path: root/npc/functions/confused-tree-dict.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'npc/functions/confused-tree-dict.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 560 deletions
diff --git a/npc/functions/confused-tree-dict.txt b/npc/functions/confused-tree-dict.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4250ec35d..000000000
--- a/npc/functions/confused-tree-dict.txt
+++ /dev/null
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-// Evol scripts.
-// Author:
-// gumi
-// rein
-// Based on CrazyTree, originally made by:
-// gumi
-// pclouds
-// veryape
-// wushin
-// Description:
-// dictionaries for confused tree
-// Built-in variables:
-// ~t lowercase hot word regex
-// ~n npc name
-// ~p player name or special name
-// ~P player name only
-// Custom variables:
-// {{var}} random from array .D_var$
-// {{^var}} same but capitalize
-// {{+var}} same but title case
-// {{!var}} same but all caps
-// You can also specify multiple variables, separated by a comma (,)
-// Example:
-// "*drops a {{! size }} {{ color }} {{^ sizeable object, someone }} on ~p's head*"
-function script TREE_dictionaries {
- .npc$ = strnpcinfo(0);
- // special aliases below (regex of lowercase char names)
- // the substitutions are an array separated by backticks (`)
- // XXX: this could become a hashtable at some point if it gets too big
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.alias$[0], .npc$),
- "^veryape(?:gm)?$", "hairyape",
- "^wu-?shin$", "Dwarven Princess`"
- "She-Ra",
- "^reid$", "Borg Queen`"
- "Mistress`"
- "Milady`"
- "R'eid",
- "^(?:slicer|madcamel)$", "Camel Toe",
- "^4144(?:4d494e)?$", "NPC",
- "^omatt$", "@@|omatt@@`"
- "o'matt",
- "^prsm$", "Refractor`"
- "Overlord";
- set getvariableofnpc(.alias, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.alias$, .npc$));
- // special drops below (regex of lowercase char names)
- // the substitutions are an array of standard replies separated by backticks (`)
- // and allow {{variables}}
- // XXX: this could become a hashtable at some point if it gets too big
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.sdrops$[0], .npc$),
- "^reid$", "*drops an empty jar of Nutella on ~p*",
- "^omatt$", "*drops Elisabeth Granneman on ~p*";
- set getvariableofnpc(.sdrops, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.sdrops$, .npc$));
- // variables below
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_size$[0], .npc$), // {{size}}
- "tiny",
- "small",
- "perfectly sized",
- "large",
- "huge",
- "humongous",
- "ginormous";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_size, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_size$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_color$[0], .npc$), // {{color}}
- "red",
- "orange",
- "yellow",
- "pink",
- "aqua",
- "cyan",
- "blue",
- "indigo",
- "violet",
- "purple",
- "magenta",
- "pink",
- "black",
- "white",
- "grey",
- "greyscale",
- "brown",
- "maroon",
- "turquoise",
- "lime",
- "sky blue",
- "invisible";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_color, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_color$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_violentadverb$[0], .npc$), // {{violent adverb}}
- "violently",
- "repeatedly",
- "casually",
- "forcefully",
- "slowly",
- "carefully",
- "hopefully",
- "dangerously",
- "shockingly",
- "religiously";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_violentadverb, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_violentadverb$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_hello$[0], .npc$), // {{hello}}
- "hi",
- "hi",
- "hi",
- "hi",
- "hey",
- "hey",
- "hey",
- "yo",
- "yo",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "hello",
- "howdy",
- "bonjour";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_hello, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_hello$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_violentverb$[0], .npc$), // {{violent verb}}
- "slaps",
- "slaps",
- "slaps",
- "slaps",
- "slaps", // yeah the tree likes to slap a lot
- "hits",
- "pummels",
- "beats",
- "flattens",
- "taunts",
- "liquidates",
- "spanks",
- "affronts",
- "tranquilizes",
- "atomizes",
- "impales",
- "dismembers";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_violentverb, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_violentverb$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_location$[0], .npc$), // {{location}}
- "Artis",
- "Hurnscald",
- "Tulimshar",
- "Nivalis",
- "Candor",
- "Drasil";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_location, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_location$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_sizeableobject$[0], .npc$), // {{sizeable object}}
- "trout",
- "whale",
- "space whale",
- "penguin",
