path: root/src/gui/chat.h
blob: 88a5d3e94271555959e6e7344ee041c0a4e06b18 (plain) (tree)


























































 *  The Mana World
 *  Copyright (C) 2004  The Mana World Development Team
 *  This file is part of The Mana World.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#ifndef CHAT_H
#define CHAT_H

#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <map>

#include <guichan/actionlistener.hpp>
#include <guichan/keylistener.hpp>

#include "window.h"

class BrowserBox;
class Channel;
class Recorder;
class ScrollArea;
class TabbedArea;
class ItemLinkHandler;
class Network;
class Party;

    ACT_WHISPER,      // getting whispered at
    ACT_IS,           // equivalent to "/me" on IRC

 * gets in between usernick and message text depending on
 * message type
#define CAT_NORMAL        ": "
#define CAT_IS            ""
#define CAT_WHISPER       " whispers: "

/** job dependend identifiers (?)  */
#define SKILL_BASIC       0x0001
#define SKILL_WARP        0x001b
#define SKILL_STEAL       0x0032
#define SKILL_ENVENOM     0x0034

/** basic skills identifiers       */
#define BSKILL_TRADE      0x0000
#define BSKILL_EMOTE      0x0001
#define BSKILL_SIT        0x0002
#define BSKILL_CREATECHAT 0x0003
#define BSKILL_JOINPARTY  0x0004
#define BSKILL_SHOUT      0x0005
#define BSKILL_PK         0x0006 // ??
#define BSKILL_SETALLIGN  0x0007 // ??

/** reasons why action failed      */
#define RFAIL_SKILLDEP    0x00
#define RFAIL_INSUFHP     0x01
#define RFAIL_INSUFSP     0x02
#define RFAIL_NOMEMO      0x03
#define RFAIL_SKILLDELAY  0x04
#define RFAIL_ZENY        0x05
#define RFAIL_WEAPON      0x06
#define RFAIL_REDGEM      0x07
#define RFAIL_BLUEGEM     0x08
#define RFAIL_OVERWEIGHT  0x09
#define RFAIL_GENERIC     0x0a

/** should always be zero if failed */
#define SKILL_FAILED      0x00

    short skill;
    short bskill;
    short unused;
    char success;
    char reason;

#define DEFAULT_CHAT_WINDOW_SCROLL 7 // 1 means `1/8th of the window size'.

 * The chat window.
 * \ingroup Interface
class ChatWindow : public Window,
                   public gcn::ActionListener,
                   public gcn::KeyListener
         * Constructor.
        ChatWindow(Network *network);

         * Destructor: used to write back values to the config file

         * Called when the widget changes size. Used for adapting the size of
         * the tabbed area.
        void widgetResized(const gcn::Event &event);

        void logic();

         * Adds a line of text to our message list. Parameters:
         * @param line Text message.
         * @param own  Type of message (usually the owner-type).
         * @param channelName which channel to send the message to.
         * @param ignoreRecord should this not be recorded?
        void chatLog(std::string line,
                     int own = BY_SERVER,
                     std::string channelName = "",
                     bool ignoreRecord = false);

         * Calls original chat_log() after processing the packet.
        void chatLog(CHATSKILL);

         * Gets the focused tab's name
        const std::string& getFocused() const;

         * Clear the tab with the given name
        void clearTab(const std::string &tab);

         * Performs action.
        void action(const gcn::ActionEvent &event);

         * Request focus for typing chat message.
        void requestChatFocus();

         * Checks whether ChatWindow is Focused or not.
        bool isInputFocused();

        /** Called to remove the channel from the channel manager */
        void removeChannel(short channelId);

        void removeChannel(const std::string &channelName);

        void removeChannel(Channel *channel);

        /** Called to create a new channel tab */
        void createNewChannelTab(const std::string &channelName);

        /** Called to output text to a specific channel */
        void sendToChannel(short channel,
                           const std::string &user,
                           const std::string &msg);

         * Determines whether the message is a command or message, then
         * sends the given message to the game server to be said, or to the
         * command handler
         * @param msg  The message text which is to be sent.
        void chatSend(std::string &msg);
         * Determines whether to send a command or an ordinary message, then
         * contructs packets & sends them.
         * @param nick The character's name to display in front.
         * @param msg  The message text which is to be send.
         * NOTE:
         * The nickname is required by the server, if not specified
         * the message may not be sent unless a command was intended
         * which requires another packet to be constructed! you can
         * achieve this by putting a slash ("/") infront of the
         * message followed by the command name and the message.
         * of course all slash-commands need implemented handler-
         * routines. ;-)
         * remember, a line starting with "@" is not a command that needs
         * to be parsed rather is sent using the normal chat-packet.
         * EXAMPLE:
         * // for an global announcement   /- command
         * chatlog.chat_send("", "/announce Hello to all logged in users!");
         * // for simple message by a user /- message
         * chatlog.chat_send("Zaeiru", "Hello to all users on the screen!");
        void chatSend(const std::string &nick, std::string msg);

        /** Called when key is pressed */
        void keyPressed(gcn::KeyEvent &event);

        /** Called to set current text */
        void setInputText(std::string input_str);

        /** Called to add item to chat */
        void addItemText(const std::string &item);

        /** Override to reset mTmpVisible */
        void setVisible(bool visible);

        /** Check if tab with that name already exists */
        bool tabExists(const std::string &tabName);

         * Scrolls the chat window
         * @param amount direction and amount to scroll.  Negative numbers scroll
         * up, positive numbers scroll down.  The absolute amount indicates the
         * amount of 1/8ths of chat window real estate that should be scrolled.
        void scroll(int amount);

         * party implements the partying chat commands
         * @param command is the party command to perform
         * @param msg is the remainder of the message
        void party(const std::string &command, const std::string &msg);

         * help implements the /help command
         * @param msg1 is the command that the player needs help on
         * @param msg2 is the sub-command relating to the command
        void help(const std::string &msg1, const std::string &msg2);

        Network *mNetwork;
        bool mTmpVisible;

        int mItems;
        int mItemsKeep;

        void whisper(const std::string &nick, std::string msg);

        /** One item in the chat log */
        struct CHATLOG
            std::string nick;
            std::string text;
            int own;

        /** Constructs failed messages for actions */
        std::string const_msg(CHATSKILL);

         * A structure combining a BrowserBox with its ScrollArea.
        struct ChatArea
            ChatArea(BrowserBox *b, ScrollArea *s):
                browser(b), scroll(s)

            BrowserBox *browser;
            ScrollArea *scroll;

        /** Used for showing item popup on clicking links **/
        ItemLinkHandler *mItemLinkHandler;

        /** Tabbed area for holding each channel. */
        TabbedArea *mChatTabs;

        /** Input box for typing chat messages. */
        gcn::TextField *mChatInput;

        typedef std::map<const std::string, ChatArea> ChannelMap;
        /** Map each tab to its browser and scroll area. */
        ChannelMap mChannels;

        typedef std::list<std::string> History;
        typedef History::iterator HistoryIterator;
        History mHistory;           /**< Command history. */
        HistoryIterator mCurHist;   /**< History iterator. */
        Recorder *mRecorder; /**< Recording class */
        bool mReturnToggles; /**< Marks whether <Return> toggles the chat log
                                or not */
        char mPartyPrefix; /**< Messages beginning with the prefix are sent to
                              the party */
        Party *mParty;

extern ChatWindow *chatWindow;
