// $Id: login.c,v 1.6 2004/09/19 21:12:07 Valaris Exp $
// original : login2.c 2003/01/28 02:29:17 Rev.
// txt version 1.100
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef LCCWIN32
#include <winsock.h>
#pragma lib <libmysql.lib>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h> // for stat/lstat/fstat
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
//add include for DBMS(mysql)
#include <mysql.h>
#include "strlib.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "login.h"
#include "mmo.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "../common/core.h"
#include "../common/socket.h"
#include "login.h"
#include "../common/mmo.h"
#include "../common/version.h"
#include "../common/db.h"
#include "../common/timer.h"
#include "md5calc.h"
#include "memwatch.h"
#define J_MAX_MALLOC_SIZE 65535
// global variable
int account_id_count = START_ACCOUNT_NUM;
int server_num;
int new_account_flag = 0;
int login_port = 6900;
char lan_char_ip[128]; // Lan char ip added by kashy
int subnetmaski[4]; // Subnetmask added by kashy
struct mmo_char_server server[MAX_SERVERS];
int server_fd[MAX_SERVERS];
int server_freezeflag[MAX_SERVERS]; // Char-server anti-freeze system. Counter. 5 ok, 4...0 freezed
int anti_freeze_enable = 0;
int login_fd;
char date_format[32] = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
int auth_num = 0, auth_max = 0;
int min_level_to_connect = 0; // minimum level of player/GM (0: player, 1-99: gm) to connect on the server
int check_ip_flag = 1; // It's to check IP of a player between login-server and char-server (part of anti-hacking system)
MYSQL mysql_handle;
int ipban = 1;
int dynamic_account_ban = 1;
int dynamic_account_ban_class = 0;
int dynamic_pass_failure_ban = 1;
int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_time = 5;
int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_many = 3;
int dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_long = 60;
int login_server_port = 3306;
char login_server_ip[32] = "";
char login_server_id[32] = "ragnarok";
char login_server_pw[32] = "ragnarok";
char login_server_db[32] = "ragnarok";
int use_md5_passwds = 0;
char login_db[256] = "login";
char loginlog_db[256] = "loginlog";
// added to help out custom login tables, without having to recompile
// source so options are kept in the login_athena.conf or the inter_athena.conf
char login_db_account_id[256] = "account_id";
char login_db_userid[256] = "userid";
char login_db_user_pass[256] = "user_pass";
char login_db_level[256] = "level";
char tmpsql[65535], tmp_sql[65535];
#define AUTH_FIFO_SIZE 256
int account_id, login_id1, login_id2;
int ip, sex, delflag;
} auth_fifo[AUTH_FIFO_SIZE];
int auth_fifo_pos = 0;
static char md5key[20], md5keylen = 16;
// check user level
int isGM (int account_id)
int level;
MYSQL_RES *sql_res;
MYSQL_ROW sql_row;
level = 0;
sprintf (tmpsql, "SELECT `%s` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`='%d'", login_db_level,
login_db, login_db_account_id, account_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error (select GM Level to Memory)- %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
level = atoi (sql_row[0]);
if (level > 99)
level = 99;
if (level == 0)
return 0;
//not GM
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
return level;
// Function to suppress control characters in a string.
int remove_control_chars (unsigned char *str)
int i;
int change = 0;
for (i = 0; str[i]; i++)
if (str[i] < 32)
str[i] = '_';
change = 1;
return change;
// E-mail check: return 0 (not correct) or 1 (valid).
int e_mail_check (unsigned char *email)
char ch;
unsigned char *last_arobas;
// athena limits
if (strlen (email) < 3 || strlen (email) > 39)
return 0;
// part of RFC limits (official reference of e-mail description)
if (strchr (email, '@') == NULL || email[strlen (email) - 1] == '@')
return 0;
if (email[strlen (email) - 1] == '.')
return 0;
last_arobas = strrchr (email, '@');
if (strstr (last_arobas, "@.") != NULL ||
strstr (last_arobas, "..") != NULL)
return 0;
for (ch = 1; ch < 32; ch++)
if (strchr (last_arobas, ch) != NULL)
return 0;
if (strchr (last_arobas, ' ') != NULL ||
strchr (last_arobas, ';') != NULL)
return 0;
// all correct
return 1;
// Read Account database - mysql db
int mmo_auth_sqldb_init (void)
printf ("Login server init....\n");
// memory initialize
printf ("memory initialize....\n");
mysql_init (&mysql_handle);
// DB connection start
printf ("Connect Login Database Server....\n");
if (!mysql_real_connect
(&mysql_handle, login_server_ip, login_server_id, login_server_pw,
login_server_db, login_server_port, (char *) NULL, 0))
// pointer check
printf ("%s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
exit (1);
printf ("connect success!\n");
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `%s`(`time`,`ip`,`user`,`rcode`,`log`) VALUES (NOW(), '', 'lserver', '100','login server started')",
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
// DB server connect check
void mmo_auth_sqldb_sync (void)
// db connect check? or close?
// ping pong DB server -if losted? then connect try. else crash.
// close DB
void mmo_db_close (void)
//set log.
