// TMW 2 Script
// Author:
// Jesusalva
// Micksha
// Description:
// Controls sewers.
// FIXME: The warps back should only work if treasure was found
// Spawn monsters and respawns them.
// A simple random treasure chest - to be sure players were introduced to this
// awesome system. Same rules as any treasure box still applies.
042-5,0,0,0 script #ctrl0425 NPC_HIDDEN,{
function monster0425;
// Yes, we just hope it works out of box
explode(.@map$, .map$, "@");
if (.@g < 1) {
debugmes "[ERROR] [KAMELOT] Unable to spawn for Kamelot %s", .map$;
debugmes "[ERROR] [KAMELOT] Using dummy data (returned: %d)", .@g;
debugmes "Spawning monsters for guild %d", .@g;
monster0425(1, 20, 20, 80, 100, .@mx);
monster0425(4, 20, 51, 51, 71, .@mx);
//monster0425(5, 75, 56, 80, 100, .@mx);
//monster0425(2, 75, 40, 80, 52, .@mx);
//monster0425(5, 51, 20, 80, 50, .@mx);
// Neutral monsters
areamonster(.map$, 20, 20, 80, 100, strmobinfo(1, Blub), Blub, 5);
areamonster(.map$, 20, 20, 80, 100, strmobinfo(1, ManaGhost), ManaGhost, max(1, .@mx/10));
// Bonus monsters
if (!rand2(3))
areamonster(.map$, 20, 20, 60, 100, strmobinfo(1, WhirlyBird), WhirlyBird, 1);
if (!rand2(2))
areamonster(.map$, 20, 20, 60, 100, strmobinfo(1, SilverChest), SilverChest, 1);
if (!rand2(2))
areamonster(.map$, 20, 20, 60, 100, strmobinfo(1, BronzeChest), BronzeChest, 2);
// Next time I promise a Whirly Bird >.>
if (!playerattached())
goto OnRespawn;
// Maybe a reward is due
if (.@g < 1) percentheal -100, -100;
getexp $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]*7, $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]*3;
.@delay=max(3000, 21000-$KAMELOT_PC[.@g]*1000);
.@delay=(.@delay ? .@delay : 3000);
// Yes, we just hope it works out of box
explode(.@map$, .map$, "@");
if (.@g < 1) {
debugmes "[ERROR] [KAMELOT] Unable to respawn for Kamelot %s", .map$;
monster0425(1, 20, 20, 80, 120, $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]);
function monster0425 {
//debugmes "Total %d, map %s (power %d)", .@gcount, .@m$, .@avg;
for (.@i=0; .@i < .@gcount; .@i++) {
.@mobId=any(CursedSoldier, CursedArcher); // 50-50 ratio
.@mob=areamonster(.@m$, .@x1, .@y1, .@x2, .@y2, strmobinfo(1, .@mobId), .@mobId, 1, .@label$);
// Reconfigure the monster
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LEVEL, .@avg);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_STR, 1+.@avg*5/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_AGI, 1+.@avg*4/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_VIT, 1+.@avg*5/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_INT, 1+.@avg*5/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_DEX, 1+.@avg*5/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LUK, 1+.@avg*4/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ADELAY, 1472);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKRANGE, (.@mobId == CursedArcher ? any(6,7) : any(1,2)));
// Battle Status
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_MAXHP, .@avg*38);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_HP, .@avg*38);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKMIN, .@avg*50/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKMAX, .@avg*70/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_DEF, 1+.@avg*11/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_MDEF, 1+.@avg*7/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_HIT, .@avg*6); // Advised: x3
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_FLEE, .@avg*40/10); // Advised: x4
// Critical calculation
.@max=max(.@min, min(35, .@avg/4));
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_CRIT, rand2(.@min, .@max));
// Loop through
// This is required for others
// KamelotTreasure( POSITION ID )
function script KamelotTreasure {
if (.@g < 1) percentheal -100, -100;
if ($KAMELOT_KEYMASK[.@g] & .@id) {
mesc l("The chest is unlocked and empty.");
inventoryplace Iten, 1, NPCEyes, 2;
mesc l("Open the chest?");
mesc l("Cost: 1 @@", getitemlink(TreasureKey)), 1;
if (!countitem(TreasureKey))
if (askyesno() == ASK_NO)
