path: root/src/map.h
blob: 7c606dfbd77da3fe25e672e1d1ba39ac633a335a (plain) (tree)






 *  The ManaPlus Client
 *  Copyright (C) 2004-2009  The Mana World Development Team
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2010  The Mana Developers
 *  Copyright (C) 2011  The ManaPlus Developers
 *  This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#ifndef MAP_H
#define MAP_H

#include "actor.h"
#include "configlistener.h"
#include "position.h"
#include "properties.h"

#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#ifdef __GNUC__
#define _UNUSED_  __attribute__ ((unused))
#define _UNUSED_

class Animation;
class AmbientLayer;
class Graphics;
class MapLayer;
class Particle;
class SimpleAnimation;
class Tileset;
class SpecialLayer;
class MapItem;

typedef std::vector<Tileset*> Tilesets;
typedef std::vector<MapLayer*> Layers;

 * A meta tile stores additional information about a location on a tile map.
 * This is information that doesn't need to be repeated for each tile in each
 * layer of the map.
struct MetaTile
     * Constructor.
    MetaTile() : Fcost(0), Gcost(0), Hcost(0), whichList(0),
            parentX(0), parentY(0), blockmask(0)

    // Pathfinding members
    int Fcost;               /**< Estimation of total path cost */
    int Gcost;               /**< Cost from start to this location */
    int Hcost;               /**< Estimated cost to goal */
    unsigned whichList;      /**< No list, open list or closed list */
    int parentX;             /**< X coordinate of parent tile */
    int parentY;             /**< Y coordinate of parent tile */
    unsigned char blockmask; /**< Blocking properties of this tile */

struct MapBox
    MapBox() : name(""), x(0), y(0)

    MapBox(std::string name1, int x1, int y1):
        name(name1), x(x1), y(y1)

    std::string name;
    int x;
    int y;

 * Animation cycle of a tile image which changes the map accordingly.
class TileAnimation
        TileAnimation(Animation *ani);
        void update(int ticks = 1);
        void addAffectedTile(MapLayer *layer, int index)
        { mAffected.push_back(std::make_pair(layer, index)); }
        std::list<std::pair<MapLayer*, int> > mAffected;
        SimpleAnimation *mAnimation;
        Image *mLastImage;

 * A map layer. Stores a grid of tiles and their offset, and implements layer
 * rendering.
class MapLayer: public ConfigListener
         * Constructor, taking layer origin, size and whether this layer is the
         * fringe layer. The fringe layer is the layer that draws the actors.
         * There can be only one fringe layer per map.
        MapLayer(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool isFringeLayer);

         * Destructor.

         * Set tile image, with x and y in layer coordinates.
        void setTile(int x, int y, Image *img);

         * Set tile image with x + y * width already known.
        void setTile(int index, Image *img) { mTiles[index] = img; }

         * Get tile image, with x and y in layer coordinates.
        Image *getTile(int x, int y) const;

         * Draws this layer to the given graphics context. The coordinates are
         * expected to be in map range and will be translated to local layer
         * coordinates and clipped to the layer's dimensions.
         * The given actors are only drawn when this layer is the fringe
         * layer.
        void draw(Graphics *graphics,
                  int startX, int startY,
                  int endX, int endY,
                  int scrollX, int scrollY,
                  const Actors &actors,
                  int mDebugFlags) const;

        bool isFringeLayer()
        { return mIsFringeLayer; }

        void setSpecialLayer(SpecialLayer *val)
        { mSpecialLayer = val; }

        void setTempLayer(SpecialLayer *val)
        { mTempLayer = val; }

        int getWidth()
        { return mWidth; }

        int getHeight()
        { return mHeight; }

//        void setTileInfo(int x, int y, int width, int cnt);

//        void getTileInfo(int x, int y, int &width, int &cnt) const;

        void optionChanged(const std::string &value);

        int getTileDrawWidth(int tilePtr, int endX, int &width) const;

//        void initTileInfo();

        int mX, mY;
        int mWidth, mHeight;
        bool mIsFringeLayer;    /**< Whether the actors are drawn. */
        bool mHighlightAttackRange;
        Image **mTiles;
//        int *mTilesWidth;
//        int *mTilesCount;
        SpecialLayer *mSpecialLayer;
        SpecialLayer *mTempLayer;