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `%s`(`time`,`ip`,`user`,`rcode`,`log`) VALUES (NOW(), '', 'lserver','100', 'login server shutdown')",
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//delete all server status
sprintf (tmpsql, "DELETE FROM `sstatus`");
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
mysql_close (&mysql_handle);
printf ("close DB connect....\n");
int i, fd;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++)
if ((fd = server_fd[i]) >= 0)
delete_session (fd);
delete_session (login_fd);
// Make new account
int mmo_auth_sqldb_new (struct mmo_account *account, const char *tmpstr,
char sex)
//no need on DB version
printf ("Request new account.... - not support on this version\n");
return 0;
// Make new account
int mmo_auth_new (struct mmo_account *account, const char *tmpstr, char sex)
return 0;
#ifdef LCCWIN32
extern void gettimeofday (struct timeval *t, struct timezone *dummy);
// Auth
int mmo_auth (struct mmo_account *account, int fd)
struct timeval tv;
time_t ban_until_time;
char tmpstr[256];
char t_uid[256], t_pass[256];
char user_password[256];
MYSQL_RES *sql_res;
MYSQL_ROW sql_row;
//int sql_fields, sql_cnt;
char md5str[64], md5bin[32];
char ip[16];
unsigned char *sin_addr =
(unsigned char *) &session[fd]->client_addr.sin_addr;
printf ("auth start...\n");
sprintf (ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", sin_addr[0], sin_addr[1], sin_addr[2],
// auth start : time seed
gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
strftime (tmpstr, 24, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime (&(tv.tv_sec)));
sprintf (tmpstr + 19, ".%03d", (int) tv.tv_usec / 1000);
jstrescapecpy (t_uid, account->userid);
jstrescapecpy (t_pass, account->passwd);
// make query
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `%s`,`%s`,`%s`,`lastlogin`,`logincount`,`sex`,`connect_until`,`last_ip`,`ban_until`,`state`,`%s`"
" FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`='%s'", login_db_account_id,
login_db_userid, login_db_user_pass, login_db_level, login_db,
login_db_userid, t_uid);
//login {0-account_id/1-userid/2-user_pass/3-lastlogin/4-logincount/5-sex/6-connect_untl/7-last_ip/8-ban_until/9-state}
// query
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); //row fetching
if (!sql_row)
//there's no id.
printf ("auth failed no account %s %s %s\n", tmpstr,
account->userid, account->passwd);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
return 0;
printf ("mmo_auth DB result error ! \n");
return 0;
// Documented by CLOWNISIUS || LLRO || Gunstar lead this one with me
// IF changed to diferent returns~ you get diferent responses from your msgstringtable.txt
//Ireturn 2 == line 9
//Ireturn 5 == line 311
//Ireturn 6 == line 450
//Ireturn 7 == line 440
//Ireturn 8 == line 682
//Ireturn 9 == line 704
//Ireturn 10 == line 705
//Ireturn 11 == line 706
//Ireturn 12 == line 707
//Ireturn 13 == line 708
//Ireturn 14 == line 709
//Ireturn 15 == line 710
//Ireturn -1 == line 010
// Check status
if (atoi (sql_row[9]) == -3)
//id is banned
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
return -3;
else if (atoi (sql_row[9]) == -2)
{ //dynamic ban
//id is banned
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
//add IP list.
return -2;
if (use_md5_passwds)
MD5_String (account->passwd, user_password);
jstrescapecpy (user_password, account->passwd);
printf ("account id ok encval:%d\n", account->passwdenc);
int encpasswdok = 0;
if (account->passwdenc > 0)
printf ("start md5calc..\n");
int j = account->passwdenc;
if (j > 2)
j = 1;
if (j == 1)
sprintf (md5str, "%s%s", md5key, sql_row[2]);
else if (j == 2)
sprintf (md5str, "%s%s", sql_row[2], md5key);
md5str[0] = 0;
printf ("j:%d mdstr:%s\n", j, md5str);
MD5_String2binary (md5str, md5bin);
encpasswdok = (memcmp (user_password, md5bin, 16) == 0);
while (j < 2 && !encpasswdok && (j++) != account->passwdenc);
//printf("key[%s] md5 [%s] ", md5key, md5);
printf ("client [%s] accountpass [%s]\n", user_password,
printf ("end md5calc..\n");
if ((strcmp (user_password, sql_row[2]) && !encpasswdok))
if (account->passwdenc == 0)
printf ("auth failed pass error %s %s %s" RETCODE, tmpstr,
account->userid, user_password);
char logbuf[1024], *p = logbuf;
int j;
p += sprintf (p, "auth failed pass error %s %s recv-md5[",
tmpstr, account->userid);
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
p += sprintf (p, "%02x",
((unsigned char *) user_password)[j]);
p += sprintf (p, "] calc-md5[");
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
p += sprintf (p, "%02x", ((unsigned char *) md5bin)[j]);
p += sprintf (p, "] md5key[");
for (j = 0; j < md5keylen; j++)
p += sprintf (p, "%02x", ((unsigned char *) md5key)[j]);
p += sprintf (p, "]" RETCODE);
printf ("%s\n", p);
return 1;
printf ("auth ok %s %s" RETCODE, tmpstr, account->userid);
if (atoi (sql_row[9]))
switch (atoi (sql_row[9]))
{ // packet 0x006a value + 1
case 1: // 0 = Unregistered ID
case 2: // 1 = Incorrect Password
case 3: // 2 = This ID is expired
case 4: // 3 = Rejected from Server
case 5: // 4 = You have been blocked by the GM Team
case 6: // 5 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
case 7: // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
case 8: // 7 = Server is jammed due to over populated
case 9: // 8 = No MSG (actually, all states after 9 except 99 are No MSG, use only this)
case 100: // 99 = This ID has been totally erased
printf ("Auth Error #%d\n", atoi (sql_row[9]));
return atoi (sql_row[9]) - 1;
return 99; // 99 = ID has been totally erased
// do not remove this section. this is meant for future, and current forums usage
// as a login manager and CP for login server. [CLOWNISIUS]
if (atoi(sql_row[10]) == 1) {
return 4;
if (atoi(sql_row[10]) >= 5) {
switch(atoi(sql_row[10])) {
case 5:
return 5;
case 6:
return 7;
case 7:
return 9;
case 8:
return 10;
case 9:
return 11;
return 10;
ban_until_time = atol (sql_row[8]);
//login {0-account_id/1-userid/2-user_pass/3-lastlogin/4-logincount/5-sex/6-connect_untl/7-last_ip/8-ban_until/9-state}
if (ban_until_time != 0)
{ // if account is banned
strftime (tmpstr, 20, date_format, gmtime (&ban_until_time));
tmpstr[19] = '\0';
if (ban_until_time > time (NULL))
{ // always banned
return 6; // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
