path: root/src/gui/minimap.cpp
diff options
authorAndrei Karas <>2013-09-30 14:03:48 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2013-09-30 14:03:48 +0300
commit25d77892d72d455f8a89372687db45aefbc61cec (patch)
treede03cb1af09eebf6db853a6585b953884bcca3b2 /src/gui/minimap.cpp
parent05c22dd1a69fe90da67188c74a6995ee3747e937 (diff)
move windows classes to windows directory.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/minimap.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 484 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/minimap.cpp b/src/gui/minimap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7164aa070..000000000
--- a/src/gui/minimap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
- * The ManaPlus Client
- * Copyright (C) 2004-2009 The Mana World Development Team
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Mana Developers
- * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 The ManaPlus Developers
- *
- * This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- */
-#include "gui/minimap.h"
-#include "actorspritemanager.h"
-#include "client.h"
-#include "configuration.h"
-#include "party.h"
-#include "being/localplayer.h"
-#include "gui/setup.h"
-#include "gui/viewport.h"
-#include "gui/textpopup.h"
-#include "resources/image.h"
-#include "resources/imagehelper.h"
-#include "resources/resourcemanager.h"
-#include "utils/gettext.h"
-#include "utils/sdlcheckutils.h"
-#include "debug.h"
-bool Minimap::mShow = true;
-Minimap::Minimap() :
- // TRANSLATORS: mini map window name
- Window(_("Map"), false, nullptr, "map.xml"),
- mWidthProportion(0.5),
- mHeightProportion(0.5),
- mMapImage(nullptr),
- mMapOriginX(0),
- mMapOriginY(0),
- mTextPopup(new TextPopup),
- mCustomMapImage(false),
- mAutoResize(config.getBoolValue("autoresizeminimaps"))
- setWindowName("Minimap");
- mShow = config.getValueBool(getWindowName() + "Show", true);
- config.addListener("autoresizeminimaps", this);
- setDefaultSize(5, 25, 100, 100);
- // set this to false as the minimap window size is changed
- // depending on the map size
- setResizable(true);
- if (setupWindow)
- setupWindow->registerWindowForReset(this);
- setDefaultVisible(true);
- setSaveVisible(true);
- setStickyButton(true);
- setSticky(false);
- loadWindowState();
- setVisible(mShow, isSticky());
- enableVisibleSound(true);
- config.setValue(getWindowName() + "Show", mShow);
- config.removeListeners(this);
- if (mMapImage)
- {
- if (mCustomMapImage)
- delete mMapImage;
- else
- mMapImage->decRef();
- mMapImage = nullptr;
- }
- delete mTextPopup;
- mTextPopup = nullptr;
-void Minimap::setMap(const Map *const map)
- std::string caption;
- if (map)
- caption = map->getName();
- if (caption.empty())
- {
- // TRANSLATORS: mini map window name
- caption = _("Map");
- }
- setCaption(caption);
- // Adapt the image
- if (mMapImage)
- {
- if (mCustomMapImage)
- delete mMapImage;
- else
- mMapImage->decRef();
- mMapImage = nullptr;
- }
- if (map)
- {
- if (config.getBoolValue("showExtMinimaps"))
- {
- SDL_Surface *const surface = MSDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,
- map->getWidth(), map->getHeight(), 32,
- 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, 0x000000ff, 0x00000000);
- if (!surface)
- {
- if (!isSticky())
- setVisible(false);
- return;
- }
- // I'm not sure if the locks are necessary since it's a SWSURFACE
- SDL_LockSurface(surface);
- int* data = static_cast<int*>(surface->pixels);
- if (!data)
- {
- if (!isSticky())
- setVisible(false);
- return;
- }
- const int size = surface->h * surface->w;
- const int mask = (Map::BLOCKMASK_WALL | Map::BLOCKMASK_AIR
- for (int ptr = 0; ptr < size; ptr ++)
- *(data ++) = -!(map->mMetaTiles[ptr].blockmask & mask);
- SDL_UnlockSurface(surface);
- mMapImage = imageHelper->load(surface);
- mMapImage->setAlpha(client->getGuiAlpha());
- mCustomMapImage = true;
- MSDL_FreeSurface(surface);
