path: root/src/debug/mse
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/debug/mse')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 3741 deletions
diff --git a/src/debug/mse/LICENSE_1_0.txt b/src/debug/mse/LICENSE_1_0.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 664c26753..000000000
--- a/src/debug/mse/LICENSE_1_0.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
-obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
-this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
-execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
-Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
-do so, all subject to the following:
-The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
-the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
-must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
-all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
-works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
-a source language processor.
diff --git a/src/debug/mse/msemsevector.h b/src/debug/mse/msemsevector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e0046ca5c..000000000
--- a/src/debug/mse/msemsevector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2432 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015 Noah Lopez
-// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-/*compiler specific defines*/
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#if (1700 > _MSC_VER)
-#define MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE 1
-#endif /*(1700 > _MSC_VER)*/
-#if (1900 > _MSC_VER)
-#define MSVC2013_COMPATIBLE 1
-#endif /*(1900 > _MSC_VER)*/
-#else /*_MSC_VER*/
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__))
-#if ((5 > __GNUC__) && (!defined(__clang__)))
-#define GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE 1
-#endif /*((5 > __GNUC__) && (!defined(__clang__)))*/
-#endif /*_MSC_VER*/
-#include "debug/mse/mseprimitives.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <functional>
-#include <climits> // ULONG_MAX
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <iostream>
-#define MSE_THROW(x) throw(x)
-namespace mse {
- typedef mse::CSize_t msev_size_t;
- typedef mse::CInt msev_int;
- typedef bool msev_bool; // no added safety benefit to using mse::CBool in this case
- #define msev_as_a_size_t as_a_size_t
-#else // SIZE_MAX <= ULONG_MAX
-#define MSE_MSEVECTOR_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE long long int
-#endif // SIZE_MAX <= ULONG_MAX
- typedef size_t msev_size_t;
- typedef bool msev_bool;
- typedef size_t msev_as_a_size_t;
- class msevector_range_error : public std::range_error { public:
- using std::range_error::range_error;
- };
- class msevector_null_dereference_error : public std::logic_error { public:
- using std::logic_error::logic_error;
- };
- /* msev_pointer behaves similar to native pointers. It's a bit safer in that it initializes to
- nullptr by default and checks for attempted dereference of null pointers. */
- template<typename _Ty>
- class msev_pointer {
- public:
- msev_pointer() : m_ptr(nullptr) {}
- msev_pointer(_Ty* ptr) : m_ptr(ptr) {}
- msev_pointer(const msev_pointer<_Ty>& src) : m_ptr(src.m_ptr) {}
- _Ty& operator*() const {
- if (nullptr == m_ptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_null_dereference_error("attempt to dereference null pointer - mse::msev_pointer")); }
- return (*m_ptr);
- }
- _Ty* operator->() const {
- if (nullptr == m_ptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_null_dereference_error("attempt to dereference null pointer - mse::msev_pointer")); }
- return m_ptr;
- }
- msev_pointer<_Ty>& operator=(_Ty* ptr) {
- m_ptr = ptr;
- return (*this);
- }
- bool operator==(const msev_pointer _Right_cref) const { return (_Right_cref.m_ptr == m_ptr); }
- bool operator!=(const msev_pointer _Right_cref) const { return (!((*this) == _Right_cref)); }
- bool operator==(const _Ty* _Right_cref) const { return (_Right_cref == m_ptr); }
- bool operator!=(const _Ty* _Right_cref) const { return (!((*this) == _Right_cref)); }
- bool operator!() const { return (!m_ptr); }
- operator bool() const { return (m_ptr != nullptr); }
- operator _Ty*() const { return m_ptr; }
- _Ty* m_ptr;
- };
-#ifndef _XSTD
-#define _XSTD ::std::
-#endif /*_XSTD*/
- template<class _Ty, _Ty _Val>
- struct integral_constant
- { // convenient template for integral constant types
- static const _Ty value = _Val;
- typedef _Ty value_type;
- typedef integral_constant<_Ty, _Val> type;
- operator value_type() const
- { // return stored value
- return (value);
- }
- };
- template<class _Iter>
- struct _mse_Is_iterator
- : public integral_constant<bool, !std::is_integral<_Iter>::value>
- { // tests for reasonable iterator candidate
- };
- template<typename _InIter>
- using _mse_RequireInputIter = typename std::enable_if<
- std::is_convertible<typename std::iterator_traits<_InIter>::iterator_category, std::input_iterator_tag>::value
- //_mse_Is_iterator<_InIter>::value
- >::type;
- /* Note that, at the moment, msevector inherits publicly from std::vector. This is not intended to be a permanent
- characteristic of msevector and any reference to, or interpretation of, an msevector as an std::vector is (and has
- always been) depricated. msevector endeavors to support the subset of the std::vector interface that is compatible
- with the security/safety goals of msevector. (The remaining part of the std::vector interface may be supported, as a
- user option, for compatibility.)
- In particular, keep in mind that std::vector does not have a virtual destructor, so deallocating an msevector as an
- std::vector would result in memory leaks. */
- template<class _Ty, class _A = std::allocator<_Ty> >
- class msevector : public std::vector<_Ty, _A> {
- public:
- typedef std::vector<_Ty, _A> base_class;
- typedef msevector<_Ty, _A> _Myt;
- typedef typename base_class::value_type value_type;
- //typedef typename base_class::size_type size_type;
- typedef msev_size_t size_type;
- //typedef typename base_class::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef msev_int difference_type;
- typedef typename base_class::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename base_class::const_pointer const_pointer;
- typedef typename base_class::reference reference;
- typedef typename base_class::const_reference const_reference;
- explicit msevector(const _A& _Al = _A())
- : base_class(_Al), m_mmitset(*this) {
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- }
- explicit msevector(size_type _N)
- : base_class(msev_as_a_size_t(_N)), m_mmitset(*this) {
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- }
- explicit msevector(size_type _N, const _Ty& _V, const _A& _Al = _A())
- : base_class(msev_as_a_size_t(_N), _V, _Al), m_mmitset(*this) {
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- }
- msevector(base_class&& _X) : base_class(std::move(_X)), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- msevector(const base_class& _X) : base_class(_X), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- msevector(_Myt&& _X) : base_class(std::move(_X)), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- msevector(const _Myt& _X) : base_class(_X), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator _It;
- /* Note that safety cannot be guaranteed when using these constructors that take unsafe typename base_class::iterator and/or pointer parameters. */
- msevector(_It _F, _It _L, const _A& _Al = _A()) : base_class(_F, _L, _Al), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- msevector(const _Ty* _F, const _Ty* _L, const _A& _Al = _A()) : base_class(_F, _L, _Al), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- template<class _Iter
- //, class = typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, void>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- msevector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last) : base_class(_First, _Last), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- template<class _Iter
- //, class = typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, void>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- //msevector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, const typename base_class::_Alloc& _Al) : base_class(_First, _Last, _Al), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- msevector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, const _A& _Al) : base_class(_First, _Last, _Al), m_mmitset(*this) { /*m_debug_size = size();*/ }
- _Myt& operator=(const base_class& _X) {
- base_class::operator =(_X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- m_mmitset.reset();
- return (*this);
- }
- _Myt& operator=(_Myt&& _X) {
- operator=(std::move(static_cast<base_class&>(_X)));
- m_mmitset.reset();
- return (*this);
- }
- _Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _X) {
- operator=(static_cast<const base_class&>(_X));
- m_mmitset.reset();
- return (*this);
- }
- void reserve(size_type _Count)
- { // determine new minimum length of allocated storage
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- base_class::reserve(msev_as_a_size_t(_Count));
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- }
- void shrink_to_fit() { // reduce capacity
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- base_class::shrink_to_fit();
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- }
- void resize(size_type _N, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) {
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool shrinking = (_N < original_size);
- base_class::resize(msev_as_a_size_t(_N), _X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- if (shrinking) {
- m_mmitset.invalidate_inclusive_range(_N, msev_size_t(original_size - 1));
- }
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(original_size, original_size, msev_size_t(_N) - original_size); /*shift the end markers*/
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- }
- typename base_class::const_reference operator[](size_type _P) const {
- return (*this).at(msev_as_a_size_t(_P));
- }
- typename base_class::reference operator[](size_type _P) {
- return (*this).at(msev_as_a_size_t(_P));
- }
- typename base_class::reference front() { // return first element of mutable sequence
- if (0 == (*this).size()) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("front() on empty - typename base_class::reference front() - msevector")); }
- return base_class::front();
- }
- typename base_class::const_reference front() const { // return first element of nonmutable sequence
- if (0 == (*this).size()) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("front() on empty - typename base_class::const_reference front() - msevector")); }
- return base_class::front();
- }
- typename base_class::reference back() { // return last element of mutable sequence
- if (0 == (*this).size()) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("back() on empty - typename base_class::reference back() - msevector")); }
- return base_class::back();
- }
- typename base_class::const_reference back() const { // return last element of nonmutable sequence
- if (0 == (*this).size()) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("back() on empty - typename base_class::const_reference back() - msevector")); }
- return base_class::back();
- }
- void push_back(_Ty&& _X) {
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- base_class::push_back(std::move(_X));
- }
- else {
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- base_class::push_back(std::move(_X));
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + 1) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(original_size, original_size, 1); /*shift the end markers*/
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- }
- }
- void push_back(const _Ty& _X) {
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- base_class::push_back(_X);
- }
- else {
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- base_class::push_back(_X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + 1) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(original_size, original_size, 1); /*shift the end markers*/
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- }
- }
- void pop_back() {
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- base_class::pop_back();
- }
- else {
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- if (0 == original_size) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("pop_back() on empty - void pop_back() - msevector")); }
- base_class::pop_back();
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size - 1) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- m_mmitset.invalidate_inclusive_range(msev_size_t(original_size - 1), msev_size_t(original_size - 1));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(original_size, original_size, -1); /*shift the end markers*/
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- }
- }
- void assign(_It _F, _It _L) {
- base_class::assign(_F, _L);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- m_mmitset.reset();
- }
- template<class _Iter>
- void assign(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last) { // assign [_First, _Last)
- base_class::assign(_First, _Last);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- m_mmitset.reset();
- }
- void assign(size_type _N, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) {
- base_class::assign(msev_as_a_size_t(_N), _X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- m_mmitset.reset();
- }
- typename base_class::iterator insert(typename base_class::const_iterator _P, _Ty&& _X) {
- return (emplace(_P, std::move(_X)));
- }
- typename base_class::iterator insert(typename base_class::const_iterator _P, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) {
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- typename base_class::iterator retval = base_class::insert(_P, _X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- return retval;
- }
- else {
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::cbegin(), _P);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || (msev_size_t((*this).size()) < di)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- typename base_class::iterator retval = base_class::insert(_P, _X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + 1) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(d, original_size, 1);
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- }
-#if !(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))
- typename base_class::iterator insert(typename base_class::const_iterator _P, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) {
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- typename base_class::iterator retval = base_class::insert(_P, msev_as_a_size_t(_M), _X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- return retval;
- }
- else {
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::cbegin(), _P);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || ((*this).size() < msev_size_t(di))) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- typename base_class::iterator retval = base_class::insert(_P, msev_as_a_size_t(_M), _X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + _M) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(d, original_size, msev_int(_M));
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- typename base_class::iterator insert(typename base_class::const_iterator _Where, _Iter _First, _Iter _Last) { // insert [_First, _Last) at _Where
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- auto retval = base_class::insert(_Where, _First, _Last);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- return retval;
- }
- else {
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::cbegin(), _Where);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || ((*this).size() < msev_size_t(di))) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- auto _M = msev_int(std::distance(_First, _Last));
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- //if (0 > _M) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- auto retval = base_class::insert(_Where, _First, _Last);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + _M) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(d, original_size, _M);
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- }
-#else /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- /*typename base_class::iterator*/
- void
- /* g++4.8 seems to be using the c++98 version of this insert function instead of the c++11 version. */
- insert(typename base_class::/*const_*/iterator _P, size_t _M, const _Ty& _X) {
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::/*c*/begin(), _P);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || (msev_size_t((*this).size()) < di)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- /*typename base_class::iterator retval =*/
- base_class::insert(_P, _M, _X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + _M) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- /*assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));*/
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(d, original_size, _M);
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- /*return retval;*/
- }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, void>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> > void
- insert(typename base_class::/*const_*/iterator _Where, _Iter _First, _Iter _Last) { // insert [_First, _Last) at _Where
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::/*c*/begin(), _Where);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || (msev_size_t((*this).size()) < di)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- auto _M = msev_int(std::distance(_First, _Last));
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- //if (0 > _M) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- /*auto retval =*/
- base_class::insert(_Where, _First, _Last);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + _M) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- /*assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));*/
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(d, original_size, _M);
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- /*return retval;*/
- }
-#endif /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- template<class ..._Valty>
- void emplace_back(_Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving into element at end
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- base_class::emplace_back(std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- }
- else {
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- base_class::emplace_back(std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + 1) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(original_size, original_size, 1); /*shift the end markers*/
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- }
- }
- template<class ..._Valty>
-#if !(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))
- typename base_class::iterator emplace(typename base_class::const_iterator _Where, _Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving _Val at _Where
-#else /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- typename base_class::iterator emplace(typename base_class::/*const_*/iterator _Where, _Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving _Val at _Where
-#endif /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- auto retval = base_class::emplace(_Where, std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- return retval;
- }
- else {
-#if !(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::cbegin(), _Where);
-#else /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::/*c*/begin(), _Where);
-#endif /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || ((*this).size() < msev_size_t(di))) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator emplace() - msevector")); }
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- auto retval = base_class::emplace(_Where, std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + 1) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(d, original_size, 1);
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- }
- typename base_class::iterator erase(typename base_class::const_iterator _P) {
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- typename base_class::iterator retval = base_class::erase(_P);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- return retval;
- }
- else {
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::cbegin(), _P);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || ((*this).size() < msev_size_t(di))) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator erase() - msevector")); }
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- if (base_class::end() == _P) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - typename base_class::iterator erase(typename base_class::const_iterator _P) - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::iterator retval = base_class::erase(_P);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size - 1) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));
- {
- m_mmitset.invalidate_inclusive_range(d, d);
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(msev_size_t(d + 1), original_size, -1);
- }
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- }
- typename base_class::iterator erase(typename base_class::const_iterator _F, typename base_class::const_iterator _L) {
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- typename base_class::iterator retval = base_class::erase(_F, _L);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- return retval;
- }
- else {
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::cbegin(), _F);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || ((*this).size() < msev_size_t(di))) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator erase() - msevector")); }
