path: root/external/pytmx/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'external/pytmx/')
1 files changed, 1115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/external/pytmx/ b/external/pytmx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61120a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/external/pytmx/
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+import logging
+import six
+import os
+from itertools import chain, product
+from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from six.moves import zip, map
+from operator import attrgetter
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ch = logging.StreamHandler()
+__all__ = ['TiledElement',
+ 'TiledMap',
+ 'TiledTileset',
+ 'TiledTileLayer',
+ 'TiledObject',
+ 'TiledObjectGroup',
+ 'TiledImageLayer',
+ 'TileFlags',
+ 'convert_to_bool',
+ 'parse_properties']
+# internal flags
+# Tiled gid flags
+GID_TRANS_FLIPX = 1 << 31
+GID_TRANS_FLIPY = 1 << 30
+GID_TRANS_ROT = 1 << 29
+# error message format strings go here
+duplicate_name_fmt = 'Cannot set user {} property on {} "{}"; Tiled property already exists.'
+flag_names = (
+ 'flipped_horizontally',
+ 'flipped_vertically',
+ 'flipped_diagonally',)
+TileFlags = namedtuple('TileFlags', flag_names)
+AnimationFrame = namedtuple('AnimationFrame', ['gid', 'duration'])
+def default_image_loader(filename, flags, **kwargs):
+ """ This default image loader just returns filename, rect, and any flags
+ """
+ def load(rect=None, flags=None):
+ return filename, rect, flags
+ return load
+def decode_gid(raw_gid):
+ """ Decode a GID from TMX data
+ as of 0.7.0 it determines if the tile should be flipped when rendered
+ as of 0.8.0 bit 30 determines if GID is rotated
+ :param raw_gid: 32-bit number from TMX layer data
+ :return: gid, flags
+ """
+ flags = TileFlags(
+ return gid, flags
+def convert_to_bool(text):
+ """ Convert a few common variations of "true" and "false" to boolean
+ :param text: string to test
+ :return: boolean
+ :raises: ValueError
+ """
+ try:
+ return bool(int(text))
+ except:
+ pass
+ text = str(text).lower()
+ if text == "true":
+ return True
+ if text == "yes":
+ return True
+ if text == "false":
+ return False
+ if text == "no":
+ return False
+ raise ValueError
+# used to change the unicode string returned from xml to
+# proper python variable types.
+types = defaultdict(lambda: str)
+ "version": float,
+ "orientation": str,
+ "width": float,
+ "height": float,
+ "tilewidth": int,
+ "tileheight": int,
+ "firstgid": int,
+ "source": str,
+ "name": str,
+ "spacing": int,
+ "margin": int,
+ "trans": str,
+ "id": int,
+ "opacity": float,
+ "visible": convert_to_bool,
+ "encoding": str,
+ "compression": str,
+ "gid": int,
+ "type": str,
+ "x": float,
+ "y": float,
+ "value": str,
+ "rotation": float,
+def parse_properties(node):
+ """ Parse a Tiled xml node and return a dict that represents a tiled "property"
+ :param node: etree element
+ :return: dict
+ """
+ d = dict()
+ for child in node.findall('properties'):
+ for subnode in child.findall('property'):
+ d[subnode.get('name')] = subnode.get('value')
+ return d
+class TiledElement(object):
+ """ Base class for all pytmx types
+ """
+ allow_duplicate_names = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ = dict()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_xml_string(cls, xml_string):
+ """Return a TileElement object from a xml string
+ :param xml_string: string containing xml data
+ :rtype: TiledElement instance
+ """
+ return cls().parse_xml(ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string))
+ def _cast_and_set_attributes_from_node_items(self, items):
+ for key, value in items:
+ casted_value = types[key](value)
+ setattr(self, key, casted_value)
+ def _contains_invalid_property_name(self, items):
+ if self.allow_duplicate_names:
+ return False
+ for k, v in items:
+ if hasattr(self, k):
+ msg = duplicate_name_fmt.format(k, self.__class__.__name__,
+ logger.error(msg)
+ return True
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def _log_property_error_message(self):
+ msg = 'Some name are reserved for {0} objects and cannot be used.'
+ logger.error(msg)
+ def _set_properties(self, node):
+ """ Create dict containing Tiled object attributes from xml data
+ read the xml attributes and tiled "properties" from a xml node and fill
+ in the values into the object's dictionary. Names will be checked to
+ make sure that they do not conflict with reserved names.
