* The ManaPlus Client
* Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 The ManaPlus Developers
* This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "being/being.h"
#include "gui/userpalette.h"
#include "listeners/actorspritelistener.h"
#include "listeners/attributelistener.h"
#include "listeners/statlistener.h"
#include <vector>
#include "localconsts.h"
class AwayListener;
class ChatTab;
class FloorItem;
class Map;
class OkDialog;
* The local player character.
class LocalPlayer final : public Being,
public ActorSpriteListener,
public AttributeListener,
public StatListener
* Constructor.
explicit LocalPlayer(const int id = 65535,
const uint16_t subtype = 0U);
* Destructor.
void logic() override final;
void slowLogic();
void setAction(const BeingAction::Action &action,
const int attackType = 0) override final;
* Compute the next pathnode location when walking using keyboard.
* used by nextTile().
Position getNextWalkPosition(const unsigned char dir)
* Adds a new tile to the path when walking.
* @note Eathena
* Also, when specified, it picks up an item at the end of a path
* or attack target.
void nextTile() override final
{ nextTile(0); }
void nextTile(unsigned char dir);
bool pickUp(FloorItem *const item);
* Called when an ActorSprite has been destroyed.
* @param actorSprite the ActorSprite being destroyed.
void actorSpriteDestroyed(const ActorSprite &actorSprite)
override final;
* Gets the attack range.
int getAttackRange() const A_WARN_UNUSED;
int getAttackRange2() const A_WARN_UNUSED;
void attack(Being *const target = nullptr, const bool keep = false,
const bool dontChangeEquipment = false);
void attack2(Being *const target = nullptr, const bool keep = false,
const bool dontChangeEquipment = false);
void setGMLevel(const int level);
int getGMLevel() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mGMLevel; }
void stopAttack(const bool keepAttack = false);
void untarget();
* Returns the current target of the player. Returns 0 if no being is
* currently targeted.
Being *getTarget() const A_WARN_UNUSED;
* Sets the target being of the player.
void setTarget(Being *const target);
* Sets a new destination for this being to walk to.
void setDestination(const int x, const int y);
* Sets a new direction to keep walking in.
void setWalkingDir(const unsigned char dir);
* Gets the walking direction
unsigned char getWalkingDir() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mWalkingDir; }
* Sets going to being to attack
void setGotoTarget(Being *const target);
* Returns whether the target is in range to attack
bool withinAttackRange(const Being *const target,
const bool fixDistance = false,
const int addRange = 0) const A_WARN_UNUSED;
* Stops the player dead in his tracks
void stopWalking(const bool sendToServer = true);
bool toggleSit() const;
bool updateSit() const;
static bool emote(const uint8_t emotion);
* Shows item pickup notifications.
void pickedUp(const ItemInfo &itemInfo, const int amount,
const unsigned char color, const int floorItemId,
const unsigned char fail);
int getLevel() const override final A_WARN_UNUSED;
/** Tells that the path has been set by mouse. */
void pathSetByMouse()
{ mPathSetByMouse = true; }
/** Tells if the path has been set by mouse. */
bool isPathSetByMouse() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mPathSetByMouse; }
int getAttackType() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mAttackType; }
int getImitationMode() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mImitationMode; }
void changeAttackType(const bool forward);
void changeImitationMode(const bool forward);
void changePickUpType(const bool forward);
int getPickUpType() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mPickUpType; }
int getQuickDropCounter() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mQuickDropCounter; }
void setQuickDropCounter(const int n);
void changeQuickDropCounter(const bool forward);
unsigned int getMoveState() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mMoveState; }