- msev_int di2 = std::distance(base_class::cbegin(), _L);
- msev_size_t d2 = msev_size_t(di2);
- if ((0 > di2) || ((*this).size() < msev_size_t(di2))) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator erase() - msevector")); }
- auto _M = msev_int(std::distance(_F, _L));
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- if ((base_class::end() == _F)/* || (0 > _M)*/) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - typename base_class::iterator erase(typename base_class::iterator _F, typename base_class::iterator _L) - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::iterator retval = base_class::erase(_F, _L);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size - _M) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));
- {
- if (1 <= _M) {
- m_mmitset.invalidate_inclusive_range(d, msev_size_t(d + _M - 1));
- }
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(msev_size_t(d + _M), original_size, -_M);
- }
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- }
- void clear() {
- base_class::clear();
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- m_mmitset.reset();
- }
- void swap(base_class& _X) {
- base_class::swap(_X);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- m_mmitset.reset();
- }
- void swap(_Myt& _X) {
- swap(static_cast<base_class&>(_X));
- m_mmitset.reset();
- }
- msevector(_XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist,
- const _A& _Al = _A())
- : base_class(_Ilist, _Al), m_mmitset(*this) { // construct from initializer_list
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- }
- _Myt& operator=(_XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { // assign initializer_list
- operator=(static_cast<base_class>(_Ilist));
- m_mmitset.reset();
- return (*this);
- }
- void assign(_XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { // assign initializer_list
- base_class::assign(_Ilist);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- m_mmitset.reset();
- }
-#if defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE)
- /* g++4.8 seems to be (incorrectly) using the c++98 version of this insert function instead of the c++11 version. */
- /*typename base_class::iterator*/void insert(typename base_class::/*const_*/iterator _Where, _XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { // insert initializer_list
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::/*c*/begin(), _Where);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || (msev_size_t((*this).size()) < di)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- auto _M = _Ilist.size();
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- /*auto retval = */base_class::insert(_Where, _Ilist);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + _M) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- /*assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));*/
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(d, original_size, _M);
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- /*return retval;*/
- }
-#else /*defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE)*/
- typename base_class::iterator insert(typename base_class::const_iterator _Where, _XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { // insert initializer_list
- if (m_mmitset.is_empty()) {
- auto retval = base_class::insert(_Where, _Ilist);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- return retval;
- }
- else {
- msev_int di = std::distance(base_class::cbegin(), _Where);
- msev_size_t d = msev_size_t(di);
- if ((0 > di) || ((*this).size() < msev_size_t(di))) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - typename base_class::iterator insert() - msevector")); }
- auto _M = _Ilist.size();
- auto original_size = msev_size_t((*this).size());
- auto original_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- auto retval = base_class::insert(_Where, _Ilist);
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assert((original_size + _M) == msev_size_t((*this).size()));
- assert(di == std::distance(base_class::begin(), retval));
- m_mmitset.shift_inclusive_range(d, original_size, msev_int(_M));
- auto new_capacity = msev_size_t((*this).capacity());
- bool realloc_occured = (new_capacity != original_capacity);
- if (realloc_occured) {
- m_mmitset.sync_iterators_to_index();
- }
- return retval;
- }
- }
-#endif /*defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE)*/
- //size_t m_debug_size;
- class random_access_const_iterator_base : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, value_type, difference_type, const_pointer, const_reference> {};
- class random_access_iterator_base : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, value_type, difference_type, pointer, reference> {};
- /* mm_const_iterator_type acts much like a list iterator. */
- class mm_const_iterator_type : public random_access_const_iterator_base {
- public:
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::value_type value_type;
- //typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef msev_int difference_type;
- typedef difference_type distance_type; // retained
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::pointer const_pointer;
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::reference reference;
- typedef typename base_class::const_reference const_reference;
- void reset() { set_to_end_marker(); }
- bool points_to_an_item() const {
- if (m_points_to_an_item) { assert((1 <= m_owner_cptr->size()) && (m_index < m_owner_cptr->size())); return true; }
- else { assert(!((1 <= m_owner_cptr->size()) && (m_index < m_owner_cptr->size()))); return false; }
- }
- bool points_to_end_marker() const {
- if (false == points_to_an_item()) { assert(m_index == m_owner_cptr->size()); return true; }
- else { return false; }
- }
- bool points_to_beginning() const {
- if (0 == m_index) { return true; }
- else { return false; }
- }
- /* has_next_item_or_end_marker() is just an alias for points_to_an_item(). */
- bool has_next_item_or_end_marker() const { return points_to_an_item(); } //his is
- /* has_next() is just an alias for points_to_an_item() that's familiar to java programmers. */
- bool has_next() const { return has_next_item_or_end_marker(); }
- bool has_previous() const { return (!points_to_beginning()); }
- void set_to_beginning() {
- m_index = 0;
- if (1 <= m_owner_cptr->size()) {
- m_points_to_an_item = true;
- }
- else { assert(false == m_points_to_an_item); }
- }
- void set_to_end_marker() {
- m_index = m_owner_cptr->size();
- m_points_to_an_item = false;
- }
- void set_to_next() {
- if (points_to_an_item()) {
- m_index += 1;
- if (m_owner_cptr->size() <= m_index) {
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = false;
- if (m_owner_cptr->size() < m_index) { assert(false); reset(); }
- }
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid const_item_pointer - void set_to_next() - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- }
- void set_to_previous() {
- if (has_previous()) {
- m_index -= 1;
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = true;
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid const_item_pointer - void set_to_previous() - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- }
- mm_const_iterator_type& operator ++() { (*this).set_to_next(); return (*this); }
- mm_const_iterator_type operator++(int) { mm_const_iterator_type _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); }
- mm_const_iterator_type& operator --() { (*this).set_to_previous(); return (*this); }
- mm_const_iterator_type operator--(int) { mm_const_iterator_type _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); }
- void advance(difference_type n) {
- auto new_index = msev_int(m_index) + n;
- if ((0 > new_index) || (m_owner_cptr->size() < msev_size_t(new_index))) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - void advance(difference_type n) - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else {
- m_index = msev_size_t(new_index);
- if (m_owner_cptr->size() <= m_index) {
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = false;
- }
- else {
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = true;
- }
- }
- }
- void regress(difference_type n) { advance(-n); }
- mm_const_iterator_type& operator +=(difference_type n) { (*this).advance(n); return (*this); }
- mm_const_iterator_type& operator -=(difference_type n) { (*this).regress(n); return (*this); }
- mm_const_iterator_type operator+(difference_type n) const {
- mm_const_iterator_type retval(*this);
- retval = (*this);
- retval.advance(n);
- return retval;
- }
- mm_const_iterator_type operator-(difference_type n) const { return ((*this) + (-n)); }
- difference_type operator-(const mm_const_iterator_type &rhs) const {
- if ((rhs.m_owner_cptr) != ((*this).m_owner_cptr)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - difference_type operator-(const mm_const_iterator_type &rhs) const - msevector::mm_const_iterator_type")); }
- auto retval = difference_type((*this).m_index) - difference_type(rhs.m_index);
- assert(difference_type(m_owner_cptr->size()) >= retval);
- return retval;
- }
- const_reference operator*() const {
- return m_owner_cptr->at(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index));
- }
- const_reference item() const { return operator*(); }
- const_reference previous_item() const {
- return m_owner_cptr->at(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index - 1));
- }
- const_pointer operator->() const {
- return &(m_owner_cptr->at(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index)));
- }
- const_reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const { return (*m_owner_cptr).at(msev_as_a_size_t(difference_type(m_index) + _Off)); }
- /*
- mm_const_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::const_iterator& _Right_cref)
- {
- msev_int d = std::distance<typename base_class::iterator>(m_owner_cptr->cbegin(), _Right_cref);
- if ((0 <= d) && (m_owner_cptr->size() >= d)) {
- if (m_owner_cptr->size() == d) {
- assert(m_owner_cptr->cend() == _Right_cref);
- m_points_to_an_item = false;
- } else {
- m_points_to_an_item = true;
- }
- m_index = msev_size_t(d);
- base_class::const_iterator::operator=(_Right_cref);
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("doesn't seem to be a valid assignment value - mm_const_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::const_iterator& _Right_cref) - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- */
- mm_const_iterator_type& operator=(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right_cref)
- {
- if (((*this).m_owner_cptr) == (_Right_cref.m_owner_cptr)) {
- assert((*this).m_owner_cptr->size() >= _Right_cref.m_index);
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = _Right_cref.m_points_to_an_item;
- (*this).m_index = _Right_cref.m_index;
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("doesn't seem to be a valid assignment value - mm_const_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::iterator& _Right_cref) - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- bool operator==(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right_cref) const {
- if (((*this).m_owner_cptr) != (_Right_cref.m_owner_cptr)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - mm_const_iterator_type& operator==(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right) - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- return (_Right_cref.m_index == m_index);
- }
- bool operator!=(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right_cref) const { return (!(_Right_cref == (*this))); }
- bool operator<(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right) const {
- if (((*this).m_owner_cptr) != (_Right.m_owner_cptr)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - mm_const_iterator_type& operator<(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right) - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- return (m_index < _Right.m_index);
- }
- bool operator<=(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (((*this) < _Right) || (_Right == (*this))); }
- bool operator>(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (!((*this) <= _Right)); }
- bool operator>=(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (!((*this) < _Right)); }
- void set_to_const_item_pointer(const mm_const_iterator_type& _Right_cref) {
- (*this) = _Right_cref;
- }
- void invalidate_inclusive_range(msev_size_t index_of_first, msev_size_t index_of_last) {
- if ((index_of_first <= (*this).m_index) && (index_of_last >= (*this).m_index)) {
- (*this).reset();
- }
- }
- void shift_inclusive_range(msev_size_t index_of_first, msev_size_t index_of_last, msev_int shift) {
- if ((index_of_first <= (*this).m_index) && (index_of_last >= (*this).m_index)) {
- auto new_index = (*this).m_index + shift;
- if ((0 > new_index) || (m_owner_cptr->size() < new_index)) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("void shift_inclusive_range() - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else {
- (*this).m_index = msev_size_t(new_index);
- (*this).sync_const_iterator_to_index();
- }
- }
- }
- msev_size_t position() const {
- return m_index;
- }
- operator typename base_class::const_iterator() const {
- typename base_class::const_iterator retval = (*m_owner_cptr).cbegin();
- retval += msev_as_a_size_t(m_index);
- return retval;
- }
- /* We actually want to make this constructor private, but doing so seems to break std::make_shared<mm_const_iterator_type>. */
- mm_const_iterator_type(const _Myt& owner_cref) : m_owner_cptr(&owner_cref) { set_to_beginning(); }
- private:
- mm_const_iterator_type(const mm_const_iterator_type& src_cref) : m_owner_cptr(src_cref.m_owner_cptr) { (*this) = src_cref; }
- void sync_const_iterator_to_index() {
- assert(m_owner_cptr->size() >= (*this).m_index);
- }
- msev_bool m_points_to_an_item = false;
- msev_size_t m_index = 0;
- const _Myt* m_owner_cptr = nullptr;
- friend class mm_iterator_set_type;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- friend class mm_iterator_type;
- };
- /* mm_iterator_type acts much like a list iterator. */
- class mm_iterator_type : random_access_iterator_base {
- public:
- typedef typename base_class::iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename base_class::iterator::value_type value_type;
- //typedef typename base_class::iterator::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef msev_int difference_type;
- typedef difference_type distance_type; // retained
- typedef typename base_class::iterator::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename base_class::iterator::reference reference;
- void reset() { set_to_end_marker(); }
- bool points_to_an_item() const {
- if (m_points_to_an_item) { assert((1 <= m_owner_ptr->size()) && (m_index < m_owner_ptr->size())); return true; }
- else { assert(!((1 <= m_owner_ptr->size()) && (m_index < m_owner_ptr->size()))); return false; }
- }
- bool points_to_end_marker() const {
- if (false == points_to_an_item()) { assert(m_index == m_owner_ptr->size()); return true; }
- else { return false; }
- }
- bool points_to_beginning() const {
- if (0 == m_index) { return true; }
- else { return false; }
- }
- /* has_next_item_or_end_marker() is just an alias for points_to_an_item(). */
- bool has_next_item_or_end_marker() const { return points_to_an_item(); }
- /* has_next() is just an alias for points_to_an_item() that's familiar to java programmers. */
- bool has_next() const { return has_next_item_or_end_marker(); }
- bool has_previous() const { return (!points_to_beginning()); }
- void set_to_beginning() {
- m_index = 0;
- if (1 <= m_owner_ptr->size()) {
- m_points_to_an_item = true;
- }
- else { assert(false == m_points_to_an_item); }
- }
- void set_to_end_marker() {
- m_index = m_owner_ptr->size();
- m_points_to_an_item = false;
- }
- void set_to_next() {
- if (points_to_an_item()) {
- m_index += 1;
- if (m_owner_ptr->size() <= m_index) {
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = false;
- if (m_owner_ptr->size() < m_index) { assert(false); reset(); }
- }
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid item_pointer - void set_to_next() - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- }
- void set_to_previous() {
- if (has_previous()) {
- m_index -= 1;
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = true;
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid item_pointer - void set_to_previous() - mm_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- }
- mm_iterator_type& operator ++() { (*this).set_to_next(); return (*this); }
- mm_iterator_type operator++(int) { mm_iterator_type _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); }
- mm_iterator_type& operator --() { (*this).set_to_previous(); return (*this); }
- mm_iterator_type operator--(int) { mm_iterator_type _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); }
- void advance(difference_type n) {
- auto new_index = msev_int(m_index) + n;
- if ((0 > new_index) || (m_owner_ptr->size() < msev_size_t(new_index))) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - void advance(difference_type n) - mm_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else {
- m_index = msev_size_t(new_index);
- if (m_owner_ptr->size() <= m_index) {
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = false;
- }
- else {
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = true;
- }
- }
- }
- void regress(int n) { advance(-n); }
- mm_iterator_type& operator +=(difference_type n) { (*this).advance(n); return (*this); }
- mm_iterator_type& operator -=(difference_type n) { (*this).regress(n); return (*this); }
- mm_iterator_type operator+(difference_type n) const {
- mm_iterator_type retval(*this);
- retval = (*this);
- retval.advance(n);
- return retval;
- }
- mm_iterator_type operator-(difference_type n) const { return ((*this) + (-n)); }
- difference_type operator-(const mm_iterator_type& rhs) const {
- if ((rhs.m_owner_ptr) != ((*this).m_owner_ptr)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - difference_type operator-(const mm_iterator_type& rhs) const - msevector::mm_iterator_type")); }
- auto retval = difference_type((*this).m_index) - difference_type(rhs.m_index);
- assert(difference_type(m_owner_ptr->size()) >= retval);
- return retval;
- }
- reference operator*() const {
- return m_owner_ptr->at(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index));
- }
- reference item() const { return operator*(); }
- reference previous_item() const {
- return m_owner_ptr->at(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index - 1));
- }
- pointer operator->() const {
- return &(m_owner_ptr->at(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index)));
- }
- reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const { return (*m_owner_ptr).at(msev_as_a_size_t(difference_type(m_index) + _Off)); }
- /*
- mm_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::iterator& _Right_cref)
- {
- msev_int d = std::distance<typename base_class::iterator>(m_owner_ptr->begin(), _Right_cref);
- if ((0 <= d) && (m_owner_ptr->size() >= d)) {
- if (m_owner_ptr->size() == d) {
- assert(m_owner_ptr->end() == _Right_cref);
- m_points_to_an_item = false;
- } else {
- m_points_to_an_item = true;
- }
- m_index = msev_size_t(d);
- base_class::iterator::operator=(_Right_cref);
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("doesn't seem to be a valid assignment value - mm_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::iterator& _Right_cref) - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- */
- mm_iterator_type& operator=(const mm_iterator_type& _Right_cref)
- {
- if (((*this).m_owner_ptr) == (_Right_cref.m_owner_ptr)) {
- assert((*this).m_owner_ptr->size() >= _Right_cref.m_index);
- (*this).m_points_to_an_item = _Right_cref.m_points_to_an_item;
- (*this).m_index = _Right_cref.m_index;
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("doesn't seem to be a valid assignment value - mm_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::iterator& _Right_cref) - mm_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- bool operator==(const mm_iterator_type& _Right_cref) const {
- if (((*this).m_owner_ptr) != (_Right_cref.m_owner_ptr)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - mm_iterator_type& operator==(const typename base_class::iterator& _Right) - mm_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- return (_Right_cref.m_index == m_index);
- }
- bool operator!=(const mm_iterator_type& _Right_cref) const { return (!(_Right_cref == (*this))); }
- bool operator<(const mm_iterator_type& _Right) const {
- if (((*this).m_owner_ptr) != (_Right.m_owner_ptr)) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - mm_iterator_type& operator<(const typename base_class::iterator& _Right) - mm_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- return (m_index < _Right.m_index);
- }
- bool operator<=(const mm_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (((*this) < _Right) || (_Right == (*this))); }
- bool operator>(const mm_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (!((*this) <= _Right)); }
- bool operator>=(const mm_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (!((*this) < _Right)); }
- void set_to_item_pointer(const mm_iterator_type& _Right_cref) {
- (*this) = _Right_cref;
- }
- void invalidate_inclusive_range(msev_size_t index_of_first, msev_size_t index_of_last) {
- if ((index_of_first <= (*this).m_index) && (index_of_last >= (*this).m_index)) {
- (*this).reset();
- }
- }
- void shift_inclusive_range(msev_size_t index_of_first, msev_size_t index_of_last, msev_int shift) {
- if ((index_of_first <= (*this).m_index) && (index_of_last >= (*this).m_index)) {
- auto new_index = (*this).m_index + shift;
- if ((0 > new_index) || (m_owner_ptr->size() < new_index)) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("void shift_inclusive_range() - mm_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else {
- (*this).m_index = msev_size_t(new_index);
