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authorAndrei Karas <>2012-01-13 23:38:01 +0300
committerAndrei Karas <>2012-01-13 23:38:01 +0300
commit745778f64eba427c396dd6168f30cf2185ed57c9 (patch)
parent4910f676b6ddb3f50876d374629be15c64518b80 (diff)
Update translations.
12 files changed, 435 insertions, 363 deletions
diff --git a/langs/lang_de.txt b/langs/lang_de.txt
index 6c5b3bcc..c18ad922 100644
--- a/langs/lang_de.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_de.txt
@@ -3,64 +3,64 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online
@@ is helping me.
+@@ hilft mir.
About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
+Über die Esperia Gilde, ich bin ein wenig misstrauisch, wenn ich das so sagen darf. Es gibt einige Gerüchte, dass sie monströse Sachen machen und einen großen Teil von ihnen vor uns verstecken.
All that I had to eat were these berries... Berries... Berries...
+Und alles, was ich zum Essen hatte waren Beeren... Beeren... Beeren...
Alright, bye!
Ok, Tschüss!
Also, there was this inscription on your raft, one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world, does that make you remember something?
+Und, dort war ein Zeichen an deinem Floß, eines der Kriegergilde von Esperia, der größten und stärksten Gilde der ganzen neuen Welt, weckt das Erinnerungen in dir?
Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#0
+Und, wir haben deine Kleidung genommen, die ja... in relativ schlechtem Zustand war. Schau mal in die Box hinter deinem Bett. Dort sind ein paar neue.
Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#1
+Und, wir haben deine Kleidung genommen, die ja... in relativ schlechtem Zustand war. Schau mal in die Box hinter deinem Bett. Dort sind ein paar neue.
And please, no berries. No more!
Und bitte... Keine Beeren mehr!
And what kind of help do you need?
+Und was für eine Art von Hilfe brauchst du?
Are you ok?
+Alles ok?
Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
+Arr, gib mir keine Beeren! Ich will sie nicht, doofe Beeren, doofe ... doofe .. doofe!
As you can walk around, it'll be an easy task for you. Impale me one of them!!
+Da du umher laufen kannst sollte es für dich ein einfaches sein. Spieß mir eine auf!
As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship.
+Als du deine Augen öffnest und dich umschaust siehst du ein großes Schiff.
@@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in
Aber vorallem war sie es die sich um dich gekümmert hat während du im Koma lagst.
But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway.
+Aber bis dahin musst du hierbleiben. Es ist ohnehin nichts anderes zu tun.
But who am I?
+Aber wer bin ich?
But you won't *hick* me this time...
+Aber du wirst mich *hicks* dieses mal nicht...
But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him.
+Aber... wenn er vergesslich ist, wie Julia sagt, brauchen wir uns keine Sorgen um ihn machen.
But... if she is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about her.
+Aber... wenn sie vergesslich ist, wie Julia sagt, brauchen wir uns keine Sorgen um sie machen.
Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
Kann du mir etwas bringen, dass kein Gemüse ist?
@@ -89,14 +89,17 @@ Kann du mir etwas bringen, dass kein Gemüse ist?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
Klicke auf die NPCs um dich herum um die Einleitung weiter zu führen.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Could you explain to me where I am?
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
-Could you help me please?
+Could you explain to me where I am?
+Kannst du mir sagen wo ich bin?
+Could you help me please?
+Kannst du mir bitte helfen?
Could you tell me where I am?#0
Kannst du mir sagen wo ich bin?
@@ -111,31 +114,31 @@ Dan
Do you have an other question for me?
Hast du noch eine weitere Frage an mich?
Do you have anything for me today?
+Hast du irgendwas für mich heute?
Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
+Mach das nicht *hicks* mit mir!
Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pay for the ferry!
+Err, Im ernst. Ich wollte nur nach Artis kommen und ich habe nicht das Geld um die Fähre zu bezahlen!
Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
+Entschuldigung? Weißt du wer ich bin?
Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
+Entschuldigung. Weißt du wer ich bin?
Ggrmm grmmm...
Ggrmm grmmm...
@@ -144,16 +147,16 @@ Good job!
Gut gemacht!
Good to know. From what Darlin reported to me, we'll soon come accross a little island, before we arrive in Artis.
+Gut zu wissen. Wie Darlin mir erzählt hat, kommen wir bald an einer kleinen Insel vorbei bevor wir in Artis ankommen.
Good, good!
+Gut, Gut!
He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain.
He he.. OK, Ich gehe rauf und informiere den Kapitän.
He told me nothing about that.
+Er hat mir nichts davon erzählt.
Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
@@ -162,7 +165,7 @@ Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that
Hehe. Manchmal hat er seinen Kopf in den Wolken. Du solltest ihn danach fragen.
Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we got a new member in the crew!
+Hehehe, er ist ein bisschen nervös. Bitte entschuldige ihn. Es passiert nicht jeden Tag, dass wir ein neues Mitglied in underer Crew haben!
Hello, Let me just present myself, I'm Captain Nard, it's me who's leader of this ship.
Hallo. Lass mich dir kurz vorstellen. Ich bin Captain Nard. Ich habe das Kommando über das Schiff.
@@ -171,16 +174,16 @@ Hello, boy!
Hallo Junge!
Hello, girl!
+Hi, Mädchen!
Here's your reward!
+Hier ist deine Belohnung
Hey Frenchy!#0
+Hey Franzose!
Hey Frenchy!#1
+Hey Franzose!
Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay?
Hey! Kannst du uns hören? Alles in Ordnung?
@@ -189,34 +192,34 @@ Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the C
Hallo, tut mir Leid, dass ich deinen Raum so schnell verlassen musste. Ich musste mit dem Kapitän über... deine Rettung. Naja wir haben nun ein weiteres Maul zu stopfen.
Hey, girl!
+Hey, Mädchen!
Hey, man!
Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
+Hey! psst! Du bist kein Matrose, oder?
Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
+Hey. Du solltest Julia aufsuchen um an Bord registriert zu werden.
Hi, nice to see you!
+Hi, nett dich zu sehen!
Hidden person
+Versteckte Person
Hidden person doesn't answer
Die versteckte Person antwortet nicht
How is *hick* possible??
+Wie ist es *hicks* möglich??
I am, who are you?
+Bin ich. Wer bist du?
I beg you, please, pleeeease...
+I bitte doch, Bitte, Biiiiiitte...
