path: root/plugins/guildbot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/guildbot/')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/guildbot/ b/plugins/guildbot/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d032b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/guildbot/
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+from chat import send_whisper
+from utils import extends
+from commands import parse_player_name
+online_users = None
+db = None
+max_msg_len = 200
+pending_invitations = {}
+def ignore():
+ pass
+def listonline(nick, _):
+ curr_msg = ''
+ online = online_users.online_users
+ for prow in db.all_players_same_guild(nick):
+ p = prow[0]
+ if p in online:
+ if len(curr_msg + ', ' + p) > max_msg_len:
+ send_whisper(nick, curr_msg)
+ curr_msg = p
+ else:
+ curr_msg = curr_msg + ', ' + p
+ send_whisper(nick, curr_msg)
+def leave(nick, _):
+ info = db.player_info(nick)
+ broadcast(nick, '"{}" left the guild'.format(nick), True)
+ db.guild_remove_player(nick)
+ send_whisper(nick, 'You left guild {}'.format(info[1]))
+def showinfo(nick, _):
+ db.player_set_showinfo(nick, True)
+ send_whisper(nick, "Information messages are visible")
+def hideinfo(nick, _):
+ db.player_set_showinfo(nick, False)
+ send_whisper(nick, "Information messages are hidden")
+def status(nick, _):
+ _, guild, access = db.player_info(nick)
+ send_whisper(nick, 'Player:{}, Guild:{}, Access:{}'.format(
+ nick, guild, access))
+# FIXME: not finished
+def invite(nick, player):
+ if not player:
+ send_whisper(nick, "Usage: !invite Player")
+ return
+ pinfo = db.player_info(player)
+ if pinfo and pinfo[0]:
+ send_whisper(nick, '"{}" is already a member of guild "{}"'.format(
+ player, pinfo[1]))
+ return
+ online = online_users.online_users
+ if player not in online:
+ send_whisper(nick, '"{}" is not online'.format(player))
+ return
+ _, guild, _ = db.player_info(nick)
+ invite_msg = ('You have been invited to the "{}" guild chat. '
+ 'If you would like to accept this invitation '
+ 'please reply "yes" and if not then "no"').format(guild)
+ send_whisper(player, invite_msg)
+ # FIXME: what if player is offline? online_list can be outdated
+ pending_invitations[player] = guild
+def remove(nick, player):
+ if not player:
+ send_whisper(nick, "Usage: !remove Player")
+ return
+ pinfo = db.player_info(player)
+ if not pinfo:
+ send_whisper(nick, '{} is not in any guild'.format(player))
+ return
+ gid, _, _ = db.player_info(nick)
+ if gid != pinfo[0]:
+ send_whisper(nick, '{} is not in your guild'.format(player))
+ return
+ broadcast(player, '{} was removed from your guild'.format(player), True)
+ db.guild_remove_player(player)
+ send_whisper(nick, 'You were removed from "{}" guild'.format(pinfo[1]))
+def setmotd(nick, motd):
+ guild = db.player_info(nick)[1]
+ db.setmotd(guild, motd)
+ broadcast(nick, 'MOTD: ' + motd)
+def removemotd(nick, _):
+ guild = db.player_info(nick)[1]
+ db.setmotd(guild, '')
+ broadcast(nick, 'MOTD removed')
+def setaccess(nick, params):
+ try:
+ si = params.index(" ")
+ lvl = int(params[:si])
+ player = params[si + 1:]
+ if len(player) < 4:
+ raise ValueError
+ except ValueError:
+ send_whisper(nick, "Usage: !setaccess Level Player")
+ return
+ gid, guild_name, access = db.player_info(nick)
+ gidp, _, accessp = db.player_info(player)
+ if gid != gidp:
+ send_whisper(nick, '{} is not in your guild "{}"'.format(
+ player, guild_name))
+ return
+ if access <= accessp:
+ send_whisper(nick, "You cannot set access level for {}".format(
+ player))
+ return
+ db.player_set_access(player, lvl)
+ send_whisper(nick, "Player: {}, access level: {}".format(
+ player, lvl))
+def disband(nick, _):
+ _, guild, _ = db.player_info(nick)
+ if db.guild_delete(guild):
+ send_whisper(nick, 'Deleted guild "{}"'.format(guild))
+ else:
+ send_whisper(nick, 'Error deleting guild "{}"'.format(guild))
+def addguild(nick, params):
+ usage = 'Usage: !addguild Leader Guild (note: Leader can be quoted)'
+ if not params:
+ send_whisper(nick, usage)
+ return
+ leader, guild = parse_player_name(params)
+ if len(leader) < 4 or len(guild) < 4:
+ send_whisper(nick, usage)