- (*this).sync_iterator_to_index();
- }
- }
- }
- msev_size_t position() const {
- return m_index;
- }
- operator mm_const_iterator_type() const {
- mm_const_iterator_type retval(*m_owner_ptr);
- retval.set_to_beginning();
- retval.advance(msev_int(m_index));
- return retval;
- }
- /* We actually want to make this constructor private, but doing so seems to break std::make_shared<mm_iterator_type>. */
- mm_iterator_type(_Myt& owner_ref) : m_owner_ptr(&owner_ref) { set_to_beginning(); }
- private:
- mm_iterator_type(const mm_iterator_type& src_cref) : m_owner_ptr(src_cref.m_owner_ptr) { (*this) = src_cref; }
- void sync_iterator_to_index() {
- assert(m_owner_ptr->size() >= (*this).m_index);
- }
- msev_bool m_points_to_an_item = false;
- msev_size_t m_index = 0;
- _Myt* m_owner_ptr = nullptr;
- friend class mm_iterator_set_type;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- };
- private:
- typedef std::size_t CHashKey1;
- class mm_const_iterator_handle_type {
- public:
- mm_const_iterator_handle_type(const CHashKey1& key_cref, const std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>& shptr_cref) : m_shptr(shptr_cref), m_key(key_cref) {}
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type> m_shptr;
- CHashKey1 m_key;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- friend class mm_iterator_set_type;
- };
- class mm_iterator_handle_type {
- public:
- mm_iterator_handle_type(const CHashKey1& key_cref, const std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>& shptr_ref) : m_shptr(shptr_ref), m_key(key_cref) {}
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type> m_shptr;
- CHashKey1 m_key;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- friend class mm_iterator_set_type;
- };
- class mm_iterator_set_type {
- public:
- class CMMConstIterators : public std::unordered_map<CHashKey1, std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>> {};
- class CMMIterators : public std::unordered_map<CHashKey1, std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>> {};
- class assignable_CMMConstIterators_value_type : public std::pair<CHashKey1, std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>> {
- public:
- assignable_CMMConstIterators_value_type() {}
- assignable_CMMConstIterators_value_type(const typename CMMConstIterators::value_type& src) : std::pair<CHashKey1, std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>>(src.first, src.second) {}
- assignable_CMMConstIterators_value_type& operator=(const typename CMMConstIterators::value_type& rhs) { (*this).first = rhs.first; (*this).second = rhs.second; return (*this); }
- operator typename CMMConstIterators::value_type() const { return CMMConstIterators::value_type((*this).first, (*this).second); }
- };
- class assignable_CMMIterators_value_type : public std::pair<CHashKey1, std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>> {
- public:
- assignable_CMMIterators_value_type() {}
- assignable_CMMIterators_value_type(const typename CMMIterators::value_type& src) : std::pair<CHashKey1, std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>>(src.first, src.second) {}
- assignable_CMMIterators_value_type& operator=(const typename CMMIterators::value_type& rhs) { (*this).first = rhs.first; (*this).second = rhs.second; return (*this); }
- operator typename CMMIterators::value_type() const { return CMMIterators::value_type((*this).first, (*this).second); }
- };
- ~mm_iterator_set_type() {
- if (!mm_const_fast_mode1()) {
- delete m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr;
- }
- if (!mm_fast_mode1()) {
- delete m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr;
- }
- }
- void apply_to_all_mm_const_iterator_shptrs(const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>&)>& func_obj_ref) {
- if (!mm_const_fast_mode1()) {
- for (auto it = (*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).begin(); (*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).end() != it; it++) {
- func_obj_ref((*it).second);
- }
- }
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators; i += 1) {
- func_obj_ref(m_fm1_key_mm_const_it_array[i].second);
- }
- }
- }
- void apply_to_all_mm_iterator_shptrs(const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>&)>& func_obj_ref) {
- if (!mm_fast_mode1()) {
- for (auto it = (*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).begin(); (*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).end() != it; it++) {
- func_obj_ref((*it).second);
- }
- }
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_fm1_num_mm_iterators; i += 1) {
- func_obj_ref(m_fm1_key_mm_it_array[i].second);
- }
- }
- }
- mm_iterator_set_type(_Myt& owner_ref) : m_next_available_key(0), m_owner_ptr(&owner_ref) {}
- void reset() {
- /* We can use "static" here because the lambda function does not capture any parameters. */
- static const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>&)> cit_func_obj = [](std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>& a) { a->reset(); };
- apply_to_all_mm_const_iterator_shptrs(cit_func_obj);
- static const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>&)> it_func_obj = [](std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>& a) { a->reset(); };
- apply_to_all_mm_iterator_shptrs(it_func_obj);
- }
- void sync_iterators_to_index() {
- /* No longer used. Relic from when mm_iterator_type contained a "native" iterator. */
- /* We can use "static" here because the lambda function does not capture any parameters. */
- /*
- static const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>&)> cit_func_obj = [](std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>& a) { a->sync_const_iterator_to_index(); };
- apply_to_all_mm_const_iterator_shptrs(cit_func_obj);
- static const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>&)> it_func_obj = [](std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>& a) { a->sync_iterator_to_index(); };
- apply_to_all_mm_iterator_shptrs(it_func_obj);
- */
- }
- void invalidate_inclusive_range(msev_size_t start_index, msev_size_t end_index) {
- const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>&)> cit_func_obj = [start_index, end_index](std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>& a) { a->invalidate_inclusive_range(start_index, end_index); };
- apply_to_all_mm_const_iterator_shptrs(cit_func_obj);
- const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>&)> it_func_obj = [start_index, end_index](std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>& a) { a->invalidate_inclusive_range(start_index, end_index); };
- apply_to_all_mm_iterator_shptrs(it_func_obj);
- }
- void shift_inclusive_range(msev_size_t start_index, msev_size_t end_index, msev_int shift) {
- const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>&)> cit_func_obj = [start_index, end_index, shift](std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>& a) { a->shift_inclusive_range(start_index, end_index, shift); };
- apply_to_all_mm_const_iterator_shptrs(cit_func_obj);
- const std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>&)> it_func_obj = [start_index, end_index, shift](std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>& a) { a->shift_inclusive_range(start_index, end_index, shift); };
- apply_to_all_mm_iterator_shptrs(it_func_obj);
- }
- bool is_empty() const {
- if (mm_const_fast_mode1()) {
- if (1 <= m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (1 <= m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr->size()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (mm_fast_mode1()) {
- if (1 <= m_fm1_num_mm_iterators) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (1 <= m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr->size()) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- mm_const_iterator_handle_type allocate_new_const_item_pointer() {
- //auto shptr = std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_type>(new mm_const_iterator_type(*m_owner_ptr));
- auto shptr = std::make_shared<mm_const_iterator_type>(*m_owner_ptr);
- auto key = m_next_available_key; m_next_available_key++;
- mm_const_iterator_handle_type retval(key, shptr);
- typename CMMConstIterators::value_type new_item(key, shptr);
- if (!mm_const_fast_mode1()) {
- (*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).insert(new_item);
- } else {
- if (sc_fm1_max_mm_iterators == m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators) {
- /* Too many items. Initiate and switch to slow mode. */
- /* Initialize slow storage. */
- m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr = new CMMConstIterators();
- /* First copy the items from fast storage to slow storage. */
- for (int i = 0; i < sc_fm1_max_mm_iterators; i += 1) {
- (*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).insert(m_fm1_key_mm_const_it_array[i]);
- }
- /* Add the new items to slow storage. */
- (*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).insert(new_item);
- }
- else {
- m_fm1_key_mm_const_it_array[m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators] = new_item;
- m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators += 1;
- }
- }
- return retval;
- }
- void release_const_item_pointer(mm_const_iterator_handle_type handle) {
- if (!mm_const_fast_mode1()) {
- auto it = (*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).find(handle.m_key);
- if ((*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).end() != it) {
- (*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).erase(it);
- }
- else {
- /* Do we need to throw here? */
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid handle - void release_aux_mm_const_iterator(mm_const_iterator_handle_type handle) - msevector::mm_iterator_set_type"));
- }
- }
- else {
- int found_index = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators; i += 1) {
- if (handle.m_key == m_fm1_key_mm_const_it_array[i].first) {
- found_index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (0 <= found_index) {
- m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators -= 1;
- assert(0 <= m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators);
- for (int j = found_index; j < m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators; j += 1) {
- m_fm1_key_mm_const_it_array[j] = m_fm1_key_mm_const_it_array[j + 1];
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Do we need to throw here? */
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid handle - void release_aux_mm_const_iterator(mm_const_iterator_handle_type handle) - msevector::mm_iterator_set_type"));
- }
- }
- }
- mm_iterator_handle_type allocate_new_item_pointer() {
- //auto shptr = std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_type>(new mm_iterator_type(*m_owner_ptr));
- auto shptr = std::make_shared<mm_iterator_type>(*m_owner_ptr);
- auto key = m_next_available_key; m_next_available_key++;
- mm_iterator_handle_type retval(key, shptr);
- typename CMMIterators::value_type new_item(key, shptr);
- if (!mm_fast_mode1()) {
- (*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).insert(new_item);
- }
- else {
- if (sc_fm1_max_mm_iterators == m_fm1_num_mm_iterators) {
- /* Too many items. Initiate and switch to slow mode. */
- /* Initialize slow storage. */
- m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr = new CMMIterators();
- /* First copy the items from fast storage to slow storage. */
- for (int i = 0; i < sc_fm1_max_mm_iterators; i += 1) {
- (*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).insert(m_fm1_key_mm_it_array[i]);
- }
- /* Add the new items to slow storage. */
- (*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).insert(new_item);
- }
- else {
- m_fm1_key_mm_it_array[m_fm1_num_mm_iterators] = new_item;
- m_fm1_num_mm_iterators += 1;
- }
- }
- return retval;
- }
- void release_item_pointer(mm_iterator_handle_type handle) {
- if (!mm_fast_mode1()) {
- auto it = (*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).find(handle.m_key);
- if ((*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).end() != it) {
- (*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).erase(it);
- }
- else {
- /* Do we need to throw here? */
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid handle - void release_aux_mm_iterator(mm_iterator_handle_type handle) - msevector::mm_iterator_set_type"));
- }
- }
- else {
- int found_index = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_fm1_num_mm_iterators; i += 1) {
- if (handle.m_key == m_fm1_key_mm_it_array[i].first) {
- found_index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (0 <= found_index) {
- m_fm1_num_mm_iterators -= 1;
- assert(0 <= m_fm1_num_mm_iterators);
- for (int j = found_index; j < m_fm1_num_mm_iterators; j += 1) {
- m_fm1_key_mm_it_array[j] = m_fm1_key_mm_it_array[j + 1];
- }
- }
- else {
- /* Do we need to throw here? */
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid handle - void release_aux_mm_iterator(mm_iterator_handle_type handle) - msevector::mm_iterator_set_type"));
- }
- }
- }
- void release_all_item_pointers() {
- if (!mm_fast_mode1()) {
- (*m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr).clear();
- }
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_fm1_num_mm_iterators; i += 1) {
- m_fm1_key_mm_it_array[i] = assignable_CMMIterators_value_type();
- }
- m_fm1_num_mm_iterators = 0;
- }
- }
- mm_const_iterator_type &const_item_pointer(mm_const_iterator_handle_type handle) const {
- return (*(handle.m_shptr));
- }
- mm_iterator_type &item_pointer(mm_iterator_handle_type handle) {
- return (*(handle.m_shptr));
- }
- private:
- void release_all_const_item_pointers() {
- if (!mm_const_fast_mode1()) {
- (*m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr).clear();
- }
- else {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators; i += 1) {
- m_fm1_key_mm_const_it_array[i] = assignable_CMMConstIterators_value_type();
- }
- m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators = 0;
- }
- }
- mm_iterator_set_type& operator=(const mm_iterator_set_type& src_cref) {
- /* This is a special type of class. The state (i.e. member values) of an object of this class is specific to (and only
- valid for) the particular instance of the object (or the object of which it is a member). So the correct state of a new
- copy of this type of object is not a copy of the state, but rather the state of a new object (which is just the default
- initialization state). */
- (*this).reset();
- return (*this);
- }
- mm_iterator_set_type& operator=(mm_iterator_set_type&& src) { /* see above */ (*this).reset(); return (*this); }
- mm_iterator_set_type(const mm_iterator_set_type& src) { /* see above */ }
- mm_iterator_set_type(const mm_iterator_set_type&& src) { /* see above */ }
- CHashKey1 m_next_available_key = 0;
- static const int sc_fm1_max_mm_iterators = 6/*arbitrary*/;
- bool mm_const_fast_mode1() const { return (nullptr == m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr); }
- int m_fm1_num_mm_const_iterators = 0;
- assignable_CMMConstIterators_value_type m_fm1_key_mm_const_it_array[sc_fm1_max_mm_iterators];
- CMMConstIterators* m_aux_mm_const_iterator_shptrs_ptr = nullptr;
- bool mm_fast_mode1() const { return (nullptr == m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr); }
- int m_fm1_num_mm_iterators = 0;
- assignable_CMMIterators_value_type m_fm1_key_mm_it_array[sc_fm1_max_mm_iterators];
- CMMIterators* m_aux_mm_iterator_shptrs_ptr = nullptr;
- _Myt* m_owner_ptr = nullptr;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- };
- mutable mm_iterator_set_type m_mmitset;
- public:
- mm_const_iterator_type &const_item_pointer(mm_const_iterator_handle_type handle) const {
- return m_mmitset.const_item_pointer(handle);
- }
- mm_iterator_type &item_pointer(mm_iterator_handle_type handle) {
- return m_mmitset.item_pointer(handle);
- }
- private:
- mm_const_iterator_handle_type allocate_new_const_item_pointer() const { return m_mmitset.allocate_new_const_item_pointer(); }
- void release_const_item_pointer(mm_const_iterator_handle_type handle) const { m_mmitset.release_const_item_pointer(handle); }
- void release_all_const_item_pointers() const { m_mmitset.release_all_const_item_pointers(); }
- mm_iterator_handle_type allocate_new_item_pointer() const { return m_mmitset.allocate_new_item_pointer(); }
- void release_item_pointer(mm_iterator_handle_type handle) const { m_mmitset.release_item_pointer(handle); }
- void release_all_item_pointers() const { m_mmitset.release_all_item_pointers(); }
- public:
- class cipointer : public random_access_const_iterator_base {
- public:
- typedef typename mm_const_iterator_type::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename mm_const_iterator_type::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename mm_const_iterator_type::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef difference_type distance_type; // retained
- typedef typename mm_const_iterator_type::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename mm_const_iterator_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
- typedef typename mm_const_iterator_type::reference reference;
- typedef typename mm_const_iterator_type::const_reference const_reference;
- cipointer(const _Myt& owner_cref) : m_owner_cptr(&owner_cref) {
- mm_const_iterator_handle_type handle = m_owner_cptr->allocate_new_const_item_pointer();
- m_handle_shptr = std::make_shared<mm_const_iterator_handle_type>(handle);
- }
- cipointer(const cipointer& src_cref) : m_owner_cptr(src_cref.m_owner_cptr) {
- mm_const_iterator_handle_type handle = m_owner_cptr->allocate_new_const_item_pointer();
- m_handle_shptr = std::make_shared<mm_const_iterator_handle_type>(handle);
- const_item_pointer() = src_cref.const_item_pointer();
- }
- ~cipointer() {
- m_owner_cptr->release_const_item_pointer(*m_handle_shptr);
- }
- mm_const_iterator_type& const_item_pointer() const { return m_owner_cptr->const_item_pointer(*m_handle_shptr); }
- mm_const_iterator_type& cip() const { return const_item_pointer(); }
- //const mm_const_iterator_handle_type& handle() const { return (*m_handle_shptr); }
- void reset() { const_item_pointer().reset(); }
- bool points_to_an_item() const { return const_item_pointer().points_to_an_item(); }
- bool points_to_end_marker() const { return const_item_pointer().points_to_end_marker(); }
- bool points_to_beginning() const { return const_item_pointer().points_to_beginning(); }
- /* has_next_item_or_end_marker() is just an alias for points_to_an_item(). */
- bool has_next_item_or_end_marker() const { return const_item_pointer().has_next_item_or_end_marker(); }
- /* has_next() is just an alias for points_to_an_item() that's familiar to java programmers. */
- bool has_next() const { return const_item_pointer().has_next(); }
- bool has_previous() const { return const_item_pointer().has_previous(); }
- void set_to_beginning() { const_item_pointer().set_to_beginning(); }
- void set_to_end_marker() { const_item_pointer().set_to_end_marker(); }
- void set_to_next() { const_item_pointer().set_to_next(); }
- void set_to_previous() { const_item_pointer().set_to_previous(); }
- cipointer& operator ++() { const_item_pointer().operator ++(); return (*this); }
- cipointer operator++(int) { cipointer _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); }
- cipointer& operator --() { const_item_pointer().operator --(); return (*this); }
- cipointer operator--(int) { cipointer _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); }
- void advance(difference_type n) { const_item_pointer().advance(n); }
- void regress(difference_type n) { const_item_pointer().regress(n); }
- cipointer& operator +=(difference_type n) { const_item_pointer().operator +=(n); return (*this); }
- cipointer& operator -=(difference_type n) { const_item_pointer().operator -=(n); return (*this); }
- cipointer operator+(difference_type n) const { auto retval = (*this); retval += n; return retval; }
- cipointer operator-(difference_type n) const { return ((*this) + (-n)); }
- difference_type operator-(const cipointer& _Right_cref) const { return const_item_pointer() - (_Right_cref.const_item_pointer()); }
- const_reference operator*() const { return const_item_pointer().operator*(); }
- const_reference item() const { return operator*(); }
- const_reference previous_item() const { return const_item_pointer().previous_item(); }
- const_pointer operator->() const { return const_item_pointer().operator->(); }
- const_reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const { return const_item_pointer()[_Off]; }
- cipointer& operator=(const cipointer& _Right_cref) { const_item_pointer().operator=(_Right_cref.const_item_pointer()); return (*this); }
- bool operator==(const cipointer& _Right_cref) const { return const_item_pointer().operator==(_Right_cref.const_item_pointer()); }
- bool operator!=(const cipointer& _Right_cref) const { return (!(_Right_cref == (*this))); }
- bool operator<(const cipointer& _Right) const { return (const_item_pointer() < _Right.const_item_pointer()); }
- bool operator<=(const cipointer& _Right) const { return (const_item_pointer() <= _Right.const_item_pointer()); }
- bool operator>(const cipointer& _Right) const { return (const_item_pointer() > _Right.const_item_pointer()); }
- bool operator>=(const cipointer& _Right) const { return (const_item_pointer() >= _Right.const_item_pointer()); }
- void set_to_const_item_pointer(const cipointer& _Right_cref) { const_item_pointer().set_to_const_item_pointer(_Right_cref.const_item_pointer()); }
- msev_size_t position() const { return const_item_pointer().position(); }
- private:
- const _Myt* m_owner_cptr = nullptr;
- std::shared_ptr<mm_const_iterator_handle_type> m_handle_shptr;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- };
- class ipointer : public random_access_iterator_base {
- public:
- typedef typename mm_iterator_type::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename mm_iterator_type::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename mm_iterator_type::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef difference_type distance_type; // retained
- typedef typename mm_iterator_type::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename mm_iterator_type::reference reference;
- ipointer(_Myt& owner_ref) : m_owner_ptr(&owner_ref) {
- mm_iterator_handle_type handle = m_owner_ptr->allocate_new_item_pointer();
- m_handle_shptr = std::make_shared<mm_iterator_handle_type>(handle);
- }
- ipointer(const ipointer& src_cref) : m_owner_ptr(src_cref.m_owner_ptr) {
- mm_iterator_handle_type handle = m_owner_ptr->allocate_new_item_pointer();
- m_handle_shptr = std::make_shared<mm_iterator_handle_type>(handle);
- item_pointer() = src_cref.item_pointer();
- }
- ~ipointer() {
- m_owner_ptr->release_item_pointer(*m_handle_shptr);
- }
- mm_iterator_type& item_pointer() const { return m_owner_ptr->item_pointer(*m_handle_shptr); }
- mm_iterator_type& ip() const { return item_pointer(); }
- //const mm_iterator_handle_type& handle() const { return (*m_handle_shptr); }
- operator cipointer() const {
- cipointer retval(*m_owner_ptr);
- retval.const_item_pointer().set_to_beginning();
- retval.const_item_pointer().advance(msev_int(item_pointer().position()));
- return retval;
- }
- void reset() { item_pointer().reset(); }
- bool points_to_an_item() const { return item_pointer().points_to_an_item(); }
- bool points_to_end_marker() const { return item_pointer().points_to_end_marker(); }
- bool points_to_beginning() const { return item_pointer().points_to_beginning(); }
- /* has_next_item_or_end_marker() is just an alias for points_to_an_item(). */
- bool has_next_item_or_end_marker() const { return item_pointer().has_next_item_or_end_marker(); }
- /* has_next() is just an alias for points_to_an_item() that's familiar to java programmers. */
- bool has_next() const { return item_pointer().has_next(); }
- bool has_previous() const { return item_pointer().has_previous(); }
- void set_to_beginning() { item_pointer().set_to_beginning(); }
- void set_to_end_marker() { item_pointer().set_to_end_marker(); }
- void set_to_next() { item_pointer().set_to_next(); }
- void set_to_previous() { item_pointer().set_to_previous(); }
- ipointer& operator ++() { item_pointer().operator ++(); return (*this); }
- ipointer operator++(int) { ipointer _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); }
- ipointer& operator --() { item_pointer().operator --(); return (*this); }
- ipointer operator--(int) { ipointer _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); }
- void advance(difference_type n) { item_pointer().advance(n); }
- void regress(difference_type n) { item_pointer().regress(n); }
- ipointer& operator +=(difference_type n) { item_pointer().operator +=(n); return (*this); }
- ipointer& operator -=(difference_type n) { item_pointer().operator -=(n); return (*this); }
- ipointer operator+(difference_type n) const { auto retval = (*this); retval += n; return retval; }
- ipointer operator-(difference_type n) const { return ((*this) + (-n)); }
- difference_type operator-(const ipointer& _Right_cref) const { return item_pointer() - (_Right_cref.item_pointer()); }
- reference operator*() const { return item_pointer().operator*(); }
- reference item() const { return operator*(); }
- reference previous_item() const { return item_pointer().previous_item(); }
- pointer operator->() const { return item_pointer().operator->(); }
- reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const { return item_pointer()[_Off]; }
- ipointer& operator=(const ipointer& _Right_cref) { item_pointer().operator=(_Right_cref.item_pointer()); return (*this); }
- bool operator==(const ipointer& _Right_cref) const { return item_pointer().operator==(_Right_cref.item_pointer()); }
- bool operator!=(const ipointer& _Right_cref) const { return (!(_Right_cref == (*this))); }
- bool operator<(const ipointer& _Right) const { return (item_pointer() < _Right.item_pointer()); }
- bool operator<=(const ipointer& _Right) const { return (item_pointer() <= _Right.item_pointer()); }
- bool operator>(const ipointer& _Right) const { return (item_pointer() > _Right.item_pointer()); }
- bool operator>=(const ipointer& _Right) const { return (item_pointer() >= _Right.item_pointer()); }
- void set_to_item_pointer(const ipointer& _Right_cref) { item_pointer().set_to_item_pointer(_Right_cref.item_pointer()); }
- msev_size_t position() const { return item_pointer().position(); }
- private:
- _Myt* m_owner_ptr = nullptr;
- std::shared_ptr<mm_iterator_handle_type> m_handle_shptr;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- };
- ipointer ibegin() { // return ipointer for beginning of mutable sequence
- ipointer retval(*this);
- retval.set_to_beginning();
- return retval;
- }
- cipointer ibegin() const { // return ipointer for beginning of nonmutable sequence
- cipointer retval(*this);
- retval.set_to_beginning();
- return retval;
- }
- ipointer iend() { // return ipointer for end of mutable sequence
- ipointer retval(*this);
- retval.set_to_end_marker();
- return retval;
- }
- cipointer iend() const { // return ipointer for end of nonmutable sequence
- cipointer retval(*this);
- retval.set_to_end_marker();
- return retval;
- }
- cipointer cibegin() const { // return ipointer for beginning of nonmutable sequence
- cipointer retval(*this);
- retval.set_to_beginning();
- return retval;
- }
- cipointer ciend() const { // return ipointer for end of nonmutable sequence
- cipointer retval(*this);
- retval.set_to_end_marker();
- return retval;
- }
- msevector(const cipointer &start, const cipointer &end, const _A& _Al = _A())
- : base_class(_Al), m_mmitset(*this) {
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assign(start, end);
- }
- void assign(const mm_const_iterator_type &start, const mm_const_iterator_type &end) {
- if (start.m_owner_cptr != end.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void assign(const mm_const_iterator_type &start, const mm_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- if (start > end) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void assign(const mm_const_iterator_type &start, const mm_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _F = start;
- typename base_class::const_iterator _L = end;
- (*this).assign(_F, _L);
- }
- void assign_inclusive(const mm_const_iterator_type &first, const mm_const_iterator_type &last) {
- auto end = last;
- end++; // this should include some checks
- (*this).assign(first, end);
- }
- void assign(const cipointer &start, const cipointer &end) {
- assign(start.const_item_pointer(), end.const_item_pointer());
- }
- void assign_inclusive(const cipointer &first, const cipointer &last) {
- assign_inclusive(first.const_item_pointer(), last.const_item_pointer());
- }
- void insert_before(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, _M, _X);
- }
- void insert_before(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, _Ty&& _X) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, 1, std::move(_X));
- }
- void insert_before(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { (*this).insert(pos, 1, _X); }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- void insert_before(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Iter &start, const _Iter &end) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before() - msevector")); }
- //if (start.m_owner_cptr != end.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, const mm_const_iterator_type &start, const mm_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, start, end);
- }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- void insert_before_inclusive(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Iter &first, const _Iter &last) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before() - msevector")); }
- if (first.m_owner_cptr != last.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before_inclusive(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, const mm_const_iterator_type &first, const mm_const_iterator_type &last) - msevector")); }
- if (!(last.points_to_item())) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - void insert_before_inclusive(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, const mm_const_iterator_type &first, const mm_const_iterator_type &last) - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- auto _L = last;
- _L++;
- (*this).insert(_P, first, _L);
- }
- void insert_before(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { // insert initializer_list
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, _Ilist);
- }
- ipointer insert_before(const cipointer &pos, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) {
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- insert_before(pos.const_item_pointer(), _M, _X);
- ipointer retval(*this); retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- ipointer insert_before(const cipointer &pos, _Ty&& _X) {
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- insert_before(pos.const_item_pointer(), std::move(_X));
- ipointer retval(*this); retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- ipointer insert_before(const cipointer &pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { return insert_before(pos, 1, _X); }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- ipointer insert_before(const cipointer &pos, const _Iter &start, const _Iter &end) {
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- insert_before(pos.const_item_pointer(), start, end);
- ipointer retval(*this); retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- ipointer insert_before_inclusive(const cipointer &pos, const _Iter &first, const _Iter &last) {
- auto end = last; end++;
- return insert_before(pos, first, end);
- }
- ipointer insert_before(const cipointer &pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { // insert initializer_list
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- (*this).insert_before(pos.const_item_pointer(), _Ilist);
- ipointer retval(*this); retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- void insert_before(msev_size_t pos, _Ty&& _X) {
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = (*this).begin() + msev_as_a_size_t(pos);
- (*this).insert(_P, std::move(_X));
- }
- void insert_before(msev_size_t pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) {
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = (*this).begin() + msev_as_a_size_t(pos);
- (*this).insert(_P, _X);
- }
- void insert_before(msev_size_t pos, size_t _M, const _Ty& _X) {
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = (*this).begin() + msev_as_a_size_t(pos);
- (*this).insert(_P, _M, _X);
- }
- void insert_before(msev_size_t pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { // insert initializer_list
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = (*this).begin() + msev_as_a_size_t(pos);
- (*this).insert(_P, _Ilist);
- }
- /* These insert() functions are just aliases for their corresponding insert_before() functions. */
- ipointer insert(const cipointer &pos, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) { return insert_before(pos, _M, _X); }
- ipointer insert(const cipointer &pos, _Ty&& _X) { return insert_before(pos, std::move(_X)); }
- ipointer insert(const cipointer &pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { return insert_before(pos, _X); }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- ipointer insert(const cipointer &pos, const _Iter &start, const _Iter &end) { return insert_before(pos, start, end); }
- ipointer insert(const cipointer &pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { return insert_before(pos, _Ilist); }
- template<class ..._Valty>
-#if !(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))
- void emplace(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos, _Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving _Val at pos
-#else /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- void emplace(const mm_iterator_type &pos, _Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving _Val at pos
-#endif /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void emplace() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- auto retval = base_class::emplace(_P, std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
- }
- template<class ..._Valty>
-#if !(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))
- ipointer emplace(const cipointer &pos, _Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving _Val at pos
-#else /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- ipointer emplace(const ipointer &pos, _Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving _Val at pos
-#endif /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- (*this).emplace(pos.const_item_pointer(), std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
- ipointer retval(*this); retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- void erase(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).erase(_P);
- }
- void erase(const mm_const_iterator_type &start, const mm_const_iterator_type &end) {
- if (start.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase() - msevector")); }
- if (end.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _F = start;
- typename base_class::const_iterator _L = end;
- (*this).erase(_F, _L);
- }
- void erase_inclusive(const mm_const_iterator_type &first, const mm_const_iterator_type &last) {
- if (first.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase_inclusive() - msevector")); }
- if (last.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase_inclusive() - msevector")); }
- if (!(last.points_to_item())) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - void erase_inclusive() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _F = first;
- typename base_class::const_iterator _L = last;
- _L++;
- (*this).erase(_F, _L);
- }
- ipointer erase(const cipointer &pos) {
- auto retval_pos = pos;
- retval_pos.set_to_next();
- erase(pos.const_item_pointer());
- ipointer retval = (*this).ibegin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(retval_pos.position()));
- return retval;
- }
- ipointer erase(const cipointer &start, const cipointer &end) {
- auto retval_pos = end;
- retval_pos.set_to_next();
- erase(start.const_item_pointer(), end.const_item_pointer());
- ipointer retval = (*this).ibegin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(retval_pos.position()));
- return retval;
- }
- ipointer erase_inclusive(const cipointer &first, const cipointer &last) {
- auto end = last; end.set_to_next();
- return erase(first, end);
- }
- void erase_previous_item(const mm_const_iterator_type &pos) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase_previous_item() - msevector")); }
- if (!(pos.has_previous())) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase_previous_item() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- _P--;
- (*this).erase(_P);
- }
- ipointer erase_previous_item(const cipointer &pos) {
- erase_previous_item(pos.const_item_pointer());
- ipointer retval = (*this).ibegin();
- retval.advance(pos.position());
- return retval;
- }
- /* ss_const_iterator_type is a bounds checked iterator. */
- class ss_const_iterator_type : public random_access_const_iterator_base {
- public:
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::value_type value_type;
- //typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef typename _Myt::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef difference_type distance_type; // retained
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename base_class::const_pointer const_pointer;
- typedef typename base_class::const_iterator::reference reference;
- typedef typename base_class::const_reference const_reference;
- ss_const_iterator_type() {}
- void assert_valid_index() const {
- if (m_owner_cptr->size() < m_index) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid index - void assert_valid_index() const - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- }
- void reset() { set_to_end_marker(); }
- bool points_to_an_item() const {
- if (m_owner_cptr->size() > m_index) { return true; }
- else {
- if (m_index == m_owner_cptr->size()) { return false; }
- else { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid ss_const_iterator_type - bool points_to_an_item() const - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- }
- }
- bool points_to_end_marker() const {
- if (false == points_to_an_item()) {
- assert(m_index == m_owner_cptr->size());
- return true;
- }
- else { return false; }
- }
- bool points_to_beginning() const {
- if (0 == m_index) { return true; }
- else { return false; }
- }
- /* has_next_item_or_end_marker() is just an alias for points_to_an_item(). */
- bool has_next_item_or_end_marker() const { return points_to_an_item(); }
- /* has_next() is just an alias for points_to_an_item() that's familiar to java programmers. */
- bool has_next() const { return has_next_item_or_end_marker(); }
- bool has_previous() const {
- if (m_owner_cptr->size() < m_index) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid ss_const_iterator_type - bool has_previous() const - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else if (1 <= m_index) {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- void set_to_beginning() {
- m_index = 0;
- }
- void set_to_end_marker() {
- m_index = m_owner_cptr->size();
- }
- void set_to_next() {
- if (points_to_an_item()) {
- m_index += 1;
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid const_item_pointer - void set_to_next() - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- }
- void set_to_previous() {
- if (has_previous()) {
- m_index -= 1;
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid const_item_pointer - void set_to_previous() - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- }
- ss_const_iterator_type& operator ++() { (*this).set_to_next(); return (*this); }
- ss_const_iterator_type operator++(int) { ss_const_iterator_type _Tmp = *this; (*this).set_to_next(); return (_Tmp); }
- ss_const_iterator_type& operator --() { (*this).set_to_previous(); return (*this); }
- ss_const_iterator_type operator--(int) { ss_const_iterator_type _Tmp = *this; (*this).set_to_previous(); return (_Tmp); }
- void advance(difference_type n) {
- auto new_index = msev_int(m_index) + n;
- if ((0 > new_index) || (m_owner_cptr->size() < msev_size_t(new_index))) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - void advance(difference_type n) - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else {
- m_index = msev_size_t(new_index);
- }
- }
- void regress(difference_type n) { advance(-n); }
- ss_const_iterator_type& operator +=(difference_type n) { (*this).advance(n); return (*this); }
- ss_const_iterator_type& operator -=(difference_type n) { (*this).regress(n); return (*this); }
- ss_const_iterator_type operator+(difference_type n) const {
- ss_const_iterator_type retval; retval.m_owner_cptr = m_owner_cptr;
- retval = (*this);
- retval.advance(n);
- return retval;
- }
- ss_const_iterator_type operator-(difference_type n) const { return ((*this) + (-n)); }
- difference_type operator-(const ss_const_iterator_type &rhs) const {
- if (rhs.m_owner_cptr != (*this).m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - difference_type operator-(const ss_const_iterator_type &rhs) const - msevector::ss_const_iterator_type")); }
- auto retval = difference_type((*this).m_index) - difference_type(rhs.m_index);
- assert(difference_type((*m_owner_cptr).size()) >= retval);
- return retval;
- }
- const_reference operator*() const {
- return (*m_owner_cptr).at(msev_as_a_size_t((*this).m_index));
- }
- const_reference item() const { return operator*(); }
- const_reference previous_item() const {
- return m_owner_cptr->at(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index - 1));
- }
- const_pointer operator->() const {
- return &((*m_owner_cptr).at(msev_as_a_size_t((*this).m_index)));
- }
- const_reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const { return (*m_owner_cptr).at(msev_as_a_size_t(difference_type(m_index) + _Off)); }
- /*
- ss_const_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::const_iterator& _Right_cref)
- {
- msev_int d = std::distance<typename base_class::iterator>(m_owner_cptr->cbegin(), _Right_cref);
- if ((0 <= d) && (m_owner_cptr->size() >= d)) {
- if (m_owner_cptr->size() == d) {
- assert(m_owner_cptr->cend() == _Right_cref);
- }
- m_index = msev_size_t(d);
- base_class::const_iterator::operator=(_Right_cref);
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("doesn't seem to be a valid assignment value - ss_const_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::const_iterator& _Right_cref) - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- */
- ss_const_iterator_type& operator=(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right_cref) {
- ((*this).m_owner_cptr) = _Right_cref.m_owner_cptr;
- (*this).m_index = _Right_cref.m_index;
- return (*this);
- }
- bool operator==(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right_cref) const {
- if (this->m_owner_cptr != _Right_cref.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - ss_const_iterator_type& operator==(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right) - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- return (_Right_cref.m_index == m_index);
- }
- bool operator!=(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right_cref) const { return (!(_Right_cref == (*this))); }
- bool operator<(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right) const {
- if (this->m_owner_cptr != _Right.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - ss_const_iterator_type& operator<(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right) - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- return (m_index < _Right.m_index);
- }