I can't remember anything.#0
Ich kann mich an nichts erinnern.
@@ -228,28 +231,28 @@ I don't have anything good for you today.
Ich habe nichts interessantes für dich heute.
I don't need your help right now, come back later.
+Ich brauche deine Hilfe zur Zeit nicht. Komme später wieder.
I don't want to change my language, sorry.
Ich möchte meine Sprache nicht ändern.
I feel ok.#0
+Ich fühle mich ok.
I feel ok.#1
+Ich fühle mich ok.
I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
+Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. Ich würde gerne meine Sprache ändern.
I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
+Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht. Ich würde gerne meine Sprache ändern.
I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#0
+Ich brauche Hilfe um den Kiel des Schiffes zu reinigen. Aber du bist nicht stark genug um mir zu helfen.
I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#1
+Ich brauche Hilfe um den Kiel des Schiffes zu reinigen. Aber du bist nicht stark genug um mir zu helfen.
I need somebody who can clean the bottom of the ship of these Ratto, can you help me?
Ich brauche jemanden der den Schiffsrumpf von diesen Ratten säubert. Kannst du mir helfen?
@@ -261,13 +264,13 @@ I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
Ich kann mich nur daran erinnern, dass du mich gerettet hast.
I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
+Hm. Informiere die anderen Matrosen darüber. Aber wenn er Teil der Kriegergilde ist, ist er unser Verbündeter.
I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
Ich verstehe. Informiere die anderen Matrosen darüber. Aber wenn sie Mitglied der Kriegergilde ist, ist sie auch unsere Verbündete.
I speak Dutch
+Ich spreche Niederländisch.
I speak English
Ich spreche Englisch
@@ -276,34 +279,34 @@ I speak Flemish
Ich spreche Flämisch
I speak French
+Ich spreche Französisch
I speak German
+Ich spreche Deutsch
I speak Italian
Ich spreche Italienisch
I speak Russian
+Ich spreche Russisch
I speak Spanish
+Ich spreche Spanish
I think I should report you to the crew members.
+Ich glaube ich sollte dich der Crew melden.
I will give her everything she needs, don't worry.
+Ich werde ihr alles geben, dass sie braucht, keine Sorge.
I will give him everything he needs, don't worry.
+Ich werde ihm alles geben, dass er braucht. Keine Sorge.
I will give you @@gp.
+Ich werde dir @@ GP geben.
I will yaying do.
+Das werde ich.
I will.
Das werde ich.
@@ -312,91 +315,91 @@ I wonder too...
Das wundert mich auch...
I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
+Ich würde gerne eins von ihnen fangen. Aber sie fliegen weg wenn ich es versuche.
I'll share my berries with you, if you help me.
+Ich werde meine Beeren mit dir Teilen wenn du mir hilfst.
I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
+Ich heiße Alige, und ich verstecke mich hier schon für ein paar Wochen.
I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you some days ago, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
+Ich heiße Julia. Ich war es, die auf dich aufgepasst hat in den Tagen nachdem wir dich auf dem Meer gefunden haben. Es freut mich zu sehen, dass es dir nun gut geht!
I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
+Ich verliere mein Gedächnis, Ich brauche etwas anderes zu essen!
I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the warrior guild won't get me!
+Ich bin nicht so dähmlich eeh *hicks* Was immer du dort entde *hicks* ckt hast, die Kriegergilde bekommt mich nicht!
I'm not.
+Ich nicht.
I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#0
+Ich bin krank. Ich gehe zurück ins Bett.
I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1
+Ich bin krank. Ich gehe zurück ins Bett.
If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
+Wenn ich *hicks* gesehen hätte wer du bist *hips* hätte ich dir nicht geholfen!
In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun.
+In diesem Loch habe ich viel Spaß, weißt du?
It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
+Es macht Sinn, glaubst du wir sollten den Käpt'n darüber informieren?
It'll be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that.
+Es wäre ein gute Moment für ein bisschen Übung, da das Schiff nicht wirklich groß genug dafür ist.
It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry!
+Es ist der Handelshafen von Andorra. Es ist komisch, dass du noch nicht davon gehört hast. Es ist eine der berühmtesten Städte der ganzen Welt. Aber he. Lass uns zum Thema zurückkommen! Ich bin hungrig!
It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#0
+Gut zu wissen, dass du aufgewacht und wieder ok bist. Elmo hat mir die gute Nachricht erzählt!
It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me this good news!#1
+Gut zu wissen, dass du aufgewacht und wieder ok bist. Elmo hat mir die gute Nachricht erzählt!
Knifes on the table
+Messer auf dem Tisch
Let me see your work...
+Lass mich deine Arbeit sehen...
Magic Arpan
+Magic Arpan
Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
+Vielleicht ist er einer von denen, die letzten Monat verloren gingen? Die Leute von Esperia die einen geheimen Auftrag von der Kriegergilde bekommen haben!
Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
+Vielleicht war sie eine von denen die letzen Monat verloren gegangen sind? Dieses Mädchen von Esperia hat eine geheime Aufgabe von der Kriegergilde bekommen!
NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
+NEIN und *hicks* NEIN, du und deine... *burp* dähmliche *hicks* Gilde!
NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
NEIN und *hicks* NEIN, du und du und deine ... *hicks* dämliche *burp* Gilde!
No problem, do you have an other question for me?
+Kein Problem. Hast du noch andere Fragen für mich?
No, I can't, I just wanted to travel across the seas for fun.
Nein, Kann ich nicht. Ich wollte nur aus Spaß über die Meere reisen
@@ -405,52 +408,52 @@ No, thanks.
Nein. Danke.
No, they are way too dangerous for me!
+Nein, Die sind zu gefährlich für mich!
Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians
+Niemand weiß etwas über die Existenz der Merkurianer
Nobody! *burp*
+Niemand! *burp*
Nothing, sorry.
OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
+Ok. Ich glaube er wacht auf. Sieh mal nach ihm.
OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
+Ok. Sie wacht auf. Geh mal zu ihr.
Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
+Natürlich! Sag mir welche Sprache du sprichst und ich werde die Notiz in der Bordliste ändern.
Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
+Oh gut! Hat er dir auch dein Geld zurückgegeben?
Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
+Hm. Wir haben dich gerettet als du an uns vorbei getrieben bist.
Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
+Hm. Wir haben dich gerettet, nachdem du auf das Meer abgetrieben bist.
Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0
+Oh hehe, Da sie nicht essbar sind versuchst du sie am besten anzuziehen!
Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1
+Oh hehe. Da sie nicht essbar sind könntest du versuchen sie auszurüsten!
Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
+Oh, und gib ihr ein paar einfache Sachen. Das arme Mädchen. Die die sie hatten waren in einer sogar schlechteren Verfassung als unsere!
Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
+Oh, und gib ihm ein paar einfache Klamotten, der arme, die die er hatte waren sogar in einem schlechterem Zustand als unsere!
Oh, he's still alive!
+Oh. Er lebt noch!
Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#0
Oh. Ich erinnere mich. Wir haben ein wenig Geld in deinen Taschen gefunden. Hier ist es!
@@ -459,55 +462,55 @@ Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!
Oh. Ich erinnere mich. Wir haben ein wenig Geld in deinen Taschen gefunden. Hier ist es!
Oh, she's still alive!
+Oh, Sie lebt noch!
Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
+Oh... Ehm. Ja habe ich, oder, nun, Schönen Tag noch!
Ok, Done. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them!
+Ok, Erledigt. Ich bin mir sicher, dass du ein paar Fragen an mich hast. Frag einfach!
Ok, I'll help you.
Ok, Ich werde dir helfen.
Ok, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
+Ok. Ich gehe in ihr Zimmer und halte sie im Auge. Wir wissen immer noch nicht ob sie ein Feind oder Verbündeter ist...
Ok, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
+Ok. Ich gehe in sein Zimmer und behalte ihm im Auge. Wir wissen immer noch nicht ob er ein Feind oder Verbündeter ist...
Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
+Ok, gedulde dich noch ein bisschen, in den nächsten paar Tagen werden wir im Hafen von Artis einlaufen...
Ok, ok. Come back if you change your mind.
+Ok, ok. Komm wieder wenn du es dir ander überlegst.
Okay, I'm ready to work!#0
Ok ich bin bereit zu arbeiten!
Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
+Ok. Ich bin bereit zu arbeiten!
Okay, but what can you offer me?
+Ok. Aber was bietest du mir an?
Okay, you can start!
Ok, Du kannst anfangen!
Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0
+Öffne dein Inventar (F3-Taste), wähle die Sachen eine nach der anderen auf und rüste sie aus.
Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1
+Öffne dein Inventar (F3-Taste), wähle eine Sache nach der anderen aus und rüste sie aus.
Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0
+Perfekt. Was hast du heute für mich zu Essen?
Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#1
+Perfekt. Was hast du heute für mich zu Essen?
Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again!
Bitte erzähl ihnen nicht, dass du mich gesehen hast. Ich möchte nicht den Haien zum Fraß vorgeworfen oder geköpft werden. Nicht schon wieder!
@@ -516,19 +519,19 @@ RightBarrierCheck
Rrrr pchhhh...
+Rrrr pchhhh...
She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew, oh well, except for you now yeyeye!
+Sie ist auf dem oberen Deck. Du kannst sie nicht verfehlen. Sie ist die einzige Frau in der Crew. Oh. Neben dir nun, hehe!
She is on the upper level, yeye can't miss her. She is the only girl in this crew.
Sie ist auf dem oberen Deck. Du kannst sie nicht verfehlen. Sie ist die einzige Frau in der Crew.
@@ -540,19 +543,19 @@ So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sig
Deswegen wollten wir dich warnen. Vielleicht kommt er aus der Gilde. Denn ihr Zeichen war auf dem Floß.
So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
+Also, darum wollten wir dich warnen. Vielleicht kommt sie aus der Gilde, dessen Wappen auf dem Floß war.
So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look in good health now.
+Wie fühlst du dich? Ich sehe Julia hat gute Arbeit geleistet. Du siehst gesund aus.
So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
+Wie läufts? Hast du schon andere Crew Mitglieder getroffen?
Some sailors are trying to talk to you..
Ein paar Matrosen versuchen dich anzusprechen...
Sorry but I can't tell you anything about that.
+Tut mir Leid aber darüber kann ich dir nichts erzählen.
Sorry but I have no time for this.
Tut mir Leid. Aber ich habe keine Zeit für sowas.
@@ -561,13 +564,13 @@ Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me
Ah. Tut mir Leid. Ich habe vergessen mich vorzustellen. Ich heiße Arpan. Aber die meisten anderen Matrosen nennen mich Magic Arpan da ich den ein oder anderen Zauberspruch kenne.
Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#0
+Tut mir Leid aber ich habe grade zu tun.
Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1
+Tut mir Leid aber ich habe grade zu tun.
Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
+Auf einmal hörst du eine Stimme aus dem Himmel.
Sure, Cap'tain.
Natürlich Cap'tain.
@@ -576,37 +579,37 @@ Thank you so much! Here, have some berries...
Vielen Dank! Hier. Nimm dir ein paar Beeren...
Thank you, I'll take them.
+Danke. Ich werde sie mir nehmen.
Thanks for helping me!
+Vielen Danke für die Hilfe!
That's a good idea, go rest a bit and I'll see you tomorow!
+Das ist eine gute Idee. Geh und ruhe dich ein wenig aus und ich werde dich morgen sehen!
The giant bogeyman!
+Der schwarze Mann!
The sailor chugs his beer
+Der Matrose hebt sein Bier
The sailor is turning his back to you.
+Der Matrose dreht dir den Rücken zu.
The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
Die Matrosen ziehen dich an Bord um dir zu helfen.
There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
+Es sind immernoch ein paar Ratten übrig! Willst du den Quest abbrechen?
There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
+Dort sind ein paar fliegende gelbe Tiere um dich herum. Sie werden Pious genannt. Ein geröstetes Bein von ihnen wäre perfekt.
There is some knifes on the table, do you want to take one?
+Dort sind ein paar Messer auf dem Tisch. Möchtest du eins aufnehmen?
This box is locked.
+Diese Box ist verschlossen.
This door seems locked
Diese Tür scheint abgeschlossen zu sein
@@ -615,52 +618,52 @@ This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where th
Dieses Mädchen hat Glück gehabt, dass wir sie gefunden haben bevor es ein Hai getan hat. Ich habe keine Idee woher sie kommt. Ah. Hast du das Wappen auf ihrem Floß gesehen?
This girl needs help, let's rescue her!
+Das Mädchen braucht Hilfe! Helft ihr!