void setMoveState(const unsigned int n)
{ mMoveState = n; }
unsigned int getCrazyMoveState() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mCrazyMoveState; }
void setCrazyMoveState(const unsigned int n)
{ mCrazyMoveState = n; }
void switchMagicAttack(const bool forward);
void switchPvpAttack(const bool forward);
int getMagicAttackType() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mMagicAttackType; }
int getPvpAttackType() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mPvpAttackType; }
int getDisableGameModifiers() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mDisableGameModifiers; }
std::string getPingTime() const A_WARN_UNUSED;
void tryPingRequest();
void switchGameModifiers();
void magicAttack() const;
void specialMove(const unsigned char direction);
void moveByDirection(const unsigned char dir);
bool pickUpItems(int pickUpType = 0);
void crazyMove();
void moveTo(const int x, const int y);
void move(const int dX, const int dY);
void moveToTarget(int dist = -1);
void moveToHome();
bool isReachable(Being *const being,
const int maxCost = 0) A_WARN_UNUSED;
bool isReachable(const int x, const int y,
const bool allowCollision) const A_WARN_UNUSED;
void setHome();
void pingRequest();
void pingResponse();
void changeAwayMode();
void setAway(const std::string &message);
void setPseudoAway(const std::string &message);
bool getAway() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mAwayMode; }
bool getPseudoAway() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mPseudoAwayMode; }
void setHalfAway(const bool n)
{ mInactive = n; }
bool getHalfAway() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mInactive; }
void afkRespond(ChatTab *const tab, const std::string &nick);
static void setAfkMessage(std::string message);
bool navigateTo(const int x, const int y);
void navigateTo(const Being *const being);
void navigateClean();
void imitateEmote(const Being *const being,
const unsigned char emote) const;
void imitateAction(const Being *const being,
const BeingAction::Action &action);
void imitateDirection(const Being *const being,
const unsigned char dir);
void imitateOutfit(const Being *const player,
const int sprite = -1) const;
void followMoveTo(const Being *const being, const int x, const int y);
void followMoveTo(const Being *const being, const int x1, const int y1,
const int x2, const int y2);
bool allowAction() A_WARN_UNUSED;
void setRealPos(const int x, const int y);
bool isServerBuggy() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mIsServerBuggy; }
void fixPos(const int maxDist = 1);
* Sets the map the being is on
void setMap(Map *const map);
void addMessageToQueue(const std::string &message,
const int color = UserPalette::EXP_INFO);
* Called when a option (set with config.addListener()) is changed
void optionChanged(const std::string &value) override final;
* set a following player.
void setFollow(const std::string &player);
* set an imitation player.
void setImitate(const std::string &player);
* setting the next destination of the following, in case of warp
void setNextDest(const int x, const int y);
int getNextDestX() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mNextDestX; }
int getNextDestY() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mNextDestY; }
void respawn();
const FloorItem *getPickUpTarget() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mPickUpTarget; }
void unSetPickUpTarget()
{ mPickUpTarget = nullptr; }
* Stop following a player.
void cancelFollow();
* Get the playername followed by the current player.
const std::string &getFollow() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mPlayerFollowed; }
* Get the playername imitated by the current player.
const std::string &getImitate() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mPlayerImitated; }
* Tells the engine whether to check
* if the Player Name is to be displayed.
void setCheckNameSetting(const bool checked)
{ mUpdateName = checked; }
* Gets if the engine has to check
* if the Player Name is to be displayed.
