar Dummy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:165
msgid "Fluffy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: monsters/monster@name
#: monsters.xml:173
msgid "Mouboo"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:16
msgid "Take"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:21 npcs.xml:26 npcs.xml:31 npcs.xml:40 npcs.xml:45 npcs.xml:50
#: npcs.xml:55 npcs.xml:62 npcs.xml:69 npcs.xml:74 npcs.xml:79 npcs.xml:84
#: npcs.xml:89 npcs.xml:94 npcs.xml:103 npcs.xml:110 npcs.xml:117 npcs.xml:122
#: npcs.xml:127 npcs.xml:132 npcs.xml:137 npcs.xml:142 npcs.xml:147
#: npcs.xml:152 npcs.xml:157 npcs.xml:162 npcs.xml:167 npcs.xml:172
#: npcs.xml:177 npcs.xml:182 npcs.xml:187 npcs.xml:192 npcs.xml:197
#: npcs.xml:202 npcs.xml:207 npcs.xml:212 npcs.xml:218 npcs.xml:223
#: npcs.xml:228 npcs.xml:233 npcs.xml:238 npcs.xml:243 npcs.xml:248
#: npcs.xml:255 npcs.xml:261 npcs.xml:266 npcs.xml:271 npcs.xml:276
#: npcs.xml:281 npcs.xml:286 npcs.xml:296 npcs.xml:302 npcs.xml:307
#: npcs.xml:312 npcs.xml:318 npcs.xml:323 npcs.xml:329 npcs.xml:344
#: npcs.xml:350 npcs.xml:374 npcs.xml:379 npcs.xml:384 npcs.xml:389
#: npcs.xml:399 npcs.xml:404 npcs.xml:409 npcs.xml:414 npcs.xml:425
#: npcs.xml:436 npcs.xml:447 npcs.xml:458 npcs.xml:469 npcs.xml:475
#: npcs.xml:519 npcs.xml:528 npcs.xml:537 npcs.xml:547 npcs.xml:557
#: npcs.xml:567 npcs.xml:574 npcs.xml:582 npcs.xml:606 npcs.xml:611
#: npcs.xml:640 npcs.xml:644 npcs.xml:648
msgid "Talk"
msgstr "Parlar "

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:56 npcs.xml:63 npcs.xml:104 npcs.xml:575
msgid "Buy"
msgstr "Comprar "

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:57 npcs.xml:64 npcs.xml:105 npcs.xml:576
msgid "Sell"
msgstr "Vendre "

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:291 npcs.xml:631
msgid "Touch"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:357 npcs.xml:364
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:369
msgid "Launch"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:562
msgid "Mou"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:577
msgid "Poke"
msgstr "Cop de colze"

#. (itstool) path: npc/menu@name
#: npcs.xml:593 npcs.xml:636
msgid "Save"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: pets/pet@name
#: pets.xml:6
msgid "piou"
msgstr "piou"

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:9 quests.xml:19
msgid "Abide by the Rules"
msgstr "Acata les regles"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:10
msgid ""
"Before resuming your adventure and exploration, you need to register on the "
"boarding list of the ship by signing its rules."
msgstr "Abans de reprendre l'aventura i la exploració, necessites registrar-te a la llista d'embarcament signant les seves normes."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:12
msgid ""
"Speak to Julia, the shipkeeper of this ship. She is waiting for you on the "
"first deck."
msgstr "Parla amb na  Julia, la vigilant del vaixell. T'està esperant en el primer moll. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:14 quests.xml:24
msgid "Julia"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:15 quests.xml:25
msgid "La Johanne, First Deck. (27,24)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:16 quests.xml:40 quests.xml:86 quests.xml:98 quests.xml:122
#: quests.xml:187 quests.xml:197 quests.xml:207 quests.xml:309 quests.xml:329
#: quests.xml:339 quests.xml:347 quests.xml:386 quests.xml:407 quests.xml:429
#: quests.xml:474 quests.xml:551 quests.xml:614 quests.xml:623 quests.xml:632
#: quests.xml:650 quests.xml:668 quests.xml:677 quests.xml:697 quests.xml:719
#: quests.xml:728
msgid "Unknown."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:20
msgid ""
"Julia told you about all the rules you have to follow during your adventure "
"so that you behave properly with other people."
msgstr "La Jula t'ha explicat totes les regles que has de seguir durant la teva aventura així que comportat correctament amb altres persones. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:22
msgid ""
"Keep them in mind, but if you think you still need to hear them again, just "
"talk to Julia."
msgstr "Tinga-les en ment, però si creus que les has de tornar a sentir, parla un altre cop amb la Julia."