{ // ban is finished
// reset the ban time
sprintf (tmpsql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `ban_until`='0' WHERE `%s`='%s'",
login_db, login_db_userid, t_uid);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (atol (sql_row[6]) != 0 && atol (sql_row[6]) < time (NULL))
return 2; // 2 = This ID is expired
account->account_id = atoi (sql_row[0]);
account->login_id1 = rand ();
account->login_id2 = rand ();
memcpy (tmpstr, sql_row[3], 19);
memcpy (account->lastlogin, tmpstr, 24);
account->sex = sql_row[5][0] == 'S' ? 2 : sql_row[5][0] == 'M';
sprintf (tmpsql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `lastlogin` = NOW(), `logincount`=`logincount` +1, `last_ip`='%s' WHERE `%s` = '%s'",
login_db, ip, login_db_userid, sql_row[1]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res); //resource free
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return -1;
// Send to char
int charif_sendallwos (int sfd, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len)
int i, c;
int fd;
c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++)
if ((fd = server_fd[i]) > 0 && fd != sfd)
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 0), buf, len);
WFIFOSET (fd, len);
return c;
// Char-server anti-freeze system
int char_anti_freeze_system (int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++)
if (server_fd[i] >= 0)
{ // if char-server is online
// printf("char_anti_freeze_system: server #%d '%s', flag: %d.\n", i, server[i].name, server_freezeflag[i]);
if (server_freezeflag[i]-- < 1)
{ // Char-server anti-freeze system. Counter. 5 ok, 4...0 freezed
session[server_fd[i]]->eof = 1;
return 0;
// char-server packet parse
int parse_fromchar (int fd)
int i, id;
MYSQL_RES *sql_res;
MYSQL_ROW sql_row = NULL;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) &session[fd]->client_addr.sin_addr;
char ip[16];
sprintf (ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
for (id = 0; id < MAX_SERVERS; id++)
if (server_fd[id] == fd)
if (id == MAX_SERVERS || session[fd]->eof)
if (id < MAX_SERVERS)
printf ("Char-server '%s' has disconnected.\n", server[id].name);
server_fd[id] = -1;
memset (&server[id], 0, sizeof (struct mmo_char_server));
// server delete
sprintf (tmpsql, "DELETE FROM `sstatus` WHERE `index`='%d'", id);
// query
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
close (fd);
delete_session (fd);
return 0;
while (RFIFOREST (fd) >= 2)
// printf("char_parse: %d %d packet case=%x\n", fd, RFIFOREST(fd), RFIFOW(fd, 0));
switch (RFIFOW (fd, 0))
case 0x2712:
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 19)
return 0;
int account_id;
account_id = RFIFOL (fd, 2); // speed up
for (i = 0; i < AUTH_FIFO_SIZE; i++)
if (auth_fifo[i].account_id == account_id &&
auth_fifo[i].login_id1 == RFIFOL (fd, 6) &&
auth_fifo[i].login_id2 == RFIFOL (fd, 10) && // relate to the versions higher than 18
auth_fifo[i].sex == RFIFOB (fd, 14) &&
auth_fifo[i].ip == RFIFOL (fd, 15) &&
auth_fifo[i].delflag = 1;
printf ("auth -> %d\n", i);
if (i != AUTH_FIFO_SIZE)
{ // send account_reg
int p;
time_t connect_until_time = 0;
char email[40] = "";
account_id = RFIFOL (fd, 2);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `email`,`connect_until` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`='%d'",
login_db, login_db_account_id, account_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
connect_until_time = atol (sql_row[1]);
strcpy (email, sql_row[0]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
if (account_id > 0)
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `str`,`value` FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `type`='1' AND `account_id`='%d'",
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x2729;
WFIFOL (fd, 4) = account_id;
for (p = 8;
(sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res));
p += 36)
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, p), sql_row[0], 32);
WFIFOL (fd, p + 32) = atoi (sql_row[1]);
WFIFOW (fd, 2) = p;
WFIFOSET (fd, p);
//printf("account_reg2 send : login->char (auth fifo)\n");
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x2713;
WFIFOL (fd, 2) = account_id;
WFIFOB (fd, 6) = 0;
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 7), email, 40);
WFIFOL (fd, 47) =
(unsigned long) connect_until_time;
WFIFOSET (fd, 51);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x2713;
WFIFOL (fd, 2) = account_id;
WFIFOB (fd, 6) = 1;
WFIFOSET (fd, 51);
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 19);
case 0x2714:
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 6)
return 0;
// how many users on world? (update)
if (server[id].users != RFIFOL (fd, 2))
printf ("set users %s : %d\n", server[id].name,
RFIFOL (fd, 2));
server[id].users = RFIFOL (fd, 2);
if (anti_freeze_enable)
server_freezeflag[id] = 5; // Char anti-freeze system. Counter. 5 ok, 4...0 freezed
sprintf (tmpsql,
"UPDATE `sstatus` SET `user` = '%d' WHERE `index` = '%d'",
server[id].users, id);
// query
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 6);
// We receive an e-mail/limited time request, because a player comes back from a map-server to the char-server
case 0x2716:
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 6)
return 0;
int account_id;
time_t connect_until_time = 0;
char email[40] = "";
account_id = RFIFOL (fd, 2);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `email`,`connect_until` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s`='%d'",
login_db, login_db_account_id, account_id);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res);
connect_until_time = atol (sql_row[1]);
strcpy (email, sql_row[0]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
//printf("parse_fromchar: E-mail/limited time request from '%s' server (concerned account: %d)\n", server[id].name, RFIFOL(fd,2));
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x2717;
WFIFOL (fd, 2) = RFIFOL (fd, 2);
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 6), email, 40);
WFIFOL (fd, 46) = (unsigned long) connect_until_time;
WFIFOSET (fd, 50);
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 6);
case 0x2720: // GM
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 4)
return 0;
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < RFIFOW (fd, 2))
return 0;
//oldacc = RFIFOL(fd,4);
