path: root/data/translations/help/ru.po
blob: a653d9f7090b8284a24718e2cd28e140a7b1c692 (plain) (tree)








































































# en#
# Translators:
# Andrei Karas <>, 2012.
#   <>, 2012.
# Dan Sagunov <>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ManaPlus\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-18 22:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Andrei Karas <>\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"

msgid "##2End##P                      \"Change Attack Type\""
msgstr "##2End##P                      \"Сменить тип атаки\""

msgid "/serverunignoreall - unignore all whispers on server side."
msgstr "/serverunignoreall - отключить игнорирование всех\nприватных сообщений на сервере."

msgid "To read about whispering and other chat commands, look here:"
msgstr "Чтобы узнать о привате (шепоте, whisper) и других\nкомандах чата, загляните сюда:"

msgid "##2UP##P                       \"Move Up\""
msgstr "##2UP##P                       \"Двигаться вверх\""

msgid "##21##P                        \"Item Shortcut 1\""
msgstr "##21##P                        \"Ярлык предметов 1\""

msgid "Translators"
msgstr "Переводчики"

msgid "##2Esc##P                      \"Quit\""
msgstr "##2Esc##P                      \"Выход\""

msgid ""
"Most commands working in whispers.\n"
"For example command /imitation in whisper with nick1,\n"
" similar to command /imitation nick1."
msgstr " Большинство команд работает в привате.\nНапример, команда /imitation в привате с ИГРОК1,\nравнозначна команде /imitation ИГРОК1 в общем чате"

msgid "##2KeyPad[3]##P                \"On / Off audio\""
msgstr "##2KeyPad[3]##P                \"Вкл / Выкл звук\""

msgid "##2F2##P                       \"Status Window\""
msgstr "##2F2##P                       \"Окно Состояние\""

msgid "/cacheinfo - show text cache info."
msgstr "/cacheinfo - показать содержимое текстового буфера."

msgid "##2LeftAlt + Minus(-)##P       \"Emote Shortcut 11\""
msgstr "##2LeftAlt + Minus(-)##P       \"Ярлык Эмоций 11\""

msgid "KEYBOARD:"
msgstr "КЛАВИАТУРА:"

msgid ""
" If you're having troubles, please first of all read the FAQ. If you\n"
" can't find a solution to your problem, feel free to check our\n"
" Bugs/Support section of the forum:"
msgstr " По любым вопросам об игре в первую очередь обратитесь к FAQ.\nЕсли не удается найти решение вопроса, то пожалуйста, обращайтесь\nв раздел Ошибок/Тех.поддержки (Bugs/Support) нашего форума:"

msgid ""
" or visit IRC channel:"
msgstr "##2\n или посетите IRC канал:"

msgid "ManaPlus Contributors"
msgstr "Разработчики ManaPlus"

msgid "MOUSE:"
msgstr "МЫШЬ:"

msgid "/neutral NICK - add nick to neutral relation list."
msgstr ""

msgid "/addpriorityattack NAME - add monster to priority attack list."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Enter##P                    \"Toggle Chat\""
msgstr "##2Enter##P                    \"Включить чат\""

msgid "Back to Index"
msgstr "Назад к содержанию"

msgid "##2LeftControl##P              \"Attack\""
msgstr "##2LeftControl##P              \"Атаковать\""

msgid "/priceload - load shop price from disc."
msgstr ""

msgid "Search string not found."
msgstr "Искомоя строка не найдена"

msgid "##2s##P                        \"Sit\""
msgstr "##2s##P                        \"Сидеть\""

msgid "##2e##P                        \"Kills Stats Window\""
msgstr "##2e##P                        \"Окно статистики атак\""

msgid "##2KeyPad[8]##P                \"Disable / Enable Game modifier keys\""
msgstr "##2KeyPad[8]##P                \"Выключить / Включить игровые модификаторы\""

msgid ""
" - ##2allow whispers##P: Do you wish to allow arbitrary players to send\n"
"   private messages to you in-game?"
msgstr ""

msgid "##PMagic skills can be obtain by doing quests and missions in game."
msgstr ""

msgid "Support"
msgstr "Поддержка"

msgid "##2z##P                        \"Pickup\""
msgstr "##2z##P                        \"Поднять\""

msgid "##2m##P                        \"Use #itenplz spell\""
msgstr "##2m##P                        \"Использовать заклинание #itenplz\""