+ :param node: etree element
+ :return: dict
+ """
+ self._cast_and_set_attributes_from_node_items(node.items())
+ properties = parse_properties(node)
+ if (not self.allow_duplicate_names and
+ self._contains_invalid_property_name(properties.items())):
+ self._log_property_error_message()
+ raise ValueError
+ = properties
+ def __getattr__(self, item):
+ try:
+ return[item]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<{0}: "{1}">'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
+class TiledMap(TiledElement):
+ """Contains the layers, objects, and images from a Tiled TMX map
+ This class is meant to handle most of the work you need to do to use a map.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename=None, image_loader=default_image_loader, **kwargs):
+ """ Create new TiledMap
+ :param filename: filename of tiled map to load
+ :param image_loader: function that will load images (see below)
+ :param optional_gids: load specific tile image GID, even if never used
+ :param invert_y: invert the y axis
+ :param load_all_tiles: load all tile images, even if never used
+ :param allow_duplicate_names: allow duplicates in objects' metatdata
+ image_loader:
+ this must be a reference to a function that will accept a tuple:
+ (filename of image, bounding rect of tile in image, flags)
+ the function must return a reference to to the tile.
+ """
+ TiledElement.__init__(self)
+ self.filename = filename
+ self.image_loader = image_loader
+ # optional keyword arguments checked here
+ self.optional_gids = kwargs.get('optional_gids', set())
+ self.load_all_tiles = kwargs.get('load_all', False)
+ self.invert_y = kwargs.get('invert_y', True)
+ # allow duplicate names to be parsed and loaded
+ TiledElement.allow_duplicate_names = \
+ kwargs.get('allow_duplicate_names', False)
+ self.layers = list() # all layers in proper order
+ self.tilesets = list() # TiledTileset objects
+ self.tile_properties = dict() # tiles that have properties
+ self.layernames = dict()
+ # only used tiles are actually loaded, so there will be a difference
+ # between the GIDs in the Tiled map data (tmx) and the data in this
+ # object and the layers. This dictionary keeps track of that.
+ self.gidmap = defaultdict(list)
+ self.imagemap = dict() # mapping of gid and trans flags to real gids
+ self.tiledgidmap = dict() # mapping of tiledgid to pytmx gid
+ self.maxgid = 1
+ # should be filled in by a loader function
+ self.images = list()
+ # defaults from the TMX specification
+ self.version = 0.0
+ self.orientation = None
+ self.width = 0 # width of map in tiles
+ self.height = 0 # height of map in tiles
+ self.tilewidth = 0 # width of a tile in pixels
+ self.tileheight = 0 # height of a tile in pixels
+ self.background_color = None
+ # initialize the gid mapping
+ self.imagemap[(0, 0)] = 0
+ if filename:
+ self.parse_xml(ElementTree.parse(self.filename).getroot())
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<{0}: "{1}">'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.filename)
+ # iterate over layers and objects in map
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return chain(self.layers, self.objects)
+ def _set_properties(self, node):
+ TiledElement._set_properties(self, node)
+ # TODO: make class/layer-specific type casting
+ # layer height and width must be int, but TiledElement.set_properties()
+ # make a float by default, so recast as int here
+ self.height = int(self.height)
+ self.width = int(self.width)
+ def parse_xml(self, node):
+ """ Parse a map from ElementTree xml node
+ :param node: ElementTree xml node
+ :return: self
+ """
+ self._set_properties(node)
+ self.background_color = node.get('backgroundcolor',
+ self.background_color)
+ # *** do not change this load order! *** #
+ # *** gid mapping errors will occur if changed *** #
+ for subnode in node.findall('layer'):
+ self.add_layer(TiledTileLayer(self, subnode))
+ for subnode in node.findall('imagelayer'):
+ self.add_layer(TiledImageLayer(self, subnode))
+ for subnode in node.findall('objectgroup'):
+ self.add_layer(TiledObjectGroup(self, subnode))
+ for subnode in node.findall('tileset'):
+ self.add_tileset(TiledTileset(self, subnode))
+ # "tile objects", objects with a GID, have need to have their attributes
+ # set after the tileset is loaded, so this step must be performed last
+ # also, this step is performed for objects to load their tiles.
