path: root/npc/00000SAVE/010-2_Dimond/chef.txt
diff options
authorJesusaves <>2018-07-12 14:33:16 -0300
committerJesusaves <>2018-07-12 14:33:16 -0300
commit08d633a0f803e002a32a44fcaf142337952aaccc (patch)
tree9ecec3b0cc10b322127c61d27674bc678c3c9b11 /npc/00000SAVE/010-2_Dimond/chef.txt
parent3bc9fcaeaedd159077cf80c9bc4bb551afeb63a9 (diff)
[skip ci] Dimond's cove was save.
Diffstat (limited to 'npc/00000SAVE/010-2_Dimond/chef.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/npc/00000SAVE/010-2_Dimond/chef.txt b/npc/00000SAVE/010-2_Dimond/chef.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index be2e7a123..000000000
--- a/npc/00000SAVE/010-2_Dimond/chef.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-010-2,33,25,0 script Chef#dimond NPC148,{
- goto L_Begin;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"I'm too busy right now to talk.\"";
- callfunc "KadiyaSubquestConsts";
- if ((@Q_kadiya_status == @Q_STATUS_WANTS_CHOCOCAKE) && (countitem ("MopoxCurePotion") > 0))
- goto L_lace_chococake;
- if ((@Q_kadiya_status == @Q_STATUS_WANTS_ORANGECUPCAKE) && (countitem ("MopoxCurePotion") > 0))
- goto L_lace_cupcake;
- close;
- next;
- menu
- "Sorry.", L_close,
- "I need your help with a sick young girl!", L_Next;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "You explain Kadiya's situation to him.";
- mes "\"Hmrmf. I can't help you; I'm a chef, not a baker!\"";
- close;
- next;
- menu
- "Sorry.", L_close,
- "I need your help with a sick young girl!", L_Next1;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "You explain Kadiya's situation to him.";
- mes "\"Hmrmf. I was about to make another batch of orange cupcakes. Do you have that potion with you?\"";
- next;
- menu
- "No, sorry.", L_bringit,
- "Yes, here you are.", L_Next2;
- if (countitem ("MopoxCurePotion") < 1)
- goto L_bringit;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "He shudders as he smells the bottle.";
- mes "\"That is disgusting! How do you expect me to mask this?\"";
- mes "He ponders his own question for a moment.";
- next;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"Ah yes. We need to bind the smell in gingerbread. Bring me three pieces of gingerbread, one orange, and 500 GP for the other ingredients, and I will make you your cupcake.\"";
- next;
- menu
- "I'll go and get it.", L_close,
- "Here you are!", L_Next3,
- "Not now.", L_close;
- if (countitem ("GingerBreadMan") < 3)
- goto L_No_gingerbread;
- if (countitem ("Orange") < 1)
- goto L_No_orange;
- if (countitem ("MopoxCurePotion") < 1)
- goto L_No_Potion;
- if (Zeny < 500)
- goto L_No_Zeny;
- Zeny = Zeny - 500;
- delitem "GingerBreadMan", 3;
- delitem "Orange", 1;
- delitem "MopoxCurePotion", 1;
- getitem "LacedOrangeCupcake", 1;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"Good, good. This should work.\"";
- mes "He crumbles the gingerbread, mixes it with the potion and some spices, and finally adds some cupcake batter and the orange pieces.";
- next;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"Take a seat.\"";
- mes "He fills the mixture into a cupcake form and puts it into the oven. You watch the cupcake grow for a while.";
- mes "Finally, he removes the form and carefully extracts the cupcake.";
- next;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"Here you are. It's a bit bigger than a regular cupcake and will taste a bit like ginger, I think, but otherwise it should be fine.\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"I will need three pieces of gingerbread.\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"Please bring me an orange for these cupcakes.\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"No. I need extra ingredients worth 500 GP, and I expect you to pay for those.\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"Where did your Mopox potion go?\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"Bring it here when you do.\"";
- next;
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"I can't talk right now... I'm too busy.\"";
- next;
- mes "\"Oh, wait. I see you are the adventurer who was speaking with the Easter Bunny. He has a really bad memory, you know? Every year he forgets who he needs to ask to get Jelly Beans, and every year an adventurer comes to my kitchen asking if I can help the Easter Bunny get some.\"";
- next;
- mes "\"Even though I am really busy this time of year, I will help you make some Jelly Beans to put in the basket if you wish. Just to keep the tradition alive...\"";
- menu
- "I would really appreciate that!", L_SetJellyBean,
- "Nah, I decided not to do that stupid quest.", L_close;
- QUEST_Easter11 = 8;
- goto L_MakeJellyBean;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"I will need you to bring me some candies.\"";
- mes "\"I think 15 should be enough.\"";
- mes "\"Sea slimes seem to have those, so try them.\"";
- mes "\"And because it's the holidays, I'll add in the other ingredient for free.\"";
- menu
- "I have some candies!", L_CandyCheck,
- "Ok, I will be back soon.", L_close,
- "I changed my mind, forget about it.", L_close;
- if(countitem("Candy") < 15)
- goto L_EasterNotEnough;
- if(countitem("Candy") >= 15)
- goto L_EasterEnough;
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"You do not have enough candies for me to work with yet.\"";
- mes "\"Please go get more.\"";
- close;
- getinventorylist;
- if (@inventorylist_count == 100 && countitem("Candy") > 15)
- goto L_EasterTooMany;
- if(countitem("Candy") < 15)
- goto L_EasterNotEnough;
- delitem "Candy", 15;
- getitem "JellyBeans", 1;
- QUEST_Easter11 = 9;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"You have gathered enough candies for me to make the Jelly Beans.\"";
- mes "He puts the candies into a pot and starts melting them.";