bool getCheckNameSetting() const A_WARN_UNUSED
{ return mUpdateName; }
void fixAttackTarget();
void updateNavigateList();
int getPathLength(const Being *const being) const A_WARN_UNUSED;
void targetMoved() const;
void setLastHitFrom(const std::string &n)
{ mLastHitFrom = n; }
void waitFor(const std::string &nick);
void checkNewName(Being *const being);
void resetYellowBar();
unsigned char getWalkMask() const override final A_WARN_UNUSED;
void saveHomes();
void removeHome();
void stopAdvert();
bool checAttackPermissions(const Being *const target)
void updateStatus() const;
void setTestParticle(const std::string &fileName,
const bool updateHash = true);
std::string getAttackTypeString();
std::string getQuickDropCounterString();
std::string getPickUpTypeString();
static std::string getMapDrawTypeString();
std::string getMagicAttackString();
std::string getPvpAttackString();
std::string getImitationModeString();
std::string getAwayModeString();
static std::string getCameraModeString();
std::string getGameModifiersString();
int getLastAttackX() const override final
{ return mTarget ? mTarget->getTileX() : mLastAttackX; }
int getLastAttackY() const override final
{ return mTarget ? mTarget->getTileY() : mLastAttackY; }
void attributeChanged(const int id,
const int oldVal,
const int newVal) override final;
void statChanged(const int id,
const int oldVal1,
const int oldVal2) override final;
void updateMusic();
void updateCoords() override final;
void handleStatusEffect(const StatusEffect *const effect,
const int effectId) override final;
void startWalking(const unsigned char dir);
void changeEquipmentBeforeAttack(const Being *const target) const;
static void tryMagic(const std::string &spell, const int baseMagic,
const int schoolMagic, const int mana);
static const char *getVarItem(const char *const *const arr,
const unsigned index,
const unsigned sz) A_WARN_UNUSED;
void changeMode(unsigned *restrict const var,
const unsigned limit,
const char *restrict const conf,
std::string (LocalPlayer::*const func)(),
const unsigned def,
const bool save,
const bool forward);
void crazyMove1();
void crazyMove2();
void crazyMove3();
void crazyMove4();
void crazyMove5();
void crazyMove6();
void crazyMove7();
void crazyMove8();
void crazyMove9();
void crazyMoveA();
void loadHomes();
int mGMLevel;
// crazy move state
unsigned int mCrazyMoveState;
// quick drop counter
unsigned int mQuickDropCounter;
// move state. used if mMoveType == 2
unsigned int mMoveState;
// pick up type 1x1, normal aka 2x1, forward aka 2x3, 3x3, 3x3 + 1
unsigned int mPickUpType;
// magic attack type
unsigned int mMagicAttackType;
// pvp attack type
unsigned int mPvpAttackType;
unsigned int mAttackType;
unsigned int mImitationMode;
int mLastTargetX;
int mLastTargetY;
std::map<std::string, Vector> mHomes;
Being *mTarget;
/** Follow system **/
std::string mPlayerFollowed;
std::string mPlayerImitated;
int mNextDestX;
int mNextDestY;
FloorItem *mPickUpTarget;
int mLastAction; // Time stamp of the last action, -1 if none.
std::vector<int> mStatusEffectIcons;
int mLocalWalkTime; // Timestamp used to control keyboard walk
// messages flooding
typedef std::pair<std::string, int> MessagePair;
/** Queued messages*/
std::list<MessagePair> mMessages;
int mMessageTime;
AwayListener *mAwayListener;
OkDialog *mAwayDialog;
int mPingSendTick;
int mPingTime;
int mAfkTime;
int mActivityTime;
int mNavigateX;
int mNavigateY;
int mNavigateId;
int mCrossX;
int mCrossY;
int mOldX;
int mOldY;
int mOldTileX;
int mOldTileY;
Path mNavigatePath;
std::string mLastHitFrom;
std::string mWaitFor;
int mAdvertTime;
Particle *mTestParticle;
std::string mTestParticleName;
int mTestParticleTime;
unsigned long mTestParticleHash;
unsigned char mWalkingDir; // The direction the player is walking in.
/** Whether or not the name settings have changed */
bool mUpdateName;
bool mBlockAdvert;
bool mTargetDeadPlayers;
bool mServerAttack;
bool mEnableAdvert;
bool mTradebot;
bool mTargetOnlyReachable;
bool mDisableGameModifiers;
bool mIsServerBuggy;
bool mSyncPlayerMove;
bool mDrawPath;
bool mAttackMoving;
bool mAttackNext;
bool mShowJobExp;
bool mShowServerPos;
bool mNextStep;
// temporary disable crazy moves in moves
bool mDisableCrazyMove;
bool mGoingToTarget;
// Whether or not to continue to attack
bool mKeepAttacking;
// Tells if the path was set using mouse
bool mPathSetByMouse;
bool mWaitPing;
bool mAwayMode;
bool mPseudoAwayMode;
bool mShowNavigePath;
extern LocalPlayer *player_node;