- "coelacanth",
- "squid",
- "shrimp",
- "crab",
- "tentacle",
- "dictionary",
- "grammar book",
- "textbook",
- "dinosaur",
- "t-rex",
- "star-nosed mole",
- "chimpanzee",
- "mermaid",
- "merman",
- "piano",
- "prince",
- "princess",
- "pinkie",
- "squirrel",
- "mouboo",
- "wet mop",
- "drunken pirate",
- "cake",
- "cookie",
- "chocobo",
- "restraining order",
- "freight train",
- "carnival hammer",
- "crate",
- "bomb",
- "bowl of petinuas",
- "box",
- "platypus",
- "magic eightball",
- "vase";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_sizeableobject, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_sizeableobject$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_nsizeableobject$[0], .npc$), // {{n sizeable object}}
- "octopus",
- "elephant",
- "angry cat",
- "anvil",
- "encyclopedia set";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_nsizeableobject, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_nsizeableobject$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.D_someone$[0], .npc$), // {{someone}}
- "Voldemort",
- "Cthulhu",
- "Platyna",
- "Hitler",
- "Luvia",
- "General Krukan",
- "Borg Queen",
- "Freeyorp",
- "MadCamel";
- set getvariableofnpc(.D_someone, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.D_someone$, .npc$));
- // replies below
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.greetings$[0], .npc$),
- "{{^ hello }} ~p!",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p!",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p!",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p!",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p.",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p.",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p.",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p.",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p.",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p.",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p, what's up?",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p, anything new?",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p, how are you?",
- "~p!!!!",
- "~p!!!",
- "~p!!",
- "{{^ hello }} ~p! You are looking lovely today!",
- "Welcome back, ~p.",
- "Welcome back, ~p.",
- "Welcome back, ~p.",
- "~p is back!!",
- "Hello and welcome to the Aperture Science computer-aided enrichment center.",
- "Greetings ~p.",
- "What's up ~p?",
- "What's up ~p?",
- "How are you ~p?";
- set getvariableofnpc(.greetings, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.greetings$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.jokes$[0], .npc$),
- "How did the tree get drunk? On root beer.",
- "Do you think I'm lazy?",
- "I miss CrazyTree %%S.",
- "I miss LazyTree %%S.",
- "I'm not telling you!",
- "*sighs.*",
- "If I do it for you, then I have to do it for everybody.",
- "What did the beaver say to the tree? It's been nice gnawing you.",
- "What did the little tree say to the big tree? Leaf me alone.",
- "What did the tree wear to the pool party? Swimming trunks.",
- "What do trees give to their dogs? Treets.",
- "What do you call a tree that only eats meat? Carniforous.",
- "What do you call a tree who's always envious? Evergreen.",
- "What is the tree's least favourite month? Sep-timber!",
- "What kind of tree can fit into your hand? A palm-tree.",
- "What was the tree's favorite subject in school? Chemistree.",
- "Why did the leaf go to the doctor? It was feeling green.",
- "Why doesn't the tree need sudo? Because it has root.",
- "Why was the cat afraid of the tree? Because of its bark.",
- "Why was the tree executed? For treeson.",
- "How do trees get on the internet? They log in.",
- "Why did the pine tree get into trouble? Because it was being knotty.",
- "Did you hear the one about the oak tree? It's a corn-y one!",
- "What do you call a blonde in a tree with a briefcase? Branch Manager.",
- "How is an apple like a lawyer? They both look good hanging from a tree.",
- "Why did the sheriff arrest the tree? Because its leaves rustled.",
- "I'm too tired, ask someone else.",
- "If you are trying to get me to tell jokes you are barking up the wrong tree!",
- "You wooden think they were funny anyhow. Leaf me alone!",
- "What is brown and sticky? A stick.",
- "What's the best way to carve wood? Whittle by whittle.",
- "What did the tree do when the bank closed? It started its own branch.",
- "Do you want a brief explanation of an acorn? In a nutshell, it’s an oak tree.",
- "A snare drum and a crash cymbal fell out of a tree. *BA-DUM TSSSHH*",
- "How do you properly identify a dogwood tree? By the bark!",
- "Where do saplings go to learn? Elementree school.",
- "Why do trees make great thieves? Sticky fingers.",
- "What is green, has leaves, and a trunk? A houseplant going on vacation.",
