path: root/db/re/item_db.conf
blob: a83b7f047be2a4398ceb1ccbfcbe743d60e06656 (plain) (tree)





















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































//================= Hercules Database =====================================
//=	   _   _					 _
//=	  | | | |				   | |
//=	  | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _   _| | ___  ___
//=	  |  _  |/ _ \ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ \/ __|
//=	  | | | |  __/ | | (__| |_| | |  __/\__ \
//=	  \_| |_/\___|_|  \___|\__,_|_|\___||___/
//================= License ===============================================
//= This file is part of Hercules.
//= -
//= Copyright (C) 2014-2015  Hercules Dev Team
//= Hercules is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//= the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//= (at your option) any later version.
//= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//= GNU General Public License for more details.
//= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//= along with this program.  If not, see <>.
//= Items Database

item_db: (
//  Items Database
 ************* Entry structure ************************************************
	// =================== Mandatory fields ===============================
	Id: ID						(int)
	AegisName: "Aegis_Name"	   (string)
	Name: "Item Name"			 (string)
	// =================== Optional fields
	Type: Item Type			   (string, defaults to "IT_ETC")
	Buy: Buy Price				(int, defaults to Sell * 2)
	Sell: Sell Price			  (int, defaults to Buy / 2)
	Weight: Item Weight		   (int, defaults to 0)
	Atk: Attack				   (int, defaults to 0)
	Matk: Magical Attack		  (int, defaults to 0, ignored in pre-re)
	Def: Defense				  (int, defaults to 0)
	Range: Attack Range		   (int, defaults to 0)
	MinRange: Minimal Attack Range (int, defaults to 0)
	Slots: Slots				  (int, defaults to 0)
	Job: Job mask				 (int, defaults to all jobs = 0xFFFFFFFF)
	Upper: Upper mask			 (bitmask array, string or int, defaults to "ITEMUPPER_ALL")
	Gender: Gender				(string, defaults to "SEX_ANY")
	Loc: Equip location		   (bitmask array, string or int, required value for equipment)
	WeaponLv: Weapon Level		(int, defaults to 0)
	EquipLv: Equip required level (int, defaults to 0)
	EquipLv: [min, max]		   (alternative syntax with min / max level)
	Refine: Refineable			(boolean, defaults to true)
	DisableOptions: true/false	(boolean, defaults to false !!for equipments only!!) [Smokexyz]
	Subtype: Item Subtype		 (int, defaults to 0)
			W_FIST,	  ///< Bare hands
			W_DAGGER,	//1
			W_1HSWORD,   //2
			W_2HSWORD,   //3
			W_1HSPEAR,   //4
			W_2HSPEAR,   //5
			W_1HAXE,	 //6
			W_2HAXE,	 //7
			W_MACE,	  //8
			W_2HMACE,	//9 (unused)
			W_STAFF,	 //10
			W_BOW,	   //11
			W_KNUCKLE,   //12
			W_MUSICAL,   //13
			W_WHIP,	  //14
			W_BOOK,	  //15
			W_KATAR,	 //16
			W_REVOLVER,  //17
			W_RIFLE,	 //18
			W_GATLING,   //19
			W_SHOTGUN,   //20
			W_GRENADE,   //21
			W_HUUMA,	 //22
			W_2HSTAFF,   //23
	ViewSprite: Sprite view ID	(int, defaults to 0)
	BindOnEquip: true/false	   (boolean, defaults to false)
	ForceSerial: true/false	   (boolean, defaults to false)
	BuyingStore: true/false	   (boolean, defaults to false)
	Delay: Delay to use item	  (int, defaults to 0)
	FloorLifeTime: Delay to remove item from ground (int, default flooritem_lifetime)
	KeepAfterUse: true/false	  (boolean, defaults to false)
	DropAnnounce: true/false	  (boolean, defaults to false)
	AllowPickup: true/false	   (boolean, defaults to true)
	Charm: true/false			 (boolean, defaults to false)
	MaxFloorOffset: [x, y]		(int, defaults to 8)
	MaxFloorOffset: offset		(int, defaults to 8)
	Identified: true/false		(boolean, default to true)
	RequiredStr: required strength (int, default to 0)
	RequiredAgi: required agility  (int, default to 0)
	RequiredVit: required vitality (int, default to 0)
	RequiredInt: required intellect (int, default to 0)
	RequiredDex: required dexterity (int, default to 0)
	RequiredLuk: required luck	 (int, default to 0)
	RequiredMaxHp: required max hp (int, default to 0)
	RequiredMaxSp: required max sp (int, default to 0)
	RequiredAtk: required attack   (int, default to 0)
	RequiredMAtkMin: required minimal magic attack (int, default to 0)
	RequiredMAtkMax: required maximum magic attack (int, default to 0)
	RequiredDef: required defence  (int, default to 0)
	RequiredMDef: required magic defence (int, default to 0)
	RequiredSkill: required skill (int, default to 0)
	UseEffect: effect if use/equip item success (int, default to -1)
	UseFailEffect: effect if use/equip item failed (int, default to -1)
	UnequipEffect: effect if unequip item success (int, default to -1)
	UnequipFailEffect: effect if unequip item failed (int, default to -1)
	Trade: {					  (defaults to no restrictions)
		override: GroupID			 (int, defaults to 100)
		nodrop: true/false			(boolean, defaults to false)
		notrade: true/false		   (boolean, defaults to false)
		partneroverride: true/false   (boolean, defaults to false)
		noselltonpc: true/false	   (boolean, defaults to false)
		nocart: true/false			(boolean, defaults to false)
		nostorage: true/false		 (boolean, defaults to false)
		nogstorage: true/false		(boolean, defaults to false)
		nomail: true/false			(boolean, defaults to false)
		noauction: true/false		 (boolean, defaults to false)
	Nouse: {					  (defaults to no restrictions)
		override: GroupID			 (int, defaults to 100)
		sitting: true/false		   (boolean, defaults to false)
	Stack: [amount, type]		 (int, defaults to 0)
	Sprite: SpriteID			  (int, defaults to 0)
	Script: <"
		(it can be multi-line)
	OnEquipScript: <" OnEquip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
	OnUnequipScript: <" OnUnequip Script (can also be multi-line) ">
	OnDropScript: <" OnDrop Script (can also be multi-line) ">
	OnTakeScript: <" OnTake Script (can also be multi-line) ">
	OnInsertCardScript: <" OnInsert card Script (can also be multi-line) ">
	AllowCards: {
		idNUM: amount		 (NUM is id number, amount is amount)
	AllowAmmo: {
		idNUM: something	  (NUM is id number)
501	 699		 = Usable Items
700	 999		 = Generic Items
1000	1149		= Necklaces
1150	1299		= Charms
1300	1799		= Chest Armors
1800	1999		= Boots
2000	2199		= Gloves
2200	2499		= Pants
2500	2699		= Rings
2700	2899		= Shields
2900	3199		= Head Gears
3200	3499		= Neck Armors
3500	3999		= Melee Weapons
4000	4999		= Pets
5000	5999		= Cards
6000	6499		= Ranged Weapons
6500	6999		= Ammo
7000	7399		= Magical Weapons (MAtk weapons)
7400	9999		= Others
	Id: 501
	AegisName: "Acorn"
	Name: "Acorn"
	Buy: 20
	Sell: 7
	Weight: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 501
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		if (@useType == 1) {
			getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0);
			if (rand(1,10) != 3) {
				monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Oak"), 1017, 1);
				callfunc "SaggyScoreUpdate", 1;
			} else {
				monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Not An Oak"), SpringSquirrel, 1);
		} else {
			@type = 0;
			doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 502
	AegisName: "Bread"
	Name: "Bread"
	Buy: 46
	Sell: 17
	Weight: 25
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 502
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		//sc_start SC_INCATKRATE, 10000, 100;
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 503
	AegisName: "Fungus"
	Name: "Fungus"
	Buy: 45
	Sell: 15
	Weight: 8
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 503
	Delay: 1000
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_end SC_POISON;
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 504
	AegisName: "Cheese"
	Name: "Cheese"
	Buy: 55
	Sell: 17
	Weight: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 504
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 505
	AegisName: "PiouLegs"
	Name: "Piou Legs"
	Buy: 15
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 505
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 506
	AegisName: "LettuceLeaf"
	Name: "Lettuce Leaf"
	Buy: 30
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 506
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 507
	AegisName: "Piberries"
	Name: "Piberries"
	Buy: 20
	Sell: 9
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 507
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 508
	AegisName: "SeaDrops"
	Name: "Sea Drops"
	Buy: 6
	Sell: 2
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 508
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start SC_POISON, 30000, 0;
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 509
	AegisName: "Aquada"
	Name: "Aquada"
	Buy: 120
	Sell: 42
	Weight: 16
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 509
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 510
	AegisName: "PinkBlobime"
	Name: "Pink Blobime"
	Buy: 10
	Sell: 4
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 510
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start2 SC_POISON, 1, 30, 3333;
		@type = 0;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 511
	AegisName: "PurpleBlobime"
	Name: "Purple Blobime"
	Buy: 20
	Sell: 7
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 511
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start2 SC_POISON, 1, 30, 6666;
		@type = 0;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 512
	AegisName: "HalfCroconut"
	Name: "Half Croconut"
	Buy: 75
	Sell: 26
	Weight: 38
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 512
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 513
	AegisName: "Croconut"
	Name: "Croconut"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 35
	Weight: 80
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 513
	Script: <"
		doevent "Croconut::OnUse";
	Id: 514
	AegisName: "CaramelCandy"
	Name: "Caramel Candy"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 514
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 0;
		if ($@SEASON == WINTER) {
			@rarity = 10;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 515
	AegisName: "Plushroom"
	Name: "Plushroom"
	Buy: 42
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 7
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 515
	Delay: 1000
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 15000, 5;
		@min = 30;
		@max = 60;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 516
	AegisName: "PumpkishJuice"
	Name: "Pumpkish Juice"
	Buy: 200
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 527
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 30;
		@max = 50;
		@delay = 4;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 517
	AegisName: "DeliciousCookie"
	Name: "Delicious Cookie"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 30
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 2
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 517
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Id: 518
	AegisName: "UrchinMeat"
	Name: "Urchin Meat"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 18
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 518
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 519
	AegisName: "EasterEgg"
	Name: "Easter Egg"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 20
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 519
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 3;
		if ($EVENT$ == "Easter") {
			sc_start SC_INCHIT,10000,10;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 520
	AegisName: "PiberriesInfusion"
	Name: "Piberries Infusion"
	Buy: 140
	Sell: 47
	Weight: 15
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 520
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 4;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 521
	AegisName: "FatesPotion"
	Name: "Fates Potion"
	Buy: 250
	Sell: 84
	Weight: 17
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 521
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 4;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 522
	AegisName: "ClothoLiquor"
	Name: "Clotho Liquor"
	Buy: 600
	Sell: 200
	Weight: 16
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 522
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 4;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 523
	AegisName: "LachesisBrew"
	Name: "Lachesis Brew"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 330
	Weight: 14
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 523
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 4;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 524
	AegisName: "AtroposMixture"
	Name: "Atropos Mixture"
	Buy: 2450
	Sell: 815
	Weight: 15
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 524
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 4;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 525
	AegisName: "ElixirOfLife"
	Name: "Elixir Of Life"
	Buy: 5000
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 525
	Delay: 1000
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_end SC_STONE;
		sc_end SC_FREEZE;
		sc_end SC_STUN;
		sc_end SC_SLEEP;
		sc_end SC_POISON;
		sc_end SC_CURSE;
		sc_end SC_SILENCE;
		sc_end SC_CONFUSION;
		sc_end SC_BLIND;
		sc_end SC_BLOODING;
		sc_end SC_DPOISON;
		sc_end SC_FEAR;
		sc_end SC_COLD;
		sc_end SC_BURNING;
		sc_end SC_DEEP_SLEEP;
		sc_end SC_DEC_AGI;
		percentheal 100, 100;
	Id: 526
	AegisName: "IronShovel"
	Name: "Iron Shovel"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 5000
	Sell: 750
	Weight: 210
	Refine: false
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
		if (@useType == 1) {
			doevent "Shovel::OnBury";
		} else {
			doevent "Shovel::OnDig";
	Id: 527
	AegisName: "SteelShovel"
	Name: "Steel Shovel"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 210
	Refine: false
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
		if (@useType == 1) {
			doevent "Shovel::OnBury";
		} else {
			doevent "Shovel::OnDig";
	Id: 528
	AegisName: "Manana"
	Name: "Manana"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 35
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 528
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 529
	AegisName: "Curshroom"
	Name: "Curshroom"
	Buy: 150
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 529
	Delay: 1000
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start SC_INCATKRATE, 30000, 10;
		//sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 30000, 5;
		sc_end SC_POISON;
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 530
	AegisName: "Carrot"
	Name: "Carrot"
	Buy: 300
	Sell: 80
	Weight: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 530
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		if ($EVENT$ == "Easter" || $EVENT$ == "Valentine") {
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 531
	AegisName: "RedPlushWine"
	Name: "Red Plush Wine"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 110
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 531
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@taste = 12;
		@Alcohol = 16;
		doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
	Id: 532
	AegisName: "DwarvenSake"
	Name: "Dwarven Sake"
	Buy: 800
	Sell: 220
	Weight: 14
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 532
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@taste = 20;
		@Alcohol = 25;
		doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
	Id: 533
	AegisName: "CrazyRum"
	Name: "Crazy Rum"
	Buy: 1600
	Sell: 440
	Weight: 25
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 533
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@taste = 30;
		@Alcohol = 40;
		doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
	Id: 534
	AegisName: "WhiskeyAle"
	Name: "Whiskey Ale"
	Buy: 3200
	Sell: 880
	Weight: 55
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 534
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@taste = 50;
		@Alcohol = 70;
		doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
	Id: 535
	AegisName: "JesusalvaGrimorium"
	Name: "Jesusaves's Grimorium"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 64000
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 25
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		doevent "#Book-JGrimorium::OnUse";
	Id: 536
	AegisName: "PetcaringGuide"
	Name: "Fluffy Animals who Love Their Owners"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 70
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 20
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
		doevent "#Book-Petcaring::OnUse";
	Id: 537
	AegisName: "BookOfLaws"
	Name: "The Book of Laws"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 10
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		doevent "@rules::OnUseBook";
	Id: 538
	AegisName: "FishingGuideVolI"
	Name: "Fishing Guide Vol. I"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 60
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 30
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		doevent "#Book-Fishing1::OnUse";
	Id: 539
	AegisName: "RoastedMaggot"
	Name: "Roasted Maggot"
	Buy: 110
	Sell: 55
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 539
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 540
	AegisName: "RedApple"
	Name: "Red Apple"
	Buy: 99
	Sell: 8
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 540
	Delay: 400
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 541
	AegisName: "CactusPotion"
	Name: "Cactus Potion"
	Buy: 70
	Sell: 35
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 541
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 542
	AegisName: "CactusDrink"
	Name: "Cactus Drink"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 542
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 543
	AegisName: "ApanaCake"
	Name: "Apana Cake"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 543
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@delay= 5;
		@type = 3;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 544
	AegisName: "Beer"
	Name: "Beer"
	Buy: 195
	Sell: 55
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 544
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
		@taste = 5;
		@Alcohol = 7;
		doevent "alcohol_sc::OnUse";
	Id: 545
	AegisName: "Blueberries"
	Name: "Blueberries"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 545
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 0;
		if ($EVENT$ == "SPRING") {
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 546
	AegisName: "Candy"
	Name: "Candy"
	Buy: 75
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 546
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 0;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 547
	AegisName: "BottleOfSeaWater"
	Name: "Bottle Of Sea Water"
	Buy: 80
	Sell: 35
	Weight: 70
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 547
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
		if (rand(1,8) != 4)
			getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
	Id: 548
	AegisName: "CandyCane"
	Name: "Candy Cane"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 548
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 0;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 549
	AegisName: "Cherry"
	Name: "Cherry"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 549
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 550
	AegisName: "CherryCake"
	Name: "Cherry Cake"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 550
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 551
	AegisName: "ChickenLeg"
	Name: "Chicken Leg"
	Buy: 200
	Sell: 65
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 551
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 552
	AegisName: "ChocolateMouboo"
	Name: "Chocolate Mouboo"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 12
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 552
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@delay = rand(1,8);
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 553
	AegisName: "GingerBreadMan"
	Name: "Ginger Bread Man"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 553
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 0;
		if ($@SEASON == WINTER) {
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 554
	AegisName: "GoldenApple"
	Name: "Golden Apple"
	Buy: 50000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 7
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 554
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@delay = 30;
		@type = 4;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 555
	AegisName: "JarOfBlood"
	Name: "Jar Of Blood"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 555
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 556
	AegisName: "JellyBeans"
	Name: "Jelly Beans"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 556
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 0;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 557
	AegisName: "RecipeBook"
	Name: "Recipe Book"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
		doevent "#RecipeBook::OnUse";
	Id: 558
	AegisName: "Mashmallow"
	Name: "Mashmallow"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 558
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 0;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 559
	AegisName: "Milk"
	Name: "Milk"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 556
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 560
	AegisName: "Orange"
	Name: "Orange"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 560
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 75;
		@max = 120;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 561
	AegisName: "OrangeCupcake"
	Name: "Orange Cupcake"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 561
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 200;
		@max = 400;
		@delay = 2;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 562
	AegisName: "Pear"
	Name: "Pear"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 562
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 563
	AegisName: "Plum"
	Name: "Plum"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 563
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 564
	AegisName: "PumpkinJuice"
	Name: "Pumpkin Juice"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 564
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 565
	AegisName: "PumpkinSeed"
	Name: "Pumpkin Seed"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 565
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 566
	AegisName: "BigPumpkinSeed"
	Name: "Big Pumpkin Seed"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 566
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 567
	AegisName: "SkullBloodyMug"
	Name: "Skull Bloody Mug"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 567
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 4;
		@max = 4;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 568
	AegisName: "SkullPotion"
	Name: "Skull Potion"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 568
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 569
	AegisName: "SmallMushroom"
	Name: "Small Mushroom"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 569
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 570
	AegisName: "MoubooSteak"
	Name: "Mouboo Steak"
	Buy: 200
	Sell: 65
	Weight: 125
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 570
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 571
	AegisName: "TonoriDelight"
	Name: "Tonori Delight"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 20
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 571
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 3;
		itemheal 0, rand(32,96);
		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 10000, 3;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 572
	AegisName: "XmasCake"
	Name: "Xmas Cake"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 572
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 100;
		@max = 400;
		if ($EVENT$ == "Christmas") {
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 573
	AegisName: "XmasCandyCane"
	Name: "Xmas Candy Cane"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 18
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 573
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 80;
		@max = 350;
		if ($EVENT$ == "Christmas") {
		@delay = 4;
		@type = 1;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 574
	AegisName: "ZombieNachos"
	Name: "Zombie Nachos"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 574
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 583
	AegisName: "ChocolateBiscuit"
	Name: "Chocolate Biscuit"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 583
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 584
	AegisName: "ChocolateBar"
	Name: "Chocolate Bar"
	Buy: 90
	Sell: 40
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 584
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 0;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 585
	AegisName: "CaveSnakeEgg"
	Name: "Cave Snake Egg"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 50
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 585
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 586
	AegisName: "SmokeGrenade"
	Name: "SmokeGrenade"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 700
	Sell: 350
	Weight: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 541
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "FX_SMOKEBOMB"
	Script: <"
	callfunc "areasc", 3, 600+BaseLevel*3, SC_SLEEP, BL_MOB;
	//itemskill AS_CLOAKING,1,1;
	//itemskill SM_MAGNUM,1;
	//itemskill(, 1, 1);
	Id: 587
	AegisName: "BugLeg"
	Name: "Bug Leg"
	Buy: 30
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 587
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 8;
		@max = 14;
		@delay = 1;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 588
	AegisName: "Toothbrush"
	Name: "Toothbrush"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 1
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nocart: true
		nostorage: false
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		announce l("@@ has the clear smile of victory!", strcharinfo(0)), bc_all;
		if (.@r % 2 == 1)
			getitem StrangeCoin, 10;
			getitem BronzeGift, 1;
	Id: 589
	AegisName: "BronzeGift"
	Name: "Bronze Gift"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 25
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, SharpKnife, BugLeg, Cheese, Aquada, BronzeGladius, Aquada, Lockpicks, IronAmmoBox, ArrowAmmoBox, ElixirOfLife;

