path: root/data/help/commands.txt
blob: fd1f1f4b5e31e15e43f8b10c4b8f241b21818efb (plain) (tree)






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##3                            === <<COMMANDS>> ===


     ##2###keyMoveUp;##P          \t40;<<"Move up">>
     ##2###keyMoveDown;##P        \t40;<<"Move down">>
     ##2###keyMoveLeft;##P        \t40;<<"Move left">>
     ##2###keyMoveRight;##P       \t40;<<"Move right">>
     ##2###keyAttack;##P          \t40;<<"Attack">>
     ##2###keyTargetAttack;##P    \t40;<<"Target & attack">>
     ##2###keyMoveToTarget;##P    \t40;<<"Move to target">>
     ##2###keyChangeMoveToTarget;##P    \t40;<<"Change move to target type">>
     ##2###keyMoveToHome;##P            \t40;<<"Move to home location">>
     ##2###keySetHome;##P               \t40;<<"Set home location/set arrow">>
     ##2###keyMoveToPoint; + <<move key>>##P    \t40;<<"Move to navigation point">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + <<emote key>>##P        \t40;<<"Smilie">>
     ##2###keyTalk;##P            \t40;<<"Talk">>
     ##2###keyTarget;##P          \t40;<<"Stop Attack">>
     ##2###keyTargetMonster;##P   \t40;<<"Target closest monster">>
     ##2###keyTargetNPC;##P       \t40;<<"Target NPC">>
     ##2###keyTargetPlayer;##P    \t40;<<"Target player">>
     ##2###keyPickup;##P          \t40;<<"Pickup">>
     ##2###keyChangePickupType;##P  \t40;<<"Change pickup type">>
     ##2###keyHideWindows;##P     \t40;<<"Hide windows">>
     ##2###keyBeingSit;##P        \t40;<<"Sit">>
     ##2###keyScreenshot;##P      \t40;<<"Screenshot">>
     ##2###keyTrade;##P           \t40;<<"Enable/disable trading">>
     ##2###keyPathfind;##P        \t40;<<"Change map view mode">>
     ##2###keyShortcutsKey;##P    \t40;<<"Item shortcuts Key">>
     ##2###keyShortcut1;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 1">>
     ##2###keyShortcut2;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 2">>
     ##2###keyShortcut3;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 3">>
     ##2###keyShortcut4;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 4">>
     ##2###keyShortcut5;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 5">>
     ##2###keyShortcut6;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 6">>
     ##2###keyShortcut7;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 7">>
     ##2###keyShortcut8;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 8">>
     ##2###keyShortcut9;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 9">>
     ##2###keyShortcut0;##P       \t40;<<"Item shortcut 10">>
     ##2###keyShortcut10;##P      \t40;<<"Item shortcut 11">>
     ##2###keyShortcut11;##P      \t40;<<"Item shortcut 12">>
     ##2###keyShortcut12;##P      \t40;<<"Item shortcut 13">>
     ##2###keyShortcut13;##P      \t40;<<"Item shortcut 14">>
     ##2###keyShortcut14;##P      \t40;<<"Item shortcut 15">>
     ##2###keyWindowHelp;##P      \t40;<<"Help window">>
     ##2###keyWindowStatus;##P    \t40;<<"Status window">>
     ##2###keyWindowInventory;##P \t40;<<"Inventory window">>
     ##2###keyWindowEquipment;##P \t40;<<"Equipment window">>
     ##2###keyWindowSkill;##P     \t40;<<"Skill window">>
     ##2###keyWindowMinimap;##P   \t40;<<"Minimap window">>
     ##2###keyWindowChat;##P      \t40;<<"Chat window">>
     ##2###keyWindowShortcut;##P  \t40;<<"Item shortcut window">>
     ##2###keyWindowSetup;##P     \t40;<<"Setup window">>
     ##2###keyWindowDebug;##P     \t40;<<"Debug window">>
     ##2###keyWindowSocial;##P    \t40;<<"Social window">>
     ##2###keyWindowEmoteBar;##P  \t40;<<"Emote shortcut window">>
     ##2###keyWindowOutfit;##P    \t40;<<"Outfits window">>
     ##2###keyWindowShop;##P      \t40;<<"Shop window">>
     ##2###keyWindowDrop;##P      \t40;<<"Quick drop window">>
     ##2###keyWindowKills;##P     \t40;<<"Kills stats window">>
     ##2###keyWindowSpells;##P    \t40;<<"Commands window">>
     ##2###keyWindowBotChecker;##P  \t40;<<"Bot checker window">>
     ##2###keyWindowOnline;##P    \t40;<<"Who is online window">>
     ##2###keyWindowDidYouKnow;##P  \t40;<<"Did you know window">>
     ##2###keyWindowQuests;##P      \t40;<<"Quests window">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut1;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 1">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut2;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 2">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut3;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 3">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut4;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 4">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut5;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 5">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut6;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 6">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut7;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 7">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut8;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 8">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut9;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 9">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut10;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 10">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut11;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 11">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut12;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 12">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut13;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 13">>
     ##2###keySmilie; + ###keyEmoteShortcut14;##P \t40;<<"Emote shortcut 14">>
     ##2###keyWearOutfit;##P      \t40;<<"Wear outfit">>
     ##2###keyCopyOutfit;##P      \t40;<<"Copy outfit">>
     ##2###keyCopyEquipedOutfit;##P \t40;<<"Copy equiped to Outfit">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut1;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 1">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut2;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 2">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut3;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 3">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut4;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 4">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut5;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 5">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut6;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 6">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut7;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 7">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut8;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 8">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut9;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 9">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut0;##P   \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 10">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut10;##P  \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 11">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut11;##P  \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 12">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut12;##P  \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 13">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut13;##P  \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 14">>
     ##2###keyOutfitShortcut14;##P  \t40;<<"Outfit shortcut 15">>
     ##2###keyChat;##P              \t40;<<"Toggle chat">>
     ##2###keyChatScrollUp;##P      \t40;<<"Scroll chat up">>
     ##2###keyChatScrollDown;##P    \t40;<<"Scroll chat down">>
     ##2###keyChatPrevTab;##P       \t40;<<"Previous chat tab">>
     ##2###keyChatNextTab;##P       \t40;<<"Next chat tab">>
     ##2###keyChatCloseTab;##P      \t40;<<"Close chat tab">>
     ##2###keyChatPrevHistory;##P   \t40;<<"Previous chat tab line">>
     ##2###keyChatNextHistory;##P   \t40;<<"Next chat tab line">>
     ##2###keyGUITab;##P            \t40;<<"Chat auto complete">>
     ##2###keyGUICancel;##P         \t40;<<"Deactivate chat input">>
     ##2###keyOK;##P                \t40;<<"Select OK">>
     ##2###keyQuit;##P              \t40;<<"Quit">>
     ##2###keyIgnoreInput1;##P      \t40;<<"Ignore input 1">>
     ##2###keyIgnoreInput2;##P      \t40;<<"Ignore input 2">>
     ##2###keyDirectUp;##P          \t40;<<"Set direction up">>
     ##2###keyDirectDown;##P        \t40;<<"Set direction down">>
     ##2###keyDirectLeft;##P        \t40;<<"Set direction left">>
     ##2###keyDirectRight;##P       \t40;<<"Set direction right">>
     ##2###keyCrazyMoves;##P        \t40;<<"Crazy moves">>
     ##2###keyChangeCrazyMoveType;##P   \t40;<<"Change crazy Move mode">>
     ##2###keyQuickDrop;##P         \t40;<<"Quick drop N items from 0 slot">>
     ##2###keyQuickDropN;##P        \t40;<<"Quick drop N items">>
     ##2###keySwitchQuickDrop;##P   \t40;<<"Switch quick drop counter">>
     ##2###keyMagicInma1;##P        \t40;<<"Quick heal target or self">>
     ##2###keyMagicItenplz;##P      \t40;<<"Use #itenplz spell">>
     ##2###keyMagicAttack;##P       \t40;<<"Use magic attack">>
     ##2###keySwitchMagicAttack;##P \t40;<<"Switch magic attack">>
     ##2###keySwitchPvpAttack;##P   \t40;<<"Switch pvp attack">>
     ##2###keyInvertDirection;##P   \t40;<<"Change move type">>
     ##2###keyChangeAttackWeaponType;##P    \t40;<<"Change attack weapon type">>
     ##2###keyChangeAttackType;##P  \t40;<<"Change attack type">>
     ##2###keyChangeFollowMode;##P  \t40;<<"Change follow mode">>
     ##2###keyChangeImitationMode;##P   \t40;<<"Change imitation mode">>
     ##2###keyDisableGameModifiers;##P  \t40;<<"Disable / enable game modifier keys">>
     ##2###keyChangeAudio;##P       \t40;<<"On / off audio">>
     ##2###keyAway;##P              \t40;<<"Enable / disable away mode">>
     ##2###keyRightClick;##P        \t40;<<"Emulate right click from keyboard">>
     ##2###keyCameraMode;##P        \t40;<<"Toggle camera mode">>
     ##2###keySafeVideo;##P         \t40;<<"Reset video mode to safe value">>


