diff options
5 files changed, 61 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/client-data b/client-data
-Subproject 10896c999bd828ffe279e1f76a2a2956334c3ee
+Subproject 674964724fd205f8e2d0e28dfb300aaea19cd9f
diff --git a/world/map/npc/069-2/wizard.txt b/world/map/npc/069-2/wizard.txt
index 35c2926d..f3b71df4 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/069-2/wizard.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/069-2/wizard.txt
@@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ L_Task:
mes "[Rodium]";
+ mes "\"No sorry the universe is too unstable at the moment. I can't warp you back in time in this state you must wait until it has calmed down.\"";
+ goto L_Menu2;
+ mes "[Rodium]";
mes "\"Yes. The Doomsday is how the third rewrite happened and the fourth timeline began. You can get a [@@"+SaviorArmor+"|@@] if you can watch until the very end, but I must warn you...\"";
mes "[Rodium]";
@@ -169,6 +174,7 @@ OnWarp:
mes "\"Please make your decision.\"";
menu "I don't know what you're talking about, old man!", L_Close,
"Yeah, they're my friend, please warp me!", L_Warp;
diff --git a/world/map/npc/099-1/main.txt b/world/map/npc/099-1/main.txt
index e428f865..75881ba5 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/099-1/main.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/099-1/main.txt
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
- mes ".:: Keshlam's Adventurer Guild ::.";
+ mes ".:: Keshlam's Adventurer Guild ::.";
mes "";
mes "Welcome to the Adventurers Guild!";
mes "Sorry I could not wait for you. It's your fault for being late.";
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
mes "Signed,";
mes "Xakelbael the Dark";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
- mes "Walk here to go to the ##BFinal Showdown##b.";
+ mes "Walk here to go to the ##BFinal Showdown##b.";
mes "";
mes "##1##BWARNING:##b##0 Come prepared!";
- close;
+ close;
mes "This warp cannot be used while players are on the other side!";
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ L_Menu:
if ($@DD5_STATUS > 1)
goto L_Busy;
- mes "##BGo to the final showdown?##b";
+ mes "##BGo to the final showdown?##b";
mes "You cannot return from there!";
mes "";
mes "##1Warning: Warp will be unavailable during fights!";
@@ -91,4 +91,3 @@ OnInit:
set .IS_MAGIC, 1;
diff --git a/world/map/npc/099-2/logic.txt b/world/map/npc/099-2/logic.txt
index 16f3fc3f..6b4667cd 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/099-2/logic.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/099-2/logic.txt
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: V0id Flower ::.";
- mes "This orange flower is dangerous!";
+ mes "This orange flower is dangerous!";
mes "Do not disturb them - they have great range and damage!";
mes "";
mes "Whoever designed this artifical flower must have been crazy!";
mes "Killing it is not fast enough, avoid its nectar at all costs!";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: V0id Slime ::.";
- mes "A crazy combat unit made in a crazy laboratory.";
+ mes "A crazy combat unit made in a crazy laboratory.";
mes "If you can, just avoid it. It is slow enough.";
mes "It can be slain, but have a decent defense, so use magic.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: V0id Snake ::.";
- mes "If I find who designed these monsters ... Grr...";
+ mes "If I find who designed these monsters ... Grr...";
mes "They are fast. And powerful. Goes down quickly, though.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@ OnJanitor:
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
- mes "Last night, we were attacked by Xakelbael the Dark.";
+ mes "Last night, we were attacked by Xakelbael the Dark.";
mes "Our attacks could barely do him any harm, and then...";
mes "He cast \"Fourth Fall\". All our buffed soldiers fell down the same instant.";
mes "";
mes "I am gravely injured, but I'm leaving this note here.";
mes "Comrades, please avenge me!";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: Sasquatch ::.";
- mes "Developed for protection of the Earth Crystal.";
+ mes "Developed for protection of the Earth Crystal.";
mes "They are extreme power houses capable to smash intruders.";
