path: root/src/gui/windows/tradewindow.cpp
diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2013-09-30 14:03:48 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2013-09-30 14:03:48 +0300
commit25d77892d72d455f8a89372687db45aefbc61cec (patch)
treede03cb1af09eebf6db853a6585b953884bcca3b2 /src/gui/windows/tradewindow.cpp
parent05c22dd1a69fe90da67188c74a6995ee3747e937 (diff)
move windows classes to windows directory.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/windows/tradewindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/windows/tradewindow.cpp b/src/gui/windows/tradewindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd3bf088f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gui/windows/tradewindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+ * The ManaPlus Client
+ * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 The ManaPlus Developers
+ *
+ * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "gui/windows/tradewindow.h"
+#include "configuration.h"
+#include "inventory.h"
+#include "item.h"
+#include "units.h"
+#include "being/localplayer.h"
+#include "being/playerinfo.h"
+#include "being/playerrelations.h"
+#include "gui/gui.h"
+#include "gui/sdlfont.h"
+#include "gui/windows/inventorywindow.h"
+#include "gui/windows/itemamountwindow.h"
+#include "gui/windows/setup.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/button.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/chattab.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/itemcontainer.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/label.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/scrollarea.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/textfield.h"
+#include "gui/widgets/layout.h"
+#include "net/net.h"
+#include "net/tradehandler.h"
+#include "utils/gettext.h"
+#include <guichan/font.hpp>
+#include "debug.h"
+// TRANSLATORS: trade window button
+#define CAPTION_PROPOSE _("Propose trade")
+// TRANSLATORS: trade window button
+#define CAPTION_CONFIRMED _("Confirmed. Waiting...")
+// TRANSLATORS: trade window button
+#define CAPTION_ACCEPT _("Agree trade")
+// TRANSLATORS: trade window button
+#define CAPTION_ACCEPTED _("Agreed. Waiting...")
+ // TRANSLATORS: trade window caption
+ Window(_("Trade: You"), false, nullptr, "trade.xml"),
+ gcn::ActionListener(),
+ gcn::SelectionListener(),
+ mMyInventory(new Inventory(Inventory::TRADE)),
+ mPartnerInventory(new Inventory(Inventory::TRADE)),
+ mMyItemContainer(new ItemContainer(this, mMyInventory.get())),
+ mPartnerItemContainer(new ItemContainer(this, mPartnerInventory.get())),
+ // TRANSLATORS: trade window money label
+ mMoneyLabel(new Label(this, strprintf(_("You get %s"), ""))),
+ // TRANSLATORS: trade window button
+ mAddButton(new Button(this, _("Add"), "add", this)),
+ mOkButton(new Button(this, "", "", this)), // Will be filled in later
+ // TRANSLATORS: trade window money change button
+ mMoneyChangeButton(new Button(this, _("Change"), "money", this)),
+ mMoneyField(new TextField(this)),
+ mStatus(PROPOSING),
+ mAutoAddItem(nullptr),
+ mAutoAddToNick(""),
+ mGotMoney(0),
+ mGotMaxMoney(0),
+ mAutoMoney(0),
+ mAutoAddAmount(0),
+ mOkOther(false),
+ mOkMe(false)
+ setWindowName("Trade");
+ setResizable(true);
+ setCloseButton(true);
+ setStickyButtonLock(true);
+ setDefaultSize(386, 180, ImageRect::CENTER);
+ setMinWidth(310);
+ setMinHeight(180);
+ if (setupWindow)
+ setupWindow->registerWindowForReset(this);
+ const gcn::Font *const fnt = mOkButton->getFont();
+ int width = std::max(fnt->getWidth(CAPTION_PROPOSE),
+ fnt->getWidth(CAPTION_CONFIRMED));
+ width = std::max(width, fnt->getWidth(CAPTION_ACCEPT));
+ width = std::max(width, fnt->getWidth(CAPTION_ACCEPTED));
+ mOkButton->setWidth(8 + width);
+ mMyItemContainer->addSelectionListener(this);
+ ScrollArea *const myScroll = new ScrollArea(mMyItemContainer,
+ true, "trade_background.xml");
+ myScroll->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER);