- "Where can Adansonia trees go for a quick trim? To the baobarber.",
- "What looks like half a spruce tree? The other half.",
- "What do you give to a sick citrus tree? Lemon aid.",
- "What did the tree say to the drill? You bore me.",
- "What happened to the wooden car with wooden wheels and a wooden engine? It wooden go.",
- "How do trees keep you in suspense? I'll tell you tomorrow.",
- "Where do birch trees keep their valuables? In a river bank.",
- "What kind of stories do giant sequoia trees tell? Tall tales.",
- "What is the most frustrating thing about being a tree? Having so many limbs and not being able to walk.",
- "What's black, highly dangerous, and lives in a tree? A crow with a machine gun.",
- "What kind of wood doesn't float? Natalie Wood.",
- "Two men passed a sign while looking for work. It was for tree fellers. They said: “what a shame, there are only two of us”.";
- set getvariableofnpc(.jokes, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.jokes$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.healing$[0], .npc$),
- "Eat an apple, they're good for you.",
- "If I do it for you, then I have to do it for everybody.",
- "Oh, go drink a potion or something.",
- "Whoops! I lost my spellbook.",
- "No mana.";
- set getvariableofnpc(.healing, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.healing$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.whoami$[0], .npc$),
- "An undercover GM.",
- "An exiled GM.",
- "I'm not telling you!",
- "I'm a bot! I'll be level 99 one day! Mwahahahaaha!!!111!",
- "Somebody said I'm a Chinese copy of CrazyTree.",
- "I am your evil twin.",
- "I don't remember anything after I woke up! What happened to me?",
- "I don't know. Why am I here??",
- "Who are you?",
- "On the 8th day, God was bored and said 'There will be bots'. So here I am.",
- "♪ I'm your hell, I'm your dream, I'm nothing in between ♪♪",
- "♪♪ Aperture Science. We do what we must, because... we can ♪",
- "I'm just a reincarnation of a copy.";
- set getvariableofnpc(.whoami, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.whoami$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.drops$[0], .npc$),
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops an {{ n sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops an {{ n sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops {{ someone }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a coin on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a fruit on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops an apple on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops an iten on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a GM on ~p.*",
- "*drops a piece of moon rock on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a pin on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a rock on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a tub of paint on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a sandworm on ~p.*",
- "*drops an idea in ~p's head.*",
- "*drops The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on ~p's head.*",
- "Ouch.",
- "Ouchy.",
- "*drops dead.*",
- "*sighs.*",
- "Leaf me alone.",
- "Stop it! I doesn't drop branches, try the Druid tree for once!";
- set getvariableofnpc(.drops, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.drops$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.die$[0], .npc$),
- "*drops an iten on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a piece of moon rock on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops {{ someone }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops an {{ n sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ size }} {{ sizeable object, n sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*drops a {{ size }} {{ color }} {{ sizeable object, n sizeable object }} on ~p's head.*",
- "*{{ violent adverb }} {{ violent verb }} ~p.*",
- "*drops dead.*",
- "*sighs.*",
- "Avada Kedavra!",
- "Make me!",
- "Never!!",
- "You die, ~p!",
- "You die, ~p!",
- "You die, ~p!",
- "You die, ~p!",
- "No!",
- "In a minute.",
- "Suuure... I'll get right on it...";
- set getvariableofnpc(.die, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.die$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.poke$[0], .npc$),
- "*tickles.*";
- set getvariableofnpc(.poke, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.poke$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.disgusting$[0], .npc$),
- "Ewwwww %%^.";
- set getvariableofnpc(.disgusting, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.disgusting$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.answer$[0], .npc$),
- "42.",
- "Kittens.";
- set getvariableofnpc(.answer, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.answer$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.burning$[0], .npc$),