msgid ""
"Communication is often essential to success in this game. You can communicate\n"
" in several ways:  By chatting and showing emotions (see above), by trading\n"
" (with the right-click context menu), and by whispering."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2a##P                        \"Target Closest\""
msgstr "##2a##P                        \"Выбор цели для атаки\""

msgid "##2Party level2:##P enables a char to create a party."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2y##P                        \"Quick Drop N Items from 0 slot\""
msgstr "##2y##P                        \"Быстро выбросить N вещей из слота 0\""

msgid "##2Backspace##P                \"Item Shortcut 13\""
msgstr "##2Backspace##P                \"Ярлык предметов 13\""

msgid ""
" You can improve your skills by increasing job level. Each job level\n"
" gives you 1 point to spend on basic skills."
msgstr " Можно совершенствовать свои навыки, увеличивая уровень Работы.\n Каждый Рабочий уровень дает +1 пункт, который можно потратить\n на развитие базовых умений."

msgid "##25##P                        \"Item Shortcut 5\""
msgstr "##25##P                        \"Ярлык предметов 5\""

msgid "/me text - send text to chat as /me command in irc."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2q##P                        \"Target Player\""
msgstr "##2q##P                        \"Выбор цели - игроки\""

msgid "Mana Contributors"
msgstr "В разработке Mana принимали участие"

msgid "/query NICK, /q NICK - open new whisper tab for nick."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Slash(\\)##P                 \"Crazy moves\""
msgstr "##2Slash(\\)##P                 \"Сумасшедшее движение\""

msgid "/all - show visible beings list in debug tab."
msgstr ""

msgid "For other server look servers pages for support."
msgstr "Для получения информации об игре на других серверах посетите страницу соответствующего сервера."

msgid "Debug"
msgstr "Отладка"

msgid "##2LeftWinKey##P               \"Ignore input 1\""
msgstr "##2LeftWinKey##P               \"Игнорировать ввод 1\""

msgid "/addattack NAME - add monster to attack list."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" - ##2friend##P:  You consider this player a friend.  The player may chat,\n"
"   message your in private, or trade with you at any point."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can walk to warps automatically.\n"
"Open Social Window (f11) and selecy Nav tab,\n"
"then click on warp what you want."
msgstr "Вы можете двигаться к Вратам автоматически.\nОткройте окно Общество (F11) и выберите Навигационную панель,\nзатем клик на требуемые Врата."

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 7##P              \"Emote Shortcut 7\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftShift##P                \"Stop Attack\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/setdrop N - set drop counter to requested value."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 8##P              \"Emote Shortcut 8\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2RightWinKey##P              \"Ignore input 2\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/outfit N - wear outfit number N."
msgstr ""

msgid "Visit IRC channel:"
msgstr "Посетить IRC канал"

msgid "##2LeftAlt + Equals(=)##P      \"Emote Shortcut 12\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/createparty NAME - create party with selected name."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2t##P                        \"Talk\""
msgstr "##2t##P                        \"Говорить\""

msgid "/heal NICK - heal nick."
msgstr ""

msgid "Contributors to client development"
msgstr "В разработке клиентской части принимали участие"

msgid "/removeattack NAME - remove monster from attack list."
msgstr ""

msgid "/where - print current player position to chat."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" - ##2ignored##P:  You wish to completely ignore this player.  You will not\n"
"   even see floating text for him or her anymore, nor emotions."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2RightShift + key##P         \"Move to navigation point\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can do basic searching in help by using command\n"
msgstr ""

msgid "##24##P                        \"Item Shortcut 4\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2PageUP##P                   \"Scroll Chat Up\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/unignore NICK - Remove nick from ignore list."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 6##P              \"Emote Shortcut 6\""
msgstr ""


msgid "WINDOWS"
msgstr "ОКНА"

msgid "SUPPORT"
msgstr "ПОДДЕРЖКА"

msgid "##2LEFT##P                     \"Move Left\""
msgstr "##2LEFT##P                     \"Двигаться влево\""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 9##P              \"Emote Shortcut 9\""
msgstr ""

msgid "About"
msgstr "Об игре"

msgid "Look this page for help and downloads:"
msgstr "Посетите эту страницу для ознакомления\nи скачивания новыой версии:"

msgid "Other skills:"
msgstr "Другие умения:"

msgid "##2MenuKey##P                  \"Item Shortcuts Key\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##28##P                        \"Item Shortcut 8\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can use mumble voice chat for talking with other players.\n"
"Start mumble before client start and enable mumble in settings."
msgstr "Вы можете использовать голосовой чат Mumble для связи с другими игроками.\nЗапустите Mumble перед запуском клиента и включите Mumble в настройках игры."