This guy is lucky that we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
+Der Bursche kann froh sein, dass wir ihn gefunden haben bevor es die Haie getan haben. Ich habe keinen Schimmer wo er herkommt. Ah. Hast du das Wappen auf seinem Floß gesehen?
This guy needs help, let's rescue him!
Dieser Junge brauch Hilfe. Rettet ihn!
This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
+Diese Art von Rede sollte bestraft werden. Aber ich stimmt zu, dass ich sie auch nicht wirklich mag. Also behalte sie im Auge.
This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
+Diese Art zu Reden sollte bestraft werden! Aber ich geben zu, dass ich sie auch nicht allzu besonders mag. Also pass auf ihn auf.
Too bad that you do not want to help me.
+Schade, dass du mir nicht helfen möchtest.
We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
+Wir werden in ein paar Tagen da sein. Sobald wir da sind werde ich der Kriegergilde berichten, was passiert ist. Ich bin mir sicher sie werden dir helfen.
We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
+Wir dachten, dass du uns vielleicht dabei helfen kannst es zu verstehen. Wir wissen nur, dass wir dich auf einem vorbeitreibenden Floß gefunden haben.
We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0
+Wir haben versucht sie zu reinigen, aber das Meerwasser hat sich fast zerstört. Wir haben dir dafür neue Kleidung gegeben. Sie ist nicht sehr gut, aber das ist alles was wir haben.
We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1
+Wir haben versicjt sie zu reinigen, aber das Meerwasser hat sie fast vernichtet. Deswegen haben wir dir neue Sachen gegeben. Sie sind nicht sehr gut, aber alles was wir haben.
We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0
+Wir werden dort in ein paar Tagen ankommen. Du wirst sehen, die Leute dort sind nett und du kannst für Hilfe bei der Krieger Gilde fragen. Sie können dir helfen einen Job zu finden oder dir helfen herauszufinden was dort draußen auf dem Meer passiert ist!
We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#1
+Wir werden dort in ein paar Tagen ankommen. Du wirst sehen, die Leute dort sind nett und du kannst für Hilfe bei der Krieger Gilde fragen. Sie können dir helfen einen Job zu finden oder dir helfen herauszufinden was dort draußen auf dem Meer passiert ist!
What am I suposed to say?
+Was soll ich sagen?
What are you saying guys, it's a yoiis!
What are you talking about? Which guild?
+Worüber redest du? Welche Gilde?
What do you want today?
+Was möchtest du heute?
What happened to me?
Was ist mit mir passiert?
@@ -669,25 +672,25 @@ What is Artis?
Was ist Artis?
What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
+Was soll ich machen nachdem ich die Sachen genommen habe?
What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
+Was soll ich machen nachdem ich die Kleidung genommen habe?
What yeye could I do for you today?
+Was kann ich heute für dich tun?
What? This reward is too small!
+Was? Das ist zu wenig Belohnung!
Where are my old clothes?
+Wo sind meine alten Sachen?
Where can I find Julia?#0
+Wo kann ich Julia finden?
Where can I find Julia?#1
+Wo finde ich Julia?
Where can I find some food?
Wo finde ich etwas zu Essen?
@@ -696,7 +699,7 @@ Who are you?
Wer bist du?
Who is this Julia?
+er ist diese Julia?
Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
Warum Franzose? Es ist ein Russe!
@@ -705,40 +708,40 @@ Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
Warum Franzose? Es ist ein Russe!
Why are you hiding?
+Warum versteckst du dich?
Why don't you go outside?
Warum gehst du nicht raus?
Why not, I need to train anyway.
+Warum nicht? Ich muss ohnehin üben.
Why not... but, who are you?
+Warum nicht... Aber wer bist du?
Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#0
Du solltest nach ihr sehen! Sie wird sich freuen dich zu sehen.
Yaya, you should go see her! She will be happy to see you.#1
+Hm. Du solltest mal zu ihr gehen! Sie wird sich freuen dich zu sehen.
Yayayaya, for the first time someone is dressed worse then us!
Hehehe. Das erste Mal, dass jemand schlechter gekleidet ist als wir!
Yeah you're all like *hick* that in Esperia, but you won't get me! *burp*
+Ja! Ihr seid alle so *hicks* in Esperia. Aber ihr werdet mich nicht kriegeb! *burp*
Yeah, but what reward will I get?
+Hm. Aber was für eine Belohnung werde ich bekommen?
Yes he did.
+Ja hat er.
Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
+Ja. Arpan hat mir die Sachen gegeben.
Yes, please!
+Ja, Bitte!
@@ -750,46 +753,46 @@ Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis wa
Hm. Es ist das Wappen der Kriegergilde von Esperia. I würde gerne wissen, was dieser Jungspund so weit entfernt von der Küste sucht.
Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
+Hm. Du hattest wirklich Glück überlebt zu haben. Du warst kurz davor von dir zu gehen als wir dich fanden. Erinnerst du dich daran was passiert ist?
Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
+Du kannst glücklich sein, dass du noch lebst. Du warst kurz davor von dir zu gehen. Erinnerst du dich daran was passiert ist?
Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
Hey, Du hast immernoch nicht deine Kleidung geholt!
Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
+Hey, Du hast immernoch nicht deine Sachen genommen!
You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
+Du bist auf einem Schiff. Wir sind auf dem Weg nach Artis
You are full of wine, my friend...
+Du bist total betrunken mein Freund...
You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
+Du bist auf einem Floß. Abgetrieben auf dem Meer,
You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#0
+Du bist auf unserem Schiff. Wir sind dabei Artis, das Ender unserer langen Handelsfahrt anzulaufen.
You are on our ship, we are actually yeyending our long merchant traveling adventure to the city of Artis.#1
+Du bist auf unserem Schiff. Wir sind dabei Artis, das Ender unserer langen Handelsfahrt anzulaufen.
You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#0
+Du kannst zu deiner Rechten hinunter gehen.
You can go to your right to go to the upper level.#1
+Du kannst zu deiner Rechten hinunter gehen.
You can't go there!
Du kannst da nicht weiter!
You don't remember anything before this.
+Du erinnerst dich an nicht das zuvor geschehen ist.
You really are quite amnesic.
Du scheinst wirklich ein wenig vergesslich zu sein.
@@ -798,7 +801,7 @@ You see some items in the box. Take them out?
Du siehst ein paar Gegenstände in der Box. Möchtest du sie herausnehmen?