- }
- else
- {
- std::string tempname = paths.getStringValue("minimaps").append(
- map->getFilename()).append(".png");
- ResourceManager *const resman = ResourceManager::getInstance();
- std::string minimapName = map->getProperty("minimap");
- if (minimapName.empty() && resman->exists(tempname))
- minimapName = tempname;
- if (minimapName.empty())
- {
- tempname = std::string("graphics/minimaps/").append(
- map->getFilename()).append(".png");
- if (resman->exists(tempname))
- minimapName = tempname;
- }
- mMapImage = resman->getImage(minimapName);
- mCustomMapImage = false;
- }
- }
- if (mMapImage && map)
- {
- const int width = mMapImage->mBounds.w + 2 * getPadding();
- const int height = mMapImage->mBounds.h
- + getTitleBarHeight() + getPadding();
- const int mapWidth = mMapImage->mBounds.w < 100 ? width : 100;
- const int mapHeight = mMapImage->mBounds.h < 100 ? height : 100;
- const int minWidth = mapWidth > 310 ? 310 : mapWidth;
- const int minHeight = mapHeight > 220 ? 220 : mapHeight;
- setMinWidth(minWidth);
- setMinHeight(minHeight);
- mWidthProportion = static_cast<float>(
- mMapImage->mBounds.w) / static_cast<float>(map->getWidth());
- mHeightProportion = static_cast<float>(
- mMapImage->mBounds.h) / static_cast<float>(map->getHeight());
- setMaxWidth(width);
- setMaxHeight(height);
- if (mAutoResize)
- {
- setWidth(width);
- setHeight(height);
- }
- const gcn::Rectangle &rect = mDimension;
- setDefaultSize(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
- resetToDefaultSize();
- if (mShow)
- setVisible(true);
- }
- else
- {
- if (!isSticky())
- setVisible(false);
- }
-void Minimap::toggle()
- setVisible(!isWindowVisible(), isSticky());
- mShow = isWindowVisible();
-void Minimap::draw(gcn::Graphics *graphics)
- BLOCK_START("Minimap::draw")
- Window::draw(graphics);
- if (!userPalette || !player_node || !viewport)
- {
- BLOCK_END("Minimap::draw")
- return;
- }
- Graphics *const graph = static_cast<Graphics*>(graphics);
- const gcn::Rectangle a = getChildrenArea();
- graphics->pushClipArea(a);
- if (!actorSpriteManager)
- {
- BLOCK_END("Minimap::draw")
- return;
- }
- mMapOriginX = 0;
- mMapOriginY = 0;
- if (mMapImage)
- {
- const SDL_Rect &rect = mMapImage->mBounds;
- const int w = rect.w;
- const int h = rect.h;
- if (w > a.width || h > a.height)
- {
- const Vector &p = player_node->getPosition();
- mMapOriginX = (a.width / 2) - (p.x + static_cast<float>(
- viewport->getCameraRelativeX()) * mWidthProportion) / 32;
- mMapOriginY = (a.height / 2) - (p.y + static_cast<float>(
- viewport->getCameraRelativeY()) * mHeightProportion) / 32;
- const int minOriginX = a.width - w;
- const int minOriginY = a.height - h;
- if (mMapOriginX < minOriginX)
- mMapOriginX = minOriginX;
- if (mMapOriginY < minOriginY)
- mMapOriginY = minOriginY;
- if (mMapOriginX > 0)
- mMapOriginX = 0;
- if (mMapOriginY > 0)
- mMapOriginY = 0;
- }
- graph->drawImage(mMapImage, mMapOriginX, mMapOriginY);
- }
- const ActorSprites &actors = actorSpriteManager->getAll();
- FOR_EACH (ActorSpritesConstIterator, it, actors)
- {
- if (!(*it) || (*it)->getType() == ActorSprite::FLOOR_ITEM)
- continue;
- const Being *const being = static_cast<const Being *const>(*it);
- if (!being)
- continue;
- int dotSize = 2;
- int type = UserPalette::PC;
- if (being == player_node)
- {
- type = UserPalette::SELF;
- dotSize = 3;
- }
- else if (being->isGM())
- {
- type = UserPalette::GM;
- }
- else if (being->getGuild() == player_node->getGuild()
- || being->getGuildName() == player_node->getGuildName())
- {
- type = UserPalette::GUILD;
- }
- else
- {
- switch (being->getType())
- {
- case ActorSprite::MONSTER:
- type = UserPalette::MONSTER;
- break;
- case ActorSprite::NPC:
- type = UserPalette::NPC;
- break;
- case ActorSprite::AVATAR:
- case ActorSprite::UNKNOWN:
- case ActorSprite::PLAYER:
- case ActorSprite::FLOOR_ITEM:
- case ActorSprite::PORTAL:
- case ActorSprite::PET:
- default:
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (userPalette)
- graphics->setColor(userPalette->getColor(type));
- const int offsetHeight = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(
- dotSize - 1) * mHeightProportion);
- const int offsetWidth = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(
- dotSize - 1) * mWidthProportion);
- const Vector &pos = being->getPosition();
- graphics->fillRectangle(gcn::Rectangle(
- static_cast<float>(pos.x * mWidthProportion) / 32
- + mMapOriginX - offsetWidth,
- static_cast<float>(pos.y * mHeightProportion) / 32
- + mMapOriginY - offsetHeight, dotSize, dotSize));
- }
- if (player_node->isInParty())
- {
- const Party *const party = player_node->getParty();
- if (party)
- {
- const PartyMember *const m = party->getMember(
- player_node->getName());
- const Party::MemberList *const members = party->getMembers();
- if (m && members)
- {
- const std::string curMap = m->getMap();
- Party::MemberList::const_iterator it = members->begin();
- const Party::MemberList::const_iterator
- it_end = members->end();
- while (it != it_end)
- {
- const PartyMember *const member = *it;
- if (member && member->getMap() == curMap
- && member->getOnline() && member != m)
- {
- if (userPalette)
- {
- graphics->setColor(userPalette->getColor(
- UserPalette::PARTY));
- }
- const int offsetHeight = static_cast<int>(
- mHeightProportion);
- const int offsetWidth = static_cast<int>(
- mWidthProportion);
- graphics->fillRectangle(gcn::Rectangle(
- static_cast<int>(member->getX()
- * mWidthProportion) + mMapOriginX - offsetWidth,
- static_cast<int>(member->getY()
- * mHeightProportion) + mMapOriginY - offsetHeight,
- 2, 2));
- }
- ++ it;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const Vector &pos = player_node->getPosition();
- const int gw = graph->getWidth();
- const int gh = graph->getHeight();
- int x = static_cast<float>((pos.x - (gw / 2)
- + viewport->getCameraRelativeX())
- * mWidthProportion) / 32 + mMapOriginX;
- int y = static_cast<float>((pos.y - (gh / 2)
- + viewport->getCameraRelativeY())
- * mHeightProportion) / 32 + mMapOriginY;
- const int w = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(
- gw) * mWidthProportion / 32);
- const int h = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(
- gh) * mHeightProportion / 32);
- if (w <= a.width)
- {
- if (x < 0 && w)
- x = 0;
- if (x + w > a.width)
- x = a.width - w;
- }
- if (h <= a.height)
- {
- if (y < 0 && h)
- y = 0;
- if (y + h > a.height)
- y = a.height - h;
- }
- graphics->setColor(userPalette->getColor(UserPalette::PC));
- graphics->drawRectangle(gcn::Rectangle(x, y, w, h));
- graphics->popClipArea();
- BLOCK_END("Minimap::draw")
-void Minimap::mouseReleased(gcn::MouseEvent &event)
- Window::mouseReleased(event);
- if (!player_node || !viewport)
- return;
- if (event.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::LEFT)
- {
- int x = event.getX();
- int y = event.getY();
- screenToMap(x, y);
- player_node->navigateTo(x, y);
- }
- else if (event.getButton() == gcn::MouseEvent::RIGHT)
- {
- int x = event.getX();
- int y = event.getY();
- screenToMap(x, y);
- viewport->showMapPopup(x, y);
- }
-void Minimap::mouseMoved(gcn::MouseEvent &event)
- Window::mouseMoved(event);
- const int x = event.getX();
- const int y = event.getY();
- const gcn::Rectangle &rect = mDimension;
- mTextPopup->show(x + rect.x, y + rect.y, mCaption);
-void Minimap::mouseExited(gcn::MouseEvent &event)
- Window::mouseExited(event);
- mTextPopup->hide();
-void Minimap::screenToMap(int &x, int &y)
- const gcn::Rectangle a = getChildrenArea();
- x = (x - a.x - mMapOriginX + mWidthProportion) / mWidthProportion;
- y = (y - a.y - mMapOriginY + mHeightProportion) / mHeightProportion;
-void Minimap::optionChanged(const std::string &name)
- if (name == "autoresizeminimaps")
- mAutoResize = config.getBoolValue("autoresizeminimaps");