msgid "##2RightAlt##P                 \"Copy Outfit\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##20##P                        \"Item Shortcut 10\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can restore yellow bar settings,\n"
"by right click on it and select in context menu \"Reset yellow bar\"."
msgstr "Вы можете сбросить настройки Желтой панели, нажав на ней правой кнопкой мыши \nи выбрав в контекстном меню \"Сбросить настройки\"."

msgid "/who - print online players number to chat."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2r##P                        \"Enable/Disable Trading\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/uptime - show client uptime."
msgstr ""

msgid "/dumpg - dump graphics and some other settings to chat."
msgstr ""

msgid "/trade NICK - start trade with nick."
msgstr ""

msgid "/imitation NICK - start imitation mode."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + EmoteKey##P       \"Smilie\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##22##P                        \"Item Shortcut 2\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can imitate other players by selecting \"imitation\" in player context menu\n"
" or type chat command: /imitate playername."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Semicolon(;)##P             \"Set Direction Down\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can hide/show bars and buttons by right click and select menu item."
msgstr "Панели и кнопки можно показать или скрыть, нажав на них правой кнопкой мыши и выбрав нужный пункт."

msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Окна"

msgid "Server news"
msgstr "Новости сервера"

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 4##P              \"Emote Shortcut 4\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Website:"
msgstr "Сайт:"

msgid "##2F3##P                       \"Inventory Window\""
msgstr ""

msgstr "Об игре MANAPLUS"

msgid "##2KeyPad0##P                  \"Change move type\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Search results"
msgstr "Результат поиска"

msgid "/pseudoaway, /pseudoaway MSG - set/unset pseudo away mode."
msgstr ""

msgid "INDEX"

msgid ""
"You can disable yellow bar,\n"
"by pressing key 8 on numeric keyboard."
msgstr "Желтую панель можно выключить, нажав 8 на цифровой клавиатуре."

msgid "/ignoreall - add all whispers to ignore list."
msgstr ""

msgid "Other contributors"
msgstr "Другие участники"

msgid "/ignore NICK - add nick to ignore list."
msgstr ""

msgid "##23##P                        \"Item Shortcut 3\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##29##P                        \"Item Shortcut 9\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/outfit next - wear next outfit."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can set away mode,\n"
"by type in chat command /away"
msgstr "Вы можете установить рехим отошел,\nнабрав в чате команду /away"

msgid "/move X Y - move to X,Y position in short distance."
msgstr ""

msgid "Magic skills:"
msgstr "Магические умения:"

msgid "/addignoreattack NAME - add monster to ignore attack list."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2KeyPad[+]##P                \"Toggle camera mode\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Home##P                     \"Item Shortcut 15\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/clear - clear current chat tab."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2KeyPad[9]##P                \"Next chat tab line\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Chat commands"
msgstr "Команды чата"

msgid "Trade"
msgstr "Обмен"

msgid "/blacklist NICK - add nick to blacklist relation list."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Comma(,)##P                 \"Switch magic attack\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Tab##P                      \"Chat Auto Complete\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 5##P              \"Emote Shortcut 5\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" - ##2save player list##P: Should your acquaintance list be saved when you\n"
"   quit the game?  If you enable this option, your list will survive when you\n"
"   quit and re-start."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2PageDOWN##P                 \"Scroll Chat Down\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2KeyPad[2]##P                \"Enable / Disable away mode\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2j##P                        \"Commands Window\""
msgstr ""


msgid "Basic skills:"
msgstr "Основные умения:"

msgid "##POther skills can be obtain by doing quests and missions in game."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2RightControl##P             \"Wear Outfit\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can buy or sell items from players shops.\n"
"Right click on player and select \"Buy\" or \"Sell\""
msgstr "Вы можете покупать и продавать предметы\nв пользовательский маназинах.\nНажмите правой кнопкой на пользователе\nи выберите \"Купить\" или \"Продать\""

msgid "/erase NICK - add nick to erased list."
msgstr ""

msgid "/pricesave - save shop price to disc."
msgstr ""

msgstr "ОБЩЕНИЕ"

msgid "##2SpaceBar##P                 \"Select OK\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Emote:##P enables the ability to express emotions."
msgstr ""

