path: root/external/pytmx/
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Diffstat (limited to 'external/pytmx/')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/external/pytmx/ b/external/pytmx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7744e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/pytmx/
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+import logging
+import itertools
+import pytmx
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+ from pygame.transform import flip, rotate
+ import pygame
+except ImportError:
+ logger.error('cannot import pygame (is it installed?)')
+ raise
+__all__ = ['load_pygame', 'pygame_image_loader', 'simplify', 'build_rects']
+def handle_transformation(tile, flags):
+ if flags.flipped_diagonally:
+ tile = flip(rotate(tile, 270), 1, 0)
+ if flags.flipped_horizontally or flags.flipped_vertically:
+ tile = flip(tile, flags.flipped_horizontally, flags.flipped_vertically)
+ return tile
+def smart_convert(original, colorkey, pixelalpha):
+ """
+ this method does several tests on a surface to determine the optimal
+ flags and pixel format for each tile surface.
+ this is done for the best rendering speeds and removes the need to
+ convert() the images on your own
+ """
+ tile_size = original.get_size()
+ threshold = 127 # the default
+ # count the number of pixels in the tile that are not transparent
+ px = pygame.mask.from_surface(original, threshold).count()
+ # there are no transparent pixels in the image
+ if px == tile_size[0] * tile_size[1]:
+ tile = original.convert()
+ # there are transparent pixels, and tiled set a colorkey
+ elif colorkey:
+ tile = original.convert()
+ tile.set_colorkey(colorkey, pygame.RLEACCEL)
+ # there are transparent pixels, and set for perpixel alpha
+ elif pixelalpha:
+ tile = original.convert_alpha()
+ # there are transparent pixels, and we won't handle them
+ else:
+ tile = original.convert()
+ return tile
+def pygame_image_loader(filename, colorkey, **kwargs):
+ """ pytmx image loader for pygame
+ :param filename:
+ :param colorkey:
+ :param kwargs:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if colorkey:
+ colorkey = pygame.Color('#{0}'.format(colorkey))
+ pixelalpha = kwargs.get('pixelalpha', True)
+ image = pygame.image.load(filename)
+ def load_image(rect=None, flags=None):
+ if rect:
+ try:
+ tile = image.subsurface(rect)
+ except ValueError:
+ logger.error('Tile bounds outside bounds of tileset image')
+ raise
+ else:
+ tile = image.copy()
+ if flags:
+ tile = handle_transformation(tile, flags)
+ tile = smart_convert(tile, colorkey, pixelalpha)
+ return tile
+ return load_image
+def load_pygame(filename, *args, **kwargs):
+ """ Load a TMX file, images, and return a TiledMap class
+ this utility has 'smart' tile loading. by default any tile without
+ transparent pixels will be loaded for quick blitting. if the tile has
+ transparent pixels, then it will be loaded with per-pixel alpha. this is
+ a per-tile, per-image check.
+ if a color key is specified as an argument, or in the tmx data, the
+ per-pixel alpha will not be used at all. if the tileset's image has colorkey
+ transparency set in Tiled, the util_pygam will return images that have their
+ transparency already set.
+ TL;DR:
+ Don't attempt to convert() or convert_alpha() the individual tiles. It is
+ already done for you.
+ """
+ kwargs['image_loader'] = pygame_image_loader
+ return pytmx.TiledMap(filename, *args, **kwargs)
+def build_rects(tmxmap, layer, tileset=None, real_gid=None):
+ """generate a set of non-overlapping rects that represents the distribution
+ of the specified gid.
+ useful for generating rects for use in collision detection
+ Use at your own risk: this is experimental...will change in future
+ GID Note: You will need to add 1 to the GID reported by Tiled.
