path: root/src/gui/windows/tradewindow.h
blob: 98b18ba7e4d923c7e36cb2b8897336ea02f0ac3a (plain) (tree)






















 *  The ManaPlus Client
 *  Copyright (C) 2004-2009  The Mana World Development Team
 *  Copyright (C) 2009-2010  The Mana Developers
 *  Copyright (C) 2011-2016  The ManaPlus Developers
 *  This file is part of The ManaPlus Client.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.


#include "gui/widgets/window.h"

#include "enums/simpletypes/damaged.h"
#include "enums/simpletypes/equipm.h"
#include "enums/simpletypes/favorite.h"
#include "enums/simpletypes/identified.h"
#include "enums/simpletypes/itemcolor.h"

#include "listeners/actionlistener.h"
#include "listeners/selectionlistener.h"

class Button;
class Inventory;
class Item;
class ItemContainer;
class Label;
class TextField;

 * Trade dialog.
 * \ingroup Interface
class TradeWindow final : public Window,
                          private ActionListener,
                          private SelectionListener
         * Constructor.


         * Destructor.

         * Displays expected money in the trade window.
        void setMoney(const int quantity);

         * Add an item to the trade window.
        void addItem(const int id,
                     const int type,
                     const bool own,
                     const int quantity,
                     const uint8_t refine,
                     const ItemColor color,
                     const Identified identified,
                     const Damaged damaged,
                     const Favorite favorite) const;

         * Reset both item containers
        void reset();

         * Add an item to the trade window.
        void addItem2(const int id,
                      const int type,
                      const int *const cards,
                      const int sz,
                      const bool own,
                      const int quantity,
                      const uint8_t refine,
                      const ItemColor color,
                      const Identified identified,
                      const Damaged damaged,
                      const Favorite favorite,
                      const Equipm equipment) const;

         * Change quantity of an item.
        void changeQuantity(const int index, const bool own,
                            const int quantity) const;

         * Increase quantity of an item.
        void increaseQuantity(const int index, const bool own,
                              const int quantity) const;

         * Player received ok message from server
        void receivedOk(const bool own);

         * Send trade packet.
        void tradeItem(const Item *const item, const int quantity,
                       const bool check = false) const;

         * Updates the labels and makes sure only one item is selected in
         * either my inventory or partner inventory.
        void valueChanged(const SelectionEvent &event) override final;

         * Called when receiving actions from the widgets.
        void action(const ActionEvent &event) override final;

         * Closes the Trade Window, as well as telling the server that the
         * window has been closed.
        void close() override final;

         * Clear auto trade items.
        void clear() override final;

         * Add item what will be added to trade.
        void addAutoItem(const std::string &nick, Item *const item,
                         const int amount);

        void addAutoMoney(const std::string &nick, const int money);

        void initTrade(const std::string &nick);

        std::string getAutoTradeNick() const A_WARN_UNUSED
        { return mAutoAddToNick; }

        bool checkItem(const Item *const item) const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        bool isInpupFocused() const A_WARN_UNUSED;

        void completeTrade();

        enum Status
            PREPARING = 0, /**< Players are adding items. (1) */
            PROPOSING, /**< Local player has confirmed the trade. (1) */
            ACCEPTING, /**< Accepting the trade. (2) */
            ACCEPTED  /**< Local player has accepted the trade. */

         * Sets the current status of the trade.
        void setStatus(const Status s);

        Inventory *mMyInventory A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        Inventory *mPartnerInventory A_NONNULLPOINTER;

        ItemContainer *mMyItemContainer A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        ItemContainer *mPartnerItemContainer A_NONNULLPOINTER;

        Label *mMoneyLabel A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        Button *mAddButton A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        Button *mOkButton A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        Button  *mMoneyChangeButton A_NONNULLPOINTER;
        TextField *mMoneyField A_NONNULLPOINTER;

        Item* mAutoAddItem;
        std::string mAutoAddToNick;
        int mGotMoney;
        int mGotMaxMoney;
        int mAutoMoney;
        int mAutoAddAmount;
        Status mStatus;
        bool mOkOther;
        bool mOkMe;

extern TradeWindow *tradeWindow;