msgid "/friend NICK, /befriend NICK - add nick to friends list."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2i##P                        \"Switch Quick Drop Counter\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"##2ManaPlus##P is extended client based on old code from ##2Mana##P client.\n"
" Added many features, improved perfomance, stability, security and more."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"##2ManaPlus##P is a serious effort to create an innovative free and open\n"
" source MMORPG Client. ManaPlus uses 2D graphics and aims to create a large\n"
" and diverse interactive world. It is licensed under the GPL, making\n"
" sure this game can't ever run away from you."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 2##P              \"Emote Shortcut 2\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F7##P                       \"Chat Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 1##P              \"Emote Shortcut 1\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F11##P                      \"Social Window\""
msgstr "##2F11##P                      \"Окно Общество\""

msgid ""
" - ##2neutral##P:  As far as the game is concerned, this is the same as not\n"
"   having the player listed:  the player may chat with you, but may only trade\n"
"   or whisper if you have this option allowed for everyone."
msgstr ""

msgid "Skills"
msgstr "Умения"

msgid "##2Party Level1:##P enables a char to join a party."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" There you will find a list of all players you are acquainted with, as well as\n"
" several configuration options:"
msgstr " Здесь можно найти список всех знакомых игроков, а также\nмножество настроек:"

msgid "Search error"
msgstr "Ошиька поиска"

msgid ""
"/msg NICK text, /whisper NICK text, /w NICK text - send whisper message to "
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F1##P                       \"Help Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2g##P                        \"Change Attack Weapon Type\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" The player list lists all of your acquaintances.  They are categorised as one\n"
" of the following:"
msgstr ""

msgid "/outfit prev - wear previous outfit."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"##P This file lists all contributors up to the current release. Check the wiki\n"
"##P for the currently active development team."
msgstr ""

msgid "Contributors to client/server development"
msgstr "В разработке клиентской и серверной части принимали участие"

msgid "##2KeyPad[1]##P                \"Change Follow mode\""
msgstr ""

msgid "SHORTCUTS:"

msgid "/target NICK - select nick as target. Can be monster or player nick."
msgstr ""

msgid "/emote N - use emotion number N."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Minus(-)##P                 \"Item Shortcut 11\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Esc##P                      \"Deactivate Chat Input\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Player relations"
msgstr "Отношения между игроками"

msgid ""
"You can copy value from any bar,\n"
"by right click on it and select in context menu \"Copy to chat\"."
msgstr ""

msgid "/closeall - close all whispers."
msgstr ""

msgid "COMMANDS"
msgstr "КОМАНДЫ"

msgid "##2RIGHT##P                    \"Move Right\""
msgstr "##2RIGHT##P                    \"Двигаться вправо\""

msgid "##2RightBracket(])##P          \"Copy Equiped to Outfit\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2DOWN##P                     \"Move Down\""
msgstr "##2DOWN##P                     \"Двигаться вниз\""

msgid "##2n##P                        \"Target NPC\""
msgstr "##2n##P                        \"Выбор цели - NPC\""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 3##P              \"Emote Shortcut 3\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Manaplus Developers"
msgstr "Разработчики Manaplus"

msgid "##2Backslash(/)##P             \"Change Crazy Move mode\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F8##P                       \"Item Shortcut Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2w##P                        \"Quick drop Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2u##P                        \"Quick Drop N Items\""
msgstr ""

msgid "You can change any key in keyboard settings."
msgstr "Вы можете изменить любую клавишу в настройках"

msgid "/dirs - show client dirs in debug chat tab."
msgstr ""

msgid "Powered By"
msgstr "Сделано при помощи"

msgid "/disconnect - quick disconnect from server."
msgstr ""

msgid "/disregard NICK - add nick to disregarded list."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F9##P                       \"Setup Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F5##P                       \"Skill Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Commands"
msgstr "Команды"

msgid "/undress NICK - remove all clothes from nick. Local effect only."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" Otherwise see the @@team|Development Team@@ section to have a list of\n"
" developers and how to contact them."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Quote(')##P                 \"Set Direction Right\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F4##P                       \"Equipment Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/away, /away MSG - set away mode."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"If client working very slow, you can improve speed\n"
"by reading this:"
msgstr "Если клиент работает очень медленно, вы можете его\nускорить прочитав это:"

msgid ""
"/mail NICK MSG - send offline message to NICK. Working only in tmw server."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2k##P                        \"Set Direction Left\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" - ##2disregarded##P:  You wish to disregard this player, meaning that his or\n"
"   her chat messages are not logged and trade requests and whispers are\n"
"   ignored."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2o##P                        \"Change Pickup Type\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2BackQuote(`)##P             \"Outfits Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Period(.)##P                \"Change Move to Target type\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F10##P                      \"Debug Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" - ##2allow trading##P: Do you wish to allow trade requests from arbitrary\n"
"   players?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Whispers commands"
msgstr "Команды привата"