- bool operator<=(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (((*this) < _Right) || (_Right == (*this))); }
- bool operator>(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (!((*this) <= _Right)); }
- bool operator>=(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (!((*this) < _Right)); }
- void set_to_const_item_pointer(const ss_const_iterator_type& _Right_cref) {
- (*this) = _Right_cref;
- }
- void invalidate_inclusive_range(msev_size_t index_of_first, msev_size_t index_of_last) {
- if ((index_of_first <= (*this).m_index) && (index_of_last >= (*this).m_index)) {
- (*this).reset();
- }
- }
- void shift_inclusive_range(msev_size_t index_of_first, msev_size_t index_of_last, msev_int shift) {
- if ((index_of_first <= (*this).m_index) && (index_of_last >= (*this).m_index)) {
- auto new_index = (*this).m_index + shift;
- if ((0 > new_index) || (m_owner_cptr->size() < new_index)) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("void shift_inclusive_range() - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else {
- (*this).m_index = msev_size_t(new_index);
- (*this).sync_const_iterator_to_index();
- }
- }
- }
- msev_size_t position() const {
- return m_index;
- }
- operator typename base_class::const_iterator() const {
- typename base_class::const_iterator retval = (*m_owner_cptr).cbegin();
- retval += msev_as_a_size_t(m_index);
- return retval;
- }
- private:
- void sync_const_iterator_to_index() {
- assert(m_owner_cptr->size() >= (*this).m_index);
- //base_class::const_iterator::operator=(m_owner_cptr->cbegin());
- //base_class::const_iterator::operator+=(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index));
- }
- msev_size_t m_index = 0;
- msev_pointer<const _Myt> m_owner_cptr = nullptr;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- };
- /* ss_iterator_type is a bounds checked iterator. */
- class ss_iterator_type : public random_access_iterator_base {
- public:
- typedef typename base_class::iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename base_class::iterator::value_type value_type;
- //typedef typename base_class::iterator::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef typename _Myt::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef difference_type distance_type; // retained
- typedef typename base_class::iterator::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename base_class::iterator::reference reference;
- ss_iterator_type() {}
- void reset() { set_to_end_marker(); }
- bool points_to_an_item() const {
- if (m_owner_ptr->size() > m_index) { return true; }
- else {
- if (m_index == m_owner_ptr->size()) { return false; }
- else { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid ss_iterator_type - bool points_to_an_item() const - ss_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- }
- }
- bool points_to_end_marker() const {
- if (false == points_to_an_item()) {
- assert(m_index == m_owner_ptr->size());
- return true;
- }
- else { return false; }
- }
- bool points_to_beginning() const {
- if (0 == m_index) { return true; }
- else { return false; }
- }
- /* has_next_item_or_end_marker() is just an alias for points_to_an_item(). */
- bool has_next_item_or_end_marker() const { return points_to_an_item(); }
- /* has_next() is just an alias for points_to_an_item() that's familiar to java programmers. */
- bool has_next() const { return has_next_item_or_end_marker(); }
- bool has_previous() const {
- if (m_owner_ptr->size() < m_index) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid ss_iterator_type - bool has_previous() const - ss_iterator_type - msevector"));
- } else if (1 <= m_index) {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- void set_to_beginning() {
- m_index = 0;
- }
- void set_to_end_marker() {
- m_index = m_owner_ptr->size();
- }
- void set_to_next() {
- if (points_to_an_item()) {
- m_index += 1;
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid item_pointer - void set_to_next() - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- }
- void set_to_previous() {
- if (has_previous()) {
- m_index -= 1;
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("attempt to use invalid item_pointer - void set_to_previous() - ss_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- }
- ss_iterator_type& operator ++() { (*this).set_to_next(); return (*this); }
- ss_iterator_type operator++(int) { ss_iterator_type _Tmp = *this; (*this).set_to_next(); return (_Tmp); }
- ss_iterator_type& operator --() { (*this).set_to_previous(); return (*this); }
- ss_iterator_type operator--(int) { ss_iterator_type _Tmp = *this; (*this).set_to_previous(); return (_Tmp); }
- void advance(difference_type n) {
- auto new_index = msev_int(m_index) + n;
- if ((0 > new_index) || (m_owner_ptr->size() < msev_size_t(new_index))) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("index out of range - void advance(difference_type n) - ss_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else {
- m_index = msev_size_t(new_index);
- }
- }
- void regress(difference_type n) { advance(-n); }
- ss_iterator_type& operator +=(difference_type n) { (*this).advance(n); return (*this); }
- ss_iterator_type& operator -=(difference_type n) { (*this).regress(n); return (*this); }
- ss_iterator_type operator+(difference_type n) const {
- ss_iterator_type retval; retval.m_owner_ptr = m_owner_ptr;
- retval = (*this);
- retval.advance(n);
- return retval;
- }
- ss_iterator_type operator-(difference_type n) const { return ((*this) + (-n)); }
- difference_type operator-(const ss_iterator_type& rhs) const {
- if (rhs.m_owner_ptr != (*this).m_owner_ptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - difference_type operator-(const ss_iterator_type& rhs) const - msevector::ss_iterator_type")); }
- auto retval = difference_type((*this).m_index) - difference_type(rhs.m_index);
- assert(int((*m_owner_ptr).size()) >= retval);
- return retval;
- }
- reference operator*() const {
- return (*m_owner_ptr).at(msev_as_a_size_t((*this).m_index));
- }
- reference item() const { return operator*(); }
- reference previous_item() const {
- return m_owner_ptr->at(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index - 1));
- }
- pointer operator->() const {
- return &((*m_owner_ptr).at(msev_as_a_size_t((*this).m_index)));
- }
- reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const { return (*m_owner_ptr).at(msev_as_a_size_t(difference_type(m_index) + _Off)); }
- /*
- ss_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::iterator& _Right_cref)
- {
- msev_int d = std::distance<typename base_class::iterator>(m_owner_ptr->begin(), _Right_cref);
- if ((0 <= d) && (m_owner_ptr->size() >= d)) {
- if (m_owner_ptr->size() == d) {
- assert(m_owner_ptr->end() == _Right_cref);
- }
- m_index = msev_size_t(d);
- base_class::iterator::operator=(_Right_cref);
- }
- else {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("doesn't seem to be a valid assignment value - ss_iterator_type& operator=(const typename base_class::iterator& _Right_cref) - ss_const_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- return (*this);
- }
- */
- ss_iterator_type& operator=(const ss_iterator_type& _Right_cref) {
- ((*this).m_owner_ptr) = _Right_cref.m_owner_ptr;
- (*this).m_index = _Right_cref.m_index;
- return (*this);
- }
- bool operator==(const ss_iterator_type& _Right_cref) const {
- if (this->m_owner_ptr != _Right_cref.m_owner_ptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - ss_iterator_type& operator==(const ss_iterator_type& _Right) - ss_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- return (_Right_cref.m_index == m_index);
- }
- bool operator!=(const ss_iterator_type& _Right_cref) const { return (!(_Right_cref == (*this))); }
- bool operator<(const ss_iterator_type& _Right) const {
- if (this->m_owner_ptr != _Right.m_owner_ptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - ss_iterator_type& operator<(const ss_iterator_type& _Right) - ss_iterator_type - msevector")); }
- return (m_index < _Right.m_index);
- }
- bool operator<=(const ss_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (((*this) < _Right) || (_Right == (*this))); }
- bool operator>(const ss_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (!((*this) <= _Right)); }
- bool operator>=(const ss_iterator_type& _Right) const { return (!((*this) < _Right)); }
- void set_to_item_pointer(const ss_iterator_type& _Right_cref) {
- (*this) = _Right_cref;
- }
- void invalidate_inclusive_range(msev_size_t index_of_first, msev_size_t index_of_last) {
- if ((index_of_first <= (*this).m_index) && (index_of_last >= (*this).m_index)) {
- (*this).reset();
- }
- }
- void shift_inclusive_range(msev_size_t index_of_first, msev_size_t index_of_last, msev_int shift) {
- if ((index_of_first <= (*this).m_index) && (index_of_last >= (*this).m_index)) {
- auto new_index = (*this).m_index + shift;
- if ((0 > new_index) || (m_owner_ptr->size() < new_index)) {
- MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("void shift_inclusive_range() - ss_iterator_type - msevector"));
- }
- else {
- (*this).m_index = msev_size_t(new_index);
- (*this).sync_iterator_to_index();
- }
- }
- }
- msev_size_t position() const {
- return m_index;
- }
- operator ss_const_iterator_type() const {
- ss_const_iterator_type retval;
- if (nullptr != m_owner_ptr) {
- retval = m_owner_ptr->ss_cbegin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(m_index));
- }
- return retval;
- }
- operator typename base_class::iterator() const {
- typename base_class::iterator retval = (*m_owner_ptr).begin();
- retval += msev_as_a_size_t(m_index);
- return retval;
- }
- private:
- void sync_iterator_to_index() {
- assert(m_owner_ptr->size() >= (*this).m_index);
- //base_class::iterator::operator=(m_owner_ptr->begin());
- //base_class::iterator::operator+=(msev_as_a_size_t(m_index));
- }
- msev_size_t m_index = 0;
- msev_pointer<_Myt> m_owner_ptr = nullptr;
- friend class /*_Myt*/msevector<_Ty, _A>;
- };
- typedef std::reverse_iterator<ss_iterator_type> ss_reverse_iterator_type;
- typedef std::reverse_iterator<ss_const_iterator_type> ss_const_reverse_iterator_type;
- ss_iterator_type ss_begin()
- { // return base_class::iterator for beginning of mutable sequence
- ss_iterator_type retval; retval.m_owner_ptr = this;
- retval.set_to_beginning();
- return retval;
- }
- ss_const_iterator_type ss_begin() const
- { // return base_class::iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
- ss_const_iterator_type retval; retval.m_owner_cptr = this;
- retval.set_to_beginning();
- return retval;
- }
- ss_iterator_type ss_end()
- { // return base_class::iterator for end of mutable sequence
- ss_iterator_type retval; retval.m_owner_ptr = this;
- retval.set_to_end_marker();
- return retval;
- }
- ss_const_iterator_type ss_end() const
- { // return base_class::iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
- ss_const_iterator_type retval; retval.m_owner_cptr = this;
- retval.set_to_end_marker();
- return retval;
- }
- ss_const_iterator_type ss_cbegin() const
- { // return base_class::iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
- ss_const_iterator_type retval; retval.m_owner_cptr = this;
- retval.set_to_beginning();
- return retval;
- }
- ss_const_iterator_type ss_cend() const
- { // return base_class::iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
- ss_const_iterator_type retval; retval.m_owner_cptr = this;
- retval.set_to_end_marker();
- return retval;
- }
- ss_const_reverse_iterator_type ss_crbegin() const
- { // return base_class::iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
- return (ss_rbegin());
- }
- ss_const_reverse_iterator_type ss_crend() const
- { // return base_class::iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
- return (ss_rend());
- }
- ss_reverse_iterator_type ss_rbegin()
- { // return base_class::iterator for beginning of reversed mutable sequence
- return (reverse_iterator(ss_end()));
- }
- ss_const_reverse_iterator_type ss_rbegin() const
- { // return base_class::iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
- return (const_reverse_iterator(ss_end()));
- }
- ss_reverse_iterator_type ss_rend()
- { // return base_class::iterator for end of reversed mutable sequence
- return (reverse_iterator(ss_begin()));
- }
- ss_const_reverse_iterator_type ss_rend() const
- { // return base_class::iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
- return (const_reverse_iterator(ss_begin()));
- }
- msevector(const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end, const _A& _Al = _A())
- : base_class(_Al), m_mmitset(*this) {
- /*m_debug_size = size();*/
- assign(start, end);
- }
- void assign(const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) {
- if (start.m_owner_cptr != end.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void assign(const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- if (start > end) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void assign(const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _F = start;
- typename base_class::const_iterator _L = end;
- (*this).assign(_F, _L);
- }
- void assign_inclusive(const ss_const_iterator_type &first, const ss_const_iterator_type &last) {
- auto end = last;
- end++; // this should include some checks
- (*this).assign(first, end);
- }
- ss_iterator_type insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - void insert_before() - msevector")); }
- pos.assert_valid_index();
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, _M, _X);
- ss_iterator_type retval = ss_begin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- ss_iterator_type insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, _Ty&& _X) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - void insert_before() - msevector")); }
- pos.assert_valid_index();
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, std::move(_X));
- ss_iterator_type retval = ss_begin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- ss_iterator_type insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { return (*this).insert(pos, 1, _X); }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- ss_iterator_type insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Iter &start, const _Iter &end) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid argument - ss_iterator_type insert_before() - msevector")); }
- //if (start.m_owner_cptr != end.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- pos.assert_valid_index();
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, start, end);
- ss_iterator_type retval = ss_begin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- ss_iterator_type insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const ss_const_iterator_type& start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) {
- if (start.m_owner_cptr != end.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- end.assert_valid_index();
- if (start > end) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _S = start;
- typename base_class::const_iterator _E = end;
- return (*this).insert_before(pos, _S, _E);
- }
- ss_iterator_type insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Ty* start, const _Ty* end) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - ss_iterator_type insert_before() - msevector")); }
- //if (start.m_owner_cptr != end.m_owner_cptr) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) - msevector")); }
- if (start > end) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - ss_iterator_type insert_before() - msevector")); }
- pos.assert_valid_index();
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, start, end);
- ss_iterator_type retval = ss_begin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- ss_iterator_type insert_before_inclusive(const ss_iterator_type &pos, const _Iter &first, const _Iter &last) {
- auto end = last;
- end++; // this may include some checks
- return (*this).insert_before(pos, first, end);
- }
- ss_iterator_type insert_before(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { // insert initializer_list
- if (pos.m_owner_ptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void insert_before() - msevector")); }
- pos.assert_valid_index();
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).insert(_P, _Ilist);
- ss_iterator_type retval = ss_begin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- /* These insert() functions are just aliases for their corresponding insert_before() functions. */
- ss_iterator_type insert(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) { return insert_before(pos, _M, _X); }
- ss_iterator_type insert(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, _Ty&& _X) { return insert_before(pos, std::move(_X)); }
- ss_iterator_type insert(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { return insert_before(pos, _X); }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- ss_iterator_type insert(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Iter &start, const _Iter &end) { return insert_before(pos, start, end); }
- ss_iterator_type insert(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, const _Ty* start, const _Ty* &end) { return insert_before(pos, start, end); }
- ss_iterator_type insert(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename base_class::value_type> _Ilist) { return insert_before(pos, _Ilist); }
- template<class ..._Valty>
-#if !(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))
- ss_iterator_type emplace(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos, _Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving _Val at pos
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void emplace() - msevector")); }
-#else /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- ipointer emplace(const ipointer &pos, _Valty&& ..._Val)
- { // insert by moving _Val at pos
- if (pos.m_owner_ptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void emplace() - msevector")); }
-#endif /*!(defined(GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE))*/
- pos.assert_valid_index();
- msev_size_t original_pos = pos.position();
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).emplace(_P, std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
- ss_iterator_type retval = ss_begin();
- retval.advance(msev_int(original_pos));
- return retval;
- }
- ss_iterator_type erase(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase() - msevector")); }
- if (!pos.points_to_an_item()) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase() - msevector")); }
- auto pos_index = pos.position();
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- (*this).erase(_P);
- ss_iterator_type retval = (*this).ss_begin();
- retval.advance(typename ss_const_iterator_type::difference_type(pos_index));
- return retval;
- }
- ss_iterator_type erase(const ss_const_iterator_type &start, const ss_const_iterator_type &end) {
- if (start.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase() - msevector")); }
- if (end.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase() - msevector")); }
- if (start.position() > end.position()) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase() - msevector")); }
- auto pos_index = start.position();
- typename base_class::const_iterator _F = start;
- typename base_class::const_iterator _L = end;
- (*this).erase(_F, _L);
- ss_iterator_type retval = (*this).ss_begin();
- retval.advance(typename ss_const_iterator_type::difference_type(pos_index));
- return retval;
- }
- ss_iterator_type erase_inclusive(const ss_const_iterator_type &first, const ss_const_iterator_type &last) {
- auto end = last; end.set_to_next();
- return erase(first, end);
- }
- void erase_previous_item(const ss_const_iterator_type &pos) {
- if (pos.m_owner_cptr != this) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase_previous_item() - msevector")); }
- if (!(pos.has_previous())) { MSE_THROW(msevector_range_error("invalid arguments - void erase_previous_item() - msevector")); }
- typename base_class::const_iterator _P = pos;
- _P--;
- (*this).erase(_P);
- }
- };
-#undef MSE_THROW
-#endif /*ndef MSEMSEVECTOR_H*/
diff --git a/src/debug/mse/msemstdvector.h b/src/debug/mse/msemstdvector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fa7d848bc..000000000
--- a/src/debug/mse/msemstdvector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015 Noah Lopez
-// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include "debug/mse/msemsevector.h"
-namespace mse {
- namespace mstd {
- template<class _Ty, class _A = std::allocator<_Ty> > using vector = std::vector<_Ty, _A>;
-#ifndef _NOEXCEPT
-#define _NOEXCEPT
-#endif /*_NOEXCEPT*/
- template<class _Ty, class _A = std::allocator<_Ty> >
- class vector {
- public:
- typedef mse::mstd::vector<_Ty, _A> _Myt;
- typedef mse::msevector<_Ty, _A> _MV;
- typedef typename _MV::allocator_type allocator_type;
- typedef typename _MV::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename _MV::size_type size_type;
- typedef typename _MV::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef typename _MV::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename _MV::const_pointer const_pointer;
- typedef typename _MV::reference reference;
- typedef typename _MV::const_reference const_reference;
- const _MV& msevector() const { return (*m_shptr); }
- _MV& msevector() { return (*m_shptr); }
- operator const _MV() const { return msevector(); }
- operator _MV() { return msevector(); }
- explicit vector(const _A& _Al = _A()) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_Al)) {}
- explicit vector(size_type _N) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_N)) {}
- explicit vector(size_type _N, const _Ty& _V, const _A& _Al = _A()) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_N, _V, _Al)) {}
- vector(_Myt&& _X) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(std::move(_X.msevector()))) {}
- vector(const _Myt& _X) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_X.msevector())) {}