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:26 quests.xml:132 quests.xml:150
msgid "Nothing."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:33 quests.xml:43 quests.xml:53 quests.xml:65
msgid "Warm Smelly Clothes"
msgstr "Roba calenta pudorosa "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:34
msgid "Magic Arpan is waiting for you. Go speak to him."
msgstr "En Magic Arpan t'està esperant. Ves a parlar amb ell."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:36
msgid ""
"To speak to an NPC, click on it with your mouse or select it using the N key"
" and then chat using the T key."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:38 quests.xml:48 quests.xml:60 quests.xml:70
msgid "Magic Arpan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:39 quests.xml:61 quests.xml:71
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (39,33)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:44
msgid "You need to open the chest and take the clothes from it."
msgstr "Has d'obrir el cofre i agafar la roba."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:46
msgid ""
"To perform this action, click on the chest with your mouse or select it with"
" the N key and then interact with it using the T key."
msgstr "Per fer això, has de clicar en el cofre amb el teu ratolí o seleccionar-lo amb la tecla N i després interaccionar amb ell utilitzant la tecla T."

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:49
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (41,37)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:50 quests.xml:62
msgid "Smelly sailor clothes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:54
msgid ""
"To open your inventory, use the F3 key or use your mouse to select it in the"
" above menu in your client."
msgstr "Per obrir el teu inventari, utilitza la tecla F3 o utilitza el teu ratolí per seleccionar-lo al menú superior del client. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:56
msgid ""
"When your inventory is open, you can equip an item by selecting it and "
"clicking 'Equip'. You can do the same to remove an item by clicking on "
msgstr "Quan el teu inventari està obert, pots equipar un objecte seleccionant-lo i pitjant \"Equipar\". Pots fer el mateix per treure'l pitjant \"Des-equipar\"."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:58
msgid ""
"Items have different effects. Some will heal you, some can be used as "
"weapons or armor and some can be sold for gold."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:66
msgid ""
"You wore the clothes you found in the chest that Magic Arpan showed you."
msgstr "Tu portaves la roba que has trobat al cofre que Magic Arpan t'ha ensenyat. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:68
msgid ""
"They are old and a bit smelly but the warm sensation they give makes you "
"feel at home."
msgstr "Són antigues i fan una mica de pudor però la sensació càlida que donen et fa sentir com a casa."

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:72
msgid "A [Creased Shirt] and old [Creased Shorts]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:79 quests.xml:89 quests.xml:101
msgid "Piberries Lover"
msgstr "Amant de les pibaies"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:80
msgid ""
"A mysterious stowaway needs your help. He hides at the bottom level of the "
"ship, in the storage room."
msgstr "Un misteriós polissó necessita la teva ajuda. S'amaga a l'últim nivell del vaixell, a l'habitació d'enmagatzematge. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:82
msgid ""
"It seems to be an urgent task, but he is afraid that you could be a sailor, "
"so watch out!"
msgstr "Sembla se una feina urgent, però té por de que puguis ser un mariner, així que vigila!"

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:84 quests.xml:96 quests.xml:106 quests.xml:549 quests.xml:558
msgid "Alige"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:85 quests.xml:97 quests.xml:107
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (33,31)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:90
msgid ""
"Alige, the mysterious traveller, is asking for your help to find him some "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:92
msgid ""
"In fact, he hides in a hole in the main hallway. It leads to the ship's "
"storage room where he can reach for some barrels full of [Piberries]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:94
msgid ""
"He is sick of eating these berries all the time. That is why he would like "
"you to find him other kinds of food and bring them to him."
msgstr "Ell està tip de menjar aquestes baies tot el temps. És per això que voldria la teva ajuda per que li portessis altres tipus de menjar."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:102
msgid ""
"You brought Alige some food, different from the [Piberries] he usually eats."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:104
msgid ""
"It looks like he is eager of tasting new flavors. Try bringing him other "
"types of food. He may have something to give you in exchange."
msgstr "Sembla que està desitjós de provar nous sabors. Intenta portar altres tipus d'aliments. Pot tenir alguna cosa per donar-te a canvi."