You should go and get some sleep.
+Du solltest dir ein wenig Schlaf holen.
You should go see them.
Du solltest mal bei ihnen vorbeischauen.
@@ -807,26 +810,29 @@ You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn somet
Du hast noch ein paar Tage bevor wir in den Hafen einlaufen. Vielleicht kannst du etwas von ihnen lernen?
You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form.
+Quatsch. Es ist eine Engländering. Schau ihre Kopfform.
You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
Ach was. Es ist ein Engländer. Schau! Seine Kopfform.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
+Du hast versucht mich loszuwerden? Ehh. Aber Überraschung! Ich bin noch *hicks* hier! Oder da...
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
+You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
+Du hast hier einige Tage geschlafen. Julia, unsere Schiffverwaltering, hat ihr bestes getan um deine Verletzungen zu versorgen.
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#1
+Du hast hier ein paar Tage geschlafen. Unsere Schiffsverwaltering Julia hat ihr bestes getan deine Wunden zu versorgen.
You?? Here??
+Du?? Hier??
diff --git a/langs/lang_en.old b/langs/lang_en.old
index 3ac183c6..cd565818 100644
--- a/langs/lang_en.old
+++ b/langs/lang_en.old
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ But if he is amnesic as said Julia, we won't need to worry about him.
But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in this coma.
But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in this coma.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
Could I ask you which is your native language? A sailor said me russian, an other one said me french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship board list just after that.
Could I ask you which is your native language? A sailor said me russian, an other one said me french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship board list just after that.
@@ -322,6 +325,9 @@ You tried to get ride of me, eeh?? But suprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there
You were in a bad mood and you can be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
You were in a bad mood and you can be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.
diff --git a/langs/lang_en.txt b/langs/lang_en.txt
index 4d0b3c61..6eb05a35 100644
--- a/langs/lang_en.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_en.txt
@@ -89,8 +89,11 @@ Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Could you explain to me where I am?
Could you explain to me where I am?
@@ -815,8 +818,11 @@ You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.
diff --git a/langs/lang_es.txt b/langs/lang_es.txt
index 82180e08..6ea9797f 100644
--- a/langs/lang_es.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_es.txt
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ But you won't *hick* me this time...
Pero tú no me has *hic* ganado esta vez...
But... if he is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about him.
+Pero... si él tiene amnesia, como Julia dijo, no necesitamos preocuparnos por él.
But... if she is amnesic like Julia said, we don't need to worry about her.
-Pero... si ella es tiene amnesia, como Julia dijo, no necesitamos preocuparnos por ella.
+Pero... si ella tiene amnesia, como Julia dijo, no necesitamos preocuparnos por ella.
Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
¿Puedes traerme algo que no sea un vegetal?
@@ -89,12 +89,15 @@ Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
Haz clic en los NPCs en derredor para continuar la introducción.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Could you explain to me where I am?
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
+Could you explain to me where I am?
+¿Podrías explicarme dónde estoy?
Could you help me please?
@@ -165,7 +168,7 @@ Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we got a
Hello, Let me just present myself, I'm Captain Nard, it's me who's leader of this ship.
+Hola. Déjame presentarme. Soy el Capitán Nard, el yo quien lidera esta nave.
Hello, boy!
¡Hola, chico!
@@ -240,10 +243,10 @@ I feel ok.#1
I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
+Cometí un error; me gustaría cambiar mi lenguaje.
I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#1
+Cometí un error; me gustaría cambiar mi lenguaje.
I need help for cleaning the wedge of the ship, but you aren't strong enough to help me.#0
@@ -321,7 +324,7 @@ I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you some days ago, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
+Me llamo Julia, he sido yo quien tuvo cuidados de ti algunos días atrás, cuando te encontramos en el mar. ¡Estoy muy feliz de ver que pareces estar bien ahora!
I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
@@ -417,7 +420,7 @@ Nobody! *burp*
¡Nadie! *eructo*
Nothing, sorry.
+Nada, lo siento.
OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
OK. Creo que está despertando; ve a verlo.
@@ -426,7 +429,7 @@ OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
OK. Creo que se está despertando; ve a verla.
Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
+¡Por supuesto! Dime cuál idioma hablas y cambiaré la nota en la lista de embarque de esta nave.
Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
@@ -465,7 +468,7 @@ Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
Ok, Done. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them!
+Ok, está hecho. Estoy segura de que tienes alguna pregunta para mi. ¡Siéntete libre de preguntar!
Ok, I'll help you.
Ok, te ayudaré.
@@ -633,7 +636,7 @@ Too bad that you do not want to help me.
Muy mal que no quieras ayudarme.
We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
+Deberíamos estar allí en unos días y, una vez que lleguemos, le avisaré al gremio guerrero de lo que ha pasado. Estoy segura de que ellos podrán ayudarte.
We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
@@ -735,7 +738,7 @@ Yes he did.
Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
+Sí, Arpan me dio esta ropa.
Yes, please!
¡Sí, por favor!
@@ -765,7 +768,7 @@ Yeye.
You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
+Tú estás, en realidad, en una nave. Nosotros estamos de camino a la capital comercial de Artis.
You are full of wine, my friend...
@@ -815,7 +818,10 @@ Estúpidos, es un inglés. Miren la forma de su cabeza.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.old b/langs/lang_fr.old
index 4aae2104..2e0fd725 100644
--- a/langs/lang_fr.old
+++ b/langs/lang_fr.old
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Puis-je te demander qu'elle est ta langue natale? Un marin m'a dit que tu étais Russe, mais un autre m'a dit que tu étais Français... Je suis un peu perdue. Je t'enregistre dans la liste des membres du bateau juste aprés cela.
Could I ask you which is your native language? A sailor said me russian, an other one said me french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship board list just after that.
Puis-je te demander qu'elle est ta langue natale? Un marin m'a dit que tu étais Russe, mais un autre m'a dit que tu étais Français... Je suis un peu perdue. Je t'enregistre dans la liste des membres du bateau juste aprés cela.
@@ -37,3 +40,6 @@ Tu peux aller vers ta droite et prendre l'escalier qui va vers le niveau au dess
You were in a bad mood and you can be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
Tu étais dans un piteuse état, tu peux être heureux que l'on t'es trouvé avant que la mer ne se charge de toi!
