path: root/data/graphics
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2011-05-16Replaced default theme by classic. Moving default theme to theme mana.Andrei Karas9-5/+17
2011-04-23Update local player chat color in light themes.Andrei Karas1-1/+1
2011-03-27Fix some warnings and improve code from gcc 4.6 compilation.Andrei Karas1-0/+1
2011-01-27Update backgrounds and remove 4144 from windows packed binary.Andrei Karas1-0/+0
2011-01-03Increase emotes count to 44 and fix new emotes.Andrei Karas1-1/+1
2011-01-03Added 4 new smiles .Reid2-0/+4
2011-01-02Initial commit.Andrei Karas69-0/+303
This code based on mana client and my private repository.