// TMW2 script
// Author: Jesusalva <admin@tmw2.org>
// Magic Script: TMW2_STUDY
// Skill to study a target monster
// Will report the monster exact current stats, and is part of research
function script SK_study {
if (.@mobGD <= 0)
// We want monsters
if (getunittype(.@mobGD) != UNITTYPE_MOB) {
dispbottom l("This skill can only be used on monsters!");
.@mobID=getunitdata(.@mobGD, UDT_CLASS);
// Research Points
if (array_rfind(@study, @mobGD) < 0) {
.@mult=max(1, 11-getskilllv(TMW2_STUDY));
array_push(@study, @mobGD);
dispbottom l("Research Points +%d", .@rp);
// Report
dispbottom l("%s - %d/%d HP, %d/%d MP",
getmonsterinfo(.@mobID, MOB_NAME),
fnum(getunitdata(.@mobGD, UDT_HP)),
fnum(getunitdata(.@mobGD, UDT_MAXHP)),
fnum(getunitdata(.@mobGD, UDT_SP)),
fnum(getunitdata(.@mobGD, UDT_MAXSP)));
// Truncate.
// We're saving the GID so it must be "big enough"
// But not too big so rfind() is not expensive
if (getarraysize(@study) > 99) {
deletearray(@study, 30);