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+Tu étais dans un piteuse état, tu peux être heureux que l'on t'es trouvé avant que la mer ne se charge de toi!
diff --git a/langs/lang_fr.txt b/langs/lang_fr.txt
index 9e299de2..58013295 100644
--- a/langs/lang_fr.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_fr.txt
@@ -89,8 +89,11 @@ Peux-tu m'apporter quelquechose qui n'est pas végétale?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
Cliques sur les PNJs autours de toi pour continuer l'introduction.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
-Puis-je te demander qu'elle est ta langue natale? Un marin m'a dit que tu étais Russe, mais un autre m'a dit que tu étais Français... Je suis un peu perdue. Je t'enregistre dans la liste des membres du bateau juste aprés cela.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Could you explain to me where I am?
Peux-tu m'expliquer où je suis?
@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@ He told me nothing about that.
Il ne m'a rien dit à ce propos.
Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
+Écoutes moi *hick* bien, nimporte que que quoi que tu as *hick* dis à... hein? propos de quoi?! Tu as vu là-bas, la Guilde d'Esperia ne laissera pas cette information aller au public!
Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that.
Hehe, des fois il a la téte dans les nuages, tu devrais allé le voir à propos de ça
@@ -213,10 +216,10 @@ How is *hick* possible??
Comment es-ce *hick* possible??
I am, who are you?
-Je suis, qui es-tu?
+J'en suis un, qui es-tu?
I beg you, please, pleeeease...
+Je t'en supplie, s'il te plait, s'il te plaiiittttt...
I can't remember anything.#0
Je ne me rappel de rien.
@@ -378,10 +381,10 @@ Magic Arpan
Magic Arpan
Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Peut-être était il l'un des disparues de mois dernier? Ces yoiis d'Esperia qui avaient reçu une quette spéciale de la guilde des guerriers!
+Peut-être était il l'un des disparues deu mois dernier? Ces yoiis d'Esperia qui avaient reçu une quette spéciale de la guilde des guerriers!
Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
-Peut-être était elle l'une des disparues de mois dernier? Ces yoiis d'Esperia qui avaient reçu une quette spéciale de la guilde des guerriers!
+Peut-être était elle l'une des disparues du mois dernier? Ces yoiis d'Esperia qui avaient reçu une quette spéciale de la guilde des guerriers!
NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
NO et *hick* NON, toi et toi et ta... *burp* stupi *hick* guilde!
@@ -597,7 +600,7 @@ The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
Les marins te prennent à bord de leur bateau pour t'aider.
There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
+Ils y a encore quelques rattos présent! Veux-tu abandonner la quette?
There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
Il y a des petites peluches jaune qui volent par ici, les gens les appellent des Pious. Avoir une cuisse rotis de ces Pious serait parfait.
@@ -633,7 +636,7 @@ Too bad that you do not want to help me.
C'est dommage que tu ne veuilles pas m'aider.
We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
+Nous devrions arriver dans les prochains jours. Une fois là-bas, j'avertirer la guilde locale de ce qui s'est passé, je suis sure qu'ils pourront t'aider!
We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
Nous pensions que tu aurais pu nous éclairer à ce sujet, tout ce que nous savons c'est que nous t'avons trouvé sur la mer, accroché à ton radeau.
@@ -765,7 +768,7 @@ Yeye.
You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
+Tu es actuellement sur un navire marchand, nous faisons route vers la capitale de commerce, Artis.
You are full of wine, my friend...
Tu es remplis d'alcool mon ami...
@@ -813,10 +816,13 @@ You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
Vous êtes tous idiots, c'est un anglais, regardez la forme de sa tête.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
+Tu as essayé de m'avoir, hein?? Mais surpise! J'suis toujours ici... *hick* Ou là...
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
-Tu étais dans un piteuse état, tu peux être heureux que l'on t'es trouvé avant que la mer ne se charge de toi!
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
Tu étais yayendormi durant plusieurs jours, notre guardienne, Julia, était à tes cotés, elle a fait de son mieux pour te soigner pendant tout ce temps.
diff --git a/langs/lang_it.txt b/langs/lang_it.txt
index cc91f3fb..411323e7 100644
--- a/langs/lang_it.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_it.txt
@@ -89,7 +89,10 @@ Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Could you explain to me where I am?
@@ -815,7 +818,10 @@ You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
diff --git a/langs/lang_nl.txt b/langs/lang_nl.txt
index cc91f3fb..411323e7 100644
--- a/langs/lang_nl.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_nl.txt
@@ -89,7 +89,10 @@ Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Could you explain to me where I am?
@@ -815,7 +818,10 @@ You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
diff --git a/langs/lang_pl.txt b/langs/lang_pl.txt
index cc91f3fb..411323e7 100644
--- a/langs/lang_pl.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_pl.txt
@@ -89,7 +89,10 @@ Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Could you explain to me where I am?
@@ -815,7 +818,10 @@ You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
diff --git a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt
index dfd69457..47167a39 100644
--- a/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_pt_BR.txt
@@ -89,7 +89,10 @@ Você pode me trazer algo que não seja um vegetal?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Could you explain to me where I am?
@@ -815,7 +818,10 @@ You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
diff --git a/langs/lang_ru.txt b/langs/lang_ru.txt
index 85f55b3f..5bbe3160 100644
--- a/langs/lang_ru.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_ru.txt
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online
@@ is helping me.
+@@ мне помогает.
About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
-Об этой Эспирийской гильдии, я понятия о них не имею, если честно говоря. Ходят слухи, что они совершают ужасные вещи и многое от нас скрывают.
+Об этой Эспирийской гильдии, я понятия о них не имею, честно говоря. Ходят слухи, что они совершают ужасные вещи и многое от нас скрывают.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Alright, bye!
Хорошо, пока!
Also, there was this inscription on your raft, one of the warrior guild of Esperia, the largest and biggest guild of the whole new world, does that make you remember something?
+И еще, на твоем плоту была надпись Гильдии Воинов Эспирии, самой большой гильдии во всем новом мире, может быть это поможет тебе вспомнить что-нибудь?
Also, we took your yayed clothes, as they were... Yeyeye... In bad condition, go check the box around your bed, there is some new ones inside.#0
Мы также взяли твои йайные вещи, они были... Йейейе... В плохом состоянии. Посмотри в коробке около твоей кровати, там есть новые вещи для тебя.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ And please, no berries. No more!
И пожалуйста, не надо ягод. Не могу их больше видеть!
