* The Mana World
* Copyright (C) 2004 The Mana World Development Team
* This file is part of The Mana World.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <memory>
#include "player.h"
// TODO move into some sane place...
#define MAX_SLOT 2
#define INVENTORY_SIZE 102
#define STORAGE_SIZE 301
class Equipment;
class FloorItem;
class ImageSet;
class Inventory;
class Item;
class Map;
class Network;
* The local player character.
class LocalPlayer : public Player
enum Attribute
* Constructor.
LocalPlayer(Uint32 id, Uint16 job, Map *map);
* Destructor.
virtual void setName(const std::string &name);
void setNetwork(Network *network) { mNetwork = network; }
Network *getNetwork() {return mNetwork; }
virtual void logic();
* Adds a new step when walking before calling super. Also, when
* specified it picks up an item at the end of a path.
virtual void nextStep();
* Returns the player's inventory.
Inventory* getInventory() const { return mInventory; }
* Returns the player's storage
Inventory* getStorage() const { return mStorage; }
* Equips an item.
void equipItem(Item *item);
* Unequips an item.
void unequipItem(Item *item);
void useItem(Item *item);
void dropItem(Item *item, int quantity);
void pickUp(FloorItem *item);
* Sets the attack range.
void setAttackRange(int range) { mAttackRange = range; }
* Gets the attack range.
int getAttackRange() const { return mAttackRange; }
* Sents a trade request to the given being.
void trade(Being *being) const;
* Accept or decline a trade offer
void tradeReply(bool accept);
* Returns true when the player is ready to accept a trade offer.
* Returns false otherwise.
bool tradeRequestOk() const;
* Sets the trading state of the player, i.e. whether or not he is
* currently involved into some trade.
void setTrading(bool trading) { mTrading = trading; }
void attack(Being *target = NULL, bool keep = false);
* Triggers whether or not to show the name as a GM name.
* NOTE: This doesn't mean that just anyone can use this.
* If the server doesn't acknowlege you, you won't be shown
* as a GM on other people's clients.
virtual void setGM();
void stopAttack();
Being* getTarget() const;
* Overridden to do nothing. The attacks of the local player are
* displayed as soon as the player attacks, not when the server says
* the player does.
* @param victim The attacked being.
* @param damage The amount of damage dealt (0 means miss).
virtual void handleAttack(Being *victim, int damage) {}
* Sets the target being of the player.
void setTarget(Being* target);
* Sets a new destination for this being to walk to.
virtual void setDestination(Uint16 x, Uint16 y);
* Sets a new direction to keep walking in.
void setWalkingDir(int dir);
* Sets going to being to attack
void setGotoTarget(Being *target);
* Returns whether the target is in range to attack
bool withinAttackRange(Being *target);
void raiseAttribute(Attribute attr);
void raiseSkill(Uint16 skillId);
void toggleSit();
void emote(Uint8 emotion);
void revive();
* Accessors for mInStorage
bool getInStorage() { return mInStorage; }
void setInStorage(bool inStorage) { mInStorage = inStorage; }
* Sets the amount of XP. Shows XP gaining effect if the player is on
* a map.
void setXp(int xp);
* Returns the amount of experience points.
int getXp() const { return mXp; }
Uint32 mCharId; /**< Used only during character selection. */
Uint32 mJobXp;
Uint16 mLevel;
Uint32 mJobLevel;
Uint32 mXpForNextLevel, mJobXpForNextLevel;
Uint16 mHp, mMaxHp, mMp, mMaxMp;
Uint32 mGp;
Uint16 mAttackRange;
Uint32 mTotalWeight, mMaxWeight;
Uint8 mAttr[6];
Uint8 mAttrUp[6];
Uint16 mStatPoint, mSkillPoint;
Uint16 mStatsPointsToAttribute;
bool mUpdateName; /** Whether or not the name settings have changed */
bool mMapInitialized; /** Whether or not the map is available yet */
float mLastAttackTime; /**< Used to synchronize the charge dialog */
const std::auto_ptr<Equipment> mEquipment;
void walk(unsigned char dir);
int mXp; /**< Experience points. */
Network *mNetwork;
Being *mTarget;
FloorItem *mPickUpTarget;
bool mTrading;
bool mInStorage; /**< Whether storage is currently accessible */
bool mGoingToTarget;
bool mKeepAttacking; /** Whether or not to continue to attack */
int mTargetTime; /** How long the being has been targeted **/
int mLastAction; /**< Time stamp of the last action, -1 if none. */
int mLastTarget; /** Time stamp of last targeting action, -1 if none. */
int mWalkingDir; /**< The direction the player is walking in. */
int mDestX; /**< X coordinate of destination. */
int mDestY; /**< Y coordinate of destination. */
Inventory *mInventory;
Inventory *mStorage;
// Load the target cursors into memory
void initTargetCursor();
* Helper function for loading target cursors
void loadTargetCursor(std::string filename, int width, int height,
bool outRange, Being::TargetCursorSize size);
/** Images of the target cursor. */
ImageSet *mTargetCursorImages[2][NUM_TC];
/** Animated target cursors. */
SimpleAnimation *mTargetCursor[2][NUM_TC];
extern LocalPlayer *player_node;