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:108
msgid "A handful of [Piberries]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:115 quests.xml:125 quests.xml:135 quests.xml:143 quests.xml:153
#: quests.xml:163
msgid "Ratto Extermination"
msgstr "Exterminació de Ratto"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:116
msgid ""
"Peter needs your help to clean the bottom of the ship from some rattos."
msgstr "En Peter necessita la teva ajuda per netejar la part inferior de la nau d'alguns rattos. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:118
msgid "Speak to him when you will have time to help him."
msgstr "Parla amb ell quan tinguis temps d'ajudar."

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:120 quests.xml:130 quests.xml:138 quests.xml:148 quests.xml:158
#: quests.xml:166
msgid "Peter"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:121 quests.xml:131 quests.xml:139 quests.xml:149 quests.xml:159
#: quests.xml:167
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (60,35)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:126
msgid "Peter asked you to empty the bottom of the ship for free."
msgstr "En Peter t'ha demanat que netegis el fons de la nau gratuïtament. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:128
msgid "Maybe next time he will have something to offer you..."
msgstr "Potser a la pròxima tindrà alguna cosa per donar-te..."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:136
msgid ""
"Cleaning the bottom of the ship is a tough work, but Peter is offering you "
"some gold for it."
msgstr "Netejar el fons del vaixell es una feina dura, però en Peter t'està oferint una mica d'or per ajudar-lo. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:140 quests.xml:160 quests.xml:168
msgid "100 EXP, 1000 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:144
msgid "You helped Peter cleaning the bottom of the ship for free."
msgstr "Has ajuda en Peter a netejar el fons del vaixell gratuïtament."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:146 quests.xml:156
msgid ""
"However, it looks like these rattos can come back again. Later, you could "
"ask Peter if he needs your help again."
msgstr "Sembla, però, que els rattos poden tornar. Més tard, li pots demanar al Peter si necessita la teva ajuda un altra vegada."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:154
msgid ""
"You helped Peter cleaning the bottom of the ship. He rewarded you with some "
msgstr "Has ajudat en Peter a netejar el fons del vaixell. T'ha recompensat amb una mica d'or."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:164
msgid ""
"This time, Peter seems to have a reward for you. After you cleaned the "
"bottom of the ship, ask him for a reward."
msgstr "Aquest cop, sembla que en Peter té una recompensa per tu. Després de netejar el fos del vaixell, demana-li la recompensa. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:180 quests.xml:190 quests.xml:200 quests.xml:210 quests.xml:220
msgid "One of Us"
msgstr "Un de Nosaltres"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:181
msgid ""
"Nard, the captain of the ship, asked you to help his crew on the island "
"outside the ship."
msgstr "Nard, el capità del vaixell, t'ha demanat que ajudis a la seva tripulació a l'illa, fora del vaixell. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:183
msgid ""
"Gugli, one of his sailors, is waiting for you on the shore to tell you about"
" the task."
msgstr "En Gugli, un dels mariners, t'està esperant a la riba per informar-te sobre les tasques."