<< Left click to execute default action: walk, pick up an item, attack a monster
 and talk to NPCs (be sure to click on their feet). Right click to show up a
 context menu. Holding [Left Shift] prevents from walking when attacking.>>


 <<Communication is often essential to success in this game. You can communicate
 in several ways:  By chatting and showing emotions (see above), by trading
 (with the right-click context menu), and by whispering.>>

 <<To read about whispering and other chat commands, look here:>> @@chatcommands|<<Chat commands>>@@


<< You may find that not all communication is to your liking.  While most people
 are nice, some may offend you or try to make your life harder-- since this is
 an open game, there is nothing the developers can do to prevent this.>>

<< However, you can protect yourself from such players by ignoring them.  Right-
 click on them to bring up the context menu, then select `Ignore' or
 `Disregard' (see below).  You can fine-tune your player relations in the
 `Setup' menu, which lists all the players you have added to it.  To open this
 menu, select `Setup' in the upper right corner of the screen, then `Relations'.>>

<< There you will find a list of all players you are acquainted with, as well as
 several configuration options:>>

<< - ##2save player list##P: Should your acquaintance list be saved when you
   quit the game?  If you enable this option, your list will survive when you
   quit and re-start.>>
<< - ##2allow trading##P: Do you wish to allow trade requests from arbitrary
<< - ##2allow whispers##P: Do you wish to allow arbitrary players to send
   private messages to you in-game?>>


<< The player list lists all of your acquaintances.  They are categorised as one
 of the following:>>

<< - ##2neutral##P:  As far as the game is concerned, this is the same as not
   having the player listed:  the player may chat with you, but may only trade
   or whisper if you have this option allowed for everyone.>>
<< - ##2friend##P:  You consider this player a friend.  The player may chat,
   message your in private, or trade with you at any point.>>
<< - ##2disregarded##P:  You wish to disregard this player, meaning that his or
   her chat messages are not logged and trade requests and whispers are
<< - ##2ignored##P:  You wish to completely ignore this player.  You will not
   even see floating text for him or her anymore, nor emotions.>>