+ # height and width will automatically be set according to the tileset
+ # that the image is from
+ # tiled stores the origin of GID objects by the lower right corner
+ # this is different for all other types, so i just adjust it here
+ # so all types loaded with pytmx are uniform.
+ # iterate through tile objects and handle the image
+ for o in [o for o in self.objects if o.gid]:
+ # gids might also have properties assigned to them
+ # in that case, assign the gid properties to the object as well
+ p = self.get_tile_properties_by_gid(o.gid)
+ if p:
+ try:
+ tileset = self.get_tileset_from_gid(o.gid)
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = 'attempted to lookup invalid gid %s in object %s'
+ logger.error(msg, o.gid, o)
+ else:
+ if self.invert_y:
+ o.y -= tileset.tileheight
+ o.height = tileset.tileheight
+ o.width = tileset.tilewidth
+ self.reload_images()
+ return self
+ def reload_images(self):
+ """ Load the map images from disk
+ This method will use the image loader passed in the constructor
+ to do the loading or will use a generic default, in which case no
+ images will be loaded.
+ :return: None
+ """
+ self.images = [None] * self.maxgid
+ # iterate through tilesets to get source images
+ for ts in self.tilesets:
+ # skip tilesets without a source
+ if ts.source is None:
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), ts.source)
+ colorkey = getattr(ts, 'trans', None)
+ loader = self.image_loader(path, colorkey)
+ p = product(range(ts.margin,
+ ts.height + ts.margin - ts.tileheight + 1,
+ ts.tileheight + ts.spacing),
+ range(ts.margin,
+ ts.width + ts.margin - ts.tilewidth + 1,
+ ts.tilewidth + ts.spacing))
+ # iterate through the tiles
+ for real_gid, (y, x) in enumerate(p, ts.firstgid):
+ rect = (x, y, ts.tilewidth, ts.tileheight)
+ gids = self.map_gid(real_gid)
+ # gids is None if the tile is never used
+ # but give another chance to load the gid anyway
+ if gids is None:
+ if self.load_all_tiles or real_gid in self.optional_gids:
+ # TODO: handle flags? - might never be an issue, though
+ gids = [self.register_gid(real_gid, flags=0)]
+ if gids:
+ # flags might rotate/flip the image, so let the loader
+ # handle that here
+ for gid, flags in gids:
+ self.images[gid] = loader(rect, flags)
+ # load image layer images
+ for layer in (i for i in self.layers if isinstance(i, TiledImageLayer)):
+ source = getattr(layer, 'source', None)
+ if source:
+ colorkey = getattr(layer, 'trans', None)
+ real_gid = len(self.images)
+ gid = self.register_gid(real_gid)
+ layer.gid = gid
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), source)
+ loader = self.image_loader(path, colorkey)
+ image = loader()
+ self.images.append(image)
+ # load images in tiles.
+ # instead of making a new gid, replace the reference to the tile that
+ # was loaded from the tileset
+ for real_gid, props in self.tile_properties.items():
+ source = props.get('source', None)
+ if source:
+ colorkey = props.get('trans', None)
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename), source)
+ loader = self.image_loader(path, colorkey)
+ image = loader()
+ self.images[real_gid] = image
+ def get_tile_image(self, x, y, layer):
+ """ Return the tile image for this location
+ :param x: x coordinate
+ :param y: y coordinate
+ :param layer: layer number
+ :rtype: surface if found, otherwise 0
+ """
+ try:
+ assert (x >= 0 and y >= 0)
+ except AssertionError:
+ raise ValueError
+ try:
+ layer = self.layers[layer]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ValueError
+ assert (isinstance(layer, TiledTileLayer))
+ try:
+ gid =[y][x]
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ raise ValueError
+ except TypeError:
+ msg = "Tiles must be specified in integers."