+ :param tmxmap: TiledMap object
+ :param layer: int or string name of layer
+ :param tileset: int or string name of tileset
+ :param real_gid: Tiled GID of the tile + 1 (see note)
+ :return: List of pygame Rect objects
+ """
+ if isinstance(tileset, int):
+ try:
+ tileset = tmxmap.tilesets[tileset]
+ except IndexError:
+ msg = "Tileset #{0} not found in map {1}."
+ logger.debug(msg.format(tileset, tmxmap))
+ raise IndexError
+ elif isinstance(tileset, str):
+ try:
+ tileset = [t for t in tmxmap.tilesets if == tileset].pop()
+ except IndexError:
+ msg = "Tileset \"{0}\" not found in map {1}."
+ logger.debug(msg.format(tileset, tmxmap))
+ raise ValueError
+ elif tileset:
+ msg = "Tileset must be either a int or string. got: {0}"
+ logger.debug(msg.format(type(tileset)))
+ raise TypeError
+ gid = None
+ if real_gid:
+ try:
+ gid, flags = tmxmap.map_gid(real_gid)[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ msg = "GID #{0} not found"
+ logger.debug(msg.format(real_gid))
+ raise ValueError
+ if isinstance(layer, int):
+ layer_data = tmxmap.get_layer_data(layer)
+ elif isinstance(layer, str):
+ try:
+ layer = [l for l in tmxmap.layers if == layer].pop()
+ layer_data =
+ except IndexError:
+ msg = "Layer \"{0}\" not found in map {1}."
+ logger.debug(msg.format(layer, tmxmap))
+ raise ValueError
+ p = itertools.product(range(tmxmap.width), range(tmxmap.height))
+ if gid:
+ points = [(x, y) for (x, y) in p if layer_data[y][x] == gid]
+ else:
+ points = [(x, y) for (x, y) in p if layer_data[y][x]]
+ rects = simplify(points, tmxmap.tilewidth, tmxmap.tileheight)
+ return rects
+def simplify(all_points, tilewidth, tileheight):
+ """Given a list of points, return list of rects that represent them
+ kludge:
+ "A kludge (or kluge) is a workaround, a quick-and-dirty solution,
+ a clumsy or inelegant, yet effective, solution to a problem, typically
+ using parts that are cobbled together."
+ -- wikipedia
+ turn a list of points into a rects
+ adjacent rects will be combined.
+ plain english:
+ the input list must be a list of tuples that represent
+ the areas to be combined into rects
+ the rects will be blended together over solid groups
+ so if data is something like:
+ 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
+ 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
+ 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
+ 0 0 0 0 0 4 0
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
+ you'll have the 4 rects that mask the area like this:
+ ..######......
+ ..####........
+ ..........##..
+ ..........##..
+ ..............
+ ....##########
+ pretty cool, right?
+ there may be cases where the number of rectangles is not as low as possible,
+ but I haven't found that it is excessively bad. certainly much better than
+ making a list of rects, one for each tile on the map!
+ """
+ def pick_rect(points, rects):
+ ox, oy = sorted([(sum(p), p) for p in points])[0][1]
+ x = ox
+ y = oy
+ ex = None
+ while 1:
+ x += 1
+ if not (x, y) in points:
+ if ex is None:
+ ex = x - 1
+ if (ox, y + 1) in points:
+ if x == ex + 1:
+ y += 1
+ x = ox
+ else:
+ y -= 1
+ break
+ else:
+ if x <= ex: y -= 1
+ break
+ c_rect = pygame.Rect(ox * tilewidth, oy * tileheight,
+ (ex - ox + 1) * tilewidth,
+ (y - oy + 1) * tileheight)
+ rects.append(c_rect)
+ rect = pygame.Rect(ox, oy, ex - ox + 1, y - oy + 1)
+ kill = [p for p in points if rect.collidepoint(p)]
+ [points.remove(i) for i in kill]
+ if points:
+ pick_rect(points, rects)
+ rect_list = []
+ while all_points:
+ pick_rect(all_points, rect_list)
+ return rect_list