path: root/src/gui/window.h
blob: 3806342a113be840fa65d524810d13c79f7a3dde (plain) (tree)

























































 *  The Mana World
 *  Copyright (C) 2004  The Mana World Development Team
 *  This file is part of The Mana World.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#ifndef WINDOW_H
#define WINDOW_H

#include <guichan/widgetlistener.hpp>

#include <guichan/widgets/window.hpp>

#include "../graphics.h"
#include "../guichanfwd.h"

class ConfigListener;
class ContainerPlacer;
class Image;
class ImageRect;
class Layout;
class LayoutCell;
class ResizeGrip;
class WindowContainer;

 * A window. This window can be dragged around and has a title bar. Windows are
 * invisible by default.
 * \ingroup GUI
class Window : public gcn::Window, gcn::WidgetListener
        friend class WindowConfigListener;

         * Constructor. Initializes the title to the given text and hooks
         * itself into the window container.
         * @param caption The initial window title, "Window" by default.
         * @param modal   Block input to other windows.
         * @param parent  The parent window. This is the window standing above
         *                this one in the window hiearchy. When reordering,
         *                a window will never go below its parent window.
         * @param skin    The location where the window's skin XML can be found.
        Window(const std::string &caption = "Window", bool modal = false,
                Window *parent = NULL, const std::string &skin = "graphics/gui/gui.xml");

         * Destructor. Deletes all the added widgets.

         * Sets the window container to be used by new windows.
        static void setWindowContainer(WindowContainer *windowContainer);

         * Draws the window.
        void draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics);

         * Sets the size of this window.
        void setContentSize(int width, int height);

         * Sets the location relative to the given widget.
        void setLocationRelativeTo(gcn::Widget *widget);

         * Sets whether or not the window can be resized.
        void setResizable(bool resize);

         * Called whenever the widget changes size.
        void widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event);

         * Sets whether or not the window has a close button.
        void setCloseButton(bool flag);

         * Returns whether the window can be resized.
        bool isResizable();

         * Sets the minimum width of the window.
        void setMinWidth(unsigned int width);

         * Sets the minimum height of the window.
        void setMinHeight(unsigned int height);

         * Sets the maximum width of the window.
        void setMaxWidth(unsigned int width);

         * Sets the minimum height of the window.
        void setMaxHeight(unsigned int height);

         * Gets the minimum width of the window.
        int getMinWidth() { return mMinWinWidth; }

         * Gets the minimum height of the window.
        int getMinHeight() { return mMinWinHeight; }

         * Gets the maximum width of the window.
        int getMaxWidth() { return mMaxWinWidth; }

         * Gets the minimum height of the window.
        int getMaxHeight() { return mMaxWinHeight; }

         * Sets flag to show a title or not.
        void setShowTitle(bool flag)
        { mShowTitle = flag; }

          * Sets whether the window is sticky. A sticky window will not have
          * its visibility set to false on a general setVisible(false) call.
        void setSticky(bool sticky);

         * Returns whether the window is sticky.
        bool isSticky();

         * Overloads window setVisible by Guichan to allow sticky window
         * handling.
        void setVisible(bool visible);

         * Returns the parent window.
         * @return The parent window or <code>NULL</code> if there is none.
        Window *getParentWindow() { return mParent; }

         * Schedule this window for deletion. It will be deleted at the start
         * of the next logic update.
        void scheduleDelete();

         * Starts window resizing when appropriate.
        void mousePressed(gcn::MouseEvent &event);

         * Implements window resizing and makes sure the window is not
         * dragged/resized outside of the screen.
        void mouseDragged(gcn::MouseEvent &event);

         * Implements custom cursor image changing context, based on mouse
         * relative position.
        void mouseMoved(gcn::MouseEvent &event);

         * When the mouse button has been let go, this ensures that the mouse
         * custom cursor is restored back to it's standard image.
        void mouseReleased(gcn::MouseEvent &event);

         * When the mouse leaves the window this ensures that the custom cursor
         * is restored back to it's standard image.
        void mouseExited(gcn::MouseEvent &event);

         * Sets the name of the window. This is not the window title.
        void setWindowName(const std::string &name) { mWindowName = name; }

         * Returns the name of the window. This is not the window title.
        const std::string &getWindowName() { return mWindowName; }

         * Reads the position (and the size for resizable windows) in the
         * configuration based on the given string.
         * Uses the default values when config values are missing.
         * Don't forget to set these default values and resizable before
         * calling this function.
        void loadWindowState();

         * Set the default win pos and size.
         * (which can be different of the actual ones.)
        void setDefaultSize(int defaultX, int defaultY,
                            int defaultWidth, int defaultHeight);

         * Reset the win pos and size to default. Don't forget to set defaults
         * first.
        void resetToDefaultSize();

         * Gets the layout handler for this window.
        Layout &getLayout();

         * Computes the position of the widgets according to the current
         * layout. Resizes the window so that the layout fits. Deletes the
         * layout.
         * @param w if non-zero, force the window to this width.
         * @param h if non-zero, force the window to this height.
         * @note This function is meant to be called with fixed-size windows.
        void reflowLayout(int w = 0, int h = 0);

         * Loads a window skin
        void loadSkin(const std::string &fileName);

         * Adds a widget to the window and sets it at given cell.
        LayoutCell &place(int x, int y, gcn::Widget *, int w = 1, int h = 1);

         * Returns a proxy for adding widgets in an inner table of the layout.
        ContainerPlacer getPlacer(int x, int y);

        /** The window container windows add themselves to. */
        static WindowContainer *windowContainer;

        enum ResizeHandles
            TOP    = 0x01,
            RIGHT  = 0x02,
            BOTTOM = 0x04,
            LEFT   = 0x08

         * Determines if the mouse is in a resize area and returns appropriate
         * resize handles. Also initializes drag offset in case the resize
         * grip is used.
         * @see ResizeHandles
        int getResizeHandles(gcn::MouseEvent &event);

        void setGuiAlpha();

        ResizeGrip *mGrip;         /**< Resize grip */
        Window *mParent;           /**< The parent window */
        Layout *mLayout;           /**< Layout handler */
        std::string mWindowName;   /**< Name of the window */
        bool mShowTitle;           /**< Window has a title bar */
        bool mModal;               /**< Window is modal */
        bool mCloseButton;         /**< Window has a close button */
        bool mSticky;              /**< Window resists minimization */
        static bool mAlphaChanged; /**< Whether the alpha percent was changed */
        int mMinWinWidth;          /**< Minimum window width */
        int mMinWinHeight;         /**< Minimum window height */
        int mMaxWinWidth;          /**< Maximum window width */
        int mMaxWinHeight;         /**< Maximum window height */
        int mDefaultX;             /**< Default window X position */
        int mDefaultY;             /**< Default window Y position */
        int mDefaultWidth;         /**< Default window width */
        int mDefaultHeight;        /**< Default window height */
        std::string mSkin;         /**< Name of the skin to use */

         * The config listener that listens to changes relevant to all windows.
        static ConfigListener *windowConfigListener;

        static int mouseResize;    /**< Active resize handles */
        static int instances;      /**< Number of Window instances */
        ImageRect border;   /**< The window border and background */
        static Image *closeImage;  /**< Close Button Image */

         * The width of the resize border. Is independent of the actual window
         * border width, and determines mostly the size of the corner area
         * where two borders are moved at the same time.
        static const int resizeBorderWidth = 10;
