With the Mana client you can play The Mana World and related games. The Mana
World is a free 2D open source MMORPG. This client supports games hosted by
either tmwAthena or manaserv.
The Mana client is written in C++ and builds upon:
- SDL2, SDL2\_gfx, SDL2\_image, SDL2\_mixer, SDL2\_ttf, SDL2\_net (Media framework)
- Guichan (GUI framework)
- libxml2 (XML parsing and writing)
- PhysicsFS (Data files)
- ENet (UDP networking library)
- libcurl (HTTP downloads)
- zlib (Archives)
See the `AUTHORS` file for the list of developers.
Account Creation
To create an account you can usually press the "Register" button after choosing
your server. When this doesn't work, visit the website of the server you'd like
to register on, since they may be using an online registration form instead.
Keyboard and Mouse Input
Use arrow keys to move around. Other keys:
- Ctrl attack
- F1 toggle the online help
- F2 toggle profile window
- F3 toggle inventory window
- F4 toggle equipment window
- F5 toggle skills window
- F6 toggle minimap
- F7 toggle chat window
- F8 toggle shortcut window
- F9 show setup window
- F10 toggle debug window
- Alt + 0-9 show emotions / usuable at skill level 2.
- Alt + S sit down / stand up / usuable at skill level 3.
- Alt + F toggle debug pathfinding feature
- Alt + P take screenshot
- Alt + T turns on anti-trade function / usuable at skill level 1.
- A target nearest monster
- H hide all non-sticky windows
- G or Z pick up item
- Enter focus chat window / send message
Left click to execute default action: walk, pick up an item, attack a monster
and talk to NPCs. Right click to open a context menu. Holding left Shift
prevents walking when attacking.
Chat Commands
Certain server interaction requires the use of slash-commands in the chat
window. Here's a list of common commands:
- /help Displays the list of commands
- /clear clears the chat window
- /where displays the map name your currently on
- /whisper send a private msg to another player
(format: /whisper <charname> <message>)
If the <nick> has spaces in it, enclose it in double
quotes e.g. /whisper "char name" <message>
- /record Records the Chat output
(format: /record <filename to write to> starts the record
session /record again
stops the session)
- /party <command> <params>: Party commands
- /party new creates a new party /party new <party name>
- /party create creates a new party /party create <party name>
- /party prefix This commands sets the party prefix character
/party prefix <prefix-char>
"/party prefix" reports the current party prefix
- /party leave This command causes the player to leave the party.
Type /help party <option> for further help.
- /present This command gets a list of players within hearing
- /toggle make the chatlog lose focus on a blank line or after
message. (format: /toggle <option>, where option can be
'1', 'y' or 't' to make the chatlog lose focus on a
blank line, and '0', 'n' or 'f' to make the chatlog lose
focus after every message. /toggle displays the status)
For more information, type `/help <command>`.
If you're having issues with this client, feel free to report them to us.
There is a bug tracker at and you can find
us on IRC on in the #mana channel.
If you have feedback about a specific game that uses the Mana client, be sure
to contact the developers of the game instead.
Compiling the Client
Installing the dependencies on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install build-essential cmake \
libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev \
libsdl2-net-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-gfx-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev libphysfs-dev libxml2-dev \
libguichan-dev libpng-dev gettext
Installing the dependencies on macOS (with Homebrew):
brew install sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_net sdl2_ttf \
physfs curl
Installing the dependencies on Fedora:
sudo dnf install gcc-c++ cmake physfs-devel libcurl-devel guichan-devel \
SDL2_image-devel SDL2_mixer-devel SDL2_net-devel \
SDL2_ttf-devel SDL2_gfx-devel
Once the dependencies are installed, use CMake:
cmake -B build .
cmake --build build --parallel
This produces an executable in `build/src/mana`. If running it without
installing, be sure to run it from the repository root so that it can find its
data files.
See `README.cmake` for additional information.