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:185 quests.xml:195 quests.xml:205 quests.xml:215 quests.xml:223
msgid "Nard"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:186 quests.xml:196 quests.xml:206
msgid "La Johanne, Nard's Room. (25,26)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:191
msgid "You reported to Nard that you successfully accomplished Gugli's task."
msgstr "Has informat a en Nard del compliment  correcte de la tasca d'en Gugli. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:193
msgid "As a perfect sailor, you are waiting for the next order, eagerly."
msgstr "Com a perfecte mariner, estàs esperant impacientment per la següent ordre."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:201
msgid ""
"Captain Nard has another task for you. It seems he did a mistake in the "
"past, choosing the right lieutenant for this ship."
msgstr "El Capità Nard té una altra tasca per tu. Sembla que va cometre un error en el passat, triant el correcte tinent."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:203
msgid ""
"Chef Gado, the former shipkeeper, may have something to say about that. So "
"does Julia, the current lieutenant of the ship."
msgstr "El Chef Gado, l'ex tinent, potser té alguna cosa que dir-te sobre això. Lo mateix amb la  Julia, la tinent actual del vaixell."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:211
msgid ""
"You smartly solved the lieutenants' conflict onboard. Nard is proud of his "
"new sailor."
msgstr "Intel·ligentment has solucionat el conflicte de tinents. En Nard està orgullós del seu nou mariner. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:213
msgid ""
"Take your reward from the box near the captain in order to officially become"
" one of Nard's crew members."
msgstr "Agafa la teva recompensa de la caixa prop del capita per convertir-te en un membre oficial de la tripulació d'en Nard."

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:216 quests.xml:224
msgid "La Johanne, Nard's Room. (25,24)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:217 quests.xml:225
msgid "50 EXP, [Bandana]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:221
msgid "Nard officially proclaimed you as member of his crew!"
msgstr "En Nard t'ha proclamat oficialment membre de la tripulació!"

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:231
msgid "Chef's Secret Blade"
msgstr "Tall Secret del Chef"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:232
msgid "You found a sharp knife on a table in one of the rooms of the ship."
msgstr "Has trobat un ganivet afilat a una taula  en una de les habitacions del vaixell. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:234
msgid ""
"It looks like its previous owner used it to prepare delicious dishes for the"
" crew."
msgstr "Sembla que el primer propietari acostumava a preparar plats deliciosos per a la tripulació."

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:236
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (50,24)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:237
msgid "[Knife]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:244 quests.xml:254
msgid "Fish and Scams"
msgstr "Peix i Estafes"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:245
msgid "A sailor, who wasn't on Gugli's list, gave you a box full of food."
msgstr "Un mariner, que no estava a la llista d'en Gugli t'ha donat una caixa plena de menjar."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:247
msgid ""
"He did not mention any reward, but he would like you to deliver it to Gugli "
"as soon as you can."
msgstr "No ha mencionat cap recompensa, però li agradaria que li lliuressis a en Gugli tan aviat com sigui possible. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:249 quests.xml:261
msgid "Couwan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:250 quests.xml:308 quests.xml:316
msgid "Drasil Island. (85,108)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:251
msgid "Reward: Unknown."
msgstr "Recompensa: Desconeguda."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:255
msgid "Couwan is an awful, roguish person. No reward from him..."
msgstr "En Cowan es una persona múrria. No reps recompensa d'ell..."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:257
msgid ""
"However, Gugli gave you some gold pieces and apologized for this unexpected "
msgstr "Tot i això, en Gugli t'ha donat una quantes peces d'or i s'ha disculpat per aquesta tasca inesperada."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:259
msgid "He also warned you not to trust anyone."
msgstr "També t'ha advertit que no confiïs en ningú. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:262
msgid "Drasil Island. (89,36)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:263
msgid "8 EXP, 10 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:269
msgid "Treasure's Glint"
msgstr "Espurnes del Tresor"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:270
msgid ""
"You spotted a treasure chest at the top of a cliff on the east side of the "
msgstr "Has vist un cofre del tresor a la part superior d'un penya-segat a l'est de l'illa. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:272
msgid "The chest contains gold and an [Old Book]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:274
msgid "Drasil Island. (83,70)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:275
msgid "100 E, [Old Book]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:300 quests.xml:312
msgid "Unexpected Help"
msgstr "Ajuda Inesperada"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:301
msgid ""
"Gugli told you about the sailors' task on the island. He wants you to help "
"some of them bringing him 6 boxes full of [Croconut], [Aquada] and "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:303
msgid ""
"You need to collect the boxes from Tibbo, Gulukan, Q'Muller, Astapolos, "
"Jalad and Ale."
msgstr "Necessites aconseguir les caixes del Tibbo, Gulukan, Q'Muller, Astapolos, Jalad i Ale."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:305
msgid ""
"Max, Silvio and Lean may have some information about where to find these "
msgstr "Max, Silvio i Lean potser tenen informació d'on trobar aquests mariners. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:307 quests.xml:315
msgid "Gugli"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:313
msgid ""
"You completed all the tasks Gugli gave you. Sailors of the ship will never "
"forget you!"
msgstr "Has finalitzat totes les tasques que en Gugli t'ha donat. El mariners del vaixell no t'oblidaran mai!"