- vector(_MV&& _X) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(std::move(_X))) {}
- vector(const _MV& _X) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_X)) {}
- vector(std::vector<_Ty>&& _X) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(std::move(_X))) {}
- vector(const std::vector<_Ty>& _X) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_X)) {}
- typedef typename _MV::const_iterator _It;
- vector(_It _F, _It _L, const _A& _Al = _A()) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_F, _L, _Al)) {}
- vector(const _Ty* _F, const _Ty* _L, const _A& _Al = _A()) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_F, _L, _Al)) {}
- template<class _Iter, class = typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, void>::type>
- vector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_First, _Last)) {}
- template<class _Iter, class = typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, void>::type>
- vector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, const _A& _Al) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_First, _Last, _Al)) {}
- _Myt& operator=(_MV&& _X) { m_shptr->operator=(std::move(_X)); return (*this); }
- _Myt& operator=(const _MV& _X) { m_shptr->operator=(_X); return (*this); }
- _Myt& operator=(_Myt&& _X) { m_shptr->operator=(std::move(_X.msevector())); return (*this); }
- _Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _X) { m_shptr->operator=(_X.msevector()); return (*this); }
- void reserve(size_type _Count) { m_shptr->reserve(_Count); }
- void resize(size_type _N, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { m_shptr->resize(_N, _X); }
- typename _MV::const_reference operator[](size_type _P) const { return m_shptr->operator[](_P); }
- typename _MV::reference operator[](size_type _P) { return m_shptr->operator[](_P); }
- void push_back(_Ty&& _X) { m_shptr->push_back(std::move(_X)); }
- void push_back(const _Ty& _X) { m_shptr->push_back(_X); }
- void pop_back() { m_shptr->pop_back(); }
- void assign(_It _F, _It _L) { m_shptr->assign(_F, _L); }
- void assign(size_type _N, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { m_shptr->assign(_N, _X); }
- template<class ..._Valty>
- void emplace_back(_Valty&& ..._Val) { m_shptr->emplace_back(std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...); }
- void clear() { m_shptr->clear(); }
- void swap(_MV& _X) { m_shptr->swap(_X); }
- void swap(_Myt& _X) { m_shptr->swap(_X.msevector()); }
- vector(_XSTD initializer_list<typename _MV::value_type> _Ilist, const _A& _Al = _A()) : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(_Ilist, _Al)) {}
- _Myt& operator=(_XSTD initializer_list<typename _MV::value_type> _Ilist) { m_shptr->operator=(_Ilist); return (*this); }
- void assign(_XSTD initializer_list<typename _MV::value_type> _Ilist) { m_shptr->assign(_Ilist); }
- size_type capacity() const _NOEXCEPT{ return m_shptr->capacity(); }
- void shrink_to_fit() { m_shptr->shrink_to_fit(); }
- size_type size() const _NOEXCEPT{ return m_shptr->size(); }
- size_type max_size() const _NOEXCEPT{ return m_shptr->max_size(); }
- bool empty() const _NOEXCEPT{ return m_shptr->empty(); }
- _A get_allocator() const _NOEXCEPT{ return m_shptr->get_allocator(); }
- typename _MV::const_reference at(size_type _Pos) const { return m_shptr->at(_Pos); }
- typename _MV::reference at(size_type _Pos) { return m_shptr->at(_Pos); }
- typename _MV::reference front() { return m_shptr->front(); }
- typename _MV::const_reference front() const { return m_shptr->front(); }
- typename _MV::reference back() { return m_shptr->back(); }
- typename _MV::const_reference back() const { return m_shptr->back(); }
- /* Try to avoid using these whenever possible. */
- value_type *data() _NOEXCEPT {
- return m_shptr->data();
- }
- const value_type *data() const _NOEXCEPT {
- return m_shptr->data();
- }
- class const_iterator : public _MV::random_access_const_iterator_base {
- public:
- typedef typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef typename _MV::difference_type distance_type; // retained
- typedef typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type::reference reference;
- const_iterator() {}
- const_iterator(const const_iterator& src_cref) : m_msevector_cshptr(src_cref.m_msevector_cshptr) {
- (*this) = src_cref;
- }
- ~const_iterator() {}
- const typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type& msevector_ss_const_iterator_type() const { return m_ss_const_iterator; }
- typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type& msevector_ss_const_iterator_type() { return m_ss_const_iterator; }
- const typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type& mvssci() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(); }
- typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type& mvssci() { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(); }
- void reset() { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().reset(); }
- bool points_to_an_item() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().points_to_an_item(); }
- bool points_to_end_marker() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().points_to_end_marker(); }
- bool points_to_beginning() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().points_to_beginning(); }
- /* has_next_item_or_end_marker() is just an alias for points_to_an_item(). */
- bool has_next_item_or_end_marker() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().has_next_item_or_end_marker(); }
- /* has_next() is just an alias for points_to_an_item() that's familiar to java programmers. */
- bool has_next() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().has_next(); }
- bool has_previous() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().has_previous(); }
- void set_to_beginning() { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().set_to_beginning(); }
- void set_to_end_marker() { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().set_to_end_marker(); }
- void set_to_next() { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().set_to_next(); }
- void set_to_previous() { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().set_to_previous(); }
- const_iterator& operator ++() { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().operator ++(); return (*this); }
- const_iterator operator++(int) { const_iterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); }
- const_iterator& operator --() { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().operator --(); return (*this); }
- const_iterator operator--(int) { const_iterator _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); }
- void advance(typename _MV::difference_type n) { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().advance(n); }
- void regress(typename _MV::difference_type n) { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().regress(n); }
- const_iterator& operator +=(difference_type n) { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().operator +=(n); return (*this); }
- const_iterator& operator -=(difference_type n) { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().operator -=(n); return (*this); }
- const_iterator operator+(difference_type n) const { auto retval = (*this); retval += n; return retval; }
- const_iterator operator-(difference_type n) const { return ((*this) + (-n)); }
- typename _MV::difference_type operator-(const const_iterator& _Right_cref) const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type() - (_Right_cref.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type()); }
- typename _MV::const_reference operator*() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().operator*(); }
- typename _MV::const_reference item() const { return operator*(); }
- typename _MV::const_reference previous_item() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().previous_item(); }
- typename _MV::const_pointer operator->() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().operator->(); }
- typename _MV::const_reference operator[](typename _MV::difference_type _Off) const { return (*(*this + _Off)); }
- bool operator==(const const_iterator& _Right_cref) const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().operator==(_Right_cref.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type()); }
- bool operator!=(const const_iterator& _Right_cref) const { return (!(_Right_cref == (*this))); }
- bool operator<(const const_iterator& _Right) const { return (msevector_ss_const_iterator_type() < _Right.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type()); }
- bool operator<=(const const_iterator& _Right) const { return (msevector_ss_const_iterator_type() <= _Right.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type()); }
- bool operator>(const const_iterator& _Right) const { return (msevector_ss_const_iterator_type() > _Right.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type()); }
- bool operator>=(const const_iterator& _Right) const { return (msevector_ss_const_iterator_type() >= _Right.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type()); }
- void set_to_const_item_pointer(const const_iterator& _Right_cref) { msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().set_to_const_item_pointer(_Right_cref.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type()); }
- msev_size_t position() const { return msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().position(); }
- private:
- const_iterator(std::shared_ptr<_MV> msevector_shptr) : m_msevector_cshptr(msevector_shptr) {
- m_ss_const_iterator = msevector_shptr->ss_cbegin();
- }
- std::shared_ptr<const _MV> m_msevector_cshptr;
- /* m_ss_const_iterator needs to be declared after m_msevector_cshptr so that it's destructor will be called first. */
- typename _MV::ss_const_iterator_type m_ss_const_iterator;
- friend class /*_Myt*/vector<_Ty, _A>;
- friend class iterator;
- };
- class iterator : public _MV::random_access_iterator_base {
- public:
- typedef typename _MV::ss_iterator_type::iterator_category iterator_category;
- typedef typename _MV::ss_iterator_type::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename _MV::ss_iterator_type::difference_type difference_type;
- typedef typename _MV::difference_type distance_type; // retained
- typedef typename _MV::ss_iterator_type::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename _MV::ss_iterator_type::reference reference;
- iterator() {}
- iterator(const iterator& src_cref) : m_msevector_shptr(src_cref.m_msevector_shptr) {
- (*this) = src_cref;
- }
- ~iterator() {}
- const typename _MV::ss_iterator_type& msevector_ss_iterator_type() const { return m_ss_iterator; }
- typename _MV::ss_iterator_type& msevector_ss_iterator_type() { return m_ss_iterator; }
- const typename _MV::ss_iterator_type& mvssi() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type(); }
- typename _MV::ss_iterator_type& mvssi() { return msevector_ss_iterator_type(); }
- operator const_iterator() const {
- const_iterator retval(m_msevector_shptr);
- if (m_msevector_shptr) {
- retval.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().set_to_beginning();
- retval.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type().advance(msev_int(msevector_ss_iterator_type().position()));
- }
- return retval;
- }
- void reset() { msevector_ss_iterator_type().reset(); }
- bool points_to_an_item() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().points_to_an_item(); }
- bool points_to_end_marker() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().points_to_end_marker(); }
- bool points_to_beginning() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().points_to_beginning(); }
- /* has_next_item_or_end_marker() is just an alias for points_to_an_item(). */
- bool has_next_item_or_end_marker() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().has_next_item_or_end_marker(); }
- /* has_next() is just an alias for points_to_an_item() that's familiar to java programmers. */
- bool has_next() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().has_next(); }
- bool has_previous() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().has_previous(); }
- void set_to_beginning() { msevector_ss_iterator_type().set_to_beginning(); }
- void set_to_end_marker() { msevector_ss_iterator_type().set_to_end_marker(); }
- void set_to_next() { msevector_ss_iterator_type().set_to_next(); }
- void set_to_previous() { msevector_ss_iterator_type().set_to_previous(); }
- iterator& operator ++() { msevector_ss_iterator_type().operator ++(); return (*this); }
- iterator operator++(int) { iterator _Tmp = *this; ++*this; return (_Tmp); }
- iterator& operator --() { msevector_ss_iterator_type().operator --(); return (*this); }
- iterator operator--(int) { iterator _Tmp = *this; --*this; return (_Tmp); }
- void advance(typename _MV::difference_type n) { msevector_ss_iterator_type().advance(n); }
- void regress(typename _MV::difference_type n) { msevector_ss_iterator_type().regress(n); }
- iterator& operator +=(difference_type n) { msevector_ss_iterator_type().operator +=(n); return (*this); }
- iterator& operator -=(difference_type n) { msevector_ss_iterator_type().operator -=(n); return (*this); }
- iterator operator+(difference_type n) const { auto retval = (*this); retval += n; return retval; }
- iterator operator-(difference_type n) const { return ((*this) + (-n)); }
- typename _MV::difference_type operator-(const iterator& _Right_cref) const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type() - (_Right_cref.msevector_ss_iterator_type()); }
- typename _MV::reference operator*() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().operator*(); }
- typename _MV::reference item() const { return operator*(); }
- typename _MV::reference previous_item() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().previous_item(); }
- typename _MV::pointer operator->() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().operator->(); }
- typename _MV::reference operator[](typename _MV::difference_type _Off) const { return (*(*this + _Off)); }
- bool operator==(const iterator& _Right_cref) const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().operator==(_Right_cref.msevector_ss_iterator_type()); }
- bool operator!=(const iterator& _Right_cref) const { return (!(_Right_cref == (*this))); }
- bool operator<(const iterator& _Right) const { return (msevector_ss_iterator_type() < _Right.msevector_ss_iterator_type()); }
- bool operator<=(const iterator& _Right) const { return (msevector_ss_iterator_type() <= _Right.msevector_ss_iterator_type()); }
- bool operator>(const iterator& _Right) const { return (msevector_ss_iterator_type() > _Right.msevector_ss_iterator_type()); }
- bool operator>=(const iterator& _Right) const { return (msevector_ss_iterator_type() >= _Right.msevector_ss_iterator_type()); }
- void set_to_item_pointer(const iterator& _Right_cref) { msevector_ss_iterator_type().set_to_item_pointer(_Right_cref.msevector_ss_iterator_type()); }
- msev_size_t position() const { return msevector_ss_iterator_type().position(); }
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<_MV> m_msevector_shptr;
- /* m_ss_iterator needs to be declared after m_msevector_shptr so that it's destructor will be called first. */
- typename _MV::ss_iterator_type m_ss_iterator;
- friend class /*_Myt*/vector<_Ty, _A>;
- };
- iterator begin() { // return iterator for beginning of mutable sequence
- iterator retval; retval.m_msevector_shptr = this->m_shptr;
- (retval.m_ss_iterator) = m_shptr->ss_begin();
- return retval;
- }
- const_iterator begin() const { // return iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
- const_iterator retval; retval.m_msevector_cshptr = this->m_shptr;
- (retval.m_ss_const_iterator) = m_shptr->ss_begin();
- return retval;
- }
- iterator end() { // return iterator for end of mutable sequence
- iterator retval; retval.m_msevector_shptr = this->m_shptr;
- (retval.m_ss_iterator) = m_shptr->ss_end();
- return retval;
- }
- const_iterator end() const { // return iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
- const_iterator retval; retval.m_msevector_cshptr = this->m_shptr;
- (retval.m_ss_const_iterator) = m_shptr->ss_end();
- return retval;
- }
- const_iterator cbegin() const { // return iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
- const_iterator retval; retval.m_msevector_cshptr = this->m_shptr;
- (retval.m_ss_const_iterator) = m_shptr->ss_cbegin();
- return retval;
- }
- const_iterator cend() const { // return iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
- const_iterator retval; retval.m_msevector_cshptr = this->m_shptr;
- (retval.m_ss_const_iterator) = m_shptr->ss_cend();
- return retval;
- }
- typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
- typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
- reverse_iterator rbegin() { // return iterator for beginning of reversed mutable sequence
- return (reverse_iterator(end()));
- }
- const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { // return iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
- return (const_reverse_iterator(end()));
- }
- reverse_iterator rend() { // return iterator for end of reversed mutable sequence
- return (reverse_iterator(begin()));
- }
- const_reverse_iterator rend() const { // return iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
- return (const_reverse_iterator(begin()));
- }
- const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const { // return iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
- return (rbegin());
- }
- const_reverse_iterator crend() const { // return iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
- return (rend());
- }
- vector(const const_iterator &start, const const_iterator &end, const _A& _Al = _A())
- : m_shptr(std::make_shared<_MV>(start.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), end.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), _Al)) {}
- void assign(const const_iterator &start, const const_iterator &end) {
- m_shptr->assign(start.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), end.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type());
- }
- void assign_inclusive(const const_iterator &first, const const_iterator &last) {
- m_shptr->assign_inclusive(first.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), last.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type());
- }
- iterator insert_before(const const_iterator &pos, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) {
- auto res = m_shptr->insert_before(pos.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), _M, _X);
- iterator retval = begin(); retval.msevector_ss_iterator_type() = res;
- return retval;
- }
- iterator insert_before(const const_iterator &pos, _Ty&& _X) {
- auto res = m_shptr->insert_before(pos.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), std::move(_X));
- iterator retval = begin(); retval.msevector_ss_iterator_type() = res;
- return retval;
- }
- iterator insert_before(const const_iterator &pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { return insert_before(pos, 1, _X); }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- iterator insert_before(const const_iterator &pos, const _Iter &start, const _Iter &end) {
- auto res = m_shptr->insert_before(pos.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), start, end);
- iterator retval = begin(); retval.msevector_ss_iterator_type() = res;
- return retval;
- }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- iterator insert_before_inclusive(const const_iterator &pos, const _Iter &first, const _Iter &last) {
- auto end = last; end++;
- return insert_before(pos, first, end);
- }
- iterator insert_before(const const_iterator &pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename _MV::value_type> _Ilist) { // insert initializer_list
- auto res = m_shptr->insert_before(pos.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), _Ilist);
- iterator retval = begin(); retval.msevector_ss_iterator_type() = res;
- return retval;
- }
- void insert_before(msev_size_t pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) {
- m_shptr->insert_before(pos, _X);
- }
- void insert_before(msev_size_t pos, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) {
- m_shptr->insert_before(pos, _M, _X);
- }
- void insert_before(msev_size_t pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename _MV::value_type> _Ilist) { // insert initializer_list
- m_shptr->insert_before(pos, _Ilist);
- }
- /* These insert() functions are just aliases for their corresponding insert_before() functions. */
- iterator insert(const const_iterator &pos, size_type _M, const _Ty& _X) { return insert_before(pos, _M, _X); }
- iterator insert(const const_iterator &pos, _Ty&& _X) { return insert_before(pos, std::move(_X)); }
- iterator insert(const const_iterator &pos, const _Ty& _X = _Ty()) { return insert_before(pos, _X); }
- template<class _Iter
- //>typename std::enable_if<_mse_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value, typename base_class::iterator>::type
- , class = _mse_RequireInputIter<_Iter> >
- iterator insert(const const_iterator &pos, const _Iter &start, const _Iter &end) { return insert_before(pos, start, end); }
- iterator insert(const const_iterator &pos, const _Ty* start, const _Ty* end) { return insert_before(pos, start, end); }
- iterator insert(const const_iterator &pos, _XSTD initializer_list<typename _MV::value_type> _Ilist) { return insert_before(pos, _Ilist); }
- template<class ..._Valty>
- iterator emplace(const const_iterator &pos, _Valty&& ..._Val) {
- auto res = m_shptr->emplace(pos.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), std::forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
- iterator retval = begin(); retval.msevector_ss_iterator_type() = res;
- return retval;
- }
- iterator erase(const const_iterator &pos) {
- auto res = m_shptr->erase(pos.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type());