And what kind of help do you need?
+Какая помощь тебе нужна?
Are you ok?
Ты в порядке?
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ AreaBottom
Arrr, don't give me more berries! I don't want them, stupid berries, stupid ... stupid ... stupid!
Арр, не давай мне больше этих ягод! Я не хочу их, тупые ягоды, тупые... тупые... тупые!
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ As you open your eyes and look around, you see a large ship.
Ты открываешь глаза и видишь большой корабль.
+Билли Бонс
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ But more than everything, she is the one which took care of you when you were in
Но более того, она тот, кто заботился о тебе, пока ты был в коме.
But until then, you need to stay here, there is nothing else to do anyway.
+Но пока тебе нужно оставаться здесь, все равно больше нечего делать.
But who am I?
Но кто я?
@@ -87,9 +87,12 @@ Can you bring me something which isn't a vegetable?
Ты можешь принести мне что-нибудь, кроме овощей?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
+Нажмите на NPC вокруг, чтобы продолжить вступление.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Could you explain to me where I am?
@@ -99,10 +102,10 @@ Could you help me please?
Можешь мне помочь?
Could you tell me where I am?#0
-Ты можешь мне сказать где я?
+Ты можешь мне сказать, где я?
Could you tell me where I am?#1
-Ты можешь мне сказать где я?
+Ты можешь мне сказать, где я?
Damn you! You better not tell anyone that you've seen me!
Черт тебя побери! Лучше не говори никому, что ты меня видел!
@@ -117,13 +120,13 @@ Do you have an other question for me?
У тебя еще есть ко мне вопросы?
Do you have anything for me today?
+У тебя есть что-нибудь для меня?
Don't do do theee... *hick* with me eh!
+Не делай этоооо... *ик* со мной, э!
@@ -132,10 +135,10 @@ Err, seriously, I just wanted to get to Artis, and I haven't got the money to pa
Эм, знаешь, я только хочу добраться до Артиса, но у меня нет денег, чтобы оплатить путешествие!
Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#0
+Извини? Ты не знаешь, кто я?
Excuse me? Do you know who I am?#1
-Извини? Ты не знаешь кто я?
+Извини? Ты не знаешь, кто я?
Ggrmm grmmm...
Гррммммм гррмммм...
@@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ He he... OK, I'm going to the upper level and inform the captain.
Хм... Хорошо, я пойду наверх к капитану и все ему расскажу.
He told me nothing about that.
+Он мне ничего об этом не рассказывал.
Hear me *hick* well, what ever, whatididever you will*hick*said ab...euh..out wha?! You saw there, the Guild of Esperia won't let it go to public.
@@ -162,7 +165,7 @@ Hehe, sometimes he gets his head in the clouds, You should go ask him about that
Хехе, иногда он витает в облаках. Тебе следует пойти спросить его об этом.
Hehehe, he is a bit nervous, please excuse him, it's not everyday that we got a new member in the crew!
+Хе-хе-хе, он немного нервный, прости уж его, не каждый день у нас пополнение в команде!
Hello, Let me just present myself, I'm Captain Nard, it's me who's leader of this ship.
Здравствуй, позволь мне представиться. Меня зовут Капитан Нард, я глава этого корабля.
@@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ Hello, boy!
Привет, парень!
Hello, girl!
Here's your reward!
Вот твоя награда!
@@ -186,16 +189,16 @@ Hey you! Do you hear us? Are you okay?
Эй! Ты нас слышишь? Ты в порядке?
Hey you, sorry for leaving your room so quickly, I needed to... speak with the Captain about... The reserve.. eh, you know, now that we got a new mouth in the crew we need to check it!
-Слушай, прости за то что ухожу так быстро, мне нужно... поговорить с Капитаном о... запасах.. ты знаешь, теперь, когда у нас прибавился еще один рот в команде, нам нужно проверить их!
+Слушай, прости, что ухожу так быстро, мне нужно... поговорить с Капитаном о... запасах.. ты знаешь, теперь, когда у нас прибавился еще один рот в команде, нам нужно проверить их!
Hey, girl!
Hey, man!
Эй ты!
Hey, psst! You're not a sailor, right?
+Эй, псс! Ты не матрос, так?
Hey, you should go see Julia to be registered on the ship board.
Стой, тебе следует поговорить с Джулией, чтобы она записала тебя в список.
@@ -213,16 +216,16 @@ How is *hick* possible??
Как *ик* возможно?
I am, who are you?
+Да, я не матрос. Кто ты?
I beg you, please, pleeeease...
+Я тебя умоляю, пожжжалуйста, пожжжжалуйста...
I can't remember anything.#0
-Я ничего не могу вспомнить
+Я ничего не могу вспомнить.
I can't remember anything.#1
-Я ничего не могу вспомнить
+Я ничего не могу вспомнить.
I don't have anything good for you today.
У меня сегодня нет для тебя ничего хорошего.
@@ -234,10 +237,10 @@ I don't want to change my language, sorry.
Я не хочу менять свой язык, прости.
I feel ok.#0
+Я в порядке.
I feel ok.#1
+Я в порядке.
I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
Я ошиблась и хочу поменять свой язык.
@@ -261,7 +264,7 @@ I only remember I was rescued by you.#1
Я помню только, что был спасен тобой.
I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if he is a part of the Warrior Guild, then he is also our ally.
+Я вижу. Предупреди других матросов об этом. Но если он состоит в Гильдии Воинов, то он еще и наш союзник.
I see, warn the other sailors about this. But if she is a part of the Warrior Guild, then she is also our ally.
Я вижу. Предупреди других матросов об этом. Но если она состоит в Гильдии Воинов, то она еще и наш союзник.
@@ -285,7 +288,7 @@ I speak Italian
Я говорю по-итальянски
I speak Russian
+Я говорю по-русски
I speak Spanish
Я говорю по-испански.
@@ -303,13 +306,13 @@ I will give you @@gp.
Я дам тебе @@gp
I will yaying do.
+Я сделаю йейе.
I will.
I wonder too...
+Я тоже удивлен...
I'd like to catch one of them, but they are flying away when I try.
Я хотел бы поймать одну из них, но они улетают от меня, когда я подхожу близко.
@@ -318,10 +321,10 @@ I'll share my berries with you, if you help me.
Я поделюсь с тобой ягодами, если ты мне поможешь.
I'm called Alige, and I've been hiding here for few weeks.