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ raise TypeError
+ else:
+ return self.get_tile_image_by_gid(gid)
+ def get_tile_image_by_gid(self, gid):
+ """ Return the tile image for this location
+ :param gid: GID of image
+ :rtype: surface if found, otherwise ValueError
+ """
+ try:
+ assert (int(gid) >= 0)
+ return self.images[gid]
+ except TypeError:
+ msg = "GIDs must be expressed as a number. Got: {0}"
+ logger.debug(msg.format(gid))
+ raise TypeError
+ except (AssertionError, IndexError):
+ msg = "Coords: ({0},{1}) in layer {2} has invalid GID: {3}"
+ logger.debug(msg.format(gid))
+ raise ValueError
+ def get_tile_gid(self, x, y, layer):
+ """ Return the tile image GID for this location
+ :param x: x coordinate
+ :param y: y coordinate
+ :param layer: layer number
+ :rtype: surface if found, otherwise ValueError
+ """
+ try:
+ assert (x >= 0 and y >= 0 and layer >= 0)
+ except AssertionError:
+ raise ValueError
+ try:
+ return self.layers[int(layer)].data[int(y)][int(x)]
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ msg = "Coords: ({0},{1}) in layer {2} is invalid"
+ logger.debug(msg, (x, y, layer))
+ raise ValueError
+ def get_tile_properties(self, x, y, layer):
+ """ Return the tile image GID for this location
+ :param x: x coordinate
+ :param y: y coordinate
+ :param layer: layer number
+ :rtype: python dict if found, otherwise None
+ """
+ try:
+ assert (x >= 0 and y >= 0 and layer >= 0)
+ except AssertionError:
+ raise ValueError
+ try:
+ gid = self.layers[int(layer)].data[int(y)][int(x)]
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ msg = "Coords: ({0},{1}) in layer {2} is invalid."
+ logger.debug(msg.format(x, y, layer))
+ raise Exception
+ else:
+ try:
+ return self.tile_properties[gid]
+ except (IndexError, ValueError):
+ msg = "Coords: ({0},{1}) in layer {2} has invalid GID: {3}"
+ logger.debug(msg.format(x, y, layer, gid))
+ raise Exception
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def get_tile_locations_by_gid(self, gid):
+ """ Search map for tile locations by the GID
+ Note: Not a fast operation. Cache results if used often.
+ :param gid: GID to be searched for
+ :rtype: generator of tile locations
+ """
+ # use this func to make sure GID is valid
+ self.get_tile_image_by_gid(gid)
+ p = product(range(self.width),
+ range(self.height),
+ range(len(self.layers)))
+ return ((x, y, l) for (x, y, l) in p if
+ self.layers[l].data[y][x] == gid)
+ def get_tile_properties_by_gid(self, gid):
+ """ Get the tile properties of a tile GID
+ :param gid: GID
+ :rtype: python dict if found, otherwise None
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.tile_properties[gid]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def set_tile_properties(self, gid, properties):
+ """ Set the tile properties of a tile GID
+ :param gid: GID
+ :param properties: python dict of properties for GID
+ """
+ self.tile_properties[gid] = properties
+ def get_tile_properties_by_layer(self, layer):
+ """ Get the tile properties of each GID in layer
+ :param layer: layer number
+ :rtype: iterator of (gid, properties) tuples
+ """
+ try:
+ assert (int(layer) >= 0)
+ layer = int(layer)
+ except (TypeError, AssertionError):
+ msg = "Layer must be a positive integer. Got {0} instead."
+ logger.debug(msg.format(type(layer)))
+ raise ValueError
+ p = product(range(self.width), range(self.height))
+ layergids = set(self.layers[layer].data[y][x] for x, y in p)
+ for gid in layergids:
+ try:
+ yield gid, self.tile_properties[gid]
+ except KeyError:
+ continue
+ def add_layer(self, layer):
+ """ Add a layer (TileTileLayer, TiledImageLayer, or TiledObjectGroup)
+ :param layer: TileTileLayer, TiledImageLayer, TiledObjectGroup object
+ """
+ assert (
+ isinstance(layer,
+ (TiledTileLayer, TiledImageLayer, TiledObjectGroup)))
+ self.layers.append(layer)
+ self.layernames[] = layer
+ def add_tileset(self, tileset):
+ """ Add a tileset to the map
+ :param tileset: TiledTileset
+ """
+ assert (isinstance(tileset, TiledTileset))
+ self.tilesets.append(tileset)
+ def get_layer_by_name(self, name):
+ """Return a layer by name
+ :param name: Name of layer. Case-sensitive.
+ :rtype: Layer object if found, otherwise ValueError
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.layernames[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = 'Layer "{0}" not found.'
+ logger.debug(msg.format(name))
+ raise ValueError
+ def get_object_by_name(self, name):
+ """Find an object
+ :param name: Name of object. Case-sensitive.