("change GM isn't support in this login server version.\n");
printf ("change GM error 0 %s\n", RFIFOP (fd, 8));
RFIFOSKIP (fd, RFIFOW (fd, 2));
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x2721;
WFIFOL (fd, 2) = RFIFOL (fd, 4); // oldacc;
WFIFOL (fd, 6) = 0; // newacc;
WFIFOSET (fd, 10);
return 0;
// Map server send information to change an email of an account via char-server
case 0x2722: // 0x2722 <account_id>.L <actual_e-mail>.40B <new_e-mail>.40B
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 86)
return 0;
int acc;
char actual_email[40], new_email[40];
acc = RFIFOL (fd, 2);
memcpy (actual_email, RFIFOP (fd, 6), 40);
memcpy (new_email, RFIFOP (fd, 46), 40);
if (e_mail_check (actual_email) == 0)
("Char-server '%s': Attempt to modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command), but actual email is invalid (account: %d, ip: %s)"
RETCODE, server[id].name, acc, ip);
else if (e_mail_check (new_email) == 0)
("Char-server '%s': Attempt to modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command) with a invalid new e-mail (account: %d, ip: %s)"
RETCODE, server[id].name, acc, ip);
else if (strcmpi (new_email, "a@a.com") == 0)
("Char-server '%s': Attempt to modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command) with a default e-mail (account: %d, ip: %s)"
RETCODE, server[id].name, acc, ip);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `%s`,`email` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db_userid, login_db,
login_db_account_id, acc);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); //row fetching
if (strcmpi (sql_row[1], actual_email) == 0)
sprintf (tmpsql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `email` = '%s' WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, new_email,
login_db_account_id, acc);
// query
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
("Char-server '%s': Modify an e-mail on an account (@email GM command) (account: %d (%s), new e-mail: %s, ip: %s)."
RETCODE, server[id].name, acc,
sql_row[0], actual_email, ip);
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 86);
case 0x2724: // Receiving of map-server via char-server a status change resquest (by Yor)
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 10)
return 0;
int acc, statut;
acc = RFIFOL (fd, 2);
statut = RFIFOL (fd, 6);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `state` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, login_db_account_id, acc);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); // row fetching
if (atoi (sql_row[0]) != statut && statut != 0)
unsigned char buf[16];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x2731;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = acc;
WBUFB (buf, 6) = 0; // 0: change of statut, 1: ban
WBUFL (buf, 7) = statut; // status or final date of a banishment
charif_sendallwos (-1, buf, 11);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `state` = '%d' WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, statut, login_db_account_id, acc);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 10);
return 0;
case 0x2725: // Receiving of map-server via char-server a ban resquest (by Yor)
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 18)
return 0;
int acc;
struct tm *tmtime;
time_t timestamp, tmptime;
acc = RFIFOL (fd, 2);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `ban_until` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, login_db_account_id, acc);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); // row fetching
tmptime = atol (sql_row[0]);
if (tmptime == 0 || tmptime < time (NULL))
timestamp = time (NULL);
timestamp = tmptime;
tmtime = gmtime (×tamp);
tmtime->tm_year =
tmtime->tm_year + (short) RFIFOW (fd, 6);
tmtime->tm_mon = tmtime->tm_mon + (short) RFIFOW (fd, 8);
tmtime->tm_mday =
tmtime->tm_mday + (short) RFIFOW (fd, 10);
tmtime->tm_hour =
tmtime->tm_hour + (short) RFIFOW (fd, 12);
tmtime->tm_min = tmtime->tm_min + (short) RFIFOW (fd, 14);
tmtime->tm_sec = tmtime->tm_sec + (short) RFIFOW (fd, 16);
timestamp = timegm (tmtime);
if (timestamp != -1)
if (timestamp <= time (NULL))
timestamp = 0;
if (tmptime != timestamp)
if (timestamp != 0)
unsigned char buf[16];
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x2731;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = acc;
WBUFB (buf, 6) = 1; // 0: change of statut, 1: ban
WBUFL (buf, 7) = timestamp; // status or final date of a banishment
charif_sendallwos (-1, buf, 11);
printf ("Account: %d Banned until: %ld\n", acc,
sprintf (tmpsql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `ban_until` = '%ld', `state`='7' WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, timestamp, login_db_account_id,
// query
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 18);
return 0;
case 0x2727:
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 6)
return 0;
int acc, sex;
unsigned char buf[16];
acc = RFIFOL (fd, 4);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `sex` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, login_db_account_id, acc);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
if (mysql_num_rows (sql_res) == 0)
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
return 0;
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); //row fetching
if (strcmpi (sql_row[0], "M") == 0)
sex = 1;
sex = 0;
sprintf (tmpsql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `sex` = '%c' WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, (sex == 0 ? 'M' : 'F'),
login_db_account_id, acc);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x2723;
WBUFL (buf, 2) = acc;
WBUFB (buf, 6) = sex;
charif_sendallwos (-1, buf, 7);
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 6);
return 0;
case 0x2728: // save account_reg
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 4 || RFIFOREST (fd) < RFIFOW (fd, 2))
return 0;
int acc, p, j;
char str[32];
char temp_str[32];
int value;
acc = RFIFOL (fd, 4);
if (acc > 0)
unsigned char buf[RFIFOW (fd, 2) + 1];
for (p = 8, j = 0;
p < RFIFOW (fd, 2) && j < ACCOUNT_REG2_NUM;
p += 36, j++)
memcpy (str, RFIFOP (fd, p), 32);
value = RFIFOL (fd, p + 32);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"DELETE FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `type`='1' AND `account_id`='%d' AND `str`='%s';",
