repo-recursive-tests/evol-herculesContains the Plugin Code Mod at will! o/23 months
repo-recursive-tests/herculesMessworld Server Code (Hercules v2020.07.26 with minor edits; Please avoid breaking changes so it can be rebased)22 months
repo-recursive-tests/serverdataThe Mana World - Evolved months
repo-recursive-tests/toolsbased on `Evolved Tools`22 months
revolt/alldevelopment environment that combines all TMW repos with the aid of some glue and duct tape19 months
revolt/clientdata17 months
revolt/docsThe Mana World development documentation. See also: years
revolt/evol-herculesEvol plugin for TMW Hercules18 months
revolt/herculesThe Mana World fork of Hercules. This is vanilla Hercules with a few tiny modifications for our specific needs. Mutually-beneficial modifications are contributed upstream.3 years
revolt/mediaThe Mana World misc raw media files4 years
revolt/musicMusic tracks used by The Mana World3 years
revolt/narrativeThings related to storyline and lore design of The Mana World4 years
revolt/pluginEvol plugin for TMW Hercules17 months
revolt/serverdata18 months
revolt/toolsThe Mana World toolkit17 months
specing/attobuild3 months
specing/classic-serverdataNOT DEPRECATED2 weeks
specing/clientdataTMW2 Client data3 weeks
specing/manaplusAdvanced game client for tmwAthena and Evol2 servers.2 days
specing/mplintManaPlus linter3 days
specing/serverdataTMW2 Server data8 months
specing/tmwa6 weeks
specing/toolsTMW2 tools11 months
spheres/clientM. Spheres client w/o review8 months
spheres/sdkDevelopment SDK8 months
spheres/serverMana Spheres main server code.8 months
spheres/updatesUpdater8 months
themanaworld/branding(DEPRECATED) The Mana World client branding files. Used to turn the Mana client into The Mana World.22 months
themanaworld/forum-themesPHPBB theme files.10 years
themanaworld/landingTMW landing page5 years
themanaworld/org/branding(DEPRECATED) The Mana World client branding files. Used to turn the Mana client into The Mana World.22 months
themanaworld/org/forum-themesPHPBB theme files.10 years
themanaworld/org/landingTMW landing page5 years
themanaworld/org/policieslegal documents for The Mana World11 months
themanaworld/org/websiteThe website of The Mana World Classic.13 days
themanaworld/organization2 months
themanaworld/websiteThe website of The Mana World.13 days
vault/apiv1TMW Node-based RESTful API Used by Legacy only4 years