path: root/src/gui/widgets/progressbar.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/widgets/progressbar.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/widgets/progressbar.cpp b/src/gui/widgets/progressbar.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7299140c6..000000000
--- a/src/gui/widgets/progressbar.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
- * The ManaPlus Client
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 The ManaPlus Developers
- *
- * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "gui/widgets/progressbar.h"
-#include "settings.h"
-#include "gui/gui.h"
-#include "gui/skin.h"
-#include "gui/fonts/font.h"
-#include "utils/delete2.h"
-#include "render/graphics.h"
-#include "render/vertexes/imagecollection.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-int ProgressBar::mInstances = 0;
-float ProgressBar::mAlpha = 1.0;
-ProgressBar::ProgressBar(const Widget2 *const widget,
- float progress,
- const int width,
- const int height,
- const ProgressColorIdT backColor,
- const std::string &skin,
- const std::string &skinFill) :
- Widget(widget),
- WidgetListener(),
- mFillRect(),
- mTextChunk(),
- mSkin(nullptr),
- mProgress(progress),
- mProgressToGo(progress),
- mBackgroundColorToGo(),
- mText(),
- mVertexes(new ImageCollection),
- mProgressPalette(backColor),
- mPadding(2),
- mFillPadding(3),
- mFillImage(false),
- mSmoothProgress(true),
- mSmoothColorChange(true),
- mTextChanged(true)
- mBackgroundColor = Theme::getProgressColor(
- backColor >= ProgressColorId::PROG_HP
- ? backColor : ProgressColorId::PROG_HP,
- mProgress);
- mBackgroundColorToGo = mBackgroundColor;
- mForegroundColor2 = getThemeColor(ThemeColorId::PROGRESS_BAR_OUTLINE);
- // The progress value is directly set at load time:
- if (mProgress > 1.0F || mProgress < 0.0F)
- mProgress = 1.0F;
- mForegroundColor = getThemeColor(ThemeColorId::PROGRESS_BAR);
- addWidgetListener(this);
- setSize(width, height);
- if (theme != nullptr)
- {
- mSkin = theme->load(skin, "progressbar.xml");
- if (mSkin != nullptr)
- {
- setPadding(mSkin->getPadding());
- mFillPadding = mSkin->getOption("fillPadding");
- mFillImage = mSkin->getOption("fillImage") != 0;
- if (mFillImage)
- theme->loadRect(mFillRect, skinFill, "progressbar_fill.xml");
- }
- setHeight(2 * mPadding + getFont()->getHeight() + 2);
- }
- mInstances++;
- if (gui != nullptr)
- gui->removeDragged(this);
- mInstances--;
- if (mSkin != nullptr)
- {
- if (theme != nullptr)
- theme->unload(mSkin);
- mSkin = nullptr;
- }
- Theme::unloadRect(mFillRect);
- delete2(mVertexes);
- mTextChunk.deleteImage();
-void ProgressBar::logic()
- BLOCK_START("ProgressBar::logic")
- if (mSmoothColorChange && mBackgroundColorToGo != mBackgroundColor)
- {
- // Smoothly changing the color for a nicer effect.
- if (mBackgroundColorToGo.r > mBackgroundColor.r)
- mBackgroundColor.r++;
- if (mBackgroundColorToGo.g > mBackgroundColor.g)
- mBackgroundColor.g++;
- if (mBackgroundColorToGo.b > mBackgroundColor.b)
- mBackgroundColor.b++;
- if (mBackgroundColorToGo.r < mBackgroundColor.r)
- mBackgroundColor.r--;
- if (mBackgroundColorToGo.g < mBackgroundColor.g)
- mBackgroundColor.g--;
- if (mBackgroundColorToGo.b < mBackgroundColor.b)
- mBackgroundColor.b--;
- mRedraw = true;
- }
- if (mSmoothProgress && mProgressToGo != mProgress)
- {
- // Smoothly showing the progressbar changes.
- if (mProgressToGo > mProgress)
- mProgress = std::min(1.0F, mProgress + 0.005F);
- if (mProgressToGo < mProgress)
- mProgress = std::max(0.0F, mProgress - 0.005F);
- mRedraw = true;
- }
- BLOCK_END("ProgressBar::logic")
-void ProgressBar::updateAlpha()
- const float alpha = std::max(settings.guiAlpha,
- theme->getMinimumOpacity());
- mAlpha = alpha;
-void ProgressBar::draw(Graphics *const graphics)
- BLOCK_START("ProgressBar::draw")
- if (mSkin == nullptr)
- {
- BLOCK_END("ProgressBar::draw")
- return;
- }
- updateAlpha();
- mBackgroundColor.a = CAST_U32(mAlpha * 255);
- if (mRedraw || graphics->getRedraw())
- {
- mRedraw = false;
- mVertexes->clear();
- graphics->calcWindow(mVertexes, 0, 0,
- mDimension.width, mDimension.height, mSkin->getBorder());
- if (mFillImage)
- {
- const unsigned int pad = 2 * mFillPadding;
- const int maxWidth = mDimension.width - pad;
- int width = CAST_S32(mProgress
- * static_cast<float>(maxWidth));
- if (width > 0)
- {
- if (width > maxWidth)
- width = maxWidth;
- graphics->calcWindow(mVertexes, mFillPadding, mFillPadding,
- width, mDimension.height - pad, mFillRect);
- }
- }
- graphics->finalize(mVertexes);
- }
- graphics->drawTileCollection(mVertexes);
- // The bar
- if (!mFillImage && mProgress > 0)
- {
- graphics->setColor(mBackgroundColor);
- const unsigned int pad = 2 * mFillPadding;
- const int maxWidth = mDimension.width - pad;
- int width = CAST_S32(mProgress * static_cast<float>(maxWidth));
- if (width > 0)
- {
- if (width > maxWidth)
- width = maxWidth;
- graphics->fillRectangle(Rect(mFillPadding, mFillPadding,
- width, mDimension.height - pad));
- }
- }
- // The label
- if (!mText.empty())
- {
- Font *const font = gui->getFont();
- if (mTextChanged)
- {
- mTextChunk.textFont = font;
- mTextChunk.deleteImage();
- mTextChunk.text = mText;
- mTextChunk.color = mForegroundColor;
- mTextChunk.color2 = mForegroundColor2;
- font->generate(mTextChunk);
- mTextChanged = false;
- }
- const Image *const image = mTextChunk.img;
- if (image != nullptr)
- {
- const int textX = (mDimension.width - font->getWidth(mText)) / 2;
- const int textY = (mDimension.height - font->getHeight()) / 2;
- graphics->drawImage(image, textX, textY);
- }
- }
- BLOCK_END("ProgressBar::draw")
-void ProgressBar::safeDraw(Graphics *const graphics)
- BLOCK_START("ProgressBar::safeDraw")
- if (mSkin == nullptr)
- {
- BLOCK_END("ProgressBar::safeDraw")
- return;
- }
- updateAlpha();
- mBackgroundColor.a = CAST_U32(mAlpha * 255);
- graphics->drawImageRect(0, 0, mDimension.width, mDimension.height,
- mSkin->getBorder());
- if (mFillImage)
- {
- const unsigned int pad = 2 * mFillPadding;
- const int maxWidth = mDimension.width - pad;
- int width = CAST_S32(mProgress
- * static_cast<float>(maxWidth));
- if (width > 0)
- {
- if (width > maxWidth)
- width = maxWidth;
- graphics->drawImageRect(mFillPadding, mFillPadding,
- width, mDimension.height - pad, mFillRect);
- }
- }
- // The bar
- if (!mFillImage && mProgress > 0)
- {
- graphics->setColor(mBackgroundColor);
- const unsigned int pad = 2 * mFillPadding;
- const int maxWidth = mDimension.width - pad;
- int width = CAST_S32(mProgress * static_cast<float>(maxWidth));
- if (width > 0)
- {
- if (width > maxWidth)
- width = maxWidth;
- graphics->fillRectangle(Rect(mFillPadding, mFillPadding,
- width, mDimension.height - pad));
- }
- }
- // The label
- if (!mText.empty())
- {
- Font *const font = gui->getFont();
- if (mTextChanged)
- {
- mTextChunk.textFont = font;
- mTextChunk.deleteImage();
- mTextChunk.text = mText;
- mTextChunk.color = mForegroundColor;
- mTextChunk.color2 = mForegroundColor2;
- font->generate(mTextChunk);
- mTextChanged = false;
- }
- const Image *const image = mTextChunk.img;
- if (image != nullptr)
- {
- const int textX = (mDimension.width - font->getWidth(mText)) / 2;
- const int textY = (mDimension.height - font->getHeight()) / 2;
- graphics->drawImage(image, textX, textY);
- }
- }
- BLOCK_END("ProgressBar::safeDraw")
-void ProgressBar::setProgress(const float progress)
- const float p = std::min(1.0F, std::max(0.0F, progress));
- mProgressToGo = p;
- mRedraw = true;
- if (!mSmoothProgress)
- mProgress = p;
- if (mProgressPalette >= ProgressColorId::PROG_HP)
- {
- mBackgroundColorToGo = Theme::getProgressColor(
- mProgressPalette, progress);
- }
-void ProgressBar::setProgressPalette(const ProgressColorIdT progressPalette)
- const ProgressColorIdT oldPalette = mProgressPalette;
- mProgressPalette = progressPalette;
- mRedraw = true;
- if (mProgressPalette != oldPalette &&
- mProgressPalette >= ProgressColorId::PROG_HP)
- {
- mBackgroundColorToGo = Theme::getProgressColor(
- mProgressPalette, mProgressToGo);
- }
-void ProgressBar::setBackgroundColor(const Color &color)
- mRedraw = true;
- mBackgroundColorToGo = color;
- if (!mSmoothColorChange)
- mBackgroundColor = color;
-void ProgressBar::setColor(const Color &color1, const Color &color2)
- mForegroundColor = color1;
- mForegroundColor2 = color2;
- mTextChanged = true;
-void ProgressBar::widgetResized(const Event &event A_UNUSED)
- mRedraw = true;
-void ProgressBar::widgetMoved(const Event &event A_UNUSED)
- mRedraw = true;
-void ProgressBar::setText(const std::string &str)
- if (mText != str)
- {
- mText = str;
- mTextChanged = true;
- }
-void ProgressBar::widgetHidden(const Event &event A_UNUSED)
- mTextChanged = true;
- mTextChunk.deleteImage();