diff options
authorReid <>2016-01-14 02:56:18 +0100
committerReid <>2016-01-14 02:56:50 +0100
commite820f75cf534609af6569785a5e1e4c261534e27 (patch)
parent91b19b7073492735900a28d20815a4fd946e524c (diff)
Add half-working devis script.
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/npc/001-1/devis.txt b/npc/001-1/devis.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62d202ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/npc/001-1/devis.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// Evol scripts.
+// Authors:
+// Travolta
+// Reid
+// Description:
+// La Johanne crew member.
+001-1,193,109,0 script Devis#001-1 NPC_DEVIS_ARTIS,{
+ function say_random_greeting {
+ .@rand = rand (5);
+ if (.@rand == 0) goodbye;
+ else if (.@rand == 1)
+ {
+ speech 4,
+ l("A sunny and hot day,"),
+ l("a quiet place,"),
+ l("a ground!"),
+ l("What else do you need?");
+ }
+ else if (.@rand == 2) npctalk3 l("A-hoy matey!");
+ else if (.@rand == 3) npctalk3 l("We are glad captain Nard has let you join the crew!");
+ else if (.@rand == 4) npctalk3 l("Howdy?");
+ return;
+ }
+ function face_to_PC {
+ getmapxy(.@map$, .@cx, .@cy, 0);
+ @Devis_old_dir = .dir;
+ npc_turntoxy(.@cx, .@cy);
+ return;
+ }
+ function local_close {
+ if (@Devis_old_dir > 0)
+ {
+ .dir = @Devis_old_dir;
+ }
+ npc_resumemove;
+ close;
+ }
+ @Devis_old_dir = -1;
+ npc_pausemove;
+ face_to_PC;
+ say_random_greeting;
+ local_close;
+ dographmovestep;
+ .sex = G_MALE;
+ .distance = 5;
+ initmovegraph "start_pos", 193, 109,
+ "dock_ent", 194, 109,
+ "dock_right", 192, 114, 195, 115,
+ "dock_left", 151, 103, 160, 106,
+ "dock_bot", 161, 119, 163, 127,
+ "dock_top", 184, 91, 195, 92,
+ "ship_ent", 19, 28,
+ "ship_sit", 28, 26;
+ setmovegraphcmd "start_pos", "dock_bot", 1, "dir 0, wait 4",
+ "dock_top", "dock_bot", 2, "dir 0; wait 10",
+ "dock_bot", "dock_top", 1, "dir 4; wait 7",
+ "dock_top", "dock_left", 1, "dir 2; wait 8",
+ "dock_left", "dock_top", 3, "dir 0; wait 6",
+ "dock_right", "dock_left", 2, "dir 0; wait 7",
+ "dock_left", "dock_right", 2, "dir 0; wait 7",
+ "dock_right", "dock_bot", 3, "dir 0; wait 4;",
+ "dock_bot", "dock_right", 2, "dir 0; wait 1; dir 2; wait 1; dir 0; wait 1; dir 6; wait 5",
+ "dock_bot", "dock_ent", 1, "warp 001-2-21 ship_ent",
+ "dock_ent", "dock_bot", 2, "dir 0; wait 1; dir 2; wait 1; dir 0; wait 1; dir 6; wait 5",
+ "dock_top", "dock_ent", 1, "warp 001-2-21 ship_ent",
+ "dock_ent", "dock_top", 2, "dir 0; wait 1; dir 2; wait 1; dir 0; wait 1; dir 6; wait 5",
+ "dock_right", "dock_ent", 1, "warp 001-2-21 ship_ent",
+ "dock_ent", "dock_right", 3, "dir 0; wait 1; dir 2; wait 1; dir 0; wait 1; dir 6; wait 5",
+ "dock_bot", "dock_left", 4, "dir 6; wait 8",
+ "dock_left", "dock_bot", 1, "dir 0; wait 1; dir 2; wait 1; dir 0; wait 1; dir 6; wait 5",
+ "ship_ent", "ship_sit", 1, "dir 4; sit; wait 14; stand; wait 1",
+ "ship_sit", "ship_ent", 1, "warp 001-1 dock_ent";
+ firstmove "wait 8";
+ initnpctimer;