+ :rtype: Object if found, otherwise ValueError
+ """
+ for obj in self.objects:
+ if == name:
+ return obj
+ raise ValueError
+ def get_tileset_from_gid(self, gid):
+ """ Return tileset that owns the gid
+ Note: this is a slow operation, so if you are expecting to do this
+ often, it would be worthwhile to cache the results of this.
+ :param gid: gid of tile image
+ :rtype: TiledTileset if found, otherwise ValueError
+ """
+ try:
+ tiled_gid = self.tiledgidmap[gid]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError
+ for tileset in sorted(self.tilesets, key=attrgetter('firstgid'),
+ reverse=True):
+ if tiled_gid >= tileset.firstgid:
+ return tileset
+ raise ValueError
+ @property
+ def objectgroups(self):
+ """Return iterator of all object groups
+ :rtype: Iterator
+ """
+ return (layer for layer in self.layers
+ if isinstance(layer, TiledObjectGroup))
+ @property
+ def objects(self):
+ """Return iterator of all the objects associated with this map
+ :rtype: Iterator
+ """
+ return chain(*self.objectgroups)
+ @property
+ def visible_layers(self):
+ """Return iterator of Layer objects that are set 'visible'
+ :rtype: Iterator
+ """
+ return (l for l in self.layers if l.visible)
+ @property
+ def visible_tile_layers(self):
+ """Return iterator of layer indexes that are set 'visible'
+ :rtype: Iterator
+ """
+ return (i for (i, l) in enumerate(self.layers)
+ if l.visible and isinstance(l, TiledTileLayer))
+ @property
+ def visible_object_groups(self):
+ """Return iterator of object group indexes that are set 'visible'
+ :rtype: Iterator
+ """
+ return (i for (i, l) in enumerate(self.layers)
+ if l.visible and isinstance(l, TiledObjectGroup))
+ def register_gid(self, tiled_gid, flags=None):
+ """ Used to manage the mapping of GIDs between the tmx and pytmx
+ :param tiled_gid: GID that is found in TMX data
+ :rtype: GID that pytmx uses for the the GID passed
+ """
+ if flags is None:
+ flags = TileFlags(0, 0, 0)
+ if tiled_gid:
+ try:
+ return self.imagemap[(tiled_gid, flags)][0]
+ except KeyError:
+ gid = self.maxgid
+ self.maxgid += 1
+ self.imagemap[(tiled_gid, flags)] = (gid, flags)
+ self.gidmap[tiled_gid].append((gid, flags))
+ self.tiledgidmap[gid] = tiled_gid
+ return gid
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def map_gid(self, tiled_gid):
+ """ Used to lookup a GID read from a TMX file's data
+ :param tiled_gid: GID that is found in TMX data
+ :rtype: (GID, flags) for the the GID passed, None if not found
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.gidmap[int(tiled_gid)]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ except TypeError:
+ msg = "GIDs must be an integer"
+ logger.debug(msg)
+ raise TypeError
+class TiledTileset(TiledElement):
+ """ Represents a Tiled Tileset
+ External tilesets are supported. GID/ID's from Tiled are not guaranteed to
+ be the same after loaded.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, node):
+ TiledElement.__init__(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.offset = (0, 0)
+ # defaults from the specification
+ self.firstgid = 0
+ self.source = None
+ = None
+ self.tilewidth = 0
+ self.tileheight = 0
+ self.spacing = 0
+ self.margin = 0
+ self.trans = None
+ self.width = 0
+ self.height = 0
+ self.parse_xml(node)
+ def parse_xml(self, node):
+ """ Parse a Tileset from ElementTree xml element
+ A bit of mangling is done here so that tilesets that have external
+ TSX files appear the same as those that don't
+ :param node: ElementTree element
+ :return: self
+ """
+ import os
+ # if true, then node references an external tileset
+ source = node.get('source', None)
+ if source:
+ if source[-4:].lower() == ".tsx":
+ # external tilesets don't save this, store it for later
+ self.firstgid = int(node.get('firstgid'))
+ # we need to mangle the path - tiled stores relative paths
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(self.parent.filename)
+ path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, source))
+ try:
+ node = ElementTree.parse(path).getroot()
+ except IOError:
+ msg = "Cannot load external tileset: {0}"
+ logger.error(msg.format(path))
+ raise Exception
+ else:
+ msg = "Found external tileset, but cannot handle type: {0}"
+ logger.error(msg.format(self.source))
+ raise Exception
+ self._set_properties(node)
+ # since tile objects [probably] don't have a lot of metadata,
+ # we store it separately in the parent (a TiledMap instance)
+ register_gid = self.parent.register_gid
+ for child in node.getiterator('tile'):
+ tiled_gid = int(child.get("id"))
+ p = parse_properties(child)
+ # handle tiles that have their own image
+ image = child.find('image')
+ if image is None:
+ p['width'] = self.tilewidth
+ p['height'] = self.tileheight
+ else:
+ p['source'] = image.get('source')
+ p['trans'] = image.get('trans', None)
+ p['width'] = image.get('width')
+ p['height'] = image.get('height')
+ # handle tiles with animations
+ anim = child.find('animation')
+ frames = list()
+ p['frames'] = frames
+ if anim is not None:
+ for frame in anim.findall("frame"):
+ duration = int(frame.get('duration'))
+ gid = register_gid(int(frame.get('tileid')) + self.firstgid)
+ frames.append(AnimationFrame(gid, duration))
+ for gid, flags in self.parent.map_gid(tiled_gid + self.firstgid):
+ self.parent.set_tile_properties(gid, p)
+ # handle the optional 'tileoffset' node
+ self.offset = node.find('tileoffset')
+ if self.offset is None:
+ self.offset = (0, 0)
+ else:
+ self.offset = (self.offset.get('x', 0), self.offset.get('y', 0))
+ image_node = node.find('image')
+ if image_node is not None:
+ self.source = image_node.get('source')
+ self.trans = image_node.get('trans', None)
+ self.width = int(image_node.get('width'))
+ self.height = int(image_node.get('height'))
+ return self
+class TiledTileLayer(TiledElement):
+ """ Represents a TileLayer
+ To just get the tile images, use TiledTileLayer.tiles()
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, node):
+ TiledElement.__init__(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ = list()
+ # defaults from the specification
+ = None
+ self.opacity = 1.0
+ self.visible = True
+ self.height = 0
+ self.width = 0
+ self.parse_xml(node)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.iter_data()
+ def iter_data(self):
+ """ Iterate over layer data
+ Yields X, Y, GID tuples for each tile in the layer
+ :return: Generator
+ """
+ for y, x in product(range(self.height), range(self.width)):
+ yield x, y,[y][x]
+ def tiles(self):
+ """ Iterate over tile images of this layer
+ This is an optimised generator function that returns
+ (tile_x, tile_y, tile_image) tuples,
+ :rtype: Generator
+ :return: (x, y, image) tuples
+ """
+ images = self.parent.images
+ data =
+ for y, row in enumerate(data):
+ for x, gid in enumerate(row):
+ if gid:
+ yield x, y, images[gid]
+ def _set_properties(self, node):
+ TiledElement._set_properties(self, node)
+ # TODO: make class/layer-specific type casting
+ # layer height and width must be int, but TiledElement.set_properties()
+ # make a float by default, so recast as int here
+ self.height = int(self.height)
+ self.width = int(self.width)
+ def parse_xml(self, node):
+ """ Parse a Tile Layer from ElementTree xml node
+ :param node: ElementTree xml node
+ :return: self
+ """
+ import struct
+ import array
+ self._set_properties(node)
+ data = None
+ next_gid = None
+ data_node = node.find('data')
+ encoding = data_node.get('encoding', None)
+ if encoding == 'base64':
+ from base64 import b64decode
+ data = b64decode(data_node.text.strip())
+ elif encoding == 'csv':
+ next_gid = map(int, "".join(
+ line.strip() for line in data_node.text.strip()
+ ).split(","))
+ elif encoding:
+ msg = 'TMX encoding type: {0} is not supported.'
+ logger.error(msg.format(encoding))
+ raise Exception
+ compression = data_node.get('compression', None)
+ if compression == 'gzip':
+ import gzip
+ with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=six.BytesIO(data)) as fh:
+ data =
+ elif compression == 'zlib':
+ import zlib
+ data = zlib.decompress(data)
+ elif compression:
+ msg = 'TMX compression type: {0} is not supported.'