mes "They have very meh defense, though.";
mes "Also, even then could not harm Xakelbael the Dark.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ OnJanitor:
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
- mes "Zax De'Kagen trademark skill, the Bliss of Oblivion.";
+ mes "Zax De'Kagen trademark skill, the Bliss of Oblivion.";
mes "A powerful skill which dispels mana around himself.";
mes "Monsters will perish the very moment he cast it, and anyone too close";
mes "will have their mana drained as well, and might die from it.";
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ OnJanitor:
mes "Not only that, but he may become immune to certain sources of damage.";
mes "It is a killer move which also allows him to assemble an army right after.";
mes "I do believe there is a weakness, though. Something about excessive fur growth?";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: V0id Soldier ::.";
- mes "These units can endure a lot of pain and use bows.";
- mes "They are not dangerous, but do not let they become fodder.";
- mes "A lot of soldiers can be very difficult to kill later on.";
+ mes "These units can endure a lot of pain and use bows.";
+ mes "They are not dangerous, but do not let they become fodder.";
+ mes "A lot of soldiers can be very difficult to kill later on.";
mes "Random trivia: They are afraid of bone arrows and knifes.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: V0id Mouboo ::.";
- mes "A solid all rounder unit, it has decent health and damage.";
+ mes "A solid all rounder unit, it has decent health and damage.";
mes "But it proved useless as a security biopart.";
mes "Figures out, we could not subvert its peaceful nature.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -224,10 +224,10 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: Tengu ::.";
- mes "Developed for protection of the Earth Crystal.";
+ mes "Developed for protection of the Earth Crystal.";
mes "There shouldn't be any here, but they have a high defense.";
mes "They turned out vulnerable to magic, unfortunately.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -237,12 +237,12 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: V0id Bat ::.";
- mes "They fly very fast and can quickly swarm you.";
+ mes "They fly very fast and can quickly swarm you.";
mes "Their damage and health is not important.";
mes "But if not careful, they will overwhelm you.";
mes "Also, did you hear about lay on hands on overlapping dimensions?";
mes "This have nothing to do with bats but is a cool fact!";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ OnJanitor:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: Mana Slayer ::.";
- mes "An anti-magic unit, made to run and slay mages.";
+ mes "An anti-magic unit, made to run and slay mages.";
mes "They look so much like us, that we are afraid of them all time.";
mes "Not strong against physical damage, but can resist magic pretty well.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ OnJanitor:
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
- mes "Do not neglect the potions which you deemed useless until now.";
+ mes "Do not neglect the potions which you deemed useless until now.";
mes "Our foe is formidable. Our knowledge is being tested, here.";
mes "The same techniques which worked for years simply do not apply.";
mes "";
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ OnJanitor:
mes "I think what should sense magic, might sense mana devoid-ness as well.";
mes "In this case, such would be the only way to know how far of killing we are.";
mes "But I'm not sure if such trick would work except on support role.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ OnJanitor:
mes "Reading this is as hard as finding a needle in a haystack.";
if (debug) goto L_Close;
if (countitem(FlawedLens) < 1) goto L_Tools;
- mes "Although the painting also has no artistic value on its own...";
+ mes "Although the painting also has no artistic value on its own...";
mes "Something tells you there is something ominous with it.";
mes "##9 Use [Flawed Lens] on the painting? ##0";
@@ -334,13 +334,13 @@ OnInit:
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