acc, jstrescapecpy (temp_str, str));
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `global_reg_value` (`type`, `account_id`, `str`, `value`) VALUES ( 1 , '%d' , '%s' , '%d');",
acc, jstrescapecpy (temp_str, str),
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
// Send to char
memcpy (WBUFP (buf, 0), RFIFOP (fd, 0),
RFIFOW (fd, 2));
WBUFW (buf, 0) = 0x2729;
charif_sendallwos (fd, buf, WBUFW (buf, 2));
RFIFOSKIP (fd, RFIFOW (fd, 2));
//printf("login: save account_reg (from char)\n");
case 0x272a: // Receiving of map-server via char-server a unban resquest (by Yor)
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 6)
return 0;
int acc;
acc = RFIFOL (fd, 2);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `ban_until` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, login_db_account_id, acc);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); //row fetching
if (atol (sql_row[0]) != 0)
sprintf (tmpsql,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `ban_until` = '0', `state`='0' WHERE `%s` = '%d'",
login_db, login_db_account_id, acc);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 6);
return 0;
printf ("login: unknown packet %x! (from char).\n",
RFIFOW (fd, 0));
session[fd]->eof = 1;
return 0;
return 0;
//Lan ip check added by Kashy
int lan_ip_check (unsigned char *p)
int y;
int lancheck = 1;
int lancharip[4];
unsigned int k0, k1, k2, k3;
sscanf (lan_char_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &k0, &k1, &k2, &k3);
lancharip[0] = k0;
lancharip[1] = k1;
lancharip[2] = k2;
lancharip[3] = k3;
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
if ((lancharip[y] & subnetmaski[y]) != (p[y]))
lancheck = 0;
printf ("LAN check: %s.\n",
(lancheck) ? "\033[1;32mLAN\033[0m" : "\033[1;31mWAN\033[0m");
return lancheck;
// Default packet parsing (normal players or administation/char-server connection requests)
int parse_login (int fd)
//int len;
MYSQL_RES *sql_res;
MYSQL_ROW sql_row = NULL;
char t_uid[100];
//int sql_fields, sql_cnt;
struct mmo_account account;
int result, i;
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) &session[fd]->client_addr.sin_addr;
char ip[16];
sprintf (ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
if (ipban > 0)
//ip ban
//p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]
//request DB connection
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT count(*) FROM `ipbanlist` WHERE `list` = '%d.*.*.*' OR `list` = '%d.%d.*.*' OR `list` = '%d.%d.%d.*' OR `list` = '%d.%d.%d.%d'",
p[0], p[0], p[1], p[0], p[1], p[2], p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); //row fetching
if (atoi (sql_row[0]) > 0)
// ip ban ok.
printf ("packet from banned ip : %d.%d.%d.%d" RETCODE, p[0], p[1],
p[2], p[3]);
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `%s`(`time`,`ip`,`user`,`rcode`,`log`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d.%d.%d.%d', 'unknown','-3', 'ip banned')",
loginlog_db, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
// query
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
printf ("close session connection...\n");
// close connection
session[fd]->eof = 1;
printf ("packet from ip (ban check ok) : %d.%d.%d.%d" RETCODE,
p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
if (session[fd]->eof)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++)
if (server_fd[i] == fd)
server_fd[i] = -1;
close (fd);
delete_session (fd);
return 0;
while (RFIFOREST (fd) >= 2)
printf ("parse_login : %d %d packet case=%x\n", fd, RFIFOREST (fd),
RFIFOW (fd, 0));
switch (RFIFOW (fd, 0))
case 0x200: // New alive packet: structure: 0x200 <account.userid>.24B. used to verify if client is always alive.
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 26)
return 0;
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 26);
case 0x204: // New alive packet: structure: 0x204 <encrypted.account.userid>.16B. (new ragexe from 22 june 2004)
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 18)
return 0;
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 18);
case 0x64: // request client login
case 0x01dd: // request client login with encrypt
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < ((RFIFOW (fd, 0) == 0x64) ? 55 : 47))
return 0;
printf ("client connection request %s from %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
RFIFOP (fd, 6), p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
account.userid = RFIFOP (fd, 6);
account.passwd = RFIFOP (fd, 30);
account.passwdenc =
(RFIFOW (fd, 0) == 0x64) ? 0 : PASSWORDENC;
account.passwdenc = 0;
result = mmo_auth (&account, fd);
jstrescapecpy (t_uid, RFIFOP (fd, 6));
if (result == -1)
int gm_level = isGM (account.account_id);
if (min_level_to_connect > gm_level)
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x81;
WFIFOL (fd, 2) = 1; // 01 = Server closed
WFIFOSET (fd, 3);
if (p[0] != 127)
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `%s`(`time`,`ip`,`user`,`rcode`,`log`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d.%d.%d.%d', '%s','100', 'login ok')",
loginlog_db, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3],
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if (gm_level)
("Connection of the GM (level:%d) account '%s' accepted.\n",
gm_level, account.userid);
("Connection of the account '%s' accepted.\n",
server_num = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++)
if (server_fd[i] >= 0)
//Lan check added by Kashy
if (lan_ip_check (p))
WFIFOL (fd, 47 + server_num * 32) =
inet_addr (lan_char_ip);
WFIFOL (fd, 47 + server_num * 32) =
WFIFOW (fd, 47 + server_num * 32 + 4) =
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 47 + server_num * 32 + 6),
server[i].name, 20);
WFIFOW (fd, 47 + server_num * 32 + 26) =
WFIFOW (fd, 47 + server_num * 32 + 28) =
WFIFOW (fd, 47 + server_num * 32 + 30) =
// if at least 1 char-server
if (server_num > 0)
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x69;
WFIFOW (fd, 2) = 47 + 32 * server_num;
WFIFOL (fd, 4) = account.login_id1;
WFIFOL (fd, 8) = account.account_id;
WFIFOL (fd, 12) = account.login_id2;
WFIFOL (fd, 16) = 0;
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 20), account.lastlogin, 24);
WFIFOB (fd, 46) = account.sex;
WFIFOSET (fd, 47 + 32 * server_num);
if (auth_fifo_pos >= AUTH_FIFO_SIZE)
auth_fifo_pos = 0;
