if(call("magic_checks")) end;
if (Sp < 20) end;
if (getskilllv(SKILL_MAGIC) < .level) end;
set .@level, getskilllv(.school);
if (.@level < .level) end;
if (.@level <= 3 && countitem("Beer") >= 1) delitem "Beer", 1;
elif (.@level <= 3) end;
set @_M_BLOCK, 1; // block casting, until the timer clears it
addtimer 500, "Magic Timer::OnClear"; // set the new debuff
callfunc "adjust_spellpower";
set Sp, Sp - 20;
misceffect FX_MAGIC_BLACK, strcharinfo(0);
set .@delay, (((200 - Agi) * 1300) / 200);
overrideattack (@spellpower/10)+10, .@delay, 1, ATTACK_ICON_GENERIC, 34, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnAttack";
callfunc "magic_exp";
set @upmaru_str, Str; // do not allow to equip light armor, cast, and then switch to heavy armor to get bonus str
void call("melee_damage", @spellpower, @target_id, (30 + rand((@upmaru_str*2) + 5)));
set .school, SKILL_MAGIC_WAR;
set .invocation$, chr(MAGIC_SYMBOL) + "upmarmu"; // used in npcs that refer to this spell
void call("magic_register");
set .level, 2;
set .exp_gain, 1;