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:317
msgid "40 EXP, 250 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:324 quests.xml:332 quests.xml:342 quests.xml:350 quests.xml:358
#: quests.xml:366
msgid "Two Lieutenants in One Boat"
msgstr "Dos tinents en un vaixell. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:325
msgid ""
"Chef Gado wants you to collect 2 [Piou Legs], 2 [Half Croconut], 1 [Aquada] "
"and 1 [Sea Drops] to prepare a [Poisoned Dish], for Julia."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:327 quests.xml:337 quests.xml:345 quests.xml:353 quests.xml:361
#: quests.xml:369
msgid "Chef Gado"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:328 quests.xml:338 quests.xml:346 quests.xml:354 quests.xml:362
#: quests.xml:370
msgid "La Johanne, Second Deck. (17,28)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:333
msgid ""
"Chef Gado prepared the [Poisoned Dish]. He would like you to give it to "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:335
msgid ""
"While Chef Gado wants you to poison Julia, you remember she looked after you"
" when you were sick. She doesn't deserve to be punished... or does she?"
msgstr "Mentre el Chef Gado vol que enverinis a la Julia, et recordes que ella et va cuidar quan estaves malalt. No es mereix ser castigada... o si?"

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:343
msgid "Go back and talk to Gado. He probably has a reward for you."
msgstr "Torna, i parla amb en Gado. Probablement tindrà una recompensa per tu."

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:351
msgid "You successfully poisoned Julia. Chef Gado finally had his revenge!"
msgstr "Has enverinat correctament la Julia. El Chef Gado finalment ha aconseguit la seva revenja!"

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:355
msgid "15 EXP, 200 E, [Bread]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:359
msgid "You refused to accomplish Chef Gado's evil plan. Julia is now safe."
msgstr "Has declinat complir el malvat pla del Chef Gado. La Julia ara està segura. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:363
msgid "15 EXP, 200 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:367
msgid ""
"You preferred trusting Julia because, after all, she deserves to be the "
"lieutenant of the ship."
msgstr "Has preferit confiar en la Julia, ja que, després de tot, ella es mereix ser tinent del vaixell. "

