BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
jesusalva/prerenewalCriticalDef field (theoretical, no effect yet)Jesusaves17 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2022-12-22CriticalDef field (theoretical, no effect yet)HEADjesusalva/prerenewalJesusaves3-0/+5
2022-11-11Add mutation fields to mobdb (unused)Jesusaves4-1/+11
2022-06-12Fix pathsJesusaves1-2/+2
2022-02-05Use TMW hash on user password when changing it.Jesusaves1-1/+2
2021-07-29Extend party size from 12 to 15. Keep guilds within one byteJesusaves2-2/+3
2021-07-28Increase max guild size from 100 to 300.Jesusaves2-2/+2
2021-06-16Add recalcstats() wrapper for Focus.Jesusaves3-0/+12
2021-04-18Fix default map coordinatesJesusaves1-2/+2
2021-04-18Implement SC_HALT_REGENERATION. Move SC IDs because this one is saved to SQL.Jesusaves5-3/+23
2021-04-18Change max skills from 60 to 75; Reduce skill tree from 186 to 150.Jesusaves2-11/+13