msgid "##2LeftAlt + Insert##P         \"Emote Shortcut 14\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" Left click to execute default action: walk, pick up an item, attack a monster\n"
" and talk to NPCs (be sure to click on their feet). Right click to show up a\n"
" context menu. Holding [Left Shift] prevents from walking when attacking."
msgstr " Левый клик - действие по умолчанию: идти, поднять предмет,\nатаковать монстра и говорить с NPC (клик у ног).\nПравый клик вызывает контекстное меню.\n[Left Shift] предотвращает движение во время атаки."

msgid ""
"You can see other player equiped items,\n"
"by right click on player and select in context menu \"Show Items\"."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2d##P                        \"Move to Home location\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Whispers"
msgstr "Приват (шепот, whisper)"

msgid "##2LeftAlt + 0##P              \"Emote Shortcut 10\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/help - show small help about chat commands. "
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You can set any client resolution. In settings in video tab,\n"
"click on \"custom\" and enter for example: 900x500 and press ok."
msgstr ""

msgid "/attack - attack target."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2f##P                        \"Change Map View Mode\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" You may find that not all communication is to your liking.  While most people\n"
" are nice, some may offend you or try to make your life harder-- since this is\n"
" an open game, there is nothing the developers can do to prevent this."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" However, you can protect yourself from such players by ignoring them.  Right-\n"
" click on them to bring up the context menu, then select `Ignore' or\n"
" `Disregard' (see below).  You can fine-tune your player relations in the\n"
" `Setup' menu, which lists all the players you have added to it.  To open this\n"
" menu, select `Setup' in the upper right corner of the screen, then `Players'."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2KeyPad[9]##P                \"Next Chat Tab\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2KeyPad[7]##P                \"Previous chat tab line\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Trade:##P enables the ability to trade with others."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftAlt + Backspace##P      \"Emote Shortcut 13\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2p##P                        \"Screenshot\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2x##P                        \"Target & Attack\""
msgstr "##2x##P                        \"Выбрать цель и атаковать\""

msgid "##2b##P                        \"Use magic attack\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2KeyPad[4]##P                \"Change Imitation mode\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Tab##P                      \"Emulate right click from keyboard\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2LeftBracket([)##P           \"Bot Checker Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2l##P                        \"Set Direction Up\""
msgstr ""

msgid "/serverignoreall - ignore all whispers on server side."
msgstr ""

msgid "##2v##P                        \"Move to Target\""
msgstr "##2v##P                        \"Двигаться к цели\""

msgid "##2KeyPad[7]##P                \"Previous Chat Tab\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"##2               SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer (Media framework)\n"
"##2                     SDL_net (Networking framework)\n"
"##2                        Guichan (GUI framework)\n"
"##2                   libxml2 (XML parsing and writing)\n"
"##2                          PhysFS (Data files)\n"
"##2                        libcurl (HTTP downloads)\n"
"##2                            zlib (Archives)"
msgstr ""

msgid "##2h##P                        \"Hide Windows\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2Version:##6%VER%"
msgstr "##2Версия:##6%VER%"

msgid "##2Equals(=)##P                \"Item Shortcut 12\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
" To add an item to the shortcut bar click on the item in the inventory window,\n"
" then click on the box in the shortcut-window which should be associated with\n"
" the item. To reorder items within the shortcut-window simply click and drag\n"
" them between the boxes. To remove items you simply drag them outside of the\n"
" window and drop them."
msgstr ""

msgid "/follow NICK - start follow mode."
msgstr ""

msgid "/navigate x y - move to position x,y in current map in any distance."
msgstr ""

msgid "SKILLS"
msgstr "УМЕНИЯ"

msgid "Art or images contributors"
msgstr "Художники"

msgid "##27##P                        \"Item Shortcut 7\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2F12##P                      \"Emote Shortcut Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Действия"

msgid "##2Insert##P                   \"Item Shortcut 14\""
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"About yellow bar you can read here:\n"
msgstr "О желтой полосе с настройками можно прочитать здесь:\n"

msgid "##2F6##P                       \"Minimap Window\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2c##P                        \"Quick heal target or self\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##2KeyPad[5]##P                \"Set home location/Set arrow\""
msgstr ""

msgid "##26##P                        \"Item Shortcut 6\""
msgstr ""