- "*curses ~p and dies %%c.*",
- "Help! I'm on fire!",
- "Oh hot.. hot hot!",
- "*is glowing.*",
- "*is flaming.*",
- "Ehemm. Where are firefighters? I need them now!",
- "*is so hot!.*",
- "*slowly catches fire.*",
- "*trembles with trepidation.*",
- "*is immune to fire.*";
- set getvariableofnpc(.burning, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.burning$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.kill$[0], .npc$),
- "*curses ~p and dies %%c.*";
- set getvariableofnpc(.kill, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.kill$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.silly$[0], .npc$),
- "Hahaha, good one!";
- set getvariableofnpc(.silly, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.silly$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.love$[0], .npc$),
- "♪♪ and IIII.. will alwayyyys loooovvve youuuuu. ♪♪ %%]",
- "♪♪ nothing's gonna change my love for you, you oughta know by now how much I love you.. ♪ %%]",
- "♪ ..and then I go and spoil it all, by saying something stupid like: “I love you.” ♪",
- "♪ ..won't you find a place for me? somewhere in your heart... ♪♪",
- "Thank you.",
- "♪♪ ..I can't love another when my heart is somewhere far away.. ♪",
- "%%]";
- set getvariableofnpc(.love, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.love$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.dance$[0], .npc$),
- "I would but I am rooted to the ground.",
- "Have you ever seen a tree dance before?",
- "Hahaha, good one!";
- set getvariableofnpc(.dance, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.dance$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.hate$[0], .npc$),
- "Right back at you!",
- "Ok...",
- "*pats ~p, let it go...*",
- "Hu hu hu, ~p hates me.";
- set getvariableofnpc(.hate, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.hate$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.bye$[0], .npc$),
- "*waves goodbye to ~p in tears, come back soon!*";
- set getvariableofnpc(.bye, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.bye$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.pain$[0], .npc$),
- "Ouch.",
- "Ouchy.",
- "Argh.",
- "Eek.",
- "*howls.*",
- "*screams.*",
- "*groans.*",
- "*cries.*",
- "*faints.*",
- "*shrieks.*",
- "*hides behind itself.*",
- "%%k",
- "Why, what did I do to you? %%i";
- set getvariableofnpc(.pain, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.pain$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.eightball$[0], .npc$),
- "It is possible.",
- "Yes!",
- "Of course.",
- "Naturally.",
- "Obviously.",
- "It shall be.",
- "The outlook is good.",
- "It is so.",
- "One would be wise to think so.",
- "The answer is certainly yes.",
- "In your dreams.",
- "I doubt it very much.",
- "No chance.",
- "The outlook is very poor.",
- "Unlikely.",
- "About as likely as pigs flying.",
- "You're kidding, right?",
- "NO!",
- "NO.",
- "No.",
- "Maybe...",
- "No clue.",
- "I don't know.",
- "The outlook is hazy, please ask again later.",
- "What are you asking me for?",
- "Come again?",
- "You know the answer better than I.",
- "The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing!",
- "No idea.",
- "Perhaps.",
- "I think it is better not to tell you.",
- "Error 417: Expectation failed.";
- set getvariableofnpc(.eightball, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.eightball$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.bad$[0], .npc$),
- "I'm not bad! You are bad!",
- "OK, I'm bad.",
- "I'm just a littttle bad.",
- "Not as bad as the people that made me.";
- set getvariableofnpc(.bad, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.bad$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.no_idea$[0], .npc$),
- "What?",
- "What??",
- "What?",
- "Whatever.",
- "Hmm...",
- "Hmm...",
- "Huh?",
- "*yawns.*",
- "Wait a minute...",
- "What are you talking about?",
- "Who are you?",
- "What about me?",
- "I don't know what you are talking about",
- "Excuse me?",
- "Very interesting.",
- "Really?",
- "Go on...",
- "*scratches its leafy head.*",
- "*feels a disturbance in the force.*",
- "%%j",
- "*senses a disturbance in the force.*",
- "I'm bored...",
- "%%U",
- "%%[";
- set getvariableofnpc(.no_idea, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.no_idea$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.shut_up$[0], .npc$),
- "*goes hide in a corner %%S.*";
- set getvariableofnpc(.shut_up, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.shut_up$, .npc$));
- setarray getvariableofnpc(.climb$[0], .npc$),
- "*sways violently.*",
- "*bends all the way to the ground.*",
- "*creaks and bends.*",
- "*welcomes those who come to play %%I.*",
- "*beams with pride.*";
- set getvariableofnpc(.climb, .npc$), getarraysize(getvariableofnpc(.climb$, .npc$));
- return;