+ return
+ if db.guild_create(guild):
+ send_whisper(nick, 'Created guild "{}", leader is "{}"'.format(
+ guild, leader))
+ else:
+ send_whisper(nick, "Error creating guild")
+def removeguild(nick, guild_name):
+ if not guild_name:
+ send_whisper(nick, "Usage: !removeguild Guild")
+ return
+ if db.guild_delete(guild_name):
+ send_whisper(nick, 'Deleted guild "{}"'.format(guild_name))
+ else:
+ send_whisper(nick, 'Guild not found: "{}"'.format(guild_name))
+def globalmsg(nick, msg):
+ if not msg:
+ send_whisper(nick, "Usage: !global Message")
+ return
+ online = online_users.online_users
+ for prow in db.all_players_any_guild():
+ pname = prow[0]
+ if pname in online:
+ send_whisper(pname, msg)
+def joinguild(nick, guild):
+ if not guild:
+ send_whisper(nick, "Usage: !joinguild Guild")
+ return
+ if db.player_join_guild(nick, guild, 20):
+ send_whisper(nick, 'You joined guild "{}"'.format(guild))
+ else:
+ send_whisper(nick, 'Guild "{}" does not exist'.format(guild))
+def showhelp(nick, _):
+ access = db.player_get_access(nick)
+ curr_line = ''
+ for cmd, (lvl, _, hlp) in commands.iteritems():
+ if access < lvl:
+ continue
+ if hlp[0] == '+':
+ help_s = '!' + cmd + ' ' + hlp[1:]
+ else:
+ help_s = '!' + cmd + ' -- ' + hlp
+ if len(curr_line + '; ' + help_s) > max_msg_len:
+ send_whisper(nick, curr_line)
+ curr_line = help_s
+ else:
+ curr_line = curr_line + '; ' + help_s
+ if curr_line:
+ send_whisper(nick, curr_line)
+commands = {
+ "help": (-10, showhelp, "show help"),
+ "info": (0, status, "display guild information"),
+ "listonline": (0, listonline, "list online players"),
+ "leave": (0, leave, "leave your guild"),
+ "showinfo": (0, showinfo, "verbose notifications"),
+ "hideinfo": (0, hideinfo, "quiet notifications"),
+ "invite": (5, invite, "+Player -- invite player to guild"),
+ "remove": (5, remove, "+Player -- remove player from guild"),
+ "setmotd": (5, setmotd, "+MOTD -- set MOTD"),
+ "removemotd": (5, removemotd, "remove MOTD"),
+ "setaccess": (10, setaccess, "+Level Player -- set access level"),
+ "disband": (10, disband, "disband your guild"),
+ "addguild": (20, addguild, "+Leader GuildName -- add guild"),
+ "removeguild": (20, removeguild, "+GuildName -- remove guild"),
+ "global": (20, globalmsg, "+Message -- global message"),
+ "joinguild": (20, joinguild, "+GuildName -- join a guild"),
+def exec_command(nick, cmdline):
+ end = cmdline.find(" ")
+ if end < 0:
+ cmd = cmdline[1:]
+ arg = ""
+ else:
+ cmd = cmdline[1:end]
+ arg = cmdline[end + 1:]
+ if cmd in commands:
+ lvl, func, _ = commands[cmd]
+ access = db.player_get_access(nick)
+ if access < lvl:
+ send_whisper(nick, 'That command is fobidden for you!')
+ else:
+ func(nick, arg)
+ else:
+ send_whisper(nick, 'Command !{} not found. Try !help'.format(cmd))
+def player_joining(player, guild):
+ db.player_join_guild(player, guild)
+ broadcast(player, '{} joined your guild'.format(player), True)
+def broadcast(nick, msg, exclude_nick=False):
+ """
+ Broadcast message for all players that belong the same guild as nick.
+ """
+ n = 0
+ for prec in db.all_players_same_guild(nick):
+ if exclude_nick and prec[0] == nick:
+ continue
+ n += 1
+ send_whisper(prec[0], '{} : {}'.format(nick, msg))
+ if n == 0:
+ send_whisper(nick, "You don't belong to any guild")
+def online_list_update(curr, prev):
+ for p in curr - prev:
+ ginfo = db.player_info(p)
+ if ginfo is not None:
+ if ginfo[0] is not None:
+ allp = set(db.all_players_same_guild(p))
+ n = len(allp.intersection(curr))
+ send_whisper(p,
+ 'Welcome to {}! ({} Members are online)'.format(
+ ginfo[1], n))
+ broadcast(p, '{} is now Online'.format(p), True)
+ for p in prev - curr:
+ broadcast(p, '{} is now Offline'.format(p), True)
+def got_whisper(data):
+ nick, message = data.nick, data.message
+ if len(message) < 1:
+ return
+ if message[0] == '!':
+ exec_command(nick, message)
+ else:
+ if nick in pending_invitations:
+ # TODO: inform message
+ if message.lower() == 'yes':
+ player_joining(nick, pending_invitations[nick])
+ del pending_invitations[nick]
+ else:
+ broadcast(nick, message)
+def send_whisper_result(data):
+ pass