		if (.@n > 3)
			getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
			getitem .@r[.@n], rand(5,10);
	Id: 590
	AegisName: "SilverGift"
	Name: "Silver Gift"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 45
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, SnakeEgg, BronzeGift, Dagger, Aquada, Chagashroom, MoubooSteak, RedApple, IronOre, Coal, CursedAmmoBox, IronAmmoBox, SilverRing;

		if (.@n > 4)
			getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
			getitem .@r[.@n], rand(9,21);
	Id: 591
	AegisName: "GoldenGift"
	Name: "Golden Gift"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 65
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, CasinoCoins, IronIngot, SaxsoKey, GoldenApple, GoldenRing, GoldOre, PoisonAmmoBox, CursedAmmoBox, MercBoxA, SilverGift;

		if (.@n > 2)
			getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
			getitem .@r[.@n], rand(20,40);
	Id: 592
	AegisName: "PrismGift"
	Name: "Prism Gift"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 85
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, StrangeCoin, IronIngot, CopperIngot, TinIngot, SilverIngot, GoldIngot, PlatinumOre, IridiumOre, TitaniumOre, LeadOre, FourLeafClover, MercBoxA, MercBoxB, GoldenGift, ThornAmmoBox, PoisonAmmoBox, PolishedDiamond, PolishedRuby, PolishedEmerald, PolishedSapphire, PolishedAmethyst, PolishedTopaz, SacredLifePotion, SacredManaPotion, ArcmageBoxset;

		if (.@n > 1)
			getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
			getitem .@r[.@n], rand(40,60);
	Id: 593
	AegisName: "SupremeGift"
	Name: "Supreme Gift"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 115
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, Googles, BlueManaPearl, Bloodstone, LavaManaPearl, DivineApple, BowlerHat, Butterfly, BoneAmmoBox, CrystallizedMaggot, DarkEggshellHat, MercBoxB, MercBoxC, PrismGift;

		if (.@n > 0)
			getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
			getitem .@r[.@n], rand(60,80);
	Id: 594
	AegisName: "DesertTablet"
	Name: "Desert Tablet"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 860
	// For the moment yes, but will be removed when quest is released
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		dispbottom l("Impossible to read.");
	Id: 595
	AegisName: "BottleOfDivineWater"
	Name: "Bottle Of Divine Water"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 50
	Weight: 69
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 595
	Delay: 400
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		// Effect up on Aeros
		if (strpos(.@ma$, "001-") >= 0)
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
		getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
	Id: 596
	AegisName: "BottleOfTonoriWater"
	Name: "Bottle Of Tonori Water"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 30
	Weight: 70
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 596
	Delay: 450
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 180;
		@max = 800;
		@delay = 3;
		@type = 1;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
		if (rand(1,7) != 4)
			getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
	Id: 597
	AegisName: "ChocolateBunny"
	Name: "Chocolate Bunny"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 96
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 597
	Delay: 800
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 598
	AegisName: "DivineApple"
	Name: "Divine Apple"
	Buy: 40000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 16
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 598
	Delay: 100
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 4;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 599
	AegisName: "SnakeEgg"
	Name: "Snake Egg"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 70
	Weight: 8
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 599
	Delay: 800
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 600
	AegisName: "MountainSnakeEgg"
	Name: "Moutain Snake Egg"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 80
	Weight: 9
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 600
	Delay: 800
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 601
	AegisName: "Chagashroom"
	Name: "Chagashroom"
	Buy: 42
	Sell: 13
	Weight: 9
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 601
	Delay: 1000
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		// SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER is not caught by client but works.
		// SC_STRUP is caught by client, but raises STR in a weird way.
		// SC_INCATKRATE works best of all ^.^
		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 15000, 5;
		@min = 30;
		@max = 60;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 602
	AegisName: "PinkieLeg"
	Name: "Pinkie Leg"
	Buy: 35
	Sell: 15
	Weight: 12
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 602
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 45;
		@max = 75;
		@delay = 6;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 603
	AegisName: "HastePotion"
	Name: "Haste Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 820
	Sell: 240
	Weight: 12
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 30000, 30;
	Id: 604
	AegisName: "StrengthPotion"
	Name: "Strength Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 820
	Sell: 240
	Weight: 12
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER, 30000, 30;
	Id: 605
	AegisName: "BottleOfSewerWater"
	Name: "Bottle Of Sewer Water"
	Buy: 40
	Sell: 20
	Weight: 65
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 605
	Delay: 450
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		// Read the documentation, Saulc
		// Example:
		// 		This will poison the invoking character for 10 minutes at 50% chance.
		// 		sc_start(SC_POISON, 600000, 0, 5000);
		// Usage:
		//		sc_start(<effect type>, <ticks>, <value 1>{, <rate>, <flag>{, <GID>}})
		sc_start SC_POISON, 9000, 0, 6700;
		@min = 18;
		@max = 40;
		@delay = 3;
		@type = 1;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
		getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
	Id: 606
	AegisName: "PirateTreasureMap"
	Name: "Pirate Treasure Map"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 450000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 14
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		dispbottom ("Error, contact pirate about this! or just blame Saulc");
	Id: 607
	AegisName: "MysteriousBottle"
	Name: "Mysterious Bottle"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 25
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		//					 0	   	1			   2			3				4		 	  5			   6		  7			 8				 9			  10		  11		 12			   13		  14		  15
		setarray .@r, StrangeCoin, SilkCocoon, MushroomSpores, RattoTeeth, BottleOfSeaWater, SpellBookPage, SpellBookPage, AncientBlueprint, SpellBookPage, PirateTreasureMap, TreasureKey, GrassCarp, CottonCloth, CasinoCoins, CrazyRum, Pearl;

		if (.@n > 3)
			getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
			getitem .@r[.@n], rand(1,3);
	Id: 608
	AegisName: "CelestiaTea"
	Name: "Celestia Tea"
	Buy: 280
	Sell: 60
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 502
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		percentheal -5, 15;
	Id: 609
	AegisName: "CactusCocktail"
	Name: "Cactus Cocktail"
	Buy: 300
	Sell: 3
	Weight: 12
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 609
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 90;
		@max = 260;
		if ($@SEASON == SUMMER) {
			@min = 270;
			@max = 780;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 610
	AegisName: "AppleCocktail"
	Name: "Apple Cocktail"
	Buy: 300
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 13
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 610
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 130;
		@max = 307;
		if ($@SEASON == SUMMER) {
			@min = 390;
			@max = 921;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 611
	AegisName: "CherryCocktail"
	Name: "Cherry Cocktail"
	Buy: 300
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 14
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 609
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 165;
		@max = 395;
		if ($@SEASON == SUMMER) {
			@min = 495;
			@max = 1185;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 612
	AegisName: "FriendGift"
	Name: "Friend Gift"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 0
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		if (BaseLevel < 5) {
			dispbottom l("You must reach level 5 to open this gift.");
			getitembound FriendGift, 1, 1;
		} else {
			getitem ScorpionStinger, rand(1,3);
			getitem BugLeg, rand(1,3);
			getitem MaggotSlime, rand(1,3);

			if (rand(1,2) == 1)
				getitem Beer, 1;
				getitem CottonCloth, 1;