+ mPartnerItemContainer->addSelectionListener(this);
+ ScrollArea *const partnerScroll = new ScrollArea(mPartnerItemContainer,
+ true, "trade_background.xml");
+ partnerScroll->setHorizontalScrollPolicy(ScrollArea::SHOW_NEVER);
+ // TRANSLATORS: trade window money label
+ Label *const moneyLabel2 = new Label(this, _("You give:"));
+ mMoneyField->setWidth(40);
+ place(1, 0, mMoneyLabel);
+ place(0, 1, myScroll).setPadding(3);
+ place(1, 1, partnerScroll).setPadding(3);
+ ContainerPlacer placer;
+ placer = getPlacer(0, 0);
+ placer(0, 0, moneyLabel2);
+ placer(1, 0, mMoneyField, 2);
+ placer(3, 0, mMoneyChangeButton).setHAlign(LayoutCell::LEFT);
+ placer = getPlacer(0, 2);
+ placer(0, 0, mAddButton);
+ placer(1, 0, mOkButton);
+ Layout &layout = getLayout();
+ layout.extend(0, 2, 2, 1);
+ layout.setRowHeight(1, Layout::AUTO_SET);
+ layout.setRowHeight(2, 0);
+ layout.setColWidth(0, Layout::AUTO_SET);
+ layout.setColWidth(1, Layout::AUTO_SET);
+ loadWindowState();
+ enableVisibleSound(true);
+ reset();
+void TradeWindow::setMoney(const int amount)
+ if (amount < 0 || amount < mGotMaxMoney)
+ {
+ if (config.getBoolValue("securetrades"))
+ {
+ close();
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mMoneyLabel->setForegroundColorAll(getThemeColor(
+ static_cast<int>(Theme::WARNING)), getThemeColor(
+ static_cast<int>(Theme::WARNING_OUTLINE)));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mMoneyLabel->setForegroundColorAll(getThemeColor(
+ static_cast<int>(Theme::LABEL)), getThemeColor(
+ static_cast<int>(Theme::LABEL_OUTLINE)));
+ mGotMaxMoney = amount;
+ }
+ mGotMoney = amount;
+ // TRANSLATORS: trade window money label
+ mMoneyLabel->setCaption(strprintf(_("You get %s"),
+ Units::formatCurrency(amount).c_str()));
+ mMoneyLabel->adjustSize();
+void TradeWindow::addItem(const int id, const bool own, const int quantity,
+ const int refine, const unsigned char color) const
+ if (own)
+ mMyInventory->addItem(id, quantity, refine, color);
+ else
+ mPartnerInventory->addItem(id, quantity, refine, color);
+void TradeWindow::addItem2(const int id, const bool own, const int quantity,
+ const int refine, const unsigned char color,
+ const bool equipment) const
+ if (own)
+ mMyInventory->addItem(id, quantity, refine, color, equipment);
+ else
+ mPartnerInventory->addItem(id, quantity, refine, color, equipment);
+void TradeWindow::changeQuantity(const int index, const bool own,
+ const int quantity) const
+ Item *item;
+ if (own)
+ item = mMyInventory->getItem(index);
+ else
+ item = mPartnerInventory->getItem(index);
+ if (item)
+ item->setQuantity(quantity);
+void TradeWindow::increaseQuantity(const int index, const bool own,
+ const int quantity) const
+ Item *item;
+ if (own)
+ item = mMyInventory->getItem(index);
+ else
+ item = mPartnerInventory->getItem(index);
+ if (item)
+ item->increaseQuantity(quantity);
+void TradeWindow::reset()
+ mMyInventory->clear();
+ mPartnerInventory->clear();
+ mOkOther = false;
+ mOkMe = false;
+ setMoney(0);
+ mMoneyField->setEnabled(true);
+ mMoneyField->setText("");
+ mMoneyLabel->setForegroundColorAll(getThemeColor(
+ static_cast<int>(Theme::LABEL)), getThemeColor(
+ static_cast<int>(Theme::LABEL_OUTLINE)));
+ mAddButton->setEnabled(true);
+ mMoneyChangeButton->setEnabled(true);
+ mGotMoney = 0;
+ mGotMaxMoney = 0;
+ setStatus(PREPARING);
+void TradeWindow::receivedOk(const bool own)
+ if (own)
+ mOkMe = true;
+ else
+ mOkOther = true;
+ if (mOkMe && mOkOther)
+ setStatus(ACCEPTING);
+void TradeWindow::tradeItem(const Item *const item, const int quantity,
+ const bool check) const
+ if (check && !checkItem(item))
+ return;
+ Net::getTradeHandler()->addItem(item, quantity);
+void TradeWindow::valueChanged(const gcn::SelectionEvent &event)
+ if (!mMyItemContainer || !mPartnerItemContainer)
+ return;
+ /* If an item is selected in one container, make sure no item is selected
+ * in the other container.