- mes "He adds in some gooey stuff, then lets the solution cool for a moment before forming the Jelly Beans.";
- mes "\"Here are your Jelly Beans.\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"You don't have enough room for the Jelly Beans. Come back later.\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "";
- mes "\"Oh yeah, you need to return to the Easter Bunny now.\"";
- next;
- goto L_Begin;
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Ahh, " + strcharinfo(0) + "! I really need to talk to you. Did the Easter Bunny give you a very thick and heavy pan?\"";
- menu
- "Yes, he did. Why?", L_Easter2012_Continue;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Good to know! I am asking because now you are my only hope. I have invented the ultimate culinary wonder, a recipe for the most incredibly tasty food you can imagine!\"";
- next;
- mes "\"But here is the problem, to complete this recipe I need a very resistant pan, because in the process I need to use a very strong acid solution based on yeti saliva!\"";
- next;
- mes "\"Can you believe I ruined ALL of my pans and 17 infantry helmets while trying to cook it? That is why I am asking for this favor. Could you lend me your pan? I promise I will give you a jar of the final product.\"";
- next;
- mes "\"Oh, and I will need to keep it with me for a while, as the ingredients need to rest in the acid solution for a long time, but you can always come here to see how it is going.\"";
- menu
- "Ok, but I want my pan back when it is done!", L_Accept_Cooking,
- "No way, I won't let you fill my hat with corrosive yeti saliva!", L_NoWay;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Ahh, don't say that! Please, think about it and come back if you change your mind.\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Great! But I can't promise anything regarding your hat. What I can promise is: IF it works, you will eat the most spectacular food of all time! I won't say what it is, but it is going to be great! What do you say, are you sure?\"";
- menu
- "Ahh, just take the pan and do your thing.", L_CarryOn,
- "No way!", L_close;
- if (countitem("PanHat") < 1)
- goto L_No_PanHat;
- delitem "PanHat", 1;
- QUEST_Easter12 = 7;
- mes "\"Very good! Now I just need to put the basic ingredients inside a metal pan filled with water, yeti saliva, a little bit of salt and finally... The secret ingredient!\"";
- next;
- mes "The chef turns his back to you so he can hide what he is using. But you can clearly distinguish a smell of coal...";
- mes "\"Hahahah! And now we wait!\"";
- close;
- if ((gettime(6) == 4 && gettime(5) >= $@easter2012_reward_start_day))
- goto L_Easter2012_Result;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Be patient... The basic ingredients are not ready yet.\"";
- close;
- @temp = rand(99);
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Hey! I have some good news and some bad news... Which one do you want to hear first?\"";
- menu
- "The good one.", L_SelectNews,
- "The bad one.", L_SelectNews,
- "Oh no, I don't even want to hear!", L_close;
- if (@temp < 15) goto L_Easter2012_Lucky;
- if (@temp >= 15) goto L_Easter2012_Unlucky;
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Wait! Did I mention bad news? I must be crazy... There is no bad news my friend! The ultimate pickled beets is now ready AND your pan is intact!\"";
- next;
- mes "\"Here! Take your pan back and a jar of the best pickled beets of the mana world!\"";
- QUEST_Easter12 = 10;
- getitem "PickledBeets", 1;
- getitem "PanHat", 1;
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Ahh, actually, it doesn't matter! The important thing is that the recipe was a success! I just can't believe how something can be so tasty!\"";
- next;
- menu
- "Nice! Now, what about my hat?", L_HatNext;
- mes "\"Oh, that... Ehh, unfortunately, the pan is not anymore. It was completely destroyed by the time the pickled beets were ready! But don't worry, I will keep my promise and give you a jar of this culinary masterpiece!\"";
- next;
- menu
- "Wait, wait... Are you saying I lost my hat?", L_HatNext2;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Hmm, yes. But I must say I really appreciate your effort to help me! You sacrificed your cool hat in the name of the culinary arts, only a great person would do that!\"";
- next;
- menu
- "But... I... My hat...", L_HatNext3;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Here, take your pickled beets!\"";
- getitem "PickledBeets", 1;
- QUEST_Easter12 = 8;
- close;
- if (QUEST_Easter12 == 8)
- QUEST_Easter12 = 9;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Hey, I couldn't help but notice your sadness... You really like these silly hats, don't you? Well, since your hat is completely destroyed, just like all my pans, I can give you one of these nice cooking hats. But only if you give my jar of pickled beets back. What do you say?\"";
- menu
- "A chef hat for a jar of pickled beets? Of course I want!", L_GetChefhat,
- "Ahh, keep you silly hat! The pickled beets are way better!", L_KeepBeets;
- close;
- if (countitem("PickledBeets") < 1)
- goto L_No_Pickledbeets;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Really? Well, if you are sure about that... Here is your hat!\"";
- delitem "PickledBeets", 1;
- getitem "ChefHat", 1;
- QUEST_Easter12 = 10;
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Hmm, I see that at least you are a wise person. See you later!\"";
- QUEST_Easter12 = 10;
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"So? You said you have the pan, where is it?\"";
- close;
- mes "[Chef]";
- mes "\"Hey, no pickled beets means no chef hat.\"";
- close;
- mes "The chef can't hear you. He keeps looking and feeling the scent of his new recipe.";
- close;