			switch(rand(1,3)) {
			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 3:
			getitem .@it, rand(2,3);
			dispbottom l("Dear @@, I send you this gift in hopes you do well in TMW2.", strcharinfo(0));
			//rodex_sendmail_acc(#REFERRAL_PROG, "TMW2 Team", "Invite Accepted", strcharinfo(0)+" accepted your invite and got level 5!\nThe one who invites most will win the recruitment event!", rand(50,150));
			// I can't warrant this won't break stuff so I left commented out
			//message(#REFERRAL_PROG, strcharinfo(0)+" accepted your invite to play TMW2.");
	Id: 613
	AegisName: "BlackMambaEgg"
	Name: "Black Mamba Egg"
	Buy: 200
	Sell: 20
	Weight: 4
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 2;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
		//itemheal rand(100, 250), 0;
		@min = 100;
		@max = 250;
		@delay = 1;
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 614
	AegisName: "TimeFlask"
	Name: "Time Flask"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		doevent "LoF Teleporter::OnUse";
	Id: 615
	AegisName: "HerbalTea"
	Name: "Herbal Tea"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1240
	Sell: 480
	Weight: 12
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 30000, 60;
		sc_start SC_POISON, 40000, 0;
		itemheal 0, rand(10,200);
	Id: 616
	AegisName: "BottleOfWoodlandWater"
	Name: "Bottle Of Woodland Water"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 80
	Weight: 70
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 596
	Delay: 450
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 300;
		@max = 700;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
		if (rand(1,7) != 4)
			getitem EmptyBottle, 1;
	Id: 617
	AegisName: "FertilizedSpores"
	Name: "Fertilized Spores"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 2
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		switch (rand(1,3)) {
			case 1:
			case 2:
		.@name$=strmobinfo(1, .@mid);
		if (@useType == 1) {
			if (!getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0)) {
				monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, .@name$, .@mid, .@am);
				//$TREE_PLANTED=$TREE_PLANTED+1; // Not a tree.... right?
	Id: 618
	AegisName: "Potatoz"
	Name: "Potatoz"
	Buy: 200
	Sell: 20
	Weight: 88
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 618
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 1;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 619
	AegisName: "Manapple"
	Name: "Manapple"
	Buy: 20000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 619
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@type = 4;
		doevent "rand_sc_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 620
	AegisName: "Lockpicks"
	Name: "Lockpicks"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 50
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
		dispbottom l("Lockpicks are the basic tools for thiefs. Talk to a vault in order to attempt lockpicking.");
	Id: 621
	AegisName: "Lawncandy"
	Name: "Lawncandy"
	Buy: 75
	Sell: 26
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 621
	Delay: 400
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 33;
		@max = 99;
		if ($@SEASON == AUTUMN) {
			@min = 330;
			@max = 990;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 622
	AegisName: "Saulcandy"
	Name: "Saulcandy"
	Buy: 75
	Sell: 30
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 622
	Delay: 400
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 33;
		@max = 99;
		if ($@SEASON == AUTUMN) {
			@min = 330;
			@max = 990;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 623
	AegisName: "Poocandy"
	Name: "Poocandy"
	Buy: 75
	Sell: 18
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 623
	Delay: 400
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		@min = 33;
		@max = 99;
		if ($@SEASON == AUTUMN) {
			@min = 330;
			@max = 990;
		@delay = 3;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
	Id: 624
	AegisName: "PumpkandySeed"
	Name: "Pumpkandy Seed"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 1
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
			if (!getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0)) {
				monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Pumpkandy"), Pumpkandy, 1);
				if ($EVENT$ == "Halloween")
					monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Pumpkandy"), Pumpkandy, 1);
				//$TREE_PLANTED=$TREE_PLANTED+1; // Not a tree.
	Id: 625
	AegisName: "PumpkinLollipop"
	Name: "Pumpkin Lollipop"
	Buy: 42
	Sell: 13
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 625
	Delay: 1000
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_start SC_ATTHASTE_POTION1, 17000, 10;
		@min = 40;
		@max = 70;
		@delay = 4;
		doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
// 626-629 missing
	Id: 630
	AegisName: "XmasGift"
	Name: "Christmas Gift"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 25
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		noselltonpc: true
	Script: <"
		setarray .@s, SantaGlobe, SnowmanGlobe, UglyChristmasSweater, MercBoxB, IceGladius;
		setarray .@r, SantaGlobe, SnowmanGlobe, UglyChristmasSweater, TneckSweater, MercBoxA, MercBoxA, MercBoxB, ElixirOfLife, NoviceWand, LeadOre, DarkDesertMushroom;
		setarray .@c, BronzeGift, IcedBottle, TneckSweater, MercBoxA, MercBoxA, ClothoLiquor, Dagger, Coal, HastePotion, HerbalTea, StrengthPotion, TrainingWand;
		// 1% super rare chance
		if (.@al < 1) {
			getitem .@s[.@n], 1;
		// 26% rare chance
		} else if (rand(0,100) < 27) {
			getitem .@r[.@n], 1;
		} else {
			getitem .@c[.@n], 1;
	Id: 631
	AegisName: "EmptyBox"
	Name: "Empty Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 25
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 80
	Refine: false
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
		doevent "Empty Box#it::OnUse";
	Id: 632
	AegisName: "TolchiAmmoBox"
	Name: "Tolchi Ammo Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 250
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 215
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 632
	Script: <"
		getitem TolchiArrow, rand(190, 210);
	Id: 633
	AegisName: "TrainingAmmoBox"
	Name: "Training Ammo Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 350
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 215
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 633
	Script: <"
		getitem TrainingArrow, rand(190, 210);
	Id: 634
	AegisName: "ArrowAmmoBox"
	Name: "Arrow Ammo Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 450
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 215
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 634
	Script: <"
		getitem Arrow, rand(190, 210);
	Id: 635
	AegisName: "IronAmmoBox"
	Name: "Iron Ammo Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 600
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 215
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 635
	Script: <"
		getitem IronArrow, rand(190, 210);
	Id: 636
	AegisName: "CursedAmmoBox"
	Name: "Cursed Ammo Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 750
	Sell: 200
	Weight: 215
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 636
	Script: <"
		getitem CursedArrow, rand(190, 210);
	Id: 637
	AegisName: "PoisonAmmoBox"
	Name: "Poison Ammo Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1150
	Sell: 300
	Weight: 430
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 637
	Script: <"
		getitem PoisonArrow, rand(190, 210);
	Id: 638
	AegisName: "ThornAmmoBox"
	Name: "Thorn Ammo Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1750
	Sell: 400
	Weight: 430
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 638
	Script: <"
		getitem ThornArrow, rand(190, 210);
	Id: 639
	AegisName: "BoneAmmoBox"
	Name: "Bone Ammo Box"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 3650
	Sell: 800
	Weight: 1100
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 639
	Script: <"
		getitem BoneArrow, rand(190, 210);
	Id: 640
	AegisName: "ReturnPotion"
	Name: "Return Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1800
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 11
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 640
	Delay: 30000
	UseEffect: 64
	Script: <"
		// We would want warp to be delayed a bit but meh
		warp "Save", 0, 0;
	Id: 641
	AegisName: "BoxOfChocolates"
	Name: "Box Of Chocolates"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 3700
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 11
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 641
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
			dispbottom l("Past due date.");
		} else {
			// I know technically this is wrong grammar, but I want fixed width
			if (rand(0,1))
				dispbottom l("It's tasty ^.^");
				dispbottom l("It's yummy ^.^");
	Id: 642
	AegisName: "HousingLetterI"
	Name: "Housing Letter I"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 11
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 642
	Script: <"
	Id: 643
	AegisName: "HousingLetterII"
	Name: "Housing Letter II"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 11
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 643
	Script: <"
	Id: 644
	AegisName: "HousingLetterIII"
	Name: "Housing Letter III"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 11
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 644
	Script: <"
	Id: 645
	AegisName: "StatusResetPotion"
	Name: "Status Reset Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 700
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 645
	Script: <"
		dispbottom l("Your status points were reset.");
	Id: 646
	AegisName: "MoveSpeedPotion"
	Name: "Move Speed Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 646
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 150;
		@max = 150;
		@delay = 5;
		@type = SC_WALKSPEED;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 647
	AegisName: "PrecisionPotion"
	Name: "Precision Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 647
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 40;
		@max = 40;
		@delay = 20;
		@type = SC_INCHIT;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 648
	AegisName: "LukPotionA"
	Name: "Luck Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 5;
		@max = 10;
		@delay = 20;
		@type = SC_INCLUK;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 649
	AegisName: "LukPotionB"
	Name: "Luck+ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 10;
		@max = 20;
		@delay = 17;
		@type = SC_INCLUK;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 650
	AegisName: "LukPotionC"
	Name: "Luck++ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 20;
		@max = 30;
		@delay = 14;
		@type = SC_INCLUK;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 651
	AegisName: "DexPotionA"
	Name: "Dex Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 5;
		@max = 10;
		@delay = 20;
		@type = SC_INCDEX;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 652
	AegisName: "DexPotionB"
	Name: "Dex+ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 10;
		@max = 20;
		@delay = 17;
		@type = SC_INCDEX;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 653
	AegisName: "DexPotionC"
	Name: "Dex++ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 20;
		@max = 30;
		@delay = 14;
		@type = SC_INCDEX;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 654
	AegisName: "IntPotionA"
	Name: "Int Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 5;
		@max = 10;
		@delay = 20;
		@type = SC_INCINT;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 655
	AegisName: "IntPotionB"
	Name: "Int+ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 10;
		@max = 20;
		@delay = 17;
		@type = SC_INCINT;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 656
	AegisName: "IntPotionC"
	Name: "Int++ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 20;
		@max = 30;
		@delay = 14;
		@type = SC_INCINT;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 657
	AegisName: "VitPotionA"
	Name: "Vit Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 5;
		@max = 10;
		@delay = 20;
		@type = SC_INCVIT;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 658
	AegisName: "VitPotionB"
	Name: "Vit+ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 10;
		@max = 20;
		@delay = 17;
		@type = SC_INCVIT;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 659
	AegisName: "VitPotionC"
	Name: "Vit++ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 20;
		@max = 30;
		@delay = 14;
		@type = SC_INCVIT;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 660
	AegisName: "AgiPotionA"
	Name: "Agi Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 5;
		@max = 10;
		@delay = 20;
		@type = SC_INCAGI;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 661
	AegisName: "AgiPotionB"
	Name: "Agi+ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 10;
		@max = 20;
		@delay = 17;
		@type = SC_INCAGI;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 662
	AegisName: "AgiPotionC"
	Name: "Agi++ Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 20;
		@max = 30;
		@delay = 14;
		@type = SC_INCAGI;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
// Id 663~665 reserved Str+ potions
// Id 666 reserved (change sex candy)
	Id: 667
	AegisName: "SacredLifePotion"
	Name: "Sacred Life Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 50
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 10;
		@max = 10;
		@delay = 120;
		@type = SC_INCMHPRATE;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 668
	AegisName: "SacredManaPotion"
	Name: "Sacred Mana Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 50
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 10;
		@max = 10;
		@delay = 120;
		@type = SC_INCMSPRATE;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 669
	AegisName: "DodgePotion"
	Name: "Dodge Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 40;
		@max = 40;
		@delay = 20;
		@type = SC_INCFLEE;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 670
	AegisName: "CandorWarpCrystal"
	Name: "Candor Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
	Id: 671
	AegisName: "TulimWarpCrystal"
	Name: "Tulim Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
	Id: 672
	AegisName: "HalinWarpCrystal"
	Name: "Halin Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
	Id: 673
	AegisName: "HurnsWarpCrystal"
	Name: "Hurns Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
	Id: 674
	AegisName: "LoFWarpCrystal"
	Name: "LoF Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
	Id: 675
	AegisName: "NivalWarpCrystal"
	Name: "Nivalis Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
	Id: 676
	AegisName: "FrostiaWarpCrystal"
	Name: "Frostia Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
	Id: 677
	AegisName: "LilitWarpCrystal"
	Name: "Lilit Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Delay: 500
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		doevent "Warp Crystal::OnUse";
// item id 678 and 679 reserved - warp crystals
	Id: 680
	AegisName: "TreasureMap"
	Name: "Treasure Map"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 45000
	Sell: 300
	Weight: 14
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		// ShovelQuests_Assigned<MAP$,X,Y>  Coordinates for Treasure Map
		if (!ShovelQuests_AssignedX) {
			callfunc "shovel_genrandtreasure";
		dispbottom l("A treasure is burried in @@, (@@, @@)", ShovelQuests_AssignedMAP$, ShovelQuests_AssignedX, ShovelQuests_AssignedY);
	Id: 681
	AegisName: "Coffee"
	Name: "Coffee"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 50
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		sc_end SC_SLEEP;
		sc_end SC_CURSE;
		percentheal 1, 10;
	Id: 682
	AegisName: "Grenade"
	Name: "Grenade"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 900
	Sell: 400
	Weight: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 682
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "FX_GRENADE"
	Script: <"
		//itemskill WZ_STORMGUST,3,0;
		//callfunc "grenade", 3, rand(500,700);
		callfunc "grenade", 3, rand(100,150)+BaseLevel*6, true;
	Id: 683
	AegisName: "MagicApple"
	Name: "Magic Apple"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	Delay: 500
	Script: <"
		@min = 3500;
		@max = 3500;
		@delay = 600;
		@type = SC_INCMHP;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";
	Id: 684
	AegisName: "TulimMap"
	Name: "Tulimshar Map"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 9
	Sell: 4
	Weight: 6
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		callfunc "wmap", "Tulim";

// Mounts (690 to 699, probably there will be extra IDs)
	Id: 696
	AegisName: "RidingMouboo"
	Name: "Riding Mouboo"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7500000
	Sell: 50000
	Weight: 500
	Refine: false
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bNoRegen,1;
		bonus bNoRegen,2;
		bonus bFleeRate,50;
		bonus bNoKnockback,1;
		bonus bSpeedAddRate,-5; // 25-10 = +15%. But the malus is done before...

		bonus bAtkRate,-100;
		bonus bMatkRate,-100;
		bonus bBaseAtk,-700;
	OnEquipScript: <"
		setmount 1;
	OnUnequipScript: <"
		setmount 0;
	Id: 697
	AegisName: "RidingTortuga"
	Name: "Riding Tortuga"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7500000
	Sell: 50000
	Weight: 500
	Refine: false
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bNoRegen,1;
		bonus bNoRegen,2;
		bonus bFleeRate,50;
		bonus bNoKnockback,1;
		bonus bSpeedAddRate,-6; // 25-15 = +10%. But the malus is done before...