- iterator retval = begin(); retval.msevector_ss_iterator_type() = res;
- return retval;
- }
- iterator erase(const const_iterator &start, const const_iterator &end) {
- auto res = m_shptr->erase(start.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type(), end.msevector_ss_const_iterator_type());
- iterator retval = begin(); retval.msevector_ss_iterator_type() = res;
- return retval;
- }
- iterator erase_inclusive(const const_iterator &first, const const_iterator &last) {
- auto end = last; end.set_to_next();
- return erase_inclusive(first, end);
- }
- bool operator==(const _Myt& _Right) const { // test for vector equality
- return ((*(_Right.m_shptr)) == (*m_shptr));
- }
- bool operator<(const _Myt& _Right) const { // test if _Left < _Right for vectors
- return ((*m_shptr) < (*(_Right.m_shptr)));
- }
- private:
- std::shared_ptr<_MV> m_shptr;
- };
- template<class _Ty, class _Alloc> inline bool operator!=(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
- const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right) { // test for vector inequality
- return (!(_Left == _Right));
- }
- template<class _Ty, class _Alloc> inline bool operator>(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
- const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right) { // test if _Left > _Right for vectors
- return (_Right < _Left);
- }
- template<class _Ty, class _Alloc> inline bool operator<=(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
- const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right) { // test if _Left <= _Right for vectors
- return (!(_Right < _Left));
- }
- template<class _Ty, class _Alloc> inline bool operator>=(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
- const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right) { // test if _Left >= _Right for vectors
- return (!(_Left < _Right));
- }
- }
-#endif /*ndef MSEMSTDVECTOR_H*/
diff --git a/src/debug/mse/mseprimitives.h b/src/debug/mse/mseprimitives.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 951577834..000000000
--- a/src/debug/mse/mseprimitives.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,872 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2015 Noah Lopez
-// Use, modification, and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
-// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <climits> // ULONG_MAX
-#include <limits> // std::numeric_limits
-#include <stdexcept> // primitives_range_error
-/*compiler specific defines*/
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#if (1700 > _MSC_VER)
-#define MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE 1
-#endif /*(1700 > _MSC_VER)*/
-#if (1900 > _MSC_VER)
-#define MSVC2013_COMPATIBLE 1
-#endif /*(1900 > _MSC_VER)*/
-#if (2000 > _MSC_VER)
-#define MSVC2015_COMPATIBLE 1
-#endif /*(1900 > _MSC_VER)*/
-#else /*_MSC_VER*/
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__))
-#if ((5 > __GNUC__) && (!defined(__clang__)))
-#define GPP4P8_COMPATIBLE 1
-#endif /*((5 > __GNUC__) && (!defined(__clang__)))*/
-#endif /*(defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__))*/
-#endif /*_MSC_VER*/
-#if defined(MSVC2013_COMPATIBLE) || defined(MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE)
-#else // defined(MSVC2013_COMPATIBLE) || defined(MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE)
-#define MSE_CONSTEXPR constexpr
-#endif // defined(MSVC2013_COMPATIBLE) || defined(MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE)
-/* msvc2015's incomplete support for "constexpr" means that range checks that should be done at compile time would
-be done at run time, at significant cost. So by default we disable range checks upon assignment. */
-#endif // MSVC2015_COMPATIBLE
-#include <iostream>
-#define MSE_THROW(x) throw(x)
-#define MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE long int
-#else // SIZE_MAX <= ULONG_MAX
-#define MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE long long int
-#endif // SIZE_MAX <= ULONG_MAX
-namespace mse {
- class primitives_range_error : public std::range_error {
- public:
- using std::range_error::range_error;
- };
- /* When the mse primitive replacements are "disabled" they lose their default initialization and may cause problems for
- code that relies on it. */
- typedef bool CBool;
- typedef size_t CSize_t;
- static size_t as_a_size_t(CSize_t n) { return (n); }
-#ifndef NDEBUG
-#endif // !NDEBUG
- /* This class is just meant to act like the "bool" type, except that it has a default intialization value (false). */
- class CBool {
- public:
- // Constructs zero.
- CBool() : m_val(false) {}
- // Copy constructor
- CBool(const CBool &x) : m_val(x.m_val) { note_value_assignment(); };
- // Assignment operator
- CBool& operator=(const CBool &x) { note_value_assignment(); m_val = x.m_val; return (*this); }
- // Constructors from primitive boolean types
- CBool(bool x) { note_value_assignment(); m_val = x; }
- // Casts to primitive boolean types
- operator bool() const { assert_initialized(); return m_val; }
- CBool& operator |=(const CBool &x) { assert_initialized(); m_val |= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CBool& operator &=(const CBool &x) { assert_initialized(); m_val &= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CBool& operator ^=(const CBool &x) { assert_initialized(); m_val ^= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- bool m_val;
- void note_value_assignment() { m_initialized = true; }
- void assert_initialized() const { assert(m_initialized); }
- bool m_initialized = false;
- void note_value_assignment() {}
- void assert_initialized() const {}
- };
- template<typename _TDestination, typename _TSource>
- MSE_CONSTEXPR static bool sg_can_exceed_upper_bound() {
- return (
- ((std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::is_signed == std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::is_signed)
- && (std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::digits > std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::digits))
- || ((std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::is_signed != std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::is_signed)
- && ((std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::is_signed && (std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::digits > (1 + std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::digits)))
- || ((!std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::is_signed) && ((1 + std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::digits) > std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::digits))
- )
- )
- );
- }
- template<typename _TDestination, typename _TSource>
- MSE_CONSTEXPR static bool sg_can_exceed_lower_bound() {
- return (
- (std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::is_signed && (!std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::is_signed))
- || (std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::is_signed && (std::numeric_limits<_TSource>::digits > std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::digits))
- );
- }
- template<typename _TDestination, typename _TSource>
- void g_assign_check_range(const _TSource &x) {
- /* This probably needs to be cleaned up. But at the moment this should be mostly compile time complexity. And
- as is it avoids "signed/unsigned" mismatch warnings. */
- MSE_CONSTEXPR const bool rhs_can_exceed_upper_bound = sg_can_exceed_upper_bound<_TDestination, _TSource>();
- MSE_CONSTEXPR const bool rhs_can_exceed_lower_bound = sg_can_exceed_lower_bound<_TDestination, _TSource>();
- MSE_CONSTEXPR const bool can_exceed_bounds = rhs_can_exceed_upper_bound || rhs_can_exceed_lower_bound;
- if (can_exceed_bounds) {
- if (rhs_can_exceed_upper_bound) {
- if (x > _TSource(std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::max())) {
- MSE_THROW(primitives_range_error("range error - value to be assigned is out of range of the target (integer) type"));
- }
- }
- if (rhs_can_exceed_lower_bound) {
- /* We're assuming that std::numeric_limits<>::lowest() will never be greater than zero. */
- if (0 > x) {
- if (0 == std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::lowest()) {
- MSE_THROW(primitives_range_error("range error - value to be assigned is out of range of the target (integer) type"));
- }
- else if (x < _TSource(std::numeric_limits<_TDestination>::lowest())) {
- MSE_THROW(primitives_range_error("range error - value to be assigned is out of range of the target (integer) type"));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* The CInt and CSize_t classes are meant to substitute for standard "int" and "size_t" types. The differences between
- the standard types and these classes are that the classes have a default intialization value (zero), and the
- classes, as much as possible, try to prevent the problematic behaviour of (possibly negative) signed integers
- being cast (inadvertently) to the unsigned size_t type. For example, the expression (0 > (int)5 - (size_t)7) evaluates
- (unintuitively) to false, whereas the expression (0 > (CInt)5 - (CSize_t)7) evaluates to true. Also, the classes do
- some range checking. For example, the code "CSize_t s = -2;" will throw an exception. */
- template<typename _Ty>
- class TIntBase1 {
- public:
- // Constructs zero.
- TIntBase1() : m_val(0) {}
- // Copy constructor
- TIntBase1(const TIntBase1 &x) : m_val(x.m_val) { note_value_assignment(); };
- // Constructors from primitive integer types
- explicit TIntBase1(_Ty x) { note_value_assignment(); m_val = x; }
- template<typename _Tz>
- void assign_check_range(const _Tz &x) {
- note_value_assignment();
- g_assign_check_range<_Ty, _Tz>(x);
- }
- _Ty m_val;
- void note_value_assignment() { m_initialized = true; }
- void assert_initialized() const { assert(m_initialized); }
- bool m_initialized = false;
- void note_value_assignment() {}
- void assert_initialized() const {}
- };
- class CInt : public TIntBase1<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE> {
- public:
- typedef TIntBase1<_Ty> _Myt;
- // Constructs zero.
- CInt() : _Myt() {}
- // Copy constructor
- CInt(const CInt &x) : _Myt(x) {};
- CInt(const _Myt &x) : _Myt(x) {};
- // Assignment operator
- CInt& operator=(const CInt &x) { (*this).note_value_assignment(); m_val = x.m_val; return (*this); }
- //CInt& operator=(const _Ty &x) { (*this).note_value_assignment(); m_val = x; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator=(long long x) { assign_check_range<long long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CInt& operator=(long x) { assign_check_range<long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CInt& operator=(int x) { assign_check_range<int>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CInt& operator=(short x) { assign_check_range<short>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CInt& operator=(char x) { assign_check_range<char>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CInt& operator=(size_t x) { assign_check_range<size_t>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CInt& operator=(CSize_t x) { assign_check_range<size_t>(x.as_a_size_t()); m_val = x.as_a_size_t(); return (*this); }
- /* We would have liked to have assignment operators for the unsigned primitive integer types, but one of them could
- potentially clash with the size_t assignment operator. */
- //CInt& operator=(unsigned long long x) { assign_check_range<unsigned long long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CInt& operator=(unsigned long x) { assign_check_range<unsigned long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CInt& operator=(unsigned int x) { assign_check_range<unsigned int>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CInt& operator=(unsigned short x) { assign_check_range<unsigned short>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CInt& operator=(unsigned char x) { assign_check_range<unsigned char>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- // Constructors from primitive integer types
- //CInt(_Ty x) { m_val = x; }
- CInt(long long x) { assign_check_range<long long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- CInt(long x) { assign_check_range< long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- CInt(int x) { assign_check_range<int>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- CInt(short x) { assign_check_range<short>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- CInt(char x) { assign_check_range<char>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- CInt(size_t x) { assign_check_range<size_t>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //CInt(CSize_t x) { assign_check_range<size_t>(x.as_a_size_t()); m_val = x.as_a_size_t(); }
- /* We would have liked to have constructors for the unsigned primitive integer types, but one of them could
- potentially clash with the size_t constructor. */
- //CInt(unsigned long long x) { assign_check_range<unsigned long long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //CInt(unsigned long x) { assign_check_range<unsigned long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //CInt(unsigned int x) { assign_check_range<unsigned int>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //CInt(unsigned short x) { assign_check_range<unsigned short>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //CInt(unsigned char x) { assign_check_range<unsigned char>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- // Casts to primitive integer types
- operator _Ty() const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return m_val; }
- CInt operator ~() const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return CInt(~m_val); }
- CInt& operator |=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val |= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator &=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val &= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator ^=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val ^= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt operator -() const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return CInt(-m_val); }
- CInt& operator +=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val += x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator -=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val -= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator *=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val *= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator /=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val /= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator %=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val %= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator >>=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val >>= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt& operator <<=(const CInt &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val <<= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt operator +(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return CInt(m_val + x.m_val); }
- CInt operator +(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- //CInt operator +(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return CInt(m_val - x.m_val); }
- CInt operator -(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- //CInt operator -(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return CInt(m_val * x.m_val); }
- CInt operator *(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- //CInt operator *(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return CInt(m_val / x.m_val); }
- CInt operator /(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- //CInt operator /(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val < x.m_val); }
- bool operator <(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- //bool operator <(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val > x.m_val); }
- bool operator >(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- //bool operator >(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val <= x.m_val); }
- bool operator <=(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- //bool operator <=(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val >= x.m_val); }
- bool operator >=(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- //bool operator >=(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val == x.m_val); }
- bool operator ==(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- //bool operator ==(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val != x.m_val); }
- bool operator !=(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- //bool operator !=(CSize_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- CInt& operator ++() { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val++; return (*this); }
- CInt operator ++(int) {
- (*this).assert_initialized();
- CInt tmp(*this); // copy
- operator++(); // pre-increment
- return tmp; // return old value
- }
- CInt& operator --() {
- (*this).assert_initialized();
- if (0 <= std::numeric_limits<_Ty>::lowest()) {
- (*this).assert_initialized();
- (*this) = (*this) - 1; return (*this);
- }
- else {
- (*this).assert_initialized();
- m_val--; return (*this);
- }
- }
- CInt operator --(int) {
- (*this).assert_initialized();
- CInt tmp(*this); // copy
- operator--(); // pre-decrement
- return tmp; // return old value
- }
- //_Ty m_val;
- };
-namespace std {
-#ifndef _THROW0
-#define _THROW0()
-#endif // !_THROW0
-#ifndef _STCONS
-#define _STCONS(ty, name, val) static constexpr ty name = static_cast<ty>(val)
-#endif // !_STCONS
- template<> class numeric_limits<mse::CInt> { // limits for type int
- public:
- static constexpr _Ty(min)() _THROW0()
- { // return minimum value
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::min();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty(max)() _THROW0()
- { // return maximum value
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::max();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty lowest() _THROW0()
- { // return most negative value
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::lowest();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty epsilon() _THROW0()
- { // return smallest effective increment from 1.0
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::epsilon();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty round_error() _THROW0()
- { // return largest rounding error
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::round_error();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty denorm_min() _THROW0()
- { // return minimum denormalized value
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::denorm_min();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty infinity() _THROW0()
- { // return positive infinity
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::infinity();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty quiet_NaN() _THROW0()
- { // return non-signaling NaN
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::quiet_NaN();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty signaling_NaN() _THROW0()
- { // return signaling NaN
- return numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::signaling_NaN();
- }
- _STCONS(float_denorm_style, has_denorm, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::has_denorm);
- _STCONS(bool, has_denorm_loss, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::has_denorm_loss);
- _STCONS(bool, has_infinity, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::has_infinity);
- _STCONS(bool, has_quiet_NaN, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::has_quiet_NaN);
- _STCONS(bool, has_signaling_NaN, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::has_signaling_NaN);
- _STCONS(bool, is_bounded, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::is_bounded);
- _STCONS(bool, is_exact, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::is_exact);
- _STCONS(bool, is_iec559, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::is_iec559);
- _STCONS(bool, is_integer, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::is_integer);
- _STCONS(bool, is_modulo, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::is_modulo);
- _STCONS(bool, is_signed, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::is_signed);
- _STCONS(bool, is_specialized, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::is_specialized);
- _STCONS(bool, tinyness_before, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::tinyness_before);
- _STCONS(bool, traps, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::traps);
- _STCONS(float_round_style, round_style, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::round_style);
- _STCONS(int, digits, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::digits);
- _STCONS(int, digits10, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::digits10);
- _STCONS(int, max_digits10, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::max_digits10);
- _STCONS(int, max_exponent, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::max_exponent);
- _STCONS(int, max_exponent10, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::max_exponent10);
- _STCONS(int, min_exponent, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::min_exponent);
- _STCONS(int, min_exponent10, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::min_exponent10);
- _STCONS(int, radix, numeric_limits<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>::radix);
- };
-namespace mse {
- class CSize_t;
- static size_t as_a_size_t(CSize_t n);
- /* Note that CSize_t does not have a default conversion to size_t. This is by design. Use the as_a_size_t() member
- function to get a size_t when necessary. */
- class CSize_t : public TIntBase1<size_t> {
- public:
- typedef size_t _Ty;
- typedef int _T_signed_primitive_integer_type;
- typedef TIntBase1<_Ty> _Myt;
- // Constructs zero.