 * A tile map.
class Map : public Properties, public ConfigListener
        enum BlockType
            BLOCKTYPE_NONE = -1,

        enum BlockMask
            BLOCKMASK_WALL      = 0x80, // = bin 1000 0000
            BLOCKMASK_CHARACTER = 0x01, // = bin 0000 0001
            BLOCKMASK_MONSTER   = 0x02  // = bin 0000 0010

        enum DebugType
            MAP_NORMAL  = 0,
            MAP_DEBUG   = 1,
            MAP_SPECIAL = 2,
            MAP_SPECIAL2 = 3,
            MAP_SPECIAL3 = 4,
            MAP_BLACKWHITE = 5

         * Constructor, taking map and tile size as parameters.
        Map(int width, int height, int tileWidth, int tileHeight);

         * Destructor.

         * Initialize ambient layers. Has to be called after all the properties
         * are set.
        void initializeAmbientLayers();

         * Updates animations. Called as needed.
        void update(int ticks = 1);

         * Draws the map to the given graphics output. This method draws all
         * layers, actors and overlay effects.
         * TODO: For efficiency reasons, this method could take into account
         * the clipping rectangle set on the Graphics object. However,
         * currently the map is always drawn full-screen.
        void draw(Graphics *graphics, int scrollX, int scrollY);

         * Visualizes collision layer for debugging
        void drawCollision(Graphics *graphics, int scrollX, int scrollY,
                           int debugFlags);

         * Adds a layer to this map. The map takes ownership of the layer.
        void addLayer(MapLayer *layer);

         * Adds a tileset to this map. The map takes ownership of the tileset.
        void addTileset(Tileset *tileset);

         * Finds the tile set that a tile with the given global id is part of.
        Tileset *getTilesetWithGid(int gid) const;

         * Get tile reference.
        MetaTile *getMetaTile(int x, int y) const;

         * Marks a tile as occupied.
        void blockTile(int x, int y, BlockType type);

         * Gets walkability for a tile with a blocking bitmask. When called
         * without walkmask, only blocks against colliding tiles.
        bool getWalk(int x, int y,
                     unsigned char walkmask = BLOCKMASK_WALL) const;

         * Tells whether a tile is occupied by a being.
        bool occupied(int x, int y) const;

         * Returns the width of this map in tiles.
        int getWidth() const { return mWidth; }

         * Returns the height of this map in tiles.
        int getHeight() const { return mHeight; }

         * Returns the tile width of this map.
        int getTileWidth() const
        { return mTileWidth; }

         * Returns the tile height used by this map.
        int getTileHeight() const
        { return mTileHeight; }

        const std::string getMusicFile() const;
        const std::string getName() const;

         * Gives the map id based on filepath (ex: 009-1)
        const std::string getFilename() const;

         * Check the current position against surrounding blocking tiles, and
         * correct the position offset within tile when needed.
        Position checkNodeOffsets(int radius, unsigned char walkMask,
                                  const Position &position) const;

        Position checkNodeOffsets(int radius, unsigned char walkMask,
                                  int x, int y) const
        { return checkNodeOffsets(radius, walkMask, Position(x, y)); }

         * Find a pixel path from one location to the next.
        Path findPixelPath(int startPixelX, int startPixelY,
                           int destPixelX, int destPixelY,
                           int radius, unsigned char walkmask,
                           int maxCost = 20);

         * Find a path from one location to the next.
        Path findPath(int startX, int startY, int destX, int destY,
                      unsigned char walkmask, int maxCost = 20);

         * Adds a particle effect
        void addParticleEffect(const std::string &effectFile,
                               int x, int y, int w = 0, int h = 0);

         * Initializes all added particle effects
        void initializeParticleEffects(Particle* particleEngine);

         * Adds a tile animation to the map
        void addAnimation(int gid, TileAnimation *animation)
        { mTileAnimations[gid] = animation; }

        void setDebugFlags(int n)
        { mDebugFlags = n; }

        int getDebugFlags() const
        { return mDebugFlags; }

        void addExtraLayer();

        void saveExtraLayer();