+ logger.error(msg.format(compression))
+ raise Exception
+ # if data is None, then it was not decoded or decompressed, so
+ # we assume here that it is going to be a bunch of tile elements
+ # TODO: this will/should raise an exception if there are no tiles
+ if encoding == next_gid is None:
+ def get_children(parent):
+ for child in parent.findall('tile'):
+ yield int(child.get('gid'))
+ next_gid = get_children(data_node)
+ elif data:
+ if type(data) == bytes:
+ fmt = struct.Struct('<L')
+ iterator = (data[i:i + 4] for i in range(0, len(data), 4))
+ next_gid = (fmt.unpack(i)[0] for i in iterator)
+ else:
+ msg = 'layer data not in expected format ({})'
+ logger.error(msg.format(type(data)))
+ raise Exception
+ init = lambda: [0] * self.width
+ reg = self.parent.register_gid
+ # H (16-bit) may be a limitation for very detailed maps
+ = tuple(array.array('H', init()) for i in range(self.height))
+ for (y, x) in product(range(self.height), range(self.width)):
+[y][x] = reg(*decode_gid(next(next_gid)))
+ return self
+class TiledObject(TiledElement):
+ """ Represents a any Tiled Object
+ Supported types: Box, Ellipse, Tile Object, Polyline, Polygon
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, node):
+ TiledElement.__init__(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ # defaults from the specification
+ = None
+ self.type = None
+ self.x = 0
+ self.y = 0
+ self.width = 0
+ self.height = 0
+ self.rotation = 0
+ self.gid = 0
+ self.visible = 1
+ self.parse_xml(node)
+ @property
+ def image(self):
+ if self.gid:
+ return self.parent.images[self.gid]
+ return None
+ def parse_xml(self, node):
+ """ Parse an Object from ElementTree xml node
+ :param node: ElementTree xml node
+ :return: self
+ """
+ def read_points(text):
+ """parse a text string of float tuples and return [(x,...),...]
+ """
+ return tuple(tuple(map(float, i.split(','))) for i in text.split())
+ self._set_properties(node)
+ # correctly handle "tile objects" (object with gid set)
+ if self.gid:
+ self.gid = self.parent.register_gid(self.gid)
+ points = None
+ polygon = node.find('polygon')
+ if polygon is not None:
+ points = read_points(polygon.get('points'))
+ self.closed = True
+ polyline = node.find('polyline')
+ if polyline is not None:
+ points = read_points(polyline.get('points'))
+ self.closed = False
+ if points:
+ x1 = x2 = y1 = y2 = 0
+ for x, y in points:
+ if x < x1: x1 = x
+ if x > x2: x2 = x
+ if y < y1: y1 = y
+ if y > y2: y2 = y
+ self.width = abs(x1) + abs(x2)
+ self.height = abs(y1) + abs(y2)
+ self.points = tuple(
+ [(i[0] + self.x, i[1] + self.y) for i in points])
+ return self
+class TiledObjectGroup(TiledElement, list):
+ """ Represents a Tiled ObjectGroup
+ Supports any operation of a normal list.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, node):
+ TiledElement.__init__(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ # defaults from the specification
+ = None
+ self.color = None
+ self.opacity = 1
+ self.visible = 1
+ self.parse_xml(node)
+ def parse_xml(self, node):
+ """ Parse an Object Group from ElementTree xml node
+ :param node: ElementTree xml node
+ :return: self
+ """
+ self._set_properties(node)
+ self.extend(TiledObject(self.parent, child)
+ for child in node.findall('object'))
+ return self
+class TiledImageLayer(TiledElement):
+ """ Represents Tiled Image Layer
+ The image associated with this layer will be loaded and assigned a GID.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parent, node):
+ TiledElement.__init__(self)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.source = None
+ self.trans = None
+ self.gid = 0
+ # defaults from the specification
+ = None
+ self.opacity = 1
+ self.visible = 1
+ self.parse_xml(node)
+ @property
+ def image(self):
+ if self.gid:
+ return self.parent.images[self.gid]
+ return None
+ def parse_xml(self, node):
+ """ Parse an Image Layer from ElementTree xml node
+ :param node: ElementTree xml node
+ :return: self
+ """
+ self._set_properties(node)
+ = node.get('name', None)
+ self.opacity = node.get('opacity', self.opacity)
+ self.visible = node.get('visible', self.visible)
+ image_node = node.find('image')
+ self.source = image_node.get('source')
+ self.trans = image_node.get('trans', None)
+ return self