auth_fifo[auth_fifo_pos].account_id =
auth_fifo[auth_fifo_pos].login_id1 =
auth_fifo[auth_fifo_pos].login_id2 =
auth_fifo[auth_fifo_pos].sex = account.sex;
auth_fifo[auth_fifo_pos].delflag = 0;
auth_fifo[auth_fifo_pos].ip =
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x81;
WFIFOL (fd, 2) = 1; // 01 = Server closed
WFIFOSET (fd, 3);
char tmp_sql[512];
char error[64];
sprintf (tmp_sql,
"INSERT INTO `%s`(`time`,`ip`,`user`,`rcode`,`log`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d.%d.%d.%d', '%s', '%d','login failed : %%s')",
loginlog_db, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], t_uid,
switch ((result + 1))
case -2: //-3 = Account Banned
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Account banned.");
sprintf (error, "Account banned.");
case -1: //-2 = Dynamic Ban
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql,
"dynamic ban (ip and account).");
sprintf (error, "dynamic ban (ip and account).");
case 1: // 0 = Unregistered ID
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Unregisterd ID.");
sprintf (error, "Unregisterd ID.");
case 2: // 1 = Incorrect Password
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Incorrect Password.");
sprintf (error, "Incorrect Password.");
case 3: // 2 = This ID is expired
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Account Expired.");
sprintf (error, "Account Expired.");
case 4: // 3 = Rejected from Server
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql,
"Rejected from server.");
sprintf (error, "Rejected from server.");
case 5: // 4 = You have been blocked by the GM Team
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Blocked by GM.");
sprintf (error, "Blocked by GM.");
case 6: // 5 = Your Game's EXE file is not the latest version
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Not latest game EXE.");
sprintf (error, "Not latest game EXE.");
case 7: // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Banned.");
sprintf (error, "Banned.");
case 8: // 7 = Server is jammed due to over populated
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql,
"Server Over-population.");
sprintf (error, "Server Over-population.");
case 9: // 8 = No MSG (actually, all states after 9 except 99 are No MSG, use only this)
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, " ");
sprintf (error, " ");
case 100: // 99 = This ID has been totally erased
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Account gone.");
sprintf (error, "Account gone.");
sprintf (tmpsql, tmp_sql, "Uknown Error.");
sprintf (error, "Uknown Error.");
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
if ((result == 1) && (dynamic_pass_failure_ban != 0))
{ // failed password
sprintf (tmpsql, "SELECT count(*) FROM `%s` WHERE `ip` = '%d.%d.%d.%d' AND `rcode` = '1' AND `time` > NOW() - INTERVAL %d MINUTE", loginlog_db, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], dynamic_pass_failure_ban_time); //how many times filed account? in one ip.
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
//check query result
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); //row fetching
if (atoi (sql_row[0]) >=
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `ipbanlist`(`list`,`btime`,`rtime`,`reason`) VALUES ('%d.%d.%d.*', NOW() , NOW() + INTERVAL %d MINUTE ,'Password error ban: %s')",
p[0], p[1], p[2],
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
mysql_free_result (sql_res);
else if (result == -2)
{ //dynamic banned - add ip to ban list.
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `ipbanlist`(`list`,`btime`,`rtime`,`reason`) VALUES ('%d.%d.%d.*', NOW() , NOW() + INTERVAL 1 MONTH ,'Dynamic banned user id : %s')",
p[0], p[1], p[2], t_uid);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
result = -3;
sprintf (tmpsql,
"SELECT `ban_until` FROM `%s` WHERE `%s` = '%s'",
login_db, login_db_userid, t_uid);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
sql_res = mysql_store_result (&mysql_handle);
if (sql_res)
sql_row = mysql_fetch_row (sql_res); //row fetching
//cannot connect login failed
memset (WFIFOP (fd, 0), '\0', 23);
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x6a;
WFIFOB (fd, 2) = result;
if (result == 6)
{ // 6 = Your are Prohibited to log in until %s
if (atol (sql_row[0]) != 0)
{ // if account is banned, we send ban timestamp
char tmpstr[256];
time_t ban_until_time;
ban_until_time = atol (sql_row[0]);
strftime (tmpstr, 20, date_format,
gmtime (&ban_until_time));
tmpstr[19] = '\0';
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 3), tmpstr, 20);
{ // we send error message
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 3), error, 20);
WFIFOSET (fd, 23);
RFIFOSKIP (fd, (RFIFOW (fd, 0) == 0x64) ? 55 : 47);
case 0x01db: // request password key
if (session[fd]->session_data)
("login: abnormal request of MD5 key (already opened session).\n");
session[fd]->eof = 1;
return 0;
printf ("Request Password key -%s\n", md5key);
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 2);
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x01dc;
WFIFOW (fd, 2) = 4 + md5keylen;
memcpy (WFIFOP (fd, 4), md5key, md5keylen);
WFIFOSET (fd, WFIFOW (fd, 2));
case 0x2710: // request Char-server connection
if (RFIFOREST (fd) < 86)
return 0;
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `%s`(`time`,`ip`,`user`,`rcode`,`log`) VALUES (NOW(), '%d.%d.%d.%d', '%s@%s','100', 'charserver - %s@%d.%d.%d.%d:%d')",
loginlog_db, p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], RFIFOP (fd,
RFIFOP (fd, 60), RFIFOP (fd, 60), RFIFOB (fd,
RFIFOB (fd, 55), RFIFOB (fd, 56), RFIFOB (fd,
RFIFOW (fd, 58));
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
("server connection request %s @ %d.%d.%d.%d:%d (%d.%d.%d.%d)\n",
RFIFOP (fd, 60), RFIFOB (fd, 54), RFIFOB (fd, 55),
RFIFOB (fd, 56), RFIFOB (fd, 57), RFIFOW (fd, 58),
p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
unsigned char *server_name;
account.userid = RFIFOP (fd, 2);
account.passwd = RFIFOP (fd, 26);
account.passwdenc = 0;
server_name = RFIFOP (fd, 60);
result = mmo_auth (&account, fd);
//printf("Result: %d - Sex: %d - Account ID: %d\n",result,account.sex,(int) account.account_id);
if (result == -1 && account.sex == 2
&& account.account_id < MAX_SERVERS
&& server_fd[account.account_id] == -1)