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:371
msgid "8 EXP, 100 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:379 quests.xml:389 quests.xml:399 quests.xml:410
msgid "The Lazy Brother"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:380
msgid "Katja wants you to find her brother."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:381
msgid "He is hiding somewhere on the hill, not far from here."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:382
msgid ""
"You should probably go and check behind trees, they are great for hiding."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:384 quests.xml:394 quests.xml:405 quests.xml:414
msgid "Katja"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:385 quests.xml:395 quests.xml:406 quests.xml:415
msgid "Artis. (164,44)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:390 quests.xml:400
msgid "You found Bobo."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:391 quests.xml:401
msgid ""
"Apparently he's hanging out here all day, because he doesn't want to do his "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:392
msgid "You decided to let him do so in exchange for a small reward."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:396
msgid "100 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:402
msgid "You can not allow this. Therefore you told him to go home."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:403
msgid "You should tell Katya about it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:411
msgid "You found Bobo. He promised to go home soon."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:412
msgid "His sister was very happy and gave you an [Aquada] as a reward."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:416
msgid "An [Aquada]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:423 quests.xml:432
msgid "Moon and the Urchin"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:424
msgid "Moon, the elven girl, accidently stepped on an urchin."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:425
msgid "She wants you to bring her [Croc Claw]s to get rid of spikes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:427 quests.xml:435
msgid "Moon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:428 quests.xml:436
msgid "Artis, Moon's House. (70,78)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:433
msgid "You helped Moon to get rid of urchin spikes from her foot."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:437
msgid "1500 EXP."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:444 quests.xml:455
msgid "Catch the Piou"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:445
msgid "Salem, the trader from Artis Market, needs your help."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:446
msgid "A piou escaped from him, and he wants you to catch it."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:447
msgid "The piou is flying around the town, not far from the Market."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:448
msgid "When you catch it, hurry back to Salem."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:450 quests.xml:458
msgid "Salem"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:451 quests.xml:459
msgid "Artis, Market. (57,118)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:452 quests.xml:460
msgid "90% discount on piou."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:456
msgid "You successfully returned the piou to the trader."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:467 quests.xml:477
msgid "Fishman"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:468
msgid "Eugene, the fishman in Artis docks, bought a new fishing rod."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:469
msgid "He hurried so much to try it out, that he forgot to take enough baits."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:470
msgid "You need to bring him 10 [Small Tentacles]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:472 quests.xml:482
msgid "Eugene"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:473 quests.xml:483
msgid "Artis, Docks. (113,120)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:478
msgid "You helped Eugene."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:479
msgid "As his gratitude, he gave you his old fishing rod."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:480
msgid "You can use it to catch fish."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:484
msgid "[Fishing Rod]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:492 quests.xml:502 quests.xml:511
msgid "The Buried Treasure"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:493
msgid "Q'Onan, the orc sailor from Nard's crew, used to be a thief."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:494
msgid ""
"His last \"business\" involved robbing a nobleman. But he didn't succeed "
"completely, he had to bury the chest full of coins to save himself."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:495
msgid ""
"He only knows an approximate location of the chest on Artis Hill (180, 27), "
"so you'll have to do a little digging to find the chest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:497 quests.xml:506 quests.xml:515
msgid "Q'Onan"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:498 quests.xml:507 quests.xml:516
msgid "Artis, La Johanne. (186,107)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:499 quests.xml:508
msgid "2000 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:503
msgid "After a lot of digging, you found the treasure chest."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:504
msgid ""
"It's locked, and Q'Onan has the only key. So you'll have to deliver it to "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:512
msgid "Q'Onan kept his promise, and gave you your share of the deal."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:513
msgid "He said that he finally can pay back his debts."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:517
msgid "1800 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:524 quests.xml:533
msgid "Visiting Artis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:525
msgid "Bacchus asked you to bring him a [Pumpkin]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:526
msgid "Cuco drops them, in the locked room of La Johanne's Hold."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:528 quests.xml:537
msgid "Bacchus"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:529 quests.xml:538
msgid "La Johanne, Hold. (31,30)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:530
msgid "[Pumpkin Hat]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:534
msgid "Bacchus offers you to see a small part of your future."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:535
msgid "The payment is 10 Halloween Candy."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:539
msgid "chance to see the future."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:546 quests.xml:554
msgid "Alige in the Barrel"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:547
msgid ""
"Alige was very scared of the Cuco. Now that it's killed, he should be okay."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:550
