path: root/src/resources/iteminfo.h
diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2017-10-10 22:14:45 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2017-10-10 22:15:57 +0300
commitaa3f63fd497558a02feb3ddbc44f31eac091f39b (patch)
tree0e28b9b1f0501dd8be9e1a38db4ec1777fa3fbfa /src/resources/iteminfo.h
parent7c10a6b61e9d06a4ae9cc9f942dfacb6fcfd9d3d (diff)
Remove most unused files.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/resources/iteminfo.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/src/resources/iteminfo.h b/src/resources/iteminfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e1fe30b33..000000000
--- a/src/resources/iteminfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
- * The ManaPlus Client
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 The ManaPlus Developers
- *
- * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "enums/being/gender.h"
-#include "enums/resources/item/itemdbtype.h"
-#include "enums/simpletypes/beingtypeid.h"
-#include "resources/cursors.h"
-#include "resources/itemcolordata.h"
-#include "resources/missileinfo.h"
-#include "resources/soundinfo.h"
-#include "resources/sprite/spritedisplay.h"
-#include "utils/cast.h"
-#include "utils/intmap.h"
-struct ItemMenuItem;
-// sprite, <itemfrom, itemto>
-typedef std::map<int, IntMap> SpriteToItemMap;
-typedef SpriteToItemMap::const_iterator SpriteToItemMapCIter;
- * Defines a class for storing item infos. This includes information used when
- * the item is equipped.
- */
-class ItemInfo final
- public:
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- ItemInfo();
- ~ItemInfo();
- void setId(const int id) noexcept2
- { mId = id; }
- int getId() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mId; }
- void setName(const std::string &name) noexcept2
- { mName = name; }
- const std::string &getName() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mName; }
- const std::string getName(const ItemColor color)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setNameEn(const std::string &name) noexcept2
- { mNameEn = name; }
- const std::string &getNameEn() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mNameEn; }
- const std::string getNameEn(const ItemColor color)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- const std::string getLink() const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setDisplay(const SpriteDisplay &display) noexcept2
- { mDisplay = display; }
- const SpriteDisplay &getDisplay() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mDisplay; }
- void setDescription(const std::string &description) noexcept2
- { mDescription = description; }
- const std::string &getDescription() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mDescription; }
- const std::string getDescription(const ItemColor color)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setEffect(const std::string &effect) noexcept2
- { mEffect = effect; }
- const std::string &getEffect() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mEffect; }
- void setType(const ItemDbTypeT type) noexcept2
- { mType = type; }
- void setUseButton(const std::string &str) noexcept2
- { mUseButton = str; }
- const std::string &getUseButton() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mUseButton; }
- void setUseButton2(const std::string &str) noexcept2
- { mUseButton2 = str; }
- const std::string &getUseButton2() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mUseButton2; }
- ItemDbTypeT getType() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mType; }
- void setWeight(const int weight) noexcept2
- { mWeight = weight; }
- int getWeight() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mWeight; }
- int getView() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mView; }
- void setView(const int view) noexcept2
- { mView = view; }
- void setSprite(const std::string &animationFile,
- const GenderT gender, const int race);
- const std::string &getSprite(const GenderT gender,
- const BeingTypeId race)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setAttackAction(const std::string &attackAction);
- void setSkyAttackAction(const std::string &attackAction);
- void setWaterAttackAction(const std::string &attackAction);
- void setRideAttackAction(const std::string &attackAction);
- // Handlers for seting and getting the string
- // used for particles when attacking
- void setMissileParticleFile(const std::string &s) noexcept2
- { mMissile.particle = s; }
- MissileInfo &getMissile() noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mMissile; }
- const MissileInfo &getMissileConst() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mMissile; }
- void setHitEffectId(const int s) noexcept2
- { mHitEffectId = s; }
- int getHitEffectId() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mHitEffectId; }
- void setCriticalHitEffectId(const int s) noexcept2
- { mCriticalHitEffectId = s; }
- int getCriticalHitEffectId() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mCriticalHitEffectId; }
- void setMissEffectId(const int s) noexcept2
- { mMissEffectId = s; }
- int getMissEffectId() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mMissEffectId; }
- const std::string &getAttackAction() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mAttackAction; }
- const std::string &getSkyAttackAction() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mSkyAttackAction; }
- const std::string &getWaterAttackAction() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mWaterAttackAction; }
- const std::string &getRideAttackAction() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mRideAttackAction; }
- int getAttackRange() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mAttackRange; }
- void setAttackRange(const int r) noexcept2
- { mAttackRange = r; }
- void addSound(const ItemSoundEvent::Type event,
- const std::string &filename,
- const int delay);
- const SoundInfo &getSound(const ItemSoundEvent::Type event)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- int getDrawBefore(const int direction) const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setDrawBefore(const int direction, const int n);