delitem TreasureKey, 1;
mesc l("You open the chest!");
.@empty=($KAMELOT_KEYMASK[.@g] & .@id);
if (!.@empty) {
if (.@id == $KAMELOT_KEY[.@g]) {
dispbottom l("You found the key!");
getitem KamelotKey, 1;
// Select treasure list
if (.@r <= 0) // 0.01% total, 0.025% each
.@loot=any(MylarinDust, SupremeGift, HousingLetterIII, TimeFlask); // MercCard_EH
else if (.@r < 300) // 0.3% each
.@loot=any(MagicApple, PrismGift, EquipmentBlueprintD, ChampionshipBow, Halberd, AncientShield, AncientSword, Setzer, MercBoxD, Shemagh);
.@loot=any(SacredImmortalityPotion, DivineApple, ArcmageBoxset, GoldenApple, MercBoxA, MercBoxB, MercBoxC, MoveSpeedPotion, AtroposMixture, EverburnPowder, IridiumOre, PlatinumOre, YerbaMate, SmokeGrenade, SnakeEgg, LachesisBrew, BoneAmmoBox, GoldPieces, SilverGift, TerraniteOre, LeadOre, TinOre, SilverOre, GoldOre, TitaniumOre, FluoPowder, EquipmentBlueprintC, AlchemyBlueprintC, AlchemyBlueprintD, AncientBlueprint, JasmineTea, MoubooSteak, ClothoLiquor, Coal, RedPlushWine, HastePotion, CoinBag, StrengthPotion, Pearl, BronzeGift, IronOre, CopperOre, BlueDye, EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintC, OolongTea, Croconut, CelestiaTea, MoubooSteak, ClothoLiquor, Coal, SmallMushroom, HastePotion, StrengthPotion, WoodenLog, LeatherPatch, DwarvenSake, EquipmentBlueprintA, EquipmentBlueprintB, AlchemyBlueprintA, SpearmintTea, TreasureMap, FatesPotion, CrazyRum, LightGreenDiamond, EarthPowder, WoodenLog, MysteriousBottle, FluoPowder, ChamomileTea); // > 70 options (~1% each)
mesc l("You find @@ inside!", getitemlink(.@loot));
getitem .@loot, 1;
} else {
mesc l("You find @@ inside!", l("nothing"));
mesc l("Seems like someone else opened this chest before you!");
// Announcement
if (.@key)
.@p$=b(" They found the key!");
mapannounce "042-6@"+.@g, strcharinfo(0)+" has opened a Treasure Chest!"+.@p$, 0;
mapannounce "042-7@"+.@g, strcharinfo(0)+" has opened a Treasure Chest!"+.@p$, 0;
mapannounce "042-8@"+.@g, strcharinfo(0)+" has opened a Treasure Chest!"+.@p$, 0;
mapannounce "042-9@"+.@g, strcharinfo(0)+" has opened a Treasure Chest!"+.@p$, 0;
// Guild Master Notification
if (!getcharid(3, .@gm$)) return;
.@gma=getcharid(3, .@gm$);
.@gmb=getcharid(0, .@gm$);
if (!isloggedin(.@gma, .@gmb)) return;
message .@gm$, strcharinfo(0)+" has opened a Treasure Chest."+.@p$;
// KamelotBoss(Map, x, y, power, NPC)
function script KamelotBoss {
//debugmes "Total %d, map %s (power %d)", .@gcount, .@m$, .@avg;
.@mobId=any(CursedSoldier, CursedArcher); // 50-50 ratio
.@name$=any("Lancelot", "Galahard");
.@mob=monster(.@m$, .@x1, .@y1, .@name$, .@mobId, 1, .@label$);
// Reconfigure the monster
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LEVEL, .@avg+20);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_STR, 1+.@avg*7/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_AGI, 1+.@avg*5/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_VIT, 1+.@avg*7/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_INT, 1+.@avg*6/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_DEX, 1+.@avg*6/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LUK, 1+.@avg*7/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ADELAY, 1072);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKRANGE, (.@mobId == CursedArcher ? any(7,8) : any(2,2,3)));
// Battle Status
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_MAXHP, .@avg*450);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_HP, .@avg*450);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKMIN, .@avg*60/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKMAX, .@avg*70/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_DEF, 1+.@avg*14/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_MDEF, 1+.@avg*9/10);
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_HIT, .@avg*16); // Advised: x3
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_FLEE, .@avg*45/10); // Advised: x4
// Critical calculation
.@max=max(.@min, min(70, .@avg/2));
setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_CRIT, rand2(.@min, .@max));