		bonus bAtkRate,-100;
		bonus bMatkRate,-100;
		bonus bBaseAtk,-700;
	OnEquipScript: <"
		setmount 2;
	OnUnequipScript: <"
		setmount 0;
	Id: 698
	AegisName: "LegendaryMouboo"
	Name: "Legendary Mouboo"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7500000
	Sell: 50000
	Weight: 500
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bNoRegen,1;
		bonus bNoRegen,2;
		bonus bAtkRange,-1;
		bonus bFleeRate,50;
		bonus bAtkRate,-50;
		bonus bHitRate,-30;
		bonus bCritical,25;
		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
		bonus bSpeedAddRate,5; // 25+5 = +30%
		/* We can use them to protect mount from bows, for example
		bonus bNearAtkDef,-50;
		bonus bLongAtkDef,-50;
		bonus bMagicAtkDef,-50;
		bonus bCriticalDef,-50;
	OnEquipScript: <"
		setmount 1;
	OnUnequipScript: <"
		setmount 0;
	Id: 699
	AegisName: "LegendaryTortuga"
	Name: "Legendary Tortuga"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7500000
	Sell: 50000
	Weight: 500
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bNoRegen,1;
		bonus bNoRegen,2;
		bonus bAtkRange,-1;
		bonus bFleeRate,50;
		bonus bAtkRate,-50;
		bonus bHitRate,-30;
		bonus bCritical,25;
		bonus bNoKnockback,0;
		bonus bSpeedAddRate,5; // 25+5 = +30%
		/* We can use them to protect mount from bows, for example
		bonus bNearAtkDef,-50;
		bonus bLongAtkDef,-50;
		bonus bMagicAtkDef,-50;
		bonus bCriticalDef,-50;
	OnEquipScript: <"
		setmount 2;
	OnUnequipScript: <"
		setmount 0;
// Generic
	Id: 700
	AegisName: "SmallTentacles"
	Name: "Small Tentacles"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 16
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 700
	Id: 701
	AegisName: "PiouFeathers"
	Name: "Piou Feathers"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 10
	Sell: 3
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 701
	Id: 702
	AegisName: "TortugaShellFragment"
	Name: "Tortuga Shell Fragment"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 25
	Sell: 8
	Weight: 25
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 702
	Id: 703
	AegisName: "HalfEggshell"
	Name: "Half Eggshell"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 40
	Sell: 13
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 703
	Id: 704
	AegisName: "RattoTail"
	Name: "Ratto Tail"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 30
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 704
	Id: 705
	AegisName: "RattoTeeth"
	Name: "Ratto Teeth"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 30
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 705
	Id: 706
	AegisName: "CrocClaw"
	Name: "Croc Claw"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 60
	Sell: 22
	Weight: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 706
	Id: 707
	AegisName: "SquichyClaws"
	Name: "Squichy Claws"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 250
	Sell: 40
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 707
	Id: 708
	AegisName: "TortugaShell"
	Name: "Tortuga Shell"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 90
	Sell: 30
	Weight: 95
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 708
	Id: 709
	AegisName: "TortugaTongue"
	Name: "Tortuga Tongue"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 18
	Sell: 6
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 709
	Id: 710
	AegisName: "Pearl"
	Name: "Pearl"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 400
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 710
	Id: 711
	AegisName: "Coral"
	Name: "Coral"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 28
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 711
	Id: 712
	AegisName: "BlueCoral"
	Name: "Blue Coral"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 120
	Sell: 38
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 712
	Id: 713
	AegisName: "FishBox"
	Name: "Fish Box"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 3600
	Sell: 1200
	Weight: 1250
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 713
	Id: 714
	AegisName: "Emperium"
	Name: "Emperium"
	Buy: 2000000
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 5
// ID 714 Aquada Box moved to ID 864
	Id: 715
	AegisName: "CroconutBox"
	Name: "Croconut Box"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 800
	Sell: 300
	Weight: 680
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 715
	Id: 716
	AegisName: "PlushroomBox"
	Name: "Plushroom Box"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 2000
	Sell: 800
	Weight: 720
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 716
	Id: 717
	AegisName: "PoisonedDish"
	Name: "Poisoned Dish"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 717
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
	Id: 718
	AegisName: "SilverKey"
	Name: "Silver Key"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 718
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Id: 719
	AegisName: "LeftCraftyWing"
	Name: "Left Crafty Wing"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 540
	Weight: 35
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 719
	Id: 720
	AegisName: "BatTeeth"
	Name: "Bat Teeth"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 8
	Weight: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 720
	Id: 721
	AegisName: "RightCraftyWing"
	Name: "Right Crafty Wing"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 540
	Weight: 35
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 721
	Id: 722
	AegisName: "Pumpkin"
	Name: "Pumpkin"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 15
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 530
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 722
	Id: 723
	AegisName: "MushroomSpores"
	Name: "Mushroom Spores"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 8
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 723
	Id: 724
	AegisName: "Moss"
	Name: "Moss"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 20
	Sell: 2
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 724
	Id: 725
	AegisName: "Tentacles"
	Name: "Tentacles"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 30
	Weight: 8
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 725
	Id: 726
	AegisName: "CommonCarp"
	Name: "Common Carp"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 114
	Sell: 57
	Weight: 150
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 726
	Id: 727
	AegisName: "GrassCarp"
	Name: "Grass Carp"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 150
	Weight: 150
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 727
	Id: 728
	AegisName: "FishingRod"
	Name: "Fishing Rod"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 5000
	Sell: 150
	Weight: 60
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 728
	Id: 729
	AegisName: "Snowflake"
	Name: "Snowflake"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 0
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 729
	Id: 730
	AegisName: "ArtichokeHerb"
	Name: "Artichoke Herb"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 4
	Weight: 2
	Id: 731
	AegisName: "Diamond"
	Name: "Diamond"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 4000
	Sell: 1333
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 731
	Id: 732
	AegisName: "Ruby"
	Name: "Ruby"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 2000
	Sell: 667
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 732
	Id: 733
	AegisName: "Emerald"
	Name: "Emerald"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 3000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 733
	Id: 734
	AegisName: "Sapphire"
	Name: "Sapphire"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 12000
	Sell: 2200
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 734
	Id: 735
	AegisName: "Topaz"
	Name: "Topaz"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 2400
	Sell: 800
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 735
	Id: 736
	AegisName: "Amethyst"
	Name: "Amethyst"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 6000
	Sell: 1500
	Weight: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 736
	Id: 737
	AegisName: "BlackPearl"
	Name: "Black Pearl"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 200
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 737
	Id: 738
	AegisName: "Bloodstone"
	Name: "Blooodstone"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 25
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 738
	Id: 739
	AegisName: "CoinBag"
	Name: "Coin Bag"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 50
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 739
	Id: 740
	AegisName: "WolvernTooth"
	Name: "Wolvern Tooth"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 30
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 740
	Id: 741
	AegisName: "IronPowder"
	Name: "Iron Powder"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 66
	Weight: 7
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 741
	Id: 742
	AegisName: "PinkAntenna"
	Name: "Pink Antenna"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 12
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 742
	Id: 743
	AegisName: "AnimalBones"
	Name: "Animal Bones"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 70
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 743
	Id: 744
	AegisName: "Antlers"
	Name: "Antlers"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 744
	Id: 745
	AegisName: "BanditHood"
	Name: "Bandit Hood"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 31
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 745
	Id: 746
	AegisName: "BatWing"
	Name: "Bat Wing"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 746
	Id: 747
	AegisName: "BentNeedle"
	Name: "Bent Needle"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 747
	Id: 748
	AegisName: "Blanket"
	Name: "Blanket"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 748
	Id: 749
	AegisName: "Bone"
	Name: "Bone"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 80
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 749
	Id: 750
	AegisName: "BottleOfSand"
	Name: "Bottle Of Sand"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 750
	Id: 751
	AegisName: "Brainstem"
	Name: "Brainstem"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 751
	Id: 752
	AegisName: "CasinoCoins"
	Name: "Casino Coins"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 752
	Id: 753
	AegisName: "CaveSnakeLamp"
	Name: "Cave Snake Lamp"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 80
	Sell: 36
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 753
	Id: 754
	AegisName: "ClosedChristmasBox"
	Name: "Closed Christmas Box"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50000
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 100
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 754
	Id: 755
	AegisName: "Coal"
	Name: "Coal"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 755
	Id: 756
	AegisName: "CryptKey"
	Name: "Crypt Key"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 756
	Id: 757
	AegisName: "DarkPetal"
	Name: "Dark Petal"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 757
	Id: 758
	AegisName: "ZombieEar"
	Name: "Zombie Ear"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 758
	Id: 759
	AegisName: "Ectoplasm"
	Name: "Ectoplasm"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 759
	Id: 760
	AegisName: "FrozenYetiTear"
	Name: "Frozen Yeti Tear"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 760
	Id: 761
	AegisName: "CobaltHerb"
	Name: "Cobalt Herb"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 3
	Id: 762
	AegisName: "SnakeSkin"
	Name: "Snake Skin"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 160
	Weight: 17
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 762
	Id: 763
	AegisName: "UndeadEye"
	Name: "Undead Eye"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 10
	Weight: 10
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	Id: 794
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	Id: 797
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	Id: 798
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// Id 802 free
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	Id: 818
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	Id: 822
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	Id: 823
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	Id: 826
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	Sell: 111
	Weight: 2
	Id: 879
	AegisName: "BlackMambaSkin"
	Name: "Black Mamba Skin"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 800
	Sell: 370
	Weight: 22
	Id: 880
	AegisName: "SquirrelPelt"
	Name: "Squirrel Pelt"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 100
	Sell: 21
	Weight: 19
	Id: 881
	AegisName: "AlizarinHerb"
	Name: "Alizarin Herb"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 3
	Id: 882
	AegisName: "ShadowHerb"
	Name: "Shadow Herb"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 3
	Id: 883
	AegisName: "WarpedLog"
	Name: "Warped Log"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 15
	Sell: 5
	Weight: 8
	Id: 884
	AegisName: "MoubooFigurine"
	Name: "Mouboo Figurine"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 45
	Sell: 15
	Weight: 16
	Id: 885
	AegisName: "CopperKey"
	Name: "Copper Key"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 2000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 1
	Id: 886
	AegisName: "BottledDust"
	Name: "Dust In A Bottle"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 180
	Sell: 60
	Weight: 5
	Id: 887
	AegisName: "HeroCoin"
	Name: "Hero Coin"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 0
	ViewSprite: 887
	Id: 888
	AegisName: "ForestPiouFeathers"
	Name: "Forest Piou Feathers"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 30
	Sell: 7
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 888
	Id: 889
	AegisName: "BrokenWarpCrystal"
	Name: "Broken Warp Crystal"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Refine: false
	Id: 890
	AegisName: "SmallFishingNet"
	Name: "Small Fishing Net"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 5000
	Sell: 150
	Weight: 60
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 890
//	<!-- ID 900~910 Reserved -->
	Id: 911
	AegisName: "ScholarshipBadge"
	Name: "Scholarship Badge"
	Type: "IT_ETC"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 3500
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 911
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nomail: true
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//	 <!-- Necklaces -->
	Id: 1000
	AegisName: "BromenalFourLeafAmulet"
	Name: "Bromenal Four-Leaf Amulet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 50000
	Sell: 7000
	Weight: 10
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1000
	Script: <"
		bonus bDef2Rate,10;
		bonus bLuk,1;
	Id: 1001
	AegisName: "SilverFourLeafAmulet"
	Name: "Silver Four-Leaf Amulet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 40000
	Sell: 6000
	Weight: 75
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 55
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1001
	Script: <"
		bonus bDef2Rate,5;
		bonus bLuk,1;
	Id: 1002
	AegisName: "GoldenFourLeafAmulet"
	Name: "Golden Four-Leaf Amulet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 35
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1002
	Script: <"
		bonus bDef2Rate,7;
		bonus bLuk,2;
	Id: 1003
	AegisName: "CrozeniteFourLeafAmulet"
	Name: "Crozenite Four-Leaf Amulet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 120000
	Sell: 12000
	Weight: 55
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1003
	Script: <"
		bonus bDef2Rate,3;
	Id: 1004
	AegisName: "PlatinumFourLeafAmulet"
	Name: "Platinum Four-Leaf Amulet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1000000
	Sell: 30000
	Weight: 35
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1004
	Script: <"
		bonus bCriticalDef,12;
		bonus bDef2Rate,10;
		bonus bLuk,5;
		bonus bCritical,2;
	Id: 1005
	AegisName: "JacksSkeletonCharm"
	Name: "Jack's Skeleton Charm"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 16000
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 10
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1005
	Id: 1006
	AegisName: "LifestonePendant"
	Name: "Lifestone Pendant"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 2000
	Weight: 60
	Def: 0
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1006
	Script: <"
		bonus bHPrecovRate,5;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,1;
		bonus2 bSkillHeal2,142,800;
		bonus bDef,-2;
	Id: 1007
	AegisName: "BloodstonePendant"
	Name: "Bloodstone Pendant"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 18000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 100
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1007
	Id: 1008
	AegisName: "RawTalisman"
	Name: "Raw Talisman"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 3500
	Weight: 100
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 65
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1008
	Id: 1009
	AegisName: "DarkTalisman"
	Name: "Dark Talisman"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 150000
	Sell: 15000
	Weight: 1000
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 85
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1009
	Id: 1010
	AegisName: "FlightTalisman"
	Name: "Flight Talisman"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 22000
	Sell: 4200
	Weight: 500
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 75
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1010
	Id: 1011
	AegisName: "ToothNecklace"
	Name: "Tooth Necklace"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 4000
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 50
	Def: 0
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 8
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1011
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxHP,-200;
		bonus bStr,2;
		bonus bAtkRate,5;
	Id: 1012
	AegisName: "WolvernTeethNecklace"
	Name: "Wolvern Teeth Necklace"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 8000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 150
	Def: 3
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 24
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1012
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxHP,-250;
		bonus bStr,4;
		bonus bAtkRate,7;
	Id: 1013
	AegisName: "ClawPendant"
	Name: "Claw Pendant"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 8000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 150
	Def: 3
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 24
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1013
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxHP,-250;
		bonus bStr,4;
		bonus bAtkRate,10;
	Id: 1014
	AegisName: "BarbarianAmulet"
	Name: "Barbarian Amulet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 11000
	Sell: 2000
	Weight: 350
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 44
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1014
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxHP,-300;
		bonus bStr,7;
		bonus bAtkRate,10;
	Id: 1015
	AegisName: "BarbarianMasterAmulet"
	Name: "Barbarian Master Amulet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 450
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1015
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxHP,-400;
		bonus bStr,11;
		bonus bAtkRate,12;
	Id: 1016
	AegisName: "MonkPendant"
	Name: "Monk Pendant"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 450
	Def: 4
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1016
	Id: 1017
	AegisName: "AngelAmulet"
	Name: "Angel Amulet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 450
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1017
	Id: 1018
	AegisName: "SponsorNecklace"
	Name: "Sponsor Necklace"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
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	Id: 1019
	AegisName: "MoubooPendant"
	Name: "Mouboo Pendant"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 4500
	Weight: 3
	Def: 5
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 55
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1019
	Script: <"
		bonus bHPrecovRate,6;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,3;
		bonus bMaxHP,150;
		bonus bInt,1;
	Id: 1020
	AegisName: "AlvasusPendant"
	Name: "Alvasus Pendant"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 4000
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 50
	Def: 0
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 21
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1020
	Script: <"
		bonus bDex,1;
	Id: 1021
	AegisName: "HeartNecklace"
	Name: "Heart Necklace"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 75000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 100
	Def: 1
	Loc: 1024
	EquipLv: 90
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1004
// <!-- Charms -->
	Id: 1150
	AegisName: "FourLeafClover"
	Name: "Four Leaf Clover"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 200000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 5
	Def: 0
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 30
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1150
	Script: <"
		bonus bCriticalDef,12;
		bonus bLuk,3;
	Id: 1151
	AegisName: "AshUrn"
	Name: "Ash Urn"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 8000
	Sell: 2600
	Weight: 450
	Def: 15
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1151
	Id: 1152
	AegisName: "AstralCube"
	Name: "Astral Cube"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 70000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 450
	Def: 25
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 85
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1152
	Script: <"
		bonus bDefEle,Ele_Ghost;
	Id: 1153
	AegisName: "BrokenDoll"
	Name: "Broken Doll"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 2500
	Weight: 450
	Def: 2
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1153
	Id: 1154
	AegisName: "Doll"
	Name: "Doll"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 60
	Def: 0
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 30
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1154
	Script: <"
		bonus bCriticalRate,15;
	Id: 1155
	AegisName: "FireScroll"
	Name: "Fire Scroll"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 450
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1155
	Id: 1156
	AegisName: "HeartOfIsis"
	Name: "Heart Of Isis"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 10000000
	Sell: 60000
	Weight: 450
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1156
	Id: 1157
	AegisName: "LeatherBall"
	Name: "Leather Ball"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 45
	Def: 3
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1157
	Id: 1158
	AegisName: "ZarkorScroll"
	Name: "Zarkor Scroll"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 37
	Def: 0
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 31
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1158
	Script: <"
		skill TMW2_ZARKOR,1;
		bonus bCritical,1;
		bonus bHPrecovRate,4;
	Id: 1159
	AegisName: "OldTowel"
	Name: "Old Towel"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 45
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1159
	Script: <"
		bonus bCastrate,-10;
	Id: 1160
	AegisName: "PlushMouboo"
	Name: "Plush Mouboo"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 70000
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 50
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 90
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1160
	Script: <"
		bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player,20;
		bonus2 bCriticalAddRace,RC_Player,20;
		bonus3 bSPDrainRate,10,5,1;
		bonus bAspdRate,-15;
	Id: 1161
	AegisName: "RedStocking"
	Name: "Red Stocking"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 230
	Weight: 32
	Def: 5
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 25
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1161
	Script: <"
		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,11;
		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,11;
	Id: 1162
	AegisName: "SantaGlobe"
	Name: "Santa Globe"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 180
	Weight: 32
	Def: 4
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 24
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1162
	Script: <"
		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,15;
	Id: 1163
	AegisName: "SnowmanGlobe"
	Name: "Snowman Globe"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 140
	Weight: 32
	Def: 4
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 24
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1163
	Script: <"
		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,5;
		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10;
	Id: 1164
	AegisName: "SpectralOrb"
	Name: "Spectral Orb"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 450
	Def: 14
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 80
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1164
	Script: <"
		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-25;
		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Ghost,50;
	Id: 1165
	AegisName: "ThetaBook"
	Name: "Theta Book"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 450
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 37
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxSP,20;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,10;
		bonus bMatk,10;
// 1166 is free
	Id: 1166
	AegisName: "Item1166"
	Name: "Item 1166"
	Id: 1167
	AegisName: "EarthScroll"
	Name: "Earth Scroll"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 450
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1167
	Id: 1168
	AegisName: "DemonicSkull"
	Name: "Demonic Skull"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 450
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1168
	Id: 1169
	AegisName: "GoldMedal"
	Name: "Gold Medal"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 450
	Def: 3
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1169
	Id: 1170
	AegisName: "SilverMedal"
	Name: "SilverMedal"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 450
	Def: 2
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1170
	Id: 1171
	AegisName: "BronzeMedal"
	Name: "Bronze Medal"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 450
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1171
	Id: 1172
	AegisName: "LeatherQuiver"
	Name: "Leather Quiver"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 120000
	Sell: 2700
	Weight: 60
	Def: 0
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 30
	RequiredAgi: 15
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		// Bow: Subtype W_BOW (ITEMINFO_SUBTYPE)
		// Arrow: EQP_AMMO
		// Check if you are using bow and arrows
		debugmes "Quiver info! Bow Getequip id is "+getequipid(EQI_HAND_R);
		debugmes "Quiver info! Item subtype is "+getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), ITEMINFO_SUBTYPE);
		debugmes "Quiver info! Target subtype: "+W_BOW;
		if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), ITEMINFO_SUBTYPE) == W_BOW) {
				bonus bAspdRate,10;
				bonus bAddMaxWeight,100;
				bonus bMaxSPrate,-10;
	Id: 1173
	AegisName: "IronQuiver"
	Name: "Iron Quiver"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 240000
	Sell: 5800
	Weight: 140
	Def: 0
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 50
	RequiredAgi: 21
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), ITEMINFO_SUBTYPE) == W_BOW) {
				bonus bAspdRate,16;
				bonus bAddMaxWeight,200;
				bonus bMaxSPrate,-20;
	Id: 1174
	AegisName: "BronzeQuiver"
	Name: "Bronze Quiver"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 240000
	Sell: 6200
	Weight: 200
	Def: 0
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 70
	RequiredAgi: 49
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), ITEMINFO_SUBTYPE) == W_BOW) {
				bonus bAspdRate,23;
				bonus bAddMaxWeight,300;
				bonus bMaxSPrate,-30;
	Id: 1175
	AegisName: "PlatinumQuiver"
	Name: "Platinum Quiver"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 480000
	Sell: 11300
	Weight: 210
	Def: 0
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 90
	RequiredAgi: 63
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R), ITEMINFO_SUBTYPE) == W_BOW) {
				bonus bAspdRate,30;
				bonus bAddMaxWeight,400;
				bonus bMaxSPrate,-40;
	Id: 1176
	AegisName: "DragonStar"
	Name: "Dragon Star"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 27000
	Sell: 8000
	Weight: 30
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 54
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1175
	Script: <"
		bonus bAddMaxWeight,700;
		bonus bMaxHP,-12;
	Id: 1177
	AegisName: "MichelSoul"
	Name: "Michel Soul"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2700
	Sell: 1200
	Weight: 120
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_L"
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1176
	Script: <"
		bonus bInt,7;
		bonus bMdef,25;

