path: root/gui/managui.kv
diff options
authorLivio Recchia <>2020-02-10 23:06:34 +0100
committerLivio Recchia <>2020-02-10 23:06:34 +0100
commit9a13903a2f7d3a65fdf15a65fb59cccd622e2066 (patch)
tree9403b7dff39eb5e5d7fa0f79efb69b496add4c4b /gui/managui.kv
parent11cc316b74d5f3f283413a33e7693b314741aa4a (diff)
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'gui/managui.kv')
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gui/managui.kv b/gui/managui.kv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e41701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gui/managui.kv
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#:import la kivy.adapters.simplelistadapter
+#:import ChatLog gui.chatlog.ChatLog
+#:import PlayersList gui.plist.PlayersList
+#:import PlayersListItem gui.plist.PlayersListItem
+ canvas.before:
+ Color:
+ rgba: 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 1
+ Line:
+ points: [ self.x, self.y, self.x+self.width, self.y ]
+ Label:
+ text: root.nick
+ canvas.before:
+ Color:
+ rgba: .25, .1, .9, 1
+ Rectangle:
+ pos: self.pos
+ size: self.size
+ mobile: True if self.width < dp(600) else False
+ canvas.before:
+ Color:
+ rgba: 0.01, 0.33, 0.32, 1
+ Rectangle:
+ pos: self.pos
+ size: self.size
+ messages_log: id_chat_log
+ chat_input: id_chat_input
+ players_list: id_players_list
+ BoxLayout:
+ orientation: 'horizontal'
+ BoxLayout:
+ orientation: 'vertical'
+ ChatLog:
+ id: id_chat_log
+ adapter:
+ la.SimpleListAdapter(
+ data=['Welcome to [ref=][color=0000ff]ManaChat[/color][/ref]. Press F1 to show settings. Press ESCAPE to toggle menu.'],
+ template='ChatLogItem',
+ args_converter=self.msg_converter)
+ TextInput:
+ id: id_chat_input
+ size_hint_y: None
+ height: '50dp'
+ # focus: True
+ multiline: False
+ on_text_validate: root.on_command_enter(args)
+ PlayersList:
+ id: id_players_list
+ size_hint_x: None
+ width: '150dp'
+ canvas.before:
+ Color:
+ rgba: ctx.background_color
+ Rectangle:
+ pos: self.pos
+ size: self.size
+ text: ctx.text
+ width: ctx.width
+ text_size: self.width, None
+ size_hint: None, None
+ height: self.texture_size[1] + 10
+ markup: True
+ on_ref_press: app.open_link(args[1])
+ container: container
+ ScrollView:
+ pos: root.pos
+ do_scroll_x: False
+ GridLayout:
+ cols: 1
+ id: container
+ size_hint_y: None
+ title_size: '14dp'
+ title: 'About'
+ size_hint: 0.9, None
+ height: '140dp'
+ Label:
+ id: lbl
+ text_size: self.width, None
+ size_hint_y: None
+ height: self.texture_size[1]
+ text:
+ '''ManaChat is a multi-purpose chat client for The Mana World MMORPG
+ Author: Joseph Botosh <> (TMW nickname: Travolta)
+ Licence: Gnu General Public Licence, rev. 2
+ Homepage: [ref=][/ref]'''
+ markup: True
+ on_ref_press: app.open_link(args[1])
+ title_size: '14dp'
+ title: 'ManaChat'
+ auto_dismiss: False
+ size_hint: None, None
+ width: "200dp"
+ height: "250dp"
+ BoxLayout:
+ spacing: "2dp"
+ padding: "2dp"
+ orientation: "vertical"
+ Button:
+ text: "Connect"
+ on_press: app.reconnect()
+ Button:
+ text: "Config"
+ on_press: app.open_settings()
+ Button:
+ text: "About"
+ on_press: app.show_about()
+ Button:
+ text: "Exit"
+ on_press: app.stop()
+ Label:
+ text: '*' * len(root.value) if root.value else ''
+ pos: root.pos
+ font_size: '15sp'