("Connection of the char-server '%s' accepted.\n",
memset (&server[account.account_id], 0,
sizeof (struct mmo_char_server));
server[account.account_id].ip = RFIFOL (fd, 54);
server[account.account_id].port = RFIFOW (fd, 58);
memcpy (server[account.account_id].name,
RFIFOP (fd, 60), 20);
server[account.account_id].users = 0;
server[account.account_id].maintenance =
RFIFOW (fd, 82);
server[account.account_id].new = RFIFOW (fd, 84);
server_fd[account.account_id] = fd;
if (anti_freeze_enable)
server_freezeflag[account.account_id] = 5; // Char-server anti-freeze system. Counter. 5 ok, 4...0 freezed
sprintf (tmpsql,
"DELETE FROM `sstatus` WHERE `index`='%ld'",
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
jstrescapecpy (t_uid,
sprintf (tmpsql,
"INSERT INTO `sstatus`(`index`,`name`,`user`) VALUES ( '%ld', '%s', '%d')",
server[account.account_id].name, 0);
if (mysql_query (&mysql_handle, tmpsql))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n",
mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x2711;
WFIFOB (fd, 2) = 0;
WFIFOSET (fd, 3);
session[fd]->func_parse = parse_fromchar;
realloc_fifo (fd, FIFOSIZE_SERVERLINK,
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x2711;
WFIFOB (fd, 2) = 3;
WFIFOSET (fd, 3);
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 86);
return 0;
case 0x7530: // request Athena information
WFIFOW (fd, 0) = 0x7531;
WFIFOSET (fd, 10);
RFIFOSKIP (fd, 2);
printf ("Athena version check...\n");
case 0x7532:
printf ("End of connection (ip: %s)" RETCODE, ip);
session[fd]->eof = 1;
return 0;
return 0;
// Return numerical value of a switch configuration
// on/off, english, fran軋is, deutsch, espal
int config_switch (const char *str)
if (strcmpi (str, "on") == 0 || strcmpi (str, "yes") == 0
|| strcmpi (str, "oui") == 0 || strcmpi (str, "ja") == 0
|| strcmpi (str, "si") == 0)
return 1;
if (strcmpi (str, "off") == 0 || strcmpi (str, "no") == 0
|| strcmpi (str, "non") == 0 || strcmpi (str, "nein") == 0)
return 0;
return atoi (str);
//Lan Support conf reading added by Kashy
int login_lan_config_read (const char *lancfgName)
int i;
char subnetmask[128];
char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024];
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen_ (lancfgName, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
printf ("file not found: %s\n", lancfgName);
return 1;
printf ("Start reading of Lan Support configuration file\n");
while (fgets (line, sizeof (line) - 1, fp))
if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')
i = sscanf (line, "%[^:]: %[^\r\n]", w1, w2);
if (i != 2)
else if (strcmpi (w1, "lan_char_ip") == 0)
strcpy (lan_char_ip, w2);
printf ("set Lan_Char_IP : %s\n", w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "subnetmask") == 0)
strcpy (subnetmask, w2);
unsigned int k0, k1, k2, k3;
sscanf (subnetmask, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &k0, &k1, &k2, &k3);
subnetmaski[0] = k0;
subnetmaski[1] = k1;
subnetmaski[2] = k2;
subnetmaski[3] = k3;
printf ("set subnetmask : %s\n", w2);
fclose_ (fp);
unsigned int a0, a1, a2, a3;
unsigned char p[4];
sscanf (lan_char_ip, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &a0, &a1, &a2, &a3);
p[0] = a0;
p[1] = a1;
p[2] = a2;
p[3] = a3;
printf ("LAN test of LAN IP of the char-server: ");
if (lan_ip_check (p) == 0)
("\033[1;31m***ERROR: LAN IP of the char-server doesn't belong to the specified Sub-network\033[0m\n");
printf ("End reading of Lan Support configuration file\n");
return 0;
int ip_ban_check (int tid, unsigned int tick, int id, int data)
if (mysql_query
(&mysql_handle, "DELETE FROM `ipbanlist` WHERE `rtime` <= NOW()"))
printf ("DB server Error - %s\n", mysql_error (&mysql_handle));
return 0;
// reading configuration
int login_config_read (const char *cfgName)
int i;
char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024];
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen_ (cfgName, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
printf ("Configuration file (%s) not found.\n", cfgName);
return 1;
printf ("start reading configuration...\n");
while (fgets (line, sizeof (line) - 1, fp))
if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')
i = sscanf (line, "%[^:]: %[^\r\n]", w1, w2);
if (i != 2)
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_port") == 0)
login_port = atoi (w2);
printf ("set login_port : %s\n", w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "ipban") == 0)
ipban = atoi (w2);
printf ("set ipban : %d\n", ipban);
//account ban -> ip ban
else if (strcmpi (w1, "dynamic_account_ban") == 0)
dynamic_account_ban = atoi (w2);
printf ("set dynamic_account_ban : %d\n", dynamic_account_ban);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "dynamic_account_ban_class") == 0)
dynamic_account_ban_class = atoi (w2);
printf ("set dynamic_account_ban_class : %d\n",
//dynamic password error ban
else if (strcmpi (w1, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban") == 0)
dynamic_pass_failure_ban = atoi (w2);
printf ("set dynamic_pass_failure_ban : %d\n",
else if (strcmpi (w1, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_time") == 0)
dynamic_pass_failure_ban_time = atoi (w2);
printf ("set dynamic_pass_failure_ban_time : %d\n",
else if (strcmpi (w1, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_many") == 0)
dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_many = atoi (w2);
printf ("set dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_many : %d\n",
else if (strcmpi (w1, "dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_long") == 0)
dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_long = atoi (w2);
printf ("set dynamic_pass_failure_ban_how_long : %d\n",
else if (strcmpi (w1, "anti_freeze_enable") == 0)
anti_freeze_enable = config_switch (w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "anti_freeze_interval") == 0)
ANTI_FREEZE_INTERVAL = 5; // minimum 5 seconds
else if (strcmpi (w1, "import") == 0)
login_config_read (w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "use_MD5_passwords") == 0)
if (!strcmpi (w2, "yes"))
use_md5_passwds = 1;
else if (!strcmpi (w2, "no"))
use_md5_passwds = 0;
printf ("Using MD5 Passwords: %s \n", w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "date_format") == 0)
{ // note: never have more than 19 char for the date!