// Chest Armors
	Id: 1300
	AegisName: "CreasedShirt"
	Name: "Creased Shirt"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 70
	Sell: 18
	Weight: 17
	Def: 3
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: true
	ViewSprite: 1300
	Id: 1301
	AegisName: "VneckJumper"
	Name: "V-neck Jumper"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1800
	Sell: 200
	Weight: 30
	Def: 99
	Slots: 1
	EquipLv: 49
	Refine: true
	ViewSprite: 1301
	AllowCards: {
		id5000: 1
		id5001: 1
		id5002: 1
		id5003: 1
		id5004: 1
		id5005: 1
		id5006: 1
		id5007: 1
		id5008: 1
		id5009: 1
		id5010: 1
		id5011: 1
		id5012: 1
		id5013: 1
		id5014: 1
		id5015: 1
		id5016: 1
		id5017: 1
		id5018: 1
		id5019: 1
		id5020: 1
		id5021: 1
	Id: 1302
	AegisName: "ArtisTankTop"
	Name: "Artis Tank Top"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 120
	Weight: 11
	Def: 5
	Slots: 1
	EquipLv: 5
	Refine: true
	ViewSprite: 1302
	AllowCards: {
		id5000: 1
		id5001: 1
		id5002: 1
		id5003: 1
		id5004: 1
		id5005: 1
		id5006: 1
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 1304
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	Def: 206
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	Id: 1307
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	Id: 1309
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	Id: 1311
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	Id: 1313
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	Id: 1318
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	Id: 1324
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	Id: 1330
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	Id: 1338
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// Boots
	Id: 1800
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	Script: <"
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 1811
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	Def: 32
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 1812
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	Script: <"
	bonus bSpeedAddRate,7; // 7 means a moving speed increase of 10(.5)
	Id: 1813
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 1814
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	Id: 1816
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	Id: 1817
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	Sell: 600
	Weight: 35
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	Id: 1818
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	Sell: 1200
	Weight: 32
	Def: 7
	EquipLv: 26
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 1818
	Script: <"
		bonus bSpeedAddRate,2;
// Gloves
	Id: 2000
	AegisName: "Armbands"
	Name: "Armbands"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 120
	Weight: 10
	Def: 7
	EquipLv: 30
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2000
	Script: <"
		bonus bMatk,10;
		bonus bMaxSP,10;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,8;
	Id: 2001
	AegisName: "CopperArmbands"
	Name: "Copper Armbands"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 4000
	Sell: 800
	Weight: 20
	Def: 15
	EquipLv: 50
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2001
	Script: <"
		bonus bMatk,15;
		bonus bMaxSP,20;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,10;
	Id: 2002
	AegisName: "IronArmbands"
	Name: "Iron Armbands"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 7500
	Sell: 940
	Weight: 30
	Def: 24
	EquipLv: 70
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2002
	Script: <"
		bonus bMatk,20;
		bonus bMaxSP,30;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,12;
	Id: 2003
	AegisName: "SarabArmlet"
	Name: "Sarab Armlet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 75000
	Sell: 940
	Weight: 30
	Def: 35
	EquipLv: 93
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2003
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2004
	AegisName: "CreasedGloves"
	Name: "Creased Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 200
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 40
	Def: 1
	EquipLv: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2004
	Id: 2005
	AegisName: "CottonGloves"
	Name: "Cotton Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 900
	Sell: 300
	Weight: 60
	Def: 3
	Slots: 1
	EquipLv: 6
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2005
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 2006
	AegisName: "MinerGloves"
	Name: "Miner Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 400
	Sell: 190
	Weight: 180
	Def: 8
	EquipLv: 28
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2006
	Id: 2007
	AegisName: "SilkGloves"
	Name: "Silk Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Def: 4
	EquipLv: 12
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		bonus bMatk,10;
		bonus bMaxSP,10;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,10;
	Id: 2008
	AegisName: "LeatherGloves"
	Name: "Leather Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2500
	Sell: 450
	Weight: 140
	Def: 12
	Slots: 2
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2008
	AllowCards: {
		id5030: 2
	Id: 2009
	AegisName: "ForestGloves"
	Name: "Forest Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Def: 20
	EquipLv: 59
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2009
	Id: 2010
	AegisName: "BromenalGloves"
	Name: "Bromenal Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Def: 24
	EquipLv: 66
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2010
	Id: 2011
	AegisName: "GoldenArmbands"
	Name: "Golden Armbands"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Def: 33
	EquipLv: 90
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2011
	Script: <"
		bonus bMatk, 25;
		bonus bMdef, 10;
		bonus bMaxSP,30;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,15;
	Id: 2012
	AegisName: "WarlordGloves"
	Name: "Warlord Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Def: 35
	EquipLv: 90
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2012
	Id: 2013
	AegisName: "ManaGloves"
	Name: "Mana Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Def: 29
	EquipLv: 77
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2013
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxSP,50;
	Id: 2014
	AegisName: "TerraniteGloves"
	Name: "Terranite Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Def: 30
	EquipLv: 80
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2014
	Script: <"
		bonus bMdef,30;
	Id: 2015
	AegisName: "AssassinGloves"
	Name: "Assassin Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Def: 39
	EquipLv: 99
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2015
	Id: 2016
	AegisName: "CandorGloves"
	Name: "Candor Gloves"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 200
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 45
	Def: 2
	EquipLv: 4
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2016
// Leggings (Pants or Shorts)
	Id: 2200
	AegisName: "CreasedShorts"
	Name: "Creased Shorts"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 60
	Sell: 15
	Weight: 20
	Def: 3
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2200
	Id: 2201
	AegisName: "RaidTrousers"
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	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 35
	Def: 22
	EquipLv: 36
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2201
	Id: 2202
	AegisName: "AssassinPants"
	Name: "Assassin Pants"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 35
	Def: 65
	EquipLv: 85
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2202
	Id: 2203
	AegisName: "BromenalPants"
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	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 435
	Def: 51
	EquipLv: 70
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2203
	Id: 2204
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	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 65
	Def: 39
	EquipLv: 56
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2204
	Id: 2205
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	Weight: 55
	Def: 6
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	ViewSprite: 2205
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	Name: "Mini Skirt"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 14
	Def: 7
	Slots: 1
	EquipLv: 15
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2206
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	Weight: 25
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	Slots: 1
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	ViewSprite: 2207
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	Id: 2209
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	ViewSprite: 2209
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	Sell: 250
	Weight: 80
	Def: 52
	EquipLv: 77
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2210
	Script: <"
		bonus bMdef, 30;
	Id: 2211
	AegisName: "ChainmailSkirt"
	Name: "Chainmail Skirt"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 280
	Def: 46
	EquipLv: 64
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2211
	Id: 2212
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	Sell: 400
	Weight: 280
	Def: 14
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	Id: 2213
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	Buy: 12000
	Sell: 1250
	Weight: 280
	Def: 32
	EquipLv: 48
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2213
	Id: 2214
	AegisName: "BanditPants"
	Name: "Bandit Pants"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 280
	Def: 29
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	Refine: false
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	Id: 2215
	AegisName: "WarlordPants"
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	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 280
	Def: 56
	EquipLv: 75
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2215
	Id: 2216
	AegisName: "SaviorPants"
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	Sell: 250
	Weight: 280
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	Id: 2217
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	Sell: 200
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	Id: 2218
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	Buy: 12000
	Sell: 4500
	Weight: 195
	Def: 10
	EquipLv: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2218
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,1;
	Id: 2219
	AegisName: "FarmerPants"
	Name: "Farmer Pants"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1500
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 340
	Def: 11
	Slots: 1
	EquipLv: 21
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	ViewSprite: 2219
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	Id: 2220
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	Sell: 1400
	Weight: 310
	Def: 18
	EquipLv: 31
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2220
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr,1;
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			bonus bDef,20;
			bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,5;
			//bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Brute,20;
			//bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Formless,20;
// Rings
	Id: 2500
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	Name: "Wedding Ring"
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	Buy: 2000
	Sell: 400
	Weight: 1
	Def: 1
	Loc: 2048
	EquipLv: 1
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	ViewSprite: 2500
	Script: <"
		if (getpartnerid()) {
			skill WE_MALE,1;
			skill WE_FEMALE,1;
			bonus bMaxHP,5;	
	Id: 2501
	AegisName: "GoldenRing"
	Name: "Golden Ring"
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	Weight: 1
	Def: 0
	Loc: 2048
	EquipLv: 25
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 2509
	AegisName: "GoldenBlackPearlRing"
	Name: "Golden Pearl Ring"
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	Buy: 10000
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	Weight: 1
	Def: 0
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	EquipLv: 25
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 2510
	AegisName: "ThetaRing"
	Name: "Theta Ring"
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	Id: 2511
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	Weight: 1
	Def: 140
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	Id: 2512
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// Shields
	Id: 2700
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	Id: 2702
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	Weight: 1980
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	ViewSprite: 2702
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	Id: 2703
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	Id: 2705
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	Name: "Savior Shield"
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	EquipLv: 102
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 2706
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	Sell: 15000
	Weight: 2900
	Def: 106
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2706
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2707
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	Name: "Round Leather Shield"
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	Sell: 100
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	Def: 9
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
	EquipLv: 9
	Refine: false
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 2708
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	Name: "Ancient Shield"
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	Id: 2709
	AegisName: "BraknarShield"
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	Sell: 11000
	Weight: 2360
	Def: 72
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
	EquipLv: 44
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 2710
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	Name: "Wooden Shield"
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	Sell: 2250
	Weight: 1650
	Def: 39
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	EquipLv: 27
	Refine: false
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	Script: <"
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		bonus bSPrecovRate,-2;
		bonus bFleeRate, -5;
		bonus bCriticalDef, 9;
		bonus bFlee2,2;
	Id: 2711
	AegisName: "SteelShield"
	Name: "Steel Shield"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 18000
	Weight: 2500
	Def: 152
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
	EquipLv: 80
	Refine: false
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	Script: <"
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		bonus bFlee2,8;
	Id: 2712
	AegisName: "DragonShield"
	Name: "Dragon Shield"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 18000
	Weight: 2500
	Def: 182
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
	EquipLv: 92
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	ViewSprite: 2712
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2713
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	Sell: 800
	Weight: 95
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	Id: 2714
	AegisName: "CandorBola"
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	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
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	Sell: 1400
	Weight: 100
	Def: 15
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
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	Id: 2715
	AegisName: "PurpleBola"
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	Weight: 100
	Def: 25
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	EquipLv: 25
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	Id: 2716
	AegisName: "TulimsharBola"
	Name: "Tulimshar Bola"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 2400
	Weight: 100
	Def: 35
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
	EquipLv: 30
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	ViewSprite: 2716
	Id: 2717
	AegisName: "SnakeBola"
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	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 110
	Def: 45
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
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	Id: 2718
	AegisName: "PiouBola"
	Name: "Piou Bola"
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	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 4000
	Weight: 120
	Def: 55
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	EquipLv: 40
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	Id: 2719
	AegisName: "MasterBola"
	Name: "Master Bola"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 100000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 130
	Def: 65
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_L"
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2719

