path: root/docs/progression.txt
blob: e552793679c44f6276179e6fb7b8cc578464b3d3 (plain) (tree)


























Player's Progression

Player's stats :

Strength     : The Strength determines how much a player will physically damage
               an enemy.

Vitality     : The Vitality deals with the player's HP, and damage resistance.

Agility      : The Agility determines the attacks frequency of a player, and
               the ability to escape attacks from an encounter.

Intelligence : The Intelligence determines how many MP a player can have, how
               many abilities he can master, and how strong his magic attacks
               can be.

Spirit       : The Spirit deals with the player's magic resistance, and also
               with magic effectiveness.

Luck         : The Player's Luck determines the player's evades, how he can
               deals critical attacks, and a little bit with the hit

A Player has got 11 points to distribute to each stat before beginning at
level 1. A Stat must have at least 1 point given to it. The Player earns 1
point for each level he reaches.

Player's Status :

HP : Hit Points. How much a player can be hit before dying.
     HP = (3 * Vitality) + Strength + Level

MP : Magic Points. Used by Spells, or Special Skills.
     MP = 2 * Intelligence + Spirit

Attack        : The Attack tells how much exactly the player will reduce the
                opponent's HP, minus its defense and extra protection.
                Attack = 3 * Strength + Luck

Defense       : The Defense will reduce the HP damage taken by an opponent.
                Defense = 2 * Vitality + Agility + Luck

Magic Attack  : Same but for the might of your spells.
                Magic Attack = 3 * Intelligence + Spirit

Magic Defense : Same but for the defense against magic skills and spells.
                Magic Defense = 3 * Spirit + Luck

Hit (%)       : Indicate the chance a player has to hit an opponent. The Score
                is in percentage.
                Hit = ((3 * Luck + 2 * Agility + Intelligence) / 6) * 10
                (Max : 125 %) 

Evade (%)     : Indicate the chance a player has to evade an opponent's hit.
                The score is in percentage.
                Evade = ((3 * Luck + Spirit + Vitality )/5) (Max : 75 %)

An Attack Process :

An attack process is quite simple :
The Hit(%) of the attacker is taken, minus the evade of the opponent.
A random score is taken by the server and if it's less than the Attacker's Hit
modified, the attacker actually hits the opponent.
N.B. : A magic attack never miss if it isn't based on status changing.
For instance, a fire ball always touches the opponent.

Then, the attack plus the its modifiers (weapons attack upgrade, items bonus,
...) minus the opponent defense (plus bonus) is taken to reduce the opponent

Levels :

The XP-For-The-Next-Level of a player is calculated with his/her class number.
Cf. Class Number for more information. Higher is the class, higher is the class

Minimum XP For This Level = Level^3 + ClassNumber * Level.
XP For Next Level = (Level + 1)^3  + ClassNumber * (Niveau + 1).

To be of a level, a player must have an actual XP which is between minimum and
xp for next level.
N.B. : A player earns 1 stat point for each level he reaches.

Job Points :

Job Points are used to get skill points, that can be used to learned and
reinforce special skills, which can be acquired by being of certain classes.

Job points are obtained by job leveling. 
!! : Changing the class of a character reset to the job level of the character
     the last time he was of that class. It can be zero if the player has never
     been of this class!

Job level : 20 + 2^Level + Level.

Classes :

A player can be one of mutiple classes ; A wizard is different from a archer,
and can't held the same weapons, armors, etc... A score is associated with each
class defining how hard it is to level for a player. Also, special skills can
be learned from each classes, by giving them skill points, earned by gaining
job points.

Classes --- Class Nr -- Skill Associated ------------------- Conditions -------

Beginner    16          Sitting (JobLvl : 4)
Apprentice  17          Fire Ball, Ice Needles (JobLvl : 4)  Beginner Lvl:10
Archer      17          Hard Shot, Line Shot (JL:5)          Beginner Lvl:10
Peon        17          Double Hit, Hard Hit(JL:5)           Beginner Lvl:10


Every of these notes have to be discussed, if you have any feedback,
suggestions, updates, commit or tell them at:

address:      channel:  #manaworld