+Меня зовут Алидж, я прячусь здесь уже несколько недель.
I'm called Julia, it's me who took care of you some days ago, when we found you back on the sea, I'm very happy to see that you seem okay now!
+Меня зовут Джулия, это я присматривала за тобой эти несколько дней, после того, как мы нашли тебя в море. Я счастлива видеть, что теперь ты в порядке!
I'm losing my mind, I need something else to eat!
Я теряю рассудок, мне нужно съесть что нибудь другое!
@@ -330,16 +333,16 @@ I'm not that numb eeh *hick* what did ever you disco*hips*veeered there, the war
I'm not.
I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#0
+Я больна, я пойду обратно в кровать.
I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1
+Я болен, я пойду обратно в кровать.
If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
+Если бы *ик* знал кто ты такооо... *ик* Не помогал бы тебе!
In this cave, you see, I have lots of fun.
В этой пещере, ты видишь, много интересного.
@@ -348,7 +351,7 @@ It makes sense, do you think we should inform the capt'n about it?
Это меняет дело. Как ты думаешь, стоит сообщить об этом капитану?
It'll be a good moment for you to do some exercice, as the ship is not very vast for that.
+Это будет хорошим шансом поупражняться, так как корабль не слишком быстр для этого.
It's a commercial port of Andorra, it's weird that you don't know about it, it's one of the most famous cities throughout the world... But hey oh, returning to the topic! I'm hungry!
Это торговый порт Андорры, странно, что ты об этом не знаешь, это один из самых знаменитых городов в мире... Но эй, ох, вернемся к теме! Я хочу есть!
@@ -360,31 +363,31 @@ It's nice to see that you woke up and that you are ok, Elmo came here to tell me
Приятно знать, что ты очнулся и ты в порядке, Элмо пришел сообщить мне эту прекрасную новость!
Knifes on the table
+Ножи на столе
Let me see your work...
+Дай посмотреть твою работу...
Magic Arpan
Магический Арпан
Maybe he was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
+Может, она из тех, кто потерялся в прошлом месяце? Йоис из Эспирии, у которой есть секретное задание Гильдии Воинов!
Maybe she was one of those who got lost last month? The yoiis from Esperia that got a secret quest from the Warrior guild!
Может, она из тех, кто потерялся в прошлом месяце? Йоис из Эспирии, у которой есть секретное задание Гильдии Воинов!
NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#0
+НЕТ и еще *ик* НЕТ, ты и ты и твоя *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия!
NO and *hick* NO, you and you and your... *burp* stupi*hick* guild!#1
НЕТ и еще *ик* НЕТ, ты и ты и твоя *урп* тупа*ик* гильдия!
@@ -393,7 +396,7 @@ Nard
No problem, do you have an other question for me?
Без проблем, у тебя еще есть ко мне вопросы?
@@ -405,43 +408,43 @@ No, thanks.
Нет, спасибо.
No, they are way too dangerous for me!
+Нет, они слишком опасны для меня!
Nobody will know about the existence of the Mercurians
+Никто не узнает о существовании Меркурийцев
Nobody! *burp*
+Никто! *бурп*
Nothing, sorry.
+Ничего, прости.
OK, I think he's waking up, go see to him.
+Ладно, я думаю, он просыпается, иди к нему.
OK, I think she's waking up, go see to her.
-Ладно, я думаю она просыпается, иди к ней.
+Ладно, я думаю, она просыпается, иди к ней.
Of course! Tell me which language you speak and I will change the note on the ship board list.
+Конечно! Скажи на каком языке ты разговариваешь, и я поменяю твою запись в списке.
Oh good! Did he give you your money back as well?
О, хорошо! Он вернул тебе твои деньги полностью?
Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#0
+Ну, мы спасли тебя, когда ты йайала на плоту по течению в море.
Oh well, we rescued you when you were yaying adrift in the sea.#1
+Ну, мы спасли тебя, когда ты йайал на плоту по течению в море.
Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#0
+Йейейе, так как они не съедобные, то ты можешь попробовать одеть их!
Oh yeyeye, as they are not eatable, you can try to equip them!#1
-Ах йейейе, так как они не съедобные, то ты можешь попробовать одеть их!
+Йейейе, так как они не съедобные, то ты можешь попробовать одеть их!
Oh, and give her some basic clothes, the poor girl, the one she had was in even worse condition that the ones we have!
О, и дайте ей простой одежды. Бедняга, ее старая одежда в еще более плохом состоянии, чем наша!
@@ -450,7 +453,7 @@ Oh, and give him some basic clothes, the poor guy, the one he had was in even wo
О, и дайте ему простой одежды. Бедняга, его старая одежда в еще более плохом состоянии, чем наша!
Oh, he's still alive!
+О, он еще жив!
Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!#0
О, хорошо что вспомнил, вот деньги, которые мы нашли в твоих карманах, держи!
@@ -459,22 +462,22 @@ Oh, now that I remember, we also find some money on your pockets, here they are!
О, хорошо что вспомнил, вот деньги, которые мы нашли в твоих карманах, держи!
Oh, she's still alive!
+Ой, она еще жива!
Oh... Err, yes I did, or, well, good day to you!
Ох.. Эм, да, или, ну, хорошего тебе дня!
Ok, Done. I'm sure that you've got some questions for me, feel free to ask them!
+Так, записала. Я уверена, у тебя есть ко мне вопросы, задавай их!
Ok, I'll help you.
Хорошо, я помогу тебе.
Ok, I'm going to her room, keep an eye on her, we still don't know if she's an ally or an enemy...
+Хорошо, я иду в ее комнату. Присмотрите за ней, еще неизвестно, друг она или враг...
Ok, I'm going to his room, keep an eye on him, we still don't know if he's an ally or an enemy...
+Хорошо, я иду в его комнату. Присмотрите за ним, еще неизвестно, друг он или враг...
Ok, be patient a little while longer, in the next few days we will arrive at the port of Artis...
Ладно, потерпи еще немного, через несколько дней мы прибудем в порт Артиса...
@@ -495,19 +498,19 @@ Okay, you can start!
Хорошо, ты можешь начинать!
Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#0
+Открой свой инвентарь (клавиша F3), выбери каждый элемент одежды и одень его.
Open your inventory (F3 key), select the clothes one by one and equip them.#1
+Открой свой инвентарь (клавиша F3), выбери каждