path: root/world/map/npc/functions/mob_points.txt
blob: 9ac0e03e7610e83c164c963d339858f916a7baba (plain) (tree)




























// Mob points

    if (@mobID < 1002) goto L_Return;

    callsub S_Vault;

    setarray @points,
        1,   // 1002 Maggot
        2,   // 1003 Scorpion
        20,  // 1004 Red Scorpion
        40,  // 1005 Green Slime
        30,  // 1006 Giant Maggot
        15,  // 1007 Yellow Slime
        25,  // 1008 Red Slime
        45,  // 1009 Black Scorpion
        50,  // 1010 Snake
        6,   // 1011 Fire Goblin
        55,  // 1012 Spider
        35,  // 1013 Evil Mushroom
        35,  // 1014 Pink Flower
        40,  // 1015 Santa Slime
        15,  // 1016 Rudolph Slime
        2,   // 1017 Bat
        16,  // 1018 Pinkie
        10,  // 1019 Spiky Mushroom
        14,  // 1020 Fluffy
        25,  // 1021 Cave Snake
        200, // 1022 Jack O
        85,  // 1023 Fire Skull
        85,  // 1024 Poison Skull
        20,  // 1025 Log Head
        70,  // 1026 Mountain Snake
        15,  // 1027 Easter Fluffy
        40,  // 1028 Mouboo
        0,   // 1029 Mauve Plant
        0,   // 1030 Cobalt Plant
        0,   // 1031 Gamboge Plant
        0,   // 1032 Alizarin Plant
        20,  // 1033 Sea Slime
        75,  // 1034 Grass Snake
        0,   // 1035 Silk Worm
        125, // 1036 Zombie
        0,   // 1037 Clover Patch
        5,   // 1038 Squirrel
        0,   // 1039 Fire Lizard
        80,  // 1040 Wisp
        15,  // 1041 Snail
        80,  // 1042 Spectre
        100, // 1043 Skeleton
        100, // 1044 Lady Skeleton
        150, // 1045 Fallen
        0,   // 1046 Snake Lord
        80,  // 1047 Poltergeist
        0,   // 1048 Duck
        15,  // 1049 Bee
        0,   // 1050 Larvespa [DOES NOT EXIST]
        0,   // 1051 Vespa [DOES NOT EXIST]
        0,   // 1052 Hivespa [DOES NOT EXIST]
        0,   // 1053 Froad [DOES NOT EXIST]
        0,   // 1054 Troll
        15,  // 1055 Butterfly
        2,   // 1056 Cave Maggot
        10,  // 1057 Angry Scorpion
        6,   // 1058 Ice Goblin
        40,  // 1059 Giant Cave Maggot
        20,  // 1060 Archant
        35,  // 1061 Moggun
        100, // 1062 Terranite
        10,  // 1063 Pumpkin
        10,  // 1064 Bandit
        20,  // 1065 Bandit Lord
        30,  // 1066 Vampire Bat
        150, // 1067 Reaper2
        100, // 1068 Reaper
        20,  // 1069 Flying Scythe
        20,  // 1070 Ball Lightning
        60,  // 1071 Ice Element
        80,  // 1072 Yeti
        100, // 1073 The Lost
        60,  // 1074 Red Bone
        60,  // 1075 Stalker
        0,   // 1076 Dreadwing [DOES NOT EXIST]
        100, // 1077 Drunken Skeleton
        100, // 1078 Tipsy Skeleton
        100, // 1079 Drunken Lady Skeleton
        60,  // 1080 BlueSpark
        60,  // 1081 RedSpark
        0,   // 1082 Serqet
        60,  // 1083 HuntsmanSpider,
        40,  // 1084 CrotcherScorpion,
        0,   // 1085 IceSkull,
        120, // 1086 FeyElement,
        10,  // 1087 Larvern,
        60,  // 1088 Hyvern,
        20,  // 1089 HungryFluffy,
        40,  // 1090 Wolvern,
        50,  // 1091 BlueSlime,
        0,   // 1092 SlimeBlast,
        20,  // 1093 WhiteSlime,
        40,  // 1094 Reinboo,
        0,   // 1095 WhiteBell,
        60,  // 1096 SoulSnake
        100, // 1097 SoulEater
        25,  // 1098 CopperSlime
        0,   // 1099 SleepingBandit
        20,  // 1100 AzulSlime
        80,  // 1101 DemonicSpirit
        940, // 1102 Luvia
        150, // 1103 WitchGuard
        50,  // 1104 DemonicMouboo
        15,  // 1105 ViciousSquirrel
        20,  // 1106 WickedMushroom
        18,  // 1107 Bluepar
        10,  // 1108 AngryFireGoblin
        35,  // 1109 AngrySeaSlime
        50,  // 1110 AngryGreenSlime
        50,  // 1111 CandiedSlime
        40,  // 1112 Santaboo
        30,  // 1113 Pollett
        100, // 1114 Nutcracker
        40,  // 1115 SeaSlimeMother
        50,  // 1116 UndeadWitch
        60,  // 1117 UndeadTroll
        80,  // 1118 GreenSlimeMother
        100, // 1119 Thug
        100, // 1120 Swashbuckler
        100, // 1121 Grenadier
        150, // 1122 DreadPirateMarley
        10,  // 1123 DreadPirateMarleyClone
        100, // 1124 Wight
        100, // 1125 ManaGhost
        100, // 1126 PsiBrain
        150  // 1127 GeneralKurkan
        // No more room! script engine is buggy, sorry.
        //   -o11c
        ; // END

    setarray @points_extended,
        175, // 1128 GeneralRazha
        200, // 1129 GeneralTerogan
        100, // 1130 Moonshroom
        20,  // 1131 ManaBug
        80,  // 1132 LavaSlime
        80,  // 1133 Anne
        200, // 1134 SUSAN
        80,  // 1135 LovelyMaggot
        10,  // 1136 LesserGhost
        500, // 1137 Tormenta
        200, // 1138 ManaGuardian
        10,  // 1139 Virus
        200, // 1140 Tengu
        200, // 1141 Sasquatch
        999, // 1142 ZaxDeKagen
        200, // 1143 ManaSlayer
        200, // 1144 GreatDragon
        -99, // 1145 KageGolem
        200, // 1146 Flashmob
        200, // 1147 Koyntety
        100, // 1148 DoomGolem
        100, // 1149 Enchanter
        0,   // 1150 ManaTyrant
        0,   // 1151 VoidFlower
        0,   // 1152 VoidArchant
        0,   // 1153 VoidSlime
        0,   // 1154 VoidSnake
        0,   // 1155 VoidBat
        0,   // 1156 VoidMaggot
        25,  // 1157 VoidSoldier
        0,   // 1158 VoidMouboo
        0,   // 1159 VoidScorpion
        0,   // 1160 VoidShroom
        -99, // 1161 Xakelbael
        0,   // 1162 Grinchboo
        15,  // 1163 Friday
        0,   // 1164 RESERVED
        0,   // 1165 RESERVED
        0,   // 1166 RESERVED
        0,   // 1167 RESERVED
        0,   // 1168 Floyd
        0,   // 1169 Crystal Spider
        0,   // 1170 Crystal Golem
        0,   // 1171 Black Crystal Golem
        0    // 1172 Bif

    if ((MPQUEST == 1) && (@mobID < 1128))
        goto L_Table1;

    if ((MPQUEST == 1) && (@mobID > 1127))
        goto L_Table2;

    goto L_PostLoop;

    set Mobpt, Mobpt + @points[@mobID - 1002];
    goto L_PostLoop;

    set Mobpt, Mobpt + @points_extended[@mobID - 1128];
    goto L_PostLoop;

    callfunc "ValonCount";
    if (((QL_VALON >= 2) && (QL_VALON < 6)) && (@mobID == $@ValonMob[@valon_mob]))
        goto L_ValonMobKill;
    goto L_NatureKarma;

    callfunc "AddValonCntMask";
    goto L_NatureKarma;

// Scorpion, Red Scorpion, Black Scorpion, Angry Scorpion
// DemonicMouboo, ViciousSquirrel, WickedMushroom, Bluepar
    if ((@mobID == 1003) || (@mobID == 1004) || (@mobID == 1009) || (@mobID == 1057)
        || (@mobID == 1104) || (@mobID == 1105) || (@mobID == 1106) || (@mobID == 1107))
            goto L_good;

    // Attitude adjustment for the witch (can we refactor this to another function?  Not sure about max. recursion depth)

    set @value, 0;
// Pinkie
    if (@mobID == 1018)
        set @value, 3;

// Fluffy
    if (@mobID == 1020)
        set @value, 3;
// Easter Fluffy
    if (@mobID == 1027)
        set @value, 3;
// Mouboo
    if (@mobID == 1028)
        set @value, 4;
// Squirrel
    if (@mobID == 1038)
        set @value, 2;
// Reinboo
    if (@mobID == 1094)
        set @value, 3;
// Santaboo
    if (@mobID == 1112)
        set @value, 3;
// Pollett
    if (@mobID == 1113)
        set @value, 3;

    if (@value == 0)
        goto L_Celestia;

    callfunc "QuestSagathaAnnoy";
    goto L_Celestia;

    set @value, 1;
    callfunc "QuestSagathaHappy";
    goto L_Celestia;

    if (QL_CELESTIA < 5 || QL_CELESTIA >= 205 || @mobID != 1072) goto L_Terranite;
    if (QL_CELESTIA == 205)
        message strcharinfo(0), "Yeti : ##3This should be enough yetis killed to please Celestia.";
    goto L_Terranite;

    if (TERRAC < 1 || TERRAC > 1500 || @mobID != 1062) goto L_Return;
    if (TERRAC % 100 == 0)
        message strcharinfo(0), "Terranite : ##3Total Terranites Slain: "+TERRAC;
    set TERRAC, TERRAC + 1;
    goto L_Return;

    if (#EXP_CREDIT < 1) goto L_Return;
    set @exp_bonus, min(#EXP_CREDIT, mobinfo(@mobID, MOB_BASEEXP) * 2);
    set #EXP_CREDIT, #EXP_CREDIT - @exp_bonus;
    getexp @exp_bonus, 0;

    set @value, 0;