- mes "##9 There is something interesting on this fireplace. ##0";
- mes "##9 It doesn't seems to fit this building. ##0";
- mes "##9 As if it have been taken from another world and put here. ##0";
+ mes "##9 There is something interesting on this fireplace. ##0";
+ mes "##9 It doesn't seems to fit this building. ##0";
+ mes "##9 As if it have been taken from another world and put here. ##0";
- mes "##9 After searching it, you found nothing. ##0";
- mes "##9 It is just a common fireplace, after all. ##0";
- close;
+ mes "##9 After searching it, you found nothing. ##0";
+ mes "##9 It is just a common fireplace, after all. ##0";
+ close;
@@ -352,14 +352,14 @@ OnInit:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: V0id Scorpion ::.";
- mes "The most basic combat unit in Keshlam.";
+ mes "The most basic combat unit in Keshlam.";
mes "They have decent health, damage, and speed.";
mes "";
mes ".:: V0id Mushroom ::.";
- mes "The most basic combat unit in Keshlam.";
+ mes "The most basic combat unit in Keshlam.";
mes "They have decent health, damage, and speed, and a higher range.";
mes "Unlike the scorpions, they can move faster, but attack is slower.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -369,13 +369,13 @@ OnInit:
if(@npc_check) end;
mes ".:: V0id Maggot ::.";
- mes "They are pathetic individually, and slow, a failed experiment.";
+ mes "They are pathetic individually, and slow, a failed experiment.";
mes "But do not let them overwhelm you, togheter they are formidable!";
mes "";
mes ".:: V0id Archant ::.";
- mes "An advanced combat unit, without weak points.";
+ mes "An advanced combat unit, without weak points.";
mes "They are slow in movement, but other than that, they are good.";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ OnInit:
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
- mes "There is a nice score here.";
+ mes "There is a nice score here.";
mes "I assume important info will be sent by SFX only.";
mes "Also, the time beats of this score are all in 600ms intervals.";
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ OnInit:
mes "However, potions will still work, hmm.";
mes "There is also a spell here: \"##B#storage##b\".";
mes "I assume it only works at specific times.";
- close;
+ close;
set .IS_MAGIC, 1;
@@ -408,22 +408,22 @@ OnInit:
callfunc "PCtoNPCRange";
if(@npc_check) end;
- mes "Zax De'Kagen's Diary, entry #27";
+ mes "Zax De'Kagen's Diary, entry #27";
mes "";
mes "##9 I am all soaking wet. They found my weak point. ##0";
mes "##9 However it was too late, Fourth Fall brought the end to this. ##0";
mes "##9 I did not even had to cancel my illusion. ##0";
- mes "Zax De'Kagen's Diary, entry #34";
+ mes "Zax De'Kagen's Diary, entry #34";
mes "";
mes "##9 Today my Rubber Bat flew away. Probably shouldn't have given life to it. ##0";
mes "##9 I'll miss it, my dear friend, I hope one day he returns? ##0";
- mes "Zax De'Kagen's Diary, entry #42";
+ mes "Zax De'Kagen's Diary, entry #42";
mes "";
mes "##9 What I wouldn't give for some pickled beets right now... ##0";
mes "##9 Meh, whatever. I'm not going to Dimond's Cove ever again! ##0";
- close;
+ close;
@@ -437,19 +437,19 @@ OnInit:
goto L_Potion;
- mes "Someone was trying to make Shock Sweets here.";
+ mes "Someone was trying to make Shock Sweets here.";
mes "However, they don't seem to be finished.";
mes "An inscription reads, \"To stop F.F.\", nearby.";
mes "One can only wonder who or what F.F. is.";
- close;
+ close;
- mes "Someone was trying to make a Mana Potion here.";
+ mes "Someone was trying to make a Mana Potion here.";
mes "However, it doesn't seem to have been finished.";
mes "An inscription reads, \"To stop Bob\", nearby.";
mes "Well, I assume it is \"Bob\". The text is faded.";
mes "It could be \"boo\", as well. Maybe from Mouboo?";
- close;
+ close;
diff --git a/world/map/npc/099-5/boss.txt b/world/map/npc/099-5/boss.txt
index 3ef8b66b..1c282d8b 100644
--- a/world/map/npc/099-5/boss.txt
+++ b/world/map/npc/099-5/boss.txt
@@ -89,12 +89,7 @@
// Additional mapflags
+// 099-1/2/3/6 no flags set means: after relog you respawn at the same spot you logged off, on death you respawn at the last soul menhir