        SpecialLayer *getTempLayer()
        { return mTempLayer; }

        SpecialLayer *getSpecialLayer()
        { return mSpecialLayer; }

        void setHasWarps(bool n)
        { mHasWarps = n; }

        bool getHasWarps()
        { return mHasWarps; }

        std::string getUserMapDirectory() const;

        void addPortal(const std::string &name, int type,
                       int x, int y, int dx, int dy);

        void addPortalTile(const std::string &name, int type, int x, int y);

        void updatePortalTile(const std::string &name, int type,
                              int x, int y, bool addNew = true);

        std::list<MapItem*> &getPortals()
        { return mMapPortals; }

         * Gets the tile animation for a specific gid
        TileAnimation *getAnimationForGid(int gid) const;

        void optionChanged(const std::string &value);

        MapItem *findPortalXY(int x, int y);

        int getActorsCount() const
        { return static_cast<int>(mActors.size()); }

        void setPvpMode(int mode);

        friend class Actor;

         * Adds an actor to the map.
        Actors::iterator addActor(Actor *actor);

         * Removes an actor from the map.
        void removeActor(Actors::iterator iterator);


        enum LayerType
            FOREGROUND_LAYERS = 0,

         * Updates scrolling of ambient layers. Has to be called each game tick.
        void updateAmbientLayers(float scrollX, float scrollY);

         * Draws the foreground or background layers to the given graphics output.
        void drawAmbientLayers(Graphics *graphics, LayerType type,
                               int detail);

         * Tells whether the given coordinates fall within the map boundaries.
        bool contains(int x, int y) const;

         * Blockmasks for different entities
        unsigned *mOccupation[NB_BLOCKTYPES];

        int mWidth, mHeight;
        int mTileWidth, mTileHeight;
        int mMaxTileHeight;
        MetaTile *mMetaTiles;
        Layers mLayers;
        Tilesets mTilesets;
        Actors mActors;
        bool mHasWarps;

        // debug flags
        int mDebugFlags;

        // Pathfinding members
        unsigned mOnClosedList, mOnOpenList;

        // Overlay data
        std::list<AmbientLayer*> mBackgrounds;
        std::list<AmbientLayer*> mForegrounds;
        float mLastScrollX;
        float mLastScrollY;
//        bool mSpritesUpdated;

        // Particle effect data
        struct ParticleEffectData
            std::string file;
            int x;
            int y;
            int w;
            int h;
        std::list<ParticleEffectData> particleEffects;

        std::list<MapItem*> mMapPortals;

        std::map<int, TileAnimation*> mTileAnimations;

        int mOverlayDetail;
        float mOpacity;
        int mOpenGL;
        int mPvp;

        SpecialLayer *mSpecialLayer;
        SpecialLayer *mTempLayer;

class SpecialLayer
        friend class Map;
        friend class MapLayer;

        SpecialLayer(int width, int height, bool drawSprites = false);


        void draw(Graphics *graphics, int startX, int startY,
                  int endX, int endY, int scrollX, int scrollY);

        MapItem* getTile(int x, int y) const;

        void setTile(int x, int y, MapItem* item);

        void setTile(int x, int y, int type);

        void addRoad(Path road);

        void clean();

        void itemDraw(Graphics *graphics, int x, int y,
                      int scrollX, int scrollY);

        int mWidth, mHeight;
        bool mDrawSprites;
        MapItem **mTiles;

class MapItem
        friend class Map;
        friend class MapLayer;

        enum ItemType
            EMPTY = 0,
            HOME = 1,
            ROAD = 2,
            CROSS = 3,
            ARROW_UP = 4,
            ARROW_DOWN = 5,
            ARROW_LEFT = 6,
            ARROW_RIGHT = 7,
            PORTAL = 8


        MapItem(int type);

        MapItem(int type, std::string comment);

        MapItem(int type, std::string comment, int x, int y);


        int getType() const
        { return mType; }

        void setType(int type);

        void setPos(int x, int y);

        int getX() const
        { return mX; }

        int getY() const
        { return mY; }

        std::string &getComment()
        { return mComment; }

        void setComment(std::string comment)
        { mComment = comment; }

        std::string &getName()
        { return mName; }

        void setName(std::string name)
        { mName = name; }

        void draw(Graphics *graphics, int x, int y, int dx, int dy);

        int mType;
        Image *mImage;
        std::string mComment;
        std::string mName;
        int mX;
        int mY;