// <!-- Head Gear -->
	Id: 2900
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	Sell: 100
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	Id: 2902
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	Sell: 400
	Weight: 85
	Def: 10
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	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2902
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2903
	AegisName: "BrimmedHat"
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	Sell: 240
	Weight: 20
	Def: 20
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	Id: 2904
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	Weight: 23
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	Id: 2905
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	Id: 2906
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	Id: 2907
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	Id: 2908
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	Id: 2910
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	Buy: 8600
	Sell: 450
	Weight: 880
	Def: 22
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	Refine: false
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	Id: 2911
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	Buy: 1600
	Sell: 300
	Weight: 622
	Def: 26
	EquipLv: 30
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2911
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2912
	AegisName: "BunnyEars"
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	Def: 5
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	EquipLv: 2
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	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 380
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	Script: <"
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	Id: 2914
	AegisName: "BromenalHelmet"
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	Weight: 900
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	Id: 2915
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	Id: 2916
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	Id: 2917
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	Id: 2918
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	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 460
	Def: 11
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	Script: <"
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			bonus bDef,10;
	Id: 2919
	AegisName: "PrsmHelmet"
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	Id: 2920
	AegisName: "WarlordHelmet"
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	Sell: 300
	Weight: 400
	Def: 70
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	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2920
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2921
	AegisName: "TrapperHat"
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	Id: 2922
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	Id: 2923
	AegisName: "AntlersHat"
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	Sell: 10000
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	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2923
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2924
	AegisName: "DragonEggshell"
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	Id: 2925
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	Id: 2926
	AegisName: "AxeHat"
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	Id: 2927
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	Id: 2928
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	Id: 2929
	AegisName: "SamuraiHelmet"
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	Id: 2931
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	Id: 2936
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	Id: 2940
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	Id: 2941
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	Id: 2942
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	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 22
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	ViewSprite: 2942
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2943
	AegisName: "AlphaMoubooHat"
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	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 300
	Def: 47
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	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2943
	Script: <"
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	Id: 2944
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	Buy: 32000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 22
	Def: 25
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2944
	Script: <"
		bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,10;
	Id: 2945
	AegisName: "CorsairHat"
	Name: "Corsair Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 32000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 22
	Def: 24
	EquipLv: 38
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2945
	Id: 2946
	AegisName: "RightEyePatch"
	Name: "Right Eye Patch"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 32000
	Sell: 3500
	Weight: 22
	Def: 8
	EquipLv: 16
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2946
// IDs 2947~2982 moved to art/ repo
	Id: 2983
	AegisName: "SerfHat"
	Name: "Serf Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 3200
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 420
	Def: 7
	EquipLv: 15
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2983
	Id: 2984
	AegisName: "NPCEyes"
	Name: "NPC Blinking Eyes"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 320000
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 200
	Def: -100
	EquipLv: 150
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2984
	Id: 2985
	AegisName: "GreenEggshellHat"
	Name: "Green Eggshell Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 16000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 460
	Def: 11
	EquipLv: 21
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		if ($EVENT$ == "Easter") {
			bonus bDef,10;
	Id: 2986
	AegisName: "OrangeEggshellHat"
	Name: "Orange Eggshell Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 16000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 460
	Def: 11
	EquipLv: 21
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		if ($EVENT$ == "Easter") {
			bonus bDef,10;
	Id: 2987
	AegisName: "DarkEggshellHat"
	Name: "Dark Eggshell Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 160000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 460
	Def: 17
	EquipLv: 30
	Refine: false
	//DropAnnounce: true
	Script: <"
		if ($EVENT$ == "Easter") {
			bonus bDef,15;
	Id: 2988
	AegisName: "ADMINCap"
	Name: "ADMIN Cap"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 0
	Def: 100
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2988
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Nouse: {
		override: 99
	Script: <"
		if (getgmlevel() < 99) {
			logmes "Banning invalid use of Admin Cap", LOGMES_ATCOMMAND;
			announce "Security violation at item.db.2988, Administrator help immediately required.", bc_all;
			atcommand "@ban 1m "+strcharinfo(0);
			delitem 2988, 1;
	Id: 2989
	AegisName: "DEVCap"
	Name: "DEV Cap"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 0
	Def: 40
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2989
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Nouse: {
		override: 80
	Id: 2990
	AegisName: "MagicTopHat"
	Name: "Magic Top Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1600
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 800
	Def: 25
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2990
	Trade: {
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	BindOnEquip: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxHP,30000;
		bonus bFleeRate,-50;
	Id: 2991
	AegisName: "MinerHat"
	Name: "Miner Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1600
	Sell: 260
	Weight: 245
	Def: 17
	EquipLv: 29
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2991
	Id: 2992
	AegisName: "MurdererCrown"
	Name: "Murderer Crown"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 16000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 250
	Def: 12
	EquipLv: 10
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2992
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bCriticalRate,100;
		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-25;
		bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,25;
	Id: 2993
	AegisName: "FluffyHat"
	Name: "Fluffy Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 160000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 410
	Def: 12
	EquipLv: 22
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2993
	Id: 2994
	AegisName: "PirateBandana"
	Name: "Pirate Bandana"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 160000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 38
	Def: 16
	EquipLv: 28
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2994
	Id: 2995
	AegisName: "PaperBag"
	Name: "Paper Bag"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 160000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 12
	Def: 14
	EquipLv: 30
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2995
	Id: 2996
	AegisName: "RiceHat"
	Name: "Rice Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 3
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 0
	Def: 35
	EquipLv: 150
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2996
	Id: 2997
	AegisName: "FarmerHat"
	Name: "Farmer Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1600
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 120
	Def: 17
	Slots: 1
	EquipLv: 30
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2997
		AllowCards: {
		id5000: 1
		id5001: 1
		id5002: 1
		id5003: 1
		id5004: 1
		id5005: 1
		id5006: 1
		id5007: 1
		id5008: 1
		id5009: 1
		id5010: 1
		id5011: 1
		id5012: 1
		id5013: 1
		id5014: 1
		id5015: 1
		id5016: 1
		id5017: 1
		id5018: 1
		id5019: 1
		id5020: 1
		id5021: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr,2;
	Id: 2998
	AegisName: "BanditHat"
	Name: "Bandit Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 16000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 120
	Def: 29
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2998
	Script: <"
		bonus bDex,2;
	Id: 2999
	AegisName: "FairyHat"
	Name: "Sacred Forest Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 3600
	Sell: 900
	Weight: 80
	Def: 33
	EquipLv: 50
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 2999
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgiVit,1;
	Id: 3000
	AegisName: "CaveSnakeHat"
	Name: "Cave Snake Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 50000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 46
	Def: 10
	EquipLv: 20
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3000
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgi, 2;
	Id: 3001
	AegisName: "PinkHelmet"
	Name: "Pink Helmet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 16000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 320
	Def: 33
	EquipLv: 50
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3001
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr,2;
		bonus bVit,2;
	Id: 3002
	AegisName: "ShroomHat"
	Name: "Shroom Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 320
	Def: 25
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3002
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr,1;
	Id: 3003
	AegisName: "ForestShroomHat"
	Name: "Forest Shroom Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 320
	Def: 29
	EquipLv: 45
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3003
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr,3;
	Id: 3004
	AegisName: "ChemistHelmet"
	Name: "Alchemist Helmet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 320
	Def: 61
	EquipLv: 80
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3004
	Id: 3005
	AegisName: "ClericCap"
	Name: "Cleric Cap"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 320
	Def: 61
	EquipLv: 80
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3005
	Id: 3006
	AegisName: "SantaBeardHat"
	Name: "Santa Beard Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 100
	Weight: 32
	Def: 9
	EquipLv: 18
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3006
	Id: 3007
	AegisName: "WickedShroomHat"
	Name: "Wicked Shroom Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 420
	Def: 42
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3007
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr,5;
	Id: 3008
	AegisName: "MoonshroomHat"
	Name: "Moonshroom Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 50
	Def: 51
	EquipLv: 70
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3008
	Script: <"
		bonus bInt,7;
	Id: 3009
	AegisName: "FafiMask"
	Name: "Fafi Mask"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 3500
	Weight: 40
	Def: 36
	EquipLv: 53
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3009
	Script: <"
		bonus bInt,1;
		bonus bMaxSP,25;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
	Id: 3010
	AegisName: "AFKCap"
	Name: "AFK Cap"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2600
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 30
	Def: 5
	EquipLv: 2
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3010
	Script: <"
		addtoskill(TMW2_SPEECH, 1, 2);
	Id: 3011
	AegisName: "KnitHat"
	Name: "Knit Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2600
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 70
	Def: 17
	EquipLv: 29
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3011
	Script: <"
		if ($@SEASON == WINTER) {
			bonus bDef,20;
			bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,5;
			//bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Brute,20;
			//bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Formless,20;
	Id: 3012
	AegisName: "LeprechaunHat"
	Name: "Leprechaun Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 40
	Def: 33
	EquipLv: 50
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3012
	Script: <"
		bonus bLuk,4;
	Id: 3013
	AegisName: "CatEars"
	Name: "Cat Ears"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 6000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 20
	Def: 20
	EquipLv: 33
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3013
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgi, 2;
	Id: 3014
	AegisName: "SantaHat"
	Name: "Santa Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 22000
	Sell: 80
	Weight: 28
	Def: 6
	EquipLv: 14
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3014
	Id: 3015
	AegisName: "Wreath"
	Name: "Wreath"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 2600
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 50
	Def: 10
	EquipLv: 25
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3015
	Script: <"
		bonus bInt,1;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,5;
		if ($@SEASON == SPRING) {
			bonus bDef,20;
			bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,5;
	Id: 3016
	AegisName: "TerraniteMask"
	Name: "Terranite Mask"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 26000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 90
	Def: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3016
	Script: <"
		bonus bMdef,1;
		bonus bLuk,1;
	Id: 3017
	AegisName: "EggshellHat"
	Name: "Eggshell Hat"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 16000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 460
	Def: 11
	EquipLv: 21
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		if ($EVENT$ == "Easter") {
			bonus bDef,10;
	Id: 3018
	AegisName: "BountyHunterHelmet"
	Name: "Bounty Hunter Helmet"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 16000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 320
	Def: 42
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: false
	Script: <"
		bonus bAspdRate,10;

// Neck Armor
	Id: 3200
	AegisName: "Shemagh"
	Name: "Shemagh"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 90
	Weight: 30
	Def: 5
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 23
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3200
	Id: 3201
	AegisName: "Monocle"
	Name: "Monocle"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 22
	Def: 9
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 25
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3201
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5033: 1
		id5036: 1
	Script: <"
		if (getskilllv(ALL_INCCARRY))
			addtoskill(ALL_INCCARRY, 1, 2);
// How can we set 5033 and 5036 give only 1 dex or 1 luck to this item ? @jesusalva
// We probably can't. Just kidding, we use getequipcardid(), check if it is PolishedWhatever,
// and add a -1 bonus.
	Id: 3202
	AegisName: "Mustache"
	Name: "Mustache"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 90
	Weight: 1
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3202
	Id: 3203
	AegisName: "Beard"
	Name: "Beard"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 90
	Weight: 1
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3203
	Id: 3204
	AegisName: "EyePatch"
	Name: "Left Eye Patch"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 64000
	Sell: 2000
	Weight: 22
	Def: 3
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 16
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3204
	Id: 3205
	AegisName: "Googles"
	Name: "Googles"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 90
	Weight: 22
	Def: 6
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3205
	Id: 3206
	AegisName: "HeartGlasses"
	Name: "Heart Glasses"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 90
	Weight: 1
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3206
	Id: 3207
	AegisName: "RedNose"
	Name: "Red Nose"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 90
	Weight: 1
	Def: 1
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 3
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3207
	Id: 3208
	AegisName: "BurglarMask"
	Name: "Burglar Mask"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 1000
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 26
	Def: 4
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3208
	Script: <"
		if (getskilllv(TF_STEAL))
			addtoskill(TF_STEAL, 1, 2);
	Id: 3209
	AegisName: "BanditMask"
	Name: "Bandit Mask"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 56
	Def: 25
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3209
	Id: 3210
	AegisName: "Sunglasses"
	Name: "Sunglasses"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 16
	Def: 5
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 15
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3210
	Id: 3211
	AegisName: "AutumnMask"
	Name: "Autumn Mask"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 24
	Def: 7
	Loc: "EQP_ACC_R"
	EquipLv: 35
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 3211
// Weapons
	Id: 3500
	AegisName: "Knife"
	Name: "Knife"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 180
	Sell: 80
	Weight: 100
	Atk: 50
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 7
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3501
	AegisName: "BugSlayer"
	Name: "Bug Slayer"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 11000
	Sell: 400
	Weight: 500
	Atk: 188
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 24
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3502
	AegisName: "ShortGladius"
	Name: "Short Gladius"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 15000
	Sell: 450
	Weight: 550
	Atk: 231
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 30
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3503
	AegisName: "WoodenSword"
	Name: "Wooden Sword"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 8500
	Sell: 300
	Weight: 450
	Atk: 146
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 20
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3504
	AegisName: "Backsword"
	Name: "Backsword"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 25800
	Sell: 1200
	Weight: 900
	Atk: 322
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 44
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3505
	AegisName: "SharpKnife"
	Name: "Sharp Knife"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 600
	Sell: 200
	Weight: 130
	Atk: 70
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 12
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3506
	AegisName: "RustyKnife"
	Name: "Rusty Knife"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 60
	Sell: 20
	Weight: 50
	Atk: 25
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3507
	AegisName: "Dagger"
	Name: "Dagger"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 800
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 350
	Atk: 115
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 15
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3508
	AegisName: "BoneKnife"
	Name: "Bone Knife"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 9000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 1100
	Atk: 406
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 70
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3509
	AegisName: "RockKnife"
	Name: "Rock Knife"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 5000
	Weight: 1400
	Atk: 454
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 90
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3510
	AegisName: "SmallKnife"
	Name: "Small Knife"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 90
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 70
	Atk: 35
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 3
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3511
	AegisName: "DivineSword"
	Name: "Divine Sword"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 1500
	Atk: 467
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 100
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
	Id: 3512
	AegisName: "ButcherKnife"
	Name: "Butcher Knife"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 500
	Weight: 610
	Atk: 242
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 35
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3513
	AegisName: "AncientSword"
	Name: "Ancient Sword"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 4000
	Weight: 1200
	Atk: 434
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 80
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3514
	AegisName: "IceGladius"
	Name: "Ice Gladius"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 670
	Atk: 264
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 35
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Water;
	Id: 3515
	AegisName: "Setzer"
	Name: "Setzer"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 900000
	Sell: 2000
	Weight: 1000
	Atk: 232
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_KATAR"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3516
	AegisName: "LongSword"
	Name: "Long Sword"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 1100
	Atk: 430
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 80
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3517
	AegisName: "ThunderStaff"
	Name: "Thunder Staff"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 440000
	Sell: 22000
	Weight: 600
	Atk: 298
	Matk: 70
	Range: 2
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	//DropAnnounce: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Wind;
	Id: 3518
	AegisName: "Judgement"
	Name: "Judgement"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 640000
	Sell: 32000
	Weight: 1000
	Atk: 132
	Range: 1
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 24
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	//Script: <" itemskill SM_MAGNUM,1; "> // Consumable only - eg Grenade
	//skill SM_MAGNUM,3;
	// [22:27:11] <{41444d494e}> bonus3 bAutoSpell,SKILLNAME,SKILLELVEL,PARAM1;
	Script: <"
		bonus3 bAutoSpell,SM_MAGNUM,1,100;
	//DropAnnounce: true
	Id: 3519
	AegisName: "DarkPulsar"
	Name: "Dark Pulsar"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 140000
	Sell: 20000
	Weight: 1000
	Atk: 370
	Matk: 50
	Def: 0
	Range: 1
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
	//DropAnnounce: true
	Id: 3520
	AegisName: "BronzeGladius"
	Name: "Bronze Gladius"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 9000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 340
	Atk: 174
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 22
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3521
	AegisName: "Scythe"
	Name: "Scythe"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 16500
	Sell: 4000
	Weight: 600
	Atk: 211
	Matk: 0
	Range: 2
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 25
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_2HMACE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgi, -2;
		bonus bDex, -2;
		bonus bDef, -20;
		bonus bCritical, 5;
	Id: 3522
	AegisName: "Kanabo"
	Name: "Kanabo"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 15000
	Sell: 5500
	Weight: 1200
	Atk: 432
	Range: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_2HMACE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr, 3;
		bonus bAgi, -6;
		bonus bDex, -6;
		bonus bDef, -48;
		bonus bCritical, 12;
	Id: 3523
	AegisName: "MiereCleaver"
	Name: "Miere Cleaver"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 15000
	Sell: 6500
	Weight: 900
	Atk: 322
	Range: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_2HMACE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgi, -4;
		bonus bDex, -4;
		bonus bDef, -32;
		bonus bCritical, 8;
	Id: 3524
	AegisName: "Broadsword"
	Name: "Broadsword"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 15000
	Sell: 7500
	Weight: 1100
	Atk: 384
	Range: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 50
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_2HMACE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgi, -5;
		bonus bDex, -5;
		bonus bDef, -40;
		bonus bCritical, 10;
	Id: 3525
	AegisName: "BlacksmithAxe"
	Name: "Blacksmith Axe"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 25000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 1500
	Atk: 432
	Range: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_2HMACE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bCritical, 12;
		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Blind,5;
	Id: 3526
	AegisName: "CentaurSpear"
	Name: "Centaur Spear"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 26500
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 1400
	Atk: 340
	Matk: 0
	Range: 2
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 70
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_2HSPEAR"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgi, -7;
		bonus bDex, -7;
		bonus bDef, -56;
		bonus bCritical, 14;
	Id: 3527
	AegisName: "ShortSword"
	Name: "Short Sword"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1500
	Weight: 958
	Atk: 353
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 50
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3528
	AegisName: "RealBronzeGladius"
	Name: "Real Bronze Gladius"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 9000
	Sell: 700
	Weight: 840
	Atk: 277
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 37
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Id: 3529
	AegisName: "MinerKnife"
	Name: "Miner Knife"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 800
	Sell: 225
	Weight: 160
	Atk: 85
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 18
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_DAGGER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
// 3530 TBD
	Id: 3531
	AegisName: "Kitana"
	Name: "Kitana"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 960
	Atk: 370
	Matk: 0
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
// Insert new weapons above this line
	Id: 3600
	AegisName: "Lightbringer"
	Name: "Lightbringer"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 9999999
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 2000
	Atk: 1800
	Range: 1
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_1HSWORD"
	Slots: 2
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 2
		id5023: 2
		id5024: 2
		id5025: 2
		id5026: 2
		id5027: 2
		id5028: 2
		id5029: 2
		id5037: 2
		id5038: 2
		id5039: 2
		id5040: 2
	// Equipment level is 1 on purpose. Less level = less worthy = more damage by wielding
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		notrade: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nocart: true
		nostorage: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	//DropAnnounce: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bHitRate,50;
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
		bonus bFlee2Rate,-100;
		bonus bCriticalDef,-50;
		bonus bHealPower,100;
		bonus bHealPower2,100;