msgid "La Johanne, Hold, Alige's Hideout. (38,22)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:555
msgid "Somehow Alige appeared in my vision of the future."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:556
msgid "For killing the scary Cuco, he gave me a [Barrel]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:559
msgid "Artis, Dream World. (71,132)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:560
msgid "[Barrel]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:568 quests.xml:576 quests.xml:583
msgid "Plushroom Addict"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:569
msgid "Rumly is expecting you to return."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:570
msgid "He is still offering his services."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:572 quests.xml:579 quests.xml:587
msgid "Rumly"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:573 quests.xml:580 quests.xml:588
msgid "Artis, Market Place. (35,125)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:577
msgid "Rumly is waiting for you to bring him some [Plushroom]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:584
msgid "Rumly is able to reset your character point."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:585
msgid "Bring him some [Plushroom] and he will be able to do it for you."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:608 quests.xml:617 quests.xml:626 quests.xml:635 quests.xml:644
#: quests.xml:653 quests.xml:662 quests.xml:671 quests.xml:680 quests.xml:689
#: quests.xml:700
msgid "Newby Quest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:609
msgid "You are charged to visit Chelios and bring back Enora's package."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:610
msgid "Chelios is reachable at the Blacksmith Shop (95,109)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:612 quests.xml:639 quests.xml:648 quests.xml:657 quests.xml:666
#: quests.xml:675 quests.xml:684 quests.xml:695 quests.xml:703
msgid "Enora"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:613 quests.xml:640 quests.xml:649 quests.xml:658 quests.xml:667
#: quests.xml:676 quests.xml:685 quests.xml:696 quests.xml:704
msgid "Artis, Docks. (176,113)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:618
msgid "Chelios asked you to bring him some black iron"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:619
msgid "You should look for Lloyd in the Merchant Hall (100,37)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:621 quests.xml:630
msgid "Chelios"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:622 quests.xml:631
msgid "Artis, Blacksmith Shop. (95,109)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:627
msgid "Lloyd gave you the black iron package."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:628
msgid "Bring it back to Chelios."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:636
msgid "Chelios made a sword out of black iron ore."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:637 quests.xml:655
msgid "This task is done, you can now return it to Enora."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:641
msgid "60 EXP, 100 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:645
msgid "You are charged to visit Resa and to bring back Enora's package."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:646
msgid "Resa is reachable at the Light Armor building (55,72)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:654
msgid "Resa gave you a cute [%Color% Artis Tank Top, Camel Cotton Dye]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:659
msgid "40 EXP, 125 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:663
msgid "You are charged to visit Q'Pid and bring back Enora's package."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:664
msgid ""
"Q'Pid is reachable at the Market Place, in the South-West area of Artis "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:672
msgid ""
"You lost the riddle of Q'Pid, you have to go to Ivan to get Enora's potions."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:673
msgid "Ivan is in a small house near Artis's canal (163,71)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:681
msgid "Ivan gave you some [Pibberries Infusion]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:682
msgid "This task is done, you can now return them to Enora."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:686
msgid "80 EXP, 175 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:690
msgid ""
"Some citizen worry about their safety with the growing number of Fluffy on "
"the Hill of Artis."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:691
msgid "Enora's latest task for you is to clean up this hill."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:692
msgid ""
"Killing about 10 Fluffy should be enough to calm down the neighborhood."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:693
msgid "The hill is located on North-East of Artis (172,46)."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:701
msgid ""
"You completed every task and you even cleaned up the hill of these terrible "
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:705
msgid ""
"[Training Gladius], [%Color% Artis Tank Top, Camel Cotton Dye], 5 "
"[Pibberries Infusion]q"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:706
msgid "140 EXP, 500 E."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:714 quests.xml:722 quests.xml:731
msgid "Fexil's Free Pass"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:715
msgid ""
"Lloyd gave you a pass that Fexil forgot when he registered himself in the "
"Merchant Guild."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:717 quests.xml:747
msgid "Lloyd"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:718 quests.xml:748
msgid "Artis, Merchant Guild. (101,37)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:723 quests.xml:732
msgid "Fexil wants to open a business of [Fluffy Fur]'s clothes."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:724
msgid "He will reward you for each fur you bring him."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/questgiver
#: quests.xml:726 quests.xml:735
msgid "Fexil"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/coordinates
#: quests.xml:727 quests.xml:736
msgid "Artis, Market Place. (48,134)"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:733
msgid "He rewards you for each fur you bring him."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:737
msgid "15 per [Fluffy Fur]."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/name
#: quests.xml:743
msgid "Worship Of Money"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:744
msgid "You are now registered in the Merchant Guild."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/text
#: quests.xml:745
msgid "This Guild offers storage and bank services."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: quest/reward
#: quests.xml:749
msgid "Merchant Guild access."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skills/set@name
#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:6 skills.xml:7
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Bàsic"