switch (atoi (w2))
case 0:
strcpy (date_format, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S"); // 31-12-2004 23:59:59
case 1:
strcpy (date_format, "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S"); // 12-31-2004 23:59:59
case 2:
strcpy (date_format, "%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S"); // 2004-31-12 23:59:59
case 3:
strcpy (date_format, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); // 2004-12-31 23:59:59
else if (strcmpi (w1, "min_level_to_connect") == 0)
min_level_to_connect = atoi (w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "check_ip_flag") == 0)
check_ip_flag = config_switch (w2);
fclose_ (fp);
printf ("End reading configuration...\n");
return 0;
void sql_config_read (const char *cfgName)
{ /* Kalaspuff, to get login_db */
int i;
char line[1024], w1[1024], w2[1024];
printf ("reading configure: %s\n", cfgName);
FILE *fp = fopen_ (cfgName, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
printf ("file not found: %s\n", cfgName);
exit (1);
while (fgets (line, sizeof (line) - 1, fp))
if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')
i = sscanf (line, "%[^:]: %[^\r\n]", w1, w2);
if (i != 2)
if (strcmpi (w1, "login_db") == 0)
strcpy (login_db, w2);
//add for DB connection
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_server_ip") == 0)
strcpy (login_server_ip, w2);
printf ("set login_server_ip : %s\n", w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_server_port") == 0)
login_server_port = atoi (w2);
printf ("set login_server_port : %s\n", w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_server_id") == 0)
strcpy (login_server_id, w2);
printf ("set login_server_id : %s\n", w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_server_pw") == 0)
strcpy (login_server_pw, w2);
printf ("set login_server_pw : %s\n", w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_server_db") == 0)
strcpy (login_server_db, w2);
printf ("set login_server_db : %s\n", w2);
//added for custom column names for custom login table
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_db_account_id") == 0)
strcpy (login_db_account_id, w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_db_userid") == 0)
strcpy (login_db_userid, w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_db_user_pass") == 0)
strcpy (login_db_user_pass, w2);
else if (strcmpi (w1, "login_db_level") == 0)
strcpy (login_db_level, w2);
//end of custom table config
else if (strcmpi (w1, "loginlog_db") == 0)
strcpy (loginlog_db, w2);
fclose_ (fp);
printf ("reading configure done.....\n");
int do_init (int argc, char **argv)
//initialize login server
int i;
//read login configue
login_config_read ((argc > 1) ? argv[1] : LOGIN_CONF_NAME);
sql_config_read (SQL_CONF_NAME);
login_lan_config_read ((argc > 1) ? argv[1] : LAN_CONF_NAME);
//Generate Passworded Key.
printf ("memset md5key \n");
memset (md5key, 0, sizeof (md5key));
printf ("memset md5key complete\n");
printf ("memset keyleng\n");
md5keylen = rand () % 4 + 12;
for (i = 0; i < md5keylen; i++)
md5key[i] = rand () % 255 + 1;
printf ("memset keyleng complete\n");
printf ("set FIFO Size\n");
for (i = 0; i < AUTH_FIFO_SIZE; i++)
auth_fifo[i].delflag = 1;
printf ("set FIFO Size complete\n");
printf ("set max servers\n");
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SERVERS; i++)
server_fd[i] = -1;
printf ("set max servers complete\n");
//server port open & binding
login_fd = make_listen_port (login_port);
//Auth start
printf ("Running mmo_auth_sqldb_init()\n");
mmo_auth_sqldb_init ();
printf ("finished mmo_auth_sqldb_init()\n");
//sync account when terminating.
//but no need when you using DBMS (mysql)
set_termfunc (mmo_db_close);
//set default parser as parse_login function
set_defaultparse (parse_login);
if (anti_freeze_enable > 0)
add_timer_func_list (char_anti_freeze_system,
i = add_timer_interval (gettick () + 1000, char_anti_freeze_system, 0,
// ban deleter timer - 1 minute term
printf ("add interval tic (ip_ban_check)....\n");
i = add_timer_interval (gettick () + 10, ip_ban_check, 0, 0, 60 * 1000);
("The login-server is \033[1;32mready\033[0m (Server is listening on the port %d).\n\n",
return 0;