path: root/external/plyer/README.rst
blob: 56860dbdc717ed718bf3b87d6ecaf3e8c5b1f5d5 (plain) (tree)


Plyer is a platform-independent api to use features commonly found on various
platforms, notably mobile ones, in Python.


Plyer tries not to reinvent the wheel, and will call for external libraries to
implement the api in the easiest way, depending on the current platform.

- on python-for-android, pyjnius is used
- on kivy-ios, pyobjus is used
- on windows/mac/linux, commonly found libraries and programs will be used


================================== ============= ============= === ======= === =====
Platform                           Android < 4.0 Android > 4.0 iOS Windows OSX Linux
================================== ============= ============= === ======= === =====
Accelerometer                      X             X             X           X   X
Camera (taking picture)            X             X
GPS                                X             X             X
Notifications                      X             X                 X       X   X
Text to speech                     X             X             X   X       X   X
Email (open mail client)           X             X             X   X       X   X
Vibrator                           X             X
Sms (send messages)                X             X
Compass                            X             X             X
Unique ID (IMEI or SN)             X             X             X   X       X   X
Gyroscope                          X             X             X
Battery                            X             X             X   X       X   X
Native file chooser                                                X       X   X
Orientation                        X             X
Audio recording                    X             X
================================== ============= ============= === ======= === =====