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:7
msgid "Allow do basic things."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#: skills.xml:17
msgid "Magic shield"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:17
msgid "Allow protect from magic attacks."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skills/set@name
#: skills.xml:19
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""

#. #-#-#-#-#  skills.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: set/skill@name
#. #-#-#-#-#  skillunits.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skills.xml:24 skillunits.xml:19
msgid "Grafiti"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: set/skill@description
#: skills.xml:24
msgid "Draw text on ground."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:7
msgid "Crazy weed"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:11
msgid "Wall of thorn 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:15
msgid "Lord of vermillion"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:21
msgid "Family call"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:25
msgid "Cluster bomb"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:29
msgid "Dimension door"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:38
msgid "Wall of thorn 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: skillunits/skillunit@name
#: skillunits.xml:42
msgid "Hells plant"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: stats.xml:11
msgid "Strength"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: stats.xml:16
msgid "Agility"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: stats.xml:21
msgid "Vitality"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: stats.xml:26
msgid "Intelligence"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: stats.xml:31
msgid "Dexterity"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: basic/stat@name
#: stats.xml:36
msgid "Luck"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:43
msgid "Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:48
msgid "Defense"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:53
msgid "M.Attack"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:58
msgid "M.Defense"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:63
msgid "% Accuracy"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:68
msgid "% Evade"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:73
msgid "% Critical"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:78
msgid "Attack Delay"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:83
msgid "Walk Delay"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:88
msgid "Attack Range"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:93
msgid "Damage per sec."
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:98
msgid "Karma"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: extended/stat@name
#: stats.xml:103
msgid "Manner"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:19
msgid "provoke"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:23
msgid "endure"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:27
msgid "concentration"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:33
msgid "hiding"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:39
msgid "cloacking"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:43
msgid "enchant poison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:47
msgid "poison react"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:51
msgid "quagmire"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:56
msgid "angelus"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:60
msgid "blessing"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:64
msgid "inc agi"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:68
msgid "dec agi"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:75
msgid "magnificat"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:81
msgid "riding"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:86
msgid "falcon"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:90
msgid "trick dead"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:94
msgid "weight 50%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:98
msgid "weight 90%"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:102
msgid "att haste 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:106
msgid "att haste 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:110
msgid "att haste 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:114
msgid "post delay"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:121
msgid "lk concentration"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:125
msgid "cart boost"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:130
msgid "bleeding"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:134
msgid "run"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:138
msgid "ting"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:142
msgid "inc str"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:148
msgid "hide"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:152
msgid "cash plus exp"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:159
msgid "heal s"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:166
msgid "heal l"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:170
msgid "stasis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:174
msgid "camouflage"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:178
msgid "sphere 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:182
msgid "sphere 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:186
msgid "sphere 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:190
msgid "sphere 4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:194
msgid "sphere 5"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:203
msgid "invisibility"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:210
msgid "heal g"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:214
msgid "sit"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:221
msgid "heal m"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:226
msgid "cart"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:234
msgid "spell-protection"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:240
msgid "sight"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:245
msgid "cart 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:255
msgid "invisible"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:260
msgid "cart 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:265
msgid "cart 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:270
msgid "cart 4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:275
msgid "cart 5"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:280
msgid "orcish"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:285
msgid "wedding"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:290
msgid "ruwach"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:295
msgid "chase walk"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:300
msgid "flying"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:305
msgid "xmas"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:310
msgid "transform"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:315
msgid "summer"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:320
msgid "dragon 1"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:325
msgid "wug"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:330
msgid "wug rider"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:335
msgid "mado gear"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:340
msgid "dragon 2"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:345
msgid "dragon 3"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:350
msgid "dragon 4"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:355
msgid "dragon 5"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:360
msgid "hanbok"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:365
msgid "oktoberfest"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:371 status-effects.xml:391
msgid "stone"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:376
msgid "freeze"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:381
msgid "stun"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:386
msgid "sleep"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:396
msgid "burning"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:401
msgid "imprison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:406
msgid "crystalize"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:415
msgid "poison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:420
msgid "curse"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:425
msgid "silence"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:430
msgid "signum crucis"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:435
msgid "blind"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:440
msgid "dpoison"
msgstr ""

#. (itstool) path: status-effects/status-effect@name
#: status-effects.xml:445
msgid "fear"
msgstr ""