+ */
+ if (event.getSource() == mMyItemContainer &&
+ mMyItemContainer->getSelectedItem())
+ {
+ mPartnerItemContainer->selectNone();
+ }
+ else if (mPartnerItemContainer->getSelectedItem())
+ {
+ mMyItemContainer->selectNone();
+ }
+void TradeWindow::setStatus(const Status s)
+ if (s == mStatus)
+ return;
+ mStatus = s;
+ switch (s)
+ {
+ mOkButton->setCaption(CAPTION_PROPOSE);
+ mOkButton->setActionEventId("ok");
+ break;
+ mOkButton->setCaption(CAPTION_CONFIRMED);
+ mOkButton->setActionEventId("");
+ break;
+ mOkButton->setCaption(CAPTION_ACCEPT);
+ mOkButton->setActionEventId("trade");
+ break;
+ case ACCEPTED:
+ mOkButton->setCaption(CAPTION_ACCEPTED);
+ mOkButton->setActionEventId("");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ mOkButton->setEnabled((s != PROPOSING && s != ACCEPTED));
+void TradeWindow::action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event)
+ if (!inventoryWindow)
+ return;
+ Item *const item = inventoryWindow->getSelectedItem();
+ const std::string &eventId = event.getId();
+ if (eventId == "add")
+ {
+ if (mStatus != PREPARING)
+ return;
+ if (!inventoryWindow->isWindowVisible())
+ {
+ inventoryWindow->setVisible(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!item)
+ return;
+ if (mMyInventory->getFreeSlot() == -1)
+ return;
+ if (!checkItem(item))
+ return;
+ // Choose amount of items to trade
+ ItemAmountWindow::showWindow(ItemAmountWindow::TradeAdd, this, item);
+ setStatus(PREPARING);
+ }
+ else if (eventId == "cancel")
+ {
+ setVisible(false);
+ reset();
+ PlayerInfo::setTrading(false);
+ Net::getTradeHandler()->cancel();
+ }
+ else if (eventId == "ok")
+ {
+ mMoneyField->setEnabled(false);
+ mAddButton->setEnabled(false);
+ mMoneyChangeButton->setEnabled(false);
+ receivedOk(true);
+ setStatus(PROPOSING);
+ Net::getTradeHandler()->confirm();
+ }
+ else if (eventId == "trade")
+ {
+ receivedOk(true);
+ setStatus(ACCEPTED);
+ Net::getTradeHandler()->finish();
+ }
+ else if (eventId == "money")
+ {
+ if (mStatus != PREPARING)
+ return;
+ int v = atoi(mMoneyField->getText().c_str());
+ const int curMoney = PlayerInfo::getAttribute(PlayerInfo::MONEY);
+ if (v > curMoney)
+ {
+ if (localChatTab)
+ {
+ // TRANSLATORS: trade error
+ localChatTab->chatLog(_("You don't have enough money."),
+ }
+ v = curMoney;
+ }
+ Net::getTradeHandler()->setMoney(v);
+ mMoneyField->setText(strprintf("%d", v));
+ }
+void TradeWindow::close()
+ Net::getTradeHandler()->cancel();
+ clear();
+void TradeWindow::clear()
+ mAutoAddItem = nullptr;
+ mAutoAddToNick.clear();
+ mAutoMoney = 0;
+ mAutoAddAmount = 0;
+ mGotMoney = 0;
+ mGotMaxMoney = 0;
+ mMoneyLabel->setForegroundColorAll(getThemeColor(
+ static_cast<int>(Theme::LABEL)), getThemeColor(
+ static_cast<int>(Theme::LABEL_OUTLINE)));
+void TradeWindow::addAutoItem(const std::string &nick, Item* const item,
+ const int amount)
+ mAutoAddToNick = nick;
+ mAutoAddItem = item;
+ mAutoAddAmount = amount;
+void TradeWindow::addAutoMoney(const std::string &nick, const int money)
+ mAutoAddToNick = nick;
+ mAutoMoney = money;
+void TradeWindow::initTrade(const std::string &nick)
+ if (!player_node)
+ return;
+ if (!mAutoAddToNick.empty() && mAutoAddToNick == nick)
+ {
+ if (mAutoAddItem && mAutoAddItem->getQuantity())
+ {
+ const Inventory *const inv = PlayerInfo::getInventory();
+ if (inv)
+ {
+ Item *const item = inv->findItem(mAutoAddItem->getId(),
+ mAutoAddItem->getColor());
+ if (item)
+ tradeItem(item, mAutoAddItem->getQuantity());
+ }
+ }
+ if (mAutoMoney)
+ {
+ Net::getTradeHandler()->setMoney(mAutoMoney);
+ mMoneyField->setText(strprintf("%d", mAutoMoney));
+ }
+ }
+ clear();
+ if (!player_relations.isGoodName(nick))
+ setCaptionFont(gui->getSecureFont());
+bool TradeWindow::checkItem(const Item *const item) const
+ const int itemId = item->getId();
+ if (PlayerInfo::isItemProtected(itemId))
+ return false;
+ const Item *const tItem = mMyInventory->findItem(
+ itemId, item->getColor());
+ if (tItem && (tItem->getQuantity() > 1
+ || item->getQuantity() > 1))
+ {
+ if (localChatTab)
+ {
+ // TRANSLATORS: trade error
+ localChatTab->chatLog(_("Failed adding item. You can not "
+ "overlap one kind of item on the window."), BY_SERVER);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool TradeWindow::isInpupFocused() const
+ return (mMoneyField && mMoneyField->isFocused());