		// Equipment use is free after level 255 or during tests
		if ($@GM_OVERRIDE && BaseLevel < 255) {
			bonus bNoRegen,1;
			bonus2 bSPLossRate,(255-BaseLevel)/30,(1000-(BaseLevel*2));
			bonus2 bHPLossRate,(255-BaseLevel)/40,(1000-(BaseLevel*2));
		if (strcharinfo(2) == "Monster King") {
			bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,-40;
			bonus bNoRegen,2;
	Id: 3601
	AegisName: "DemureAxe"
	Name: "Demure Axe"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 9999999
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 3000
	MAtk: 1
	Range: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_KNUCKLE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	// Equipment level is 1 on purpose. Less level = less worthy = more damage by wielding
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		notrade: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nocart: true
		nostorage: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	//DropAnnounce: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bHitRate,-10;
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Nature;
		bonus bFlee2Rate,-100;
		bonus bCriticalDef,-50;
		bonus bCriticalRate,-50;

		// This weapon attack power grows with the user
		bonus bAtk,BaseLevel;
		bonus bMatk,JobLevel;
	Id: 3602
	AegisName: "Tyranny"
	Name: "Tyranny"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 9999999
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 3000
	Range: 8
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_BOW"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		notrade: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nocart: true
		nostorage: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6500: 1
		Id6501: 1
		Id6502: 1
		Id6503: 1
		Id6504: 1
		Id6505: 1
		Id6506: 1
		Id6507: 1	
	Script: <"
		bonus bHitRate,100;
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
		bonus bFlee2Rate,-100;
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;

		// This weapon attack power grows with the user
		// It'll be behind the other weapons until the endgame stages (lv 100+)
		bonus bAtk,BaseLevel*6;
	Id: 3603
	AegisName: "Runestaff"
	Name: "Runestaff"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 9999999
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 3000
	Range: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		notrade: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nocart: true
		nostorage: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
		//bonus bCastrate,-50;
		//bonus bNoCastCancel,1;
		bonus bMaxSP,750;
		bonus bDef,-100;

		// This weapon attack power grows with the user
		// Catches up in early game, then lags behind, and catch up again at lv 106.
		bonus bMatk,BaseLevel*7;
		bonus bAtk,JobLevel;
	Id: 3604
	AegisName: "AegisShield"
	Name: "Aegis Shield"
	Type: "IT_ARMOR"
	Buy: 9999999
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 3000
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 1
	Refine: true
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		notrade: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nocart: true
		nostorage: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bFlee2,20;
		bonus bFlee,-100;
		bonus bCriticalDef,100;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,100;

		// The defense power grows with the user
		// Will always be higher than shields (except Savior shield at right level)
		// However, it comes at an expensive price.
		bonus bDef,BaseLevel*2;
		bonus bAtkRate,-100;
		bonus bMatkRate,-100;
		bonus bRestartFullRecover,1;
		bonus bNoKnockback,1;
		bonus bBaseAtk,-700;

		// Skills for Aegis Shield, all beyond maximum level
		// Cave Maggot, Maggot, Green Dragon, Slimes, Snakes
		// Wolverns, Fairies, Yeti (sometimes Moggun), Terranite
		// Plants, PoisonS.Mushroom, Fluffy, Mouboo
		// TODO: Lizards, (Black)Scorpions, Moonshroom, Black Mamba
		// TODO: Centaur, <todo>, shrooms/squirrels (spores)
		skill TMW2_ZARKOR, 7;
		skill TMW2_HALHISS, 12;
		skill TMW2_KALBOO, 9;
		skill TMW2_KALMURK, 10;
		skill TMW2_KALWULF, 9;
		skill TMW2_KALSPIKE, 9;
		skill TMW2_DRAGOKIN, 5;
		skill TMW2_LIMERIZER, 14;
		skill TMW2_CUTEHEART, 9;
		skill TMW2_STONEHEART, 9;
		skill TMW2_FROZENHEART, 9;
	OnUnequipScript: <"
		@min = 20;
		@max = 20;
		@delay = 60;
		@type = SC_WALKSPEED;
		doevent "inc_sc_bonus::OnUse";

// Pets
	Id: 4000
	AegisName: "PiouEgg"
	Name: "Piou Egg"
	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 300
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
	Id: 4001
	AegisName: "BhopEgg"
	Name: "Bhopper Egg"
	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 4000
	Weight: 1000
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
	Id: 4002
	AegisName: "MaggotCocoon"
	Name: "Maggot Coccon"
	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
	Buy: 90000
	Sell: 4000
	Weight: 360
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
	Id: 4003
	AegisName: "DoggyDog"
	Name: "Doggy Dog"
	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 800
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
	Id: 4004
	AegisName: "CattyCat"
	Name: "Catty Cat"
	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 800
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
	Id: 4005
	AegisName: "BlackyCat"
	Name: "Blacky Cat"
	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 800
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
	Id: 4006
	AegisName: "Ratte"
	Name: "Ratte"
	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 200
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"
	Id: 4007
	AegisName: "ForestShroomEgg"
	Name: "Forest Shroom Egg"
	Type: "IT_PETEGG"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 300
	KeepAfterUse: true
	Script: <"

// Dyes
	Id: 5000
	AegisName: "CrimsonDye"
	Name: "Crimson Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 2000
	Sell: 80
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5001
	AegisName: "ChocolateDye"
	Name: "Chocolate Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 2000
	Sell: 80
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5002
	AegisName: "MintDye"
	Name: "Mint Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 2000
	Sell: 80
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5003
	AegisName: "BlackDye"
	Name: "Black Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5004
	AegisName: "SilverDye"
	Name: "Silver Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5005
	AegisName: "CamelDye"
	Name: "Camel Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5006
	AegisName: "BrownDye"
	Name: "Brown Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5007
	AegisName: "OrangeDye"
	Name: "Orange Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 495
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5008
	AegisName: "DarkRedDye"
	Name: "Dark Red Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5009
	AegisName: "RedDye"
	Name: "Red Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5010
	AegisName: "FuschiaDye"
	Name: "Fuschia Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5011
	AegisName: "PinkDye"
	Name: "Pink Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5012
	AegisName: "MauveDye"
	Name: "Mauve Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5013
	AegisName: "PurpleDye"
	Name: "Purple Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	// I'm trying to be dah mage, don't ask about location ~ Jesusalva
	Id: 5014
	AegisName: "NavyBlueDye"
	Name: "Navy Blue Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5015
	AegisName: "BlueGrayDye"
	Name: "Blue Gray Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5016
	AegisName: "BlueDye"
	Name: "Blue Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5017
	AegisName: "TealDye"
	Name: "Teal Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5018
	AegisName: "GreenDye"
	Name: "Green Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5019
	AegisName: "LimeDye"
	Name: "Lime Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5020
	AegisName: "KhakiDye"
	Name: "Khaki Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5021
	AegisName: "YellowDye"
	Name: "Yellow Dye"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 1200
	Sell: 70
	Loc: 2097151
	Id: 5022
	AegisName: "NecromancerCard"
	Name: "Necromancer Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bLuk, 2;
		bonus bMaxHP, -100;
	Id: 5023
	AegisName: "HeroCard"
	Name: "Hero Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bDex, 2;
		bonus bAgi, -1;
	Id: 5024
	AegisName: "KnightCard"
	Name: "Knight Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr, 2;
		bonus bInt, -1;
	Id: 5025
	AegisName: "ClericCard"
	Name: "Cleric Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxSP, 50;
		bonus bLuk, -1;
	Id: 5026
	AegisName: "DruidCard"
	Name: "Druid Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bVit, 2;
		bonus bDex, -1;
	Id: 5027
	AegisName: "MageCard"
	Name: "Mage Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bInt, 2;
		bonus bStr, -1;
	Id: 5028
	AegisName: "NinjaCard"
	Name: "Ninja Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgi, 2;
		bonus bVit, -1;
	Id: 5029
	AegisName: "NatureCard"
	Name: "Nature Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 50
	Sell: 25
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bMaxHP, 100;
		bonus bMaxSP, -25;
	Id: 5030
	AegisName: "DesertThiefCard"
	Name: "Desert Thief Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 5000
	Sell: 1000
	Weight: 4
	Script: <"
		bonus bAspdRate,1;
	Id: 5031
	AegisName: "PolishedDiamond"
	Name: "Polished Diamond"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2048
	Script: <"
		bonus bVit,2;
	Id: 5032
	AegisName: "PolishedRuby"
	Name: "Polished Ruby"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2048
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr,2;
	Id: 5033
	AegisName: "PolishedEmerald"
	Name: "Polished Emerald"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2048
	Script: <"
		bonus bLuk,2;
	Id: 5034
	AegisName: "PolishedSapphire"
	Name: "Polished Sapphire"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2048
	Script: <"
		bonus bInt,2;
	Id: 5035
	AegisName: "PolishedTopaz"
	Name: "Polished Topaz"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2048
	Script: <"
		bonus bAgi,2;
	Id: 5036
	AegisName: "PolishedAmethyst"
	Name: "Polished Amethyst"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 4
	Loc: 2048
	Script: <"
		bonus bDex,2;
	Id: 5037
	AegisName: "SpeedCard"
	Name: "Speed Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 8
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bSpeedAddRate, 1;
		bonus bAspd, 1;
	Id: 5038
	AegisName: "ReflectCard"
	Name: "Reflect Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 8
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn, 1;
		bonus bLongWeaponDamageReturn, 1;
	Id: 5039
	AegisName: "PowerCard"
	Name: "Power Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 8
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtk, 25;
		bonus bMatk, 25;
	Id: 5040
	AegisName: "WallCard"
	Name: "Wall Card"
	Type: "IT_CARD"
	Buy: 500
	Sell: 250
	Weight: 8
	Loc: 2097151
	Script: <"
		bonus bDef2, 25;
		bonus bMdef, 25;
// Bows & Ranged Weaponry
	Id: 6000
	AegisName: "TrainingBow"
	Name: "Training Bow"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 550
	Sell: 52
	Weight: 160
	Atk: 40
	Range: 5
	MinRange: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 5
	Subtype: "W_BOW"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6500: 1
		Id6501: 1
		Id6502: 1
		Id6503: 1
		Id6504: 1
		Id6505: 1
		Id6506: 1
		Id6507: 1	
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6001
	AegisName: "WoodenBow"
	Name: "Wooden Bow"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 2000
	Sell: 400
	Weight: 260
	Atk: 125
	Range: 5
	MinRange: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 15
	Subtype: "W_BOW"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6500: 1
		Id6501: 1
		Id6502: 1
		Id6503: 1
		Id6504: 1
		Id6505: 1
		Id6506: 1
		Id6507: 1	
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6002
	AegisName: "ShortBow"
	Name: "Short Bow"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 3800
	Sell: 800
	Weight: 260
	Atk: 200
	Range: 4
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 25
	Subtype: "W_BOW"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6500: 1
		Id6501: 1
		Id6502: 1
		Id6503: 1
		Id6504: 1
		Id6505: 1
		Id6506: 1
		Id6507: 1	
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6003
	AegisName: "ForestBow"
	Name: "Forest Bow"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 7000
	Sell: 1470
	Weight: 480
	Atk: 308
	Range: 5
	MinRange: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 40
	Subtype: "W_BOW"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6500: 1
		Id6501: 1
		Id6502: 1
		Id6503: 1
		Id6504: 1
		Id6505: 1
		Id6506: 1
		Id6507: 1	
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6004
	AegisName: "ElficBow"
	Name: "Elfic Bow"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 8550
	Sell: 1800
	Weight: 400
	Atk: 428
	Range: 6
	MinRange: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Subtype: "W_BOW"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6500: 1
		Id6501: 1
		Id6502: 1
		Id6503: 1
		Id6504: 1
		Id6505: 1
		Id6506: 1
		Id6507: 1	
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6005
	AegisName: "ChampionshipBow"
	Name: "Championship Bow"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 9620
	Sell: 2020
	Weight: 520
	Atk: 520
	Range: 6
	MinRange: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 80
	Subtype: "W_BOW"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6500: 1
		Id6501: 1
		Id6502: 1
		Id6503: 1
		Id6504: 1
		Id6505: 1
		Id6506: 1
		Id6507: 1	
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6006
	AegisName: "BansheeBow"
	Name: "Banshee Bow"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 55000
	Sell: 5200
	Weight: 890
	Atk: 589
	Range: 7
	MinRange: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 100
	Subtype: "W_BOW"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6500: 1
		Id6501: 1
		Id6502: 1
		Id6503: 1
		Id6504: 1
		Id6505: 1
		Id6506: 1
		Id6507: 1	
	Script: <"
		bonus bHPDrainValue,-15;
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6010
	AegisName: "PynRifle"
	Name: "Pyn Rifle"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 55000
	Sell: 5200
	Weight: 11000
	Atk: 520
	Range: 8
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Refine: true
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6510: 1
		Id6511: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
		bonus bCriticalRate,40;
	Id: 6020
	AegisName: "PynGatling"
	Name: "Pyn Gatling"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 55000
	Sell: 5200
	Weight: 16000
	Atk: 0
	Range: 6
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Subtype: "W_GATLING"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Refine: true
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6510: 1
		Id6511: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtk,-50;
		//bonus bAtkRate,-60;
		bonus bCriticalRate,-100;
		bonus bHitRate,-10;
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6030
	AegisName: "PynShotgun"
	Name: "Pyn Shotgun"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 55000
	Sell: 5200
	Weight: 11000
	Atk: 428
	Range: 5
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Subtype: "W_SHOTGUN"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Refine: true
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6510: 1
		Id6511: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bSplashRange,1;
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
	Id: 6040
	AegisName: "PynRevolver"
	Name: "Pyn Revolver"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 55000
	Sell: 5200
	Weight: 8000
	Atk: 158
	Range: 5
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Subtype: "W_REVOLVER"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Refine: true
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6510: 1
		Id6511: 1
	Id: 6050
	AegisName: "Dustynator"
	Name: "Dustynator 2000"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 550000
	Sell: 10200
	Weight: 12000
	Atk: 557
	Range: 8
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 70
	Subtype: "W_RIFLE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Refine: true
	AllowAmmo: {
		Id6510: 1
		Id6511: 1
	Script: <"
		bonus bFleeRate,-100;
		bonus bCriticalRate,40;
// Arrows
	Id: 6500
	AegisName: "TrainingArrow"
	Name: "Training Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Atk: 30
	EquipLv: 10
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Id: 6501
	AegisName: "TolchiArrow"
	Name: "Tolchi Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 2
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 2
	Atk: 15
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Id: 6502
	AegisName: "Arrow"
	Name: "Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 3
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Atk: 45
	EquipLv: 20
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Id: 6503
	AegisName: "IronArrow"
	Name: "Iron Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 6
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Atk: 60
	EquipLv: 30
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Id: 6504
	AegisName: "CursedArrow"
	Name: "Cursed Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 8
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Atk: 90
	EquipLv: 40
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Id: 6505
	AegisName: "PoisonArrow"
	Name: "Poison Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 2
	Atk: 120
	EquipLv: 50
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Script: <"
		bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Poison,500;
	Id: 6506
	AegisName: "ThornArrow"
	Name: "Thorn Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 27
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 2
	Atk: 150
	EquipLv: 60
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Id: 6507
	AegisName: "BoneArrow"
	Name: "Bone Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 65
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 5
	Atk: 180
	EquipLv: 70
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Dark;
	Id: 6508
	AegisName: "ExplosiveArrow"
	Name: "Explosive Arrow"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 2
	Atk: 30
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_ARROW"
	Script: <"
		bonus bSplashRange,2;
// Important: NEVER raise bullet attack too much!
// Unlike bows where the arrow is important, here the bullets are not.
// Buy a more capable gun to drain full weapon power %%e
	Id: 6510
	AegisName: "Bullet"
	Name: "Bullet"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 6
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 8
	Atk: 10
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
	Id: 6511
	AegisName: "SacredBullet"
	Name: "Sacred Bullet"
	Type: "IT_AMMO"
	Buy: 12
	Sell: 2
	Weight: 8
	Atk: 10
	Loc: "EQP_AMMO"
	Subtype: "A_BULLET"
	Script: <"
		bonus bAtkEle,Ele_Holy;
// <!-- Magical Weapons -->
	Id: 7000
	AegisName: "TrainingWand"
	Name: "Training Wand"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 200
	Sell: 80
	Weight: 158
	Atk: 0
	Matk: 140
	Range: 8
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 20
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	ViewSprite: 7000
	Script: <"
		bonus bAttack2,-100;
		bonus bMaxSP,10;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,20;
	Id: 7001
	AegisName: "NoviceWand"
	Name: "Novice Wand"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 4500
	Sell: 1600
	Weight: 158
	Atk: 0
	Matk: 280
	Range: 8
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	ViewSprite: 7001
	Script: <"
		bonus bAttack2,-150;
		bonus bMaxSP,20;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,20;
	Id: 7002
	AegisName: "ApprenticeWand"
	Name: "Apprentice Wand"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 10000
	Sell: 4000
	Weight: 158
	Atk: 0
	Matk: 420
	Range: 8
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 60
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	ViewSprite: 7002
	Script: <"
		bonus bAttack2,-200;
		bonus bMaxSP,30;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,20;
	Id: 7003
	AegisName: "LeaderWand"
	Name: "Leader Wand"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 10000
	Weight: 158
	Atk: 0
	Matk: 576
	Range: 8
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 80
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	ViewSprite: 7003
	Script: <"
		bonus bAttack2,-250;
		bonus bMaxSP,40;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,20;
	Id: 7004
	AegisName: "LegendaryWand"
	Name: "Legendary Wand"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 200000
	Sell: 80000
	Weight: 158
	Atk: 0
	Matk: 740
	Range: 8
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 100
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	ViewSprite: 7004
	Script: <"
		bonus bAttack2,-300;
		bonus bMaxSP,50;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,20;
	Id: 7005
	AegisName: "ReinbooWand"
	Name: "Reinboo Wand"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 20000
	Sell: 8000
	Weight: 158
	Atk: 0
	Matk: 370
	Range: 9
	Loc: "EQP_HAND_R"
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 50
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_STAFF"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	ViewSprite: 7005
	Script: <"
		bonus bAttack2,-125;
		bonus bMaxSP,25;
		bonus bSPrecovRate,20;

// System Reserved
	Id: 7142
	AegisName: "Item7142"
	Name: "Item 7142" // Embryo
	Id: 7400
	AegisName: "LEGACY_MiereCleaver"
	Name: "LEGACY Miere Cleaver"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 95000
	Sell: 26500
	Weight: 900
	Atk: 325
	Range: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 40
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_2HMACE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Trade: {
		partneroverride: true
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr, 2;
		bonus bDex, -3;
		bonus bAgi, -5;
	Id: 7401
	AegisName: "LEGACY_Broadsword"
	Name: "LEGACY Broadsword"
	Type: "IT_WEAPON"
	Buy: 950000
	Sell: 75000
	Weight: 1100
	Atk: 385
	Range: 1
	Loc: ["EQP_HAND_R", "EQP_HAND_L"]
	WeaponLv: 1
	EquipLv: 50
	Refine: true
	Subtype: "W_2HMACE"
	Slots: 1
	AllowCards: {
		id5022: 1
		id5023: 1
		id5024: 1
		id5025: 1
		id5026: 1
		id5027: 1
		id5028: 1
		id5029: 1
		id5037: 1
		id5038: 1
		id5039: 1
		id5040: 1
	Trade: {
		partneroverride: true
		notrade: true
		nodrop: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
		bonus bStr, 3;
		bonus bDex, -2;
		bonus bDef, -2;

	Id: 7420
	AegisName: "DeathPenality"
	Name: "Acorn Of Death"
	Buy: 10
	Sell: 1
	Weight: 1
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: "EFFECT_HEAL"
	Script: <"
		if (@useType == 1) {
			@min = 8;
			@max = 30;
			@delay = 3;
			doevent "legacy_heal::OnUse";
		} else {
			if (!getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 0)) {
				monster(.@map$, .@x, .@y, l("Oak"), 1017, 1);
// Fake Items
	Id: 7436
	AegisName: "CRITEM_BASE"
	Name: "Crafting Basic Skills"
	Id: 7437
	AegisName: "CRITEM_ATK"
	Name: "Crafting Attack"
	Id: 7438
	AegisName: "CRITEM_DEF"
	Name: "Crafting Defense"
	Id: 7439
	AegisName: "CRITEM_ACC"
	Name: "Crafting Accuracy"
	Id: 7440
	AegisName: "CRITEM_EVD"
	Name: "Crafting Evasion"
	Id: 7441
	AegisName: "CRITEM_REGEN"
	Name: "Crafting Regeneration"
	Id: 7442
	AegisName: "CRITEM_SPEED"
	Name: "Crafting Speed"
	Id: 7443
	Name: "Crafting Double Power"
	Id: 7444
	AegisName: "CRITEM_MAXPC"
	Name: "Crafting Max Stats"
	Id: 7445
	Name: "Crafting SC Resist"
	Id: 7446
	Name: "Crafting SC Inflict"
	Id: 7447
	Name: "Crafting Mana Economy"
	Id: 7448
	Name: "Crafting Boss Techiniques"
	Id: 7449
	AegisName: "CRITEM_FINAL"
	Name: "Crafting Exp Up"

// Other Gacha
	Id: 7450
	AegisName: "AlchemyBlueprintA"
	Name: "Alchemy Blueprint A"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem AlchemyBlueprintA, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		if (.@seed < 100)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_INTERMEDIARY);
		else if (.@seed < 2000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_BASIC);
	Id: 7451
	AegisName: "AlchemyBlueprintB"
	Name: "Alchemy Blueprint B"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem AlchemyBlueprintB, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		// 1% to above, 19% to above + current, 10% to below + current.
		if (.@seed < 100)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_ADVANCED);
		else if (.@seed < 2000)
		else if (.@seed < 3000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_INTERMEDIARY);
	Id: 7452
	AegisName: "AlchemyBlueprintC"
	Name: "Alchemy Blueprint C"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem AlchemyBlueprintC, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		// 1% to above, 19% to above + current, 10% to below + current.
		if (.@seed < 100)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_EXPERT);
		else if (.@seed < 2000)
		else if (.@seed < 3000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_ADVANCED);
	Id: 7453
	AegisName: "AlchemyBlueprintD"
	Name: "Alchemy Blueprint D"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem AlchemyBlueprintD, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		// 1% to above, 19% to above + current, 10% to below + current.
		if (.@seed < 100)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_MASTER);
		else if (.@seed < 2000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_EXPERT | CRAFT_MASTER);
		else if (.@seed < 3000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_EXPERT);
	Id: 7454
	AegisName: "AlchemyBlueprintE"
	Name: "Alchemy Blueprint E"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem AlchemyBlueprintE, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		// 30% to below + current.
		if (.@seed < 3000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_MASTER | CRAFT_EXPERT);
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_ALCHEMY, CRAFT_MASTER);

	Id: 7460
	AegisName: "EquipmentBlueprintA"
	Name: "Equipment Blueprint A"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem EquipmentBlueprintA, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		if (.@seed < 100)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_INTERMEDIARY);
		else if (.@seed < 2000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_BASIC);
	Id: 7461
	AegisName: "EquipmentBlueprintB"
	Name: "Equipment Blueprint B"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem EquipmentBlueprintB, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		// 1% to above, 19% to above + current, 10% to below + current.
		if (.@seed < 100)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_ADVANCED);
		else if (.@seed < 2000)
		else if (.@seed < 3000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_INTERMEDIARY);
	Id: 7462
	AegisName: "EquipmentBlueprintC"
	Name: "Equipment Blueprint C"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem EquipmentBlueprintC, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		// 1% to above, 19% to above + current, 10% to below + current.
		if (.@seed < 100)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_EXPERT);
		else if (.@seed < 2000)
		else if (.@seed < 3000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_ADVANCED);
	Id: 7463
	AegisName: "EquipmentBlueprintD"
	Name: "Equipment Blueprint D"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem EquipmentBlueprintD, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		// 1% to above, 19% to above + current, 10% to below + current.
		if (.@seed < 100)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_MASTER);
		else if (.@seed < 2000)
		else if (.@seed < 3000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_EXPERT);
	Id: 7464
	AegisName: "EquipmentBlueprintE"
	Name: "Equipment Blueprint E"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem EquipmentBlueprintE, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		.@seed=rand(0, 10000)-BaseLevel-readparam(bLuk);

		// 30% to below + current.
		if (.@seed < 3000)
			callfunc("MakeBlueprint", CRAFT_EQUIPMENT, CRAFT_MASTER);

	Id: 7470
	AegisName: "AncientBlueprint"
	Name: "Ancient Blueprint"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"
		if (!CRAFTQUEST) {
			getitem AncientBlueprint, 1;
			dispbottom l("You need a @@ to use this.", getitemlink(RecipeBook));
		if (!getskilllv(TMW2_ANCIENTLANGUAGES)) {
			getitem AncientBlueprint, 1;
			dispbottom l("You cannot understand what's written.");
	Id: 7471
	AegisName: "ArcmageBoxset"
	Name: "Arcmage Boxset"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 1150
	Sell: 300
	Weight: 40
	Script: <"

// Mercenary boxsets and cards
	Id: 7500
	AegisName: "MercBoxA"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset A"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 85
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        if (BaseLevel >= 80)
        if (BaseLevel >= 60)
        if (BaseLevel >= 40) {
        } else {
        callfunc "merc_boxset", .@v1, .@v2, .@v3, .@v4, .@v5;
	Id: 7501
	AegisName: "MercBoxB"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset B"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 115
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", 100, 600, 2100, 5600, 4400;
	Id: 7502
	AegisName: "MercBoxC"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset C"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 135
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", 200, 1200, 4200, 9200, 800;
	Id: 7503
	AegisName: "MercBoxD"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset D"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 135
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", 400, 1600, 5800, 7200, 600;
	Id: 7504
	AegisName: "MercBoxE"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset E"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 135
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", 1000, 5400, 5700, 3200, 300;
	Id: 7505
	AegisName: "MercBoxAA"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset AA"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 135
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", BaseLevel/40, BaseLevel/20, BaseLevel, BaseLevel*2, 9000;
	Id: 7506
	AegisName: "MercBoxBB"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset BB"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 135
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", BaseLevel/40, BaseLevel/20, BaseLevel, 9000, BaseLevel*2;
	Id: 7507
	AegisName: "MercBoxCC"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset CC"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 135
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", BaseLevel/40, BaseLevel/20, 9000, BaseLevel, BaseLevel*2;
	Id: 7508
	AegisName: "MercBoxDD"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset DD"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 135
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", BaseLevel/40, 9000, BaseLevel/20, BaseLevel, BaseLevel*2;
	Id: 7509
	AegisName: "MercBoxEE"
	Name: "Mercenary Boxset EE"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 0
	Sell: 0
	Weight: 135
	KeepAfterUse: false
	Refine: false
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nogstorage: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <"
        callfunc "merc_boxset", 9000, BaseLevel/40, BaseLevel/20, BaseLevel, BaseLevel*2;

	Id: 7510
	AegisName: "MercCard_AndreiSakar"
	Name: "Andrei Sakar Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 70000
	Sell: 3500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7510
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1192, 300000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7511
	AegisName: "MercCard_Lilanna"
	Name: "Lilanna Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 70000
	Sell: 3500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7511
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1193, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7512
	AegisName: "MercCard_Woody"
	Name: "Woody Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 70000
	Sell: 3500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7512
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1191, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7513
	AegisName: "MercCard_Xanthem"
	Name: "Xanthem Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 70000
	Sell: 3500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7513
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1210, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;

	Id: 7530
	AegisName: "MercCard_Aisen"
	Name: "Aisen Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 60000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7530
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1194, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7531
	AegisName: "MercCard_Msawis"
	Name: "Msawis Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 60000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7531
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1195, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7532
	AegisName: "MercCard_DragonStar"
	Name: "Dragon Star Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 60000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7532
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1205, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7533
	AegisName: "MercCard_Swezanne"
	Name: "Swezanne Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 60000
	Sell: 3000
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7533
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1209, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;

	Id: 7550
	AegisName: "MercCard_Saulc"
	Name: "Saulc Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 50000
	Sell: 2500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7550
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1196, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7551
	AegisName: "MercCard_Crazyfefe"
	Name: "Crazyfefe Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 50000
	Sell: 2500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7551
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1197, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7552
	AegisName: "MercCard_LawnCable"
	Name: "Lawn Cable Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 50000
	Sell: 2500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7552
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1198, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7553
	AegisName: "MercCard_Arthur"
	Name: "Arthur Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 50000
	Sell: 2500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7553
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1208, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;

	Id: 7570
	AegisName: "MercCard_Pookie"
	Name: "Pookie Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 40000
	Sell: 2000
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7570
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1200, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7571
	AegisName: "MercCard_Jesusalva"
	Name: "Jesusalva Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 40000
	Sell: 2000
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7571
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1201, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7572
	AegisName: "MercCard_Demure"
	Name: "Demure Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 40000
	Sell: 2000
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7572
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1199, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7573
	AegisName: "MercCard_EarthWitch"
	Name: "Earth Witch Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 40000
	Sell: 2000
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7573
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1207, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;

	Id: 7590
	AegisName: "MercCard_Apane"
	Name: "Apane Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7590
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1203, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7591
	AegisName: "MercCard_Soren"
	Name: "Soren Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7591
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1204, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7592
	AegisName: "MercCard_GonzoDark"
	Name: "Gonzo Dark Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7590
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1202, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
	Id: 7593
	AegisName: "MercCard_Rosa"
	Name: "Rosa Card"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Buy: 30000
	Sell: 1500
	Weight: 5
	Refine: false
	ViewSprite: 7593
	Delay: 500
	UseEffect: 23 // TODO FIXME: We should add to db/constants.conf instead of using numbers
	Script: <"
		mercenary_create 1206, 600000;
		if (rand(1,5) == 4)
			getitem MercBoxA, 1;