- CSize_t() : _Myt() {}
- // Copy constructor
- CSize_t(const CSize_t &x) : _Myt(x) {};
- CSize_t(const _Myt &x) : _Myt(x) {};
- // Assignment operator
- CSize_t& operator=(const CSize_t &x) { m_val = x.m_val; return (*this); }
- //CSize_t& operator=(const _Ty &x) { m_val = x; return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator=(long long x) { assign_check_range<long long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator=(long x) { assign_check_range<long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator=(int x) { assign_check_range<int>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator=(short x) { assign_check_range<short>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator=(char x) { assign_check_range<char>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator=(size_t x) { assign_check_range<size_t>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator=(CInt x) { assign_check_range<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- /* We would have liked to have assignment operators for the unsigned primitive integer types, but one of them could
- potentially clash with the size_t assignment operator. */
- //CSize_t& operator=(unsigned long long x) { assign_check_range<unsigned long long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CSize_t& operator=(unsigned long x) { assign_check_range<unsigned long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CSize_t& operator=(unsigned int x) { assign_check_range<unsigned int>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CSize_t& operator=(unsigned short x) { assign_check_range<unsigned short>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- //CSize_t& operator=(unsigned char x) { assign_check_range<unsigned char>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); return (*this); }
- // Constructors from primitive integer types
- //explicit CSize_t(_Ty x) { m_val = x; }
- explicit CSize_t(long long x) { assign_check_range<long long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- explicit CSize_t(long x) { assign_check_range< long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- explicit CSize_t(int x) { assign_check_range<int>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- explicit CSize_t(short x) { assign_check_range<short>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- explicit CSize_t(char x) { assign_check_range<char>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- CSize_t(size_t x) { assign_check_range<size_t>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- /*explicit */CSize_t(CInt x) { assign_check_range<MSE_CINT_BASE_INTEGER_TYPE>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- /* We would have liked to have constructors for the unsigned primitive integer types, but one of them could
- potentially clash with the size_t constructor. */
- //explicit CSize_t(unsigned long long x) { assign_check_range<unsigned long long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //explicit CSize_t(unsigned long x) { assign_check_range<unsigned long>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //explicit CSize_t(unsigned int x) { assign_check_range<unsigned int>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //explicit CSize_t(unsigned short x) { assign_check_range<unsigned short>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- //explicit CSize_t(unsigned char x) { assign_check_range<unsigned char>(x); m_val = static_cast<_Ty>(x); }
- // Casts to primitive integer types
- operator CInt() const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return CInt(m_val); }
-#ifndef MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE
- explicit operator size_t() const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val); }
-#endif /*MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE*/
- //size_t as_a_size_t() const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return m_val; }
- CSize_t operator ~() const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (~m_val); }
- CSize_t& operator |=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val |= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator &=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val &= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator ^=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val ^= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CInt operator -() const { (*this).assert_initialized(); /* Should unsigned types even support this opperator? */
- return (-(CInt(m_val)));
- }
- CSize_t& operator +=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val += x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator -=(const CSize_t &x) {
- (*this).assert_initialized();
- //assert(0 <= std::numeric_limits<_Ty>::lowest());
- if (x.m_val > m_val) {
- MSE_THROW(primitives_range_error("range error - value to be assigned is out of range of the target (integer) type"));
- }
- m_val -= x.m_val; return (*this);
- }
- CSize_t& operator *=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val *= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator /=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val /= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator %=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val %= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator >>=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val >>= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CSize_t& operator <<=(const CSize_t &x) { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val <<= x.m_val; return (*this); }
- CSize_t operator +(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val + x.m_val); }
- CInt operator +(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) + x); }
- CInt operator +(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator +(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CInt(x)); }
- CSize_t operator +(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) + CSize_t(x)); }
- CInt operator -(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) - CInt(x.m_val)); }
- CInt operator -(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) - x); }
- CInt operator -(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator -(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) - CSize_t(x)); }
- CSize_t operator *(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val * x.m_val); }
- CInt operator *(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) * x); }
- CInt operator *(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator *(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CInt(x)); }
- CSize_t operator *(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) * CSize_t(x)); }
- CSize_t operator /(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val / x.m_val); }
- CInt operator /(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) / x); }
- CInt operator /(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CInt operator /(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CInt(x)); }
- CSize_t operator /(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) / CSize_t(x)); }
- bool operator <(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val < x.m_val); }
- bool operator <(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) < x); }
- bool operator <(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) < CSize_t(x)); }
- bool operator >(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val > x.m_val); }
- bool operator >(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) > x); }
- bool operator >(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) > CSize_t(x)); }
- bool operator <=(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val <= x.m_val); }
- bool operator <=(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) <= x); }
- bool operator <=(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator <=(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) <= CSize_t(x)); }
- bool operator >=(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val >= x.m_val); }
- bool operator >=(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) >= x); }
- bool operator >=(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CInt(x)); }
- bool operator >=(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) >= CSize_t(x)); }
- bool operator ==(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val == x.m_val); }
- bool operator ==(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) == x); }
- bool operator ==(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CInt(x)); }
- bool operator ==(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) == CSize_t(x)); }
- bool operator !=(const CSize_t &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (m_val != x.m_val); }
- bool operator !=(const CInt &x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return (CInt(m_val) != x); }
- bool operator !=(long long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(long x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(int x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(short x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(char x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CInt(x)); }
- bool operator !=(size_t x) const { (*this).assert_initialized(); return ((*this) != CSize_t(x)); }
- CSize_t& operator ++() { (*this).assert_initialized(); m_val++; return (*this); }
- CSize_t operator ++(int) { (*this).assert_initialized();
- CSize_t tmp(*this); // copy
- operator++(); // pre-increment
- return tmp; // return old value
- }
- CSize_t& operator --() { (*this).assert_initialized();
- if (0 <= std::numeric_limits<_Ty>::lowest()) { (*this).assert_initialized();
- (*this) = (*this) - 1; return (*this);
- }
- else { (*this).assert_initialized();
- m_val--; return (*this);
- }
- }
- CSize_t operator --(int) { (*this).assert_initialized();
- CSize_t tmp(*this); // copy
- operator--(); // pre-decrement
- return tmp; // return old value
- }
- //_Ty m_val;
- friend size_t as_a_size_t(CSize_t n);
- };
- size_t as_a_size_t(CSize_t n) { n.assert_initialized(); return n.m_val; }
-namespace std {
-#ifndef _THROW0
-#define _THROW0()
-#endif // !_THROW0
-#ifndef _STCONS
-#define _STCONS(ty, name, val) static constexpr ty name = (ty)(val)
-#endif // !_STCONS
- template<> class numeric_limits<mse::CSize_t> { // limits for type int
- public:
- typedef size_t _Ty;
- static constexpr _Ty(min)() _THROW0()
- { // return minimum value
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::min();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty(max)() _THROW0()
- { // return maximum value
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty lowest() _THROW0()
- { // return most negative value
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::lowest();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty epsilon() _THROW0()
- { // return smallest effective increment from 1.0
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::epsilon();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty round_error() _THROW0()
- { // return largest rounding error
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::round_error();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty denorm_min() _THROW0()
- { // return minimum denormalized value
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::denorm_min();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty infinity() _THROW0()
- { // return positive infinity
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::infinity();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty quiet_NaN() _THROW0()
- { // return non-signaling NaN
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::quiet_NaN();
- }
- static constexpr _Ty signaling_NaN() _THROW0()
- { // return signaling NaN
- return numeric_limits<size_t>::signaling_NaN();
- }
- _STCONS(float_denorm_style, has_denorm, numeric_limits<size_t>::has_denorm);
- _STCONS(bool, has_denorm_loss, numeric_limits<size_t>::has_denorm_loss);
- _STCONS(bool, has_infinity, numeric_limits<size_t>::has_infinity);
- _STCONS(bool, has_quiet_NaN, numeric_limits<size_t>::has_quiet_NaN);
- _STCONS(bool, has_signaling_NaN, numeric_limits<size_t>::has_signaling_NaN);
- _STCONS(bool, is_bounded, numeric_limits<size_t>::is_bounded);
- _STCONS(bool, is_exact, numeric_limits<size_t>::is_exact);
- _STCONS(bool, is_iec559, numeric_limits<size_t>::is_iec559);
- _STCONS(bool, is_integer, numeric_limits<size_t>::is_integer);
- _STCONS(bool, is_modulo, numeric_limits<size_t>::is_modulo);
- _STCONS(bool, is_signed, numeric_limits<size_t>::is_signed);
- _STCONS(bool, is_specialized, numeric_limits<size_t>::is_specialized);
- _STCONS(bool, tinyness_before, numeric_limits<size_t>::tinyness_before);
- _STCONS(bool, traps, numeric_limits<size_t>::traps);
- _STCONS(float_round_style, round_style, numeric_limits<size_t>::round_style);
- _STCONS(int, digits, numeric_limits<size_t>::digits);
- _STCONS(int, digits10, numeric_limits<size_t>::digits10);
- _STCONS(int, max_digits10, numeric_limits<size_t>::max_digits10);
- _STCONS(int, max_exponent, numeric_limits<size_t>::max_exponent);
- _STCONS(int, max_exponent10, numeric_limits<size_t>::max_exponent10);
- _STCONS(int, min_exponent, numeric_limits<size_t>::min_exponent);
- _STCONS(int, min_exponent10, numeric_limits<size_t>::min_exponent10);
- _STCONS(int, radix, numeric_limits<size_t>::radix);
- };
-namespace mse {
- inline CInt operator+(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) + rhs; }
- inline CSize_t operator+(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) + rhs; }
- inline CInt operator+(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) + rhs; }
- inline CInt operator+(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) + as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline CInt operator+(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs + as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline CInt operator-(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) - rhs; }
- inline CInt operator-(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) - rhs; }
- inline CInt operator-(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) - rhs; }
- inline CInt operator-(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) - as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline CInt operator-(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs - as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline CInt operator*(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) * rhs; }
- inline CSize_t operator*(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) * rhs; }
- inline CInt operator*(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) * rhs; }
- inline CInt operator*(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) * as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline CInt operator*(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs * as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline CInt operator/(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) / rhs; }
- inline CSize_t operator/(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) / rhs; }
- inline CInt operator/(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) / rhs; }
- inline CInt operator/(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) / as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline CInt operator/(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs / as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator<(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) < rhs; }
- inline bool operator<(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) < rhs; }
- inline bool operator<(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) < rhs; }
- inline bool operator<(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) < as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator<(long long lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) < rhs; }
- inline bool operator<(long long lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) < as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator<(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs < as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator>(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) > rhs; }
- inline bool operator>(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) > rhs; }
- inline bool operator>(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) > rhs; }
- inline bool operator>(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) > as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator>(long long lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) > rhs; }
- inline bool operator>(long long lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) > as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator>(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs > as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator<=(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) <= rhs; }
- inline bool operator<=(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) <= rhs; }
- inline bool operator<=(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) <= rhs; }
- inline bool operator<=(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) <= as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator<=(long long lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) <= rhs; }
- inline bool operator<=(long long lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) <= as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator<=(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs <= as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator>=(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) >= rhs; }
- inline bool operator>=(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) >= rhs; }
- inline bool operator>=(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) >= rhs; }
- inline bool operator>=(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) >= as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator>=(long long lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) >= rhs; }
- inline bool operator>=(long long lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) >= as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator>=(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs >= as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator==(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) == rhs; }
- inline bool operator==(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) == rhs; }
- inline bool operator==(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) == rhs; }
- inline bool operator==(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) == as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator==(long long lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) == rhs; }
- inline bool operator==(long long lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) == as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator==(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs == as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator!=(size_t lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) != rhs; }
- inline bool operator!=(size_t lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CSize_t(lhs) != rhs; }
- inline bool operator!=(int lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) != rhs; }
- inline bool operator!=(int lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) != as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator!=(long long lhs, const CInt &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) != rhs; }
- inline bool operator!=(long long lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return CInt(lhs) != as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- inline bool operator!=(const CInt &lhs, const CSize_t &rhs) { rhs.assert_initialized(); return lhs != as_a_size_t(rhs); }
- static void s_type_test1() {
- CInt i1(3);
- CInt i2 = 5;
- CInt i3;
- i3 = 7;
- CInt i4 = i1 + i2;
- i4 = i1 + 17;
- i4 = 19 + i1;
- i4 += i2;
- i4 -= 23;
- i4++;
- CBool b1 = (i1 < i2);
- b1 = (i1 < 17);
- b1 = (19 < i1);
- b1 = (i1 == i2);
- b1 = (i1 == 17);
- b1 = (19 == i1);
- CSize_t szt1(3);
- CSize_t szt2 = 5;
- CSize_t szt3;
- szt3 = 7;
- CSize_t szt4 = szt1 + szt2;
- szt4 = szt1 + 17;
- szt4 = 19 + szt1;
- CInt i11 = 19 + szt1;
- szt4 += szt2;
- szt4 -= 23;
- szt4++;
-#ifndef MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE
- size_t szt5 = size_t(szt4);
-#endif /*MSVC2010_COMPATIBLE*/
- bool b3 = (szt1 < szt2);
- b3 = (szt1 < 17);
- b3 = (19 < szt1);
- CBool b2 = (19 < szt1);
- b3 = (szt1 == szt2);
- b3 = (szt1 == 17);
- b3 = (19 == szt1);
- CBool b4 = (b1 < b2);
- b4 = (b1 == b2);
- b4 = (b1 > b3);
- b4 = (b3 >= b1);
- b4 = (b3 == b1);
- b4 = (b1 && b2);
- b4 = (b1 || b3);
- b4 = (b3 && b1);
- b4 |= b1;
- b4 &= b3;
-#endif // MSE_SELF_TESTS
- }
-#undef MSE_THROW
-#endif /*ndef MSEPRIMITIVES_H*/
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