- int getDrawAfter(const int direction) const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setDrawAfter(const int direction, const int n);
- int getDrawPriority(const int direction) const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setDrawPriority(const int direction, const int n);
- const IntMap &getTags() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mTags; }
- void addTag(const int tag)
- { mTags[tag] = 1; }
- void setRemoveSprites() noexcept2
- { mIsRemoveSprites = true; }
- bool isRemoveSprites() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mIsRemoveSprites; }
- void setMaxFloorOffsetX(const int i) noexcept2
- { maxFloorOffsetX = i; }
- void setMaxFloorOffsetY(const int i) noexcept2
- { maxFloorOffsetY = i; }
- int getMaxFloorOffsetX() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return maxFloorOffsetX; }
- int getMaxFloorOffsetY() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return maxFloorOffsetY; }
- bool isRemoveItemId(int id) const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setCardColor(const ItemColor color) noexcept2
- { mCardColor = color; }
- ItemColor getCardColor() const noexcept2
- { return mCardColor; }
- int getReplaceToSpriteId(int id) const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- IntMap *addReplaceSprite(const int sprite,
- const int direction);
- const SpriteToItemMap *getSpriteToItemReplaceMap(const int directions)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- std::string getDyeColorsString(const ItemColor color)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- std::string getDyeIconColorsString(const ItemColor color)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setColorsList(const std::string &name);
- void setIconColorsList(const std::string &name);
- bool isHaveColors() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return !mColorsListName.empty(); }
- bool isHaveIconColors() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return !mIconColorsListName.empty(); }
- std::string getColorsListName() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mColorsListName; }
- std::string getIconColorsListName() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mIconColorsListName; }
- const std::string replaceColors(std::string str,
- const ItemColor color)
- const A_WARN_UNUSED;
- void setPickupCursor(const std::string &cursor)
- { return setPickupCursor(Cursors::stringToCursor(cursor)); }
- void setPickupCursor(const CursorT &cursor) noexcept2
- { mPickupCursor = cursor; }
- CursorT getPickupCursor() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mPickupCursor; }
- void setProtected(const bool b) noexcept2
- { mProtected = b; }
- bool isProtected() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mProtected; }
- int getColorsSize() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- { return mColorsList != nullptr ? CAST_S32(mColorsList->size()) : 0; }
- int getIconColorsSize() const noexcept2 A_WARN_UNUSED
- {
- return mIconColorsList != nullptr ?
- CAST_S32(mIconColorsList->size()) : 0;
- }
- std::string getColorName(const ItemColor idx) const;
- std::string getColor(const ItemColor idx) const;
- std::string getIconColorName(const ItemColor idx) const;
- std::string getIconColor(const ItemColor idx) const;
- STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> &getInventoryMenu()
- { return mInventoryMenu; }
- STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> &getStorageMenu()
- { return mStorageMenu; }
- STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> &getCartMenu()
- { return mCartMenu; }
- const STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> &getInventoryMenuConst() const A_CONST
- { return mInventoryMenu; }
- const STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> &getStorageMenuConst() const A_CONST
- { return mStorageMenu; }
- const STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> &getCartMenuConst() const A_CONST
- { return mCartMenu; }
- int mDrawBefore[10];
- int mDrawAfter[10];
- int mDrawPriority[10];
- private:
- static void setSpriteOrder(int *const ptr,
- const int direction,
- const int n,
- const int def = -1) A_NONNULL(1);
- SpriteDisplay mDisplay; /**< Display info (like icon) */
- MissileInfo mMissile;
- std::string mName;
- std::string mNameEn;
- std::string mDescription; /**< Short description. */
- std::string mEffect; /**< Description of effects. */
- std::string mUseButton;
- std::string mUseButton2;
- ItemDbTypeT mType; /**< Item type. */
- int mWeight; /**< Weight in grams. */
- int mView; /**< Item ID of how this item looks. */
- int mId; /**< Item ID */
- bool mIsRemoveSprites;
- // sprite, <itemfrom, itemto> [direction]
- SpriteToItemMap *mSpriteToItemReplaceMap[10];
- STD_VECTOR<SpriteToItemMap*> mSpriteToItemReplaceList;
- // Equipment related members.
- /** Attack type, in case of weapon.
- * See SpriteAction in spritedef.h for more info.
- * Attack action sub-types (bow, sword, ...) are defined in items.xml.
- */
- std::string mAttackAction;
- std::string mSkyAttackAction;
- std::string mWaterAttackAction;
- std::string mRideAttackAction;
- int mAttackRange; /**< Attack range, will be zero if non weapon. */
- // Particle to be shown when weapon attacks
- std::string mMissileParticle;
- /** Maps gender to sprite filenames. */
- std::map <int, std::string> mAnimationFiles;
- /** Stores the names of sounds to be played at certain event. */
- std::map <ItemSoundEvent::Type, SoundInfoVect> mSounds;
- std::map <int, int> mTags;
- const std::map <ItemColor, ItemColorData> *mColorsList;
- const std::map <ItemColor, ItemColorData> *mIconColorsList;
- STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> mInventoryMenu;
- STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> mStorageMenu;
- STD_VECTOR<ItemMenuItem> mCartMenu;
- std::string mColorsListName;
- std::string mIconColorsListName;
- ItemColor mCardColor;
- int mHitEffectId;
- int mCriticalHitEffectId;
- int mMissEffectId;
- int maxFloorOffsetX;
- int maxFloorOffsetY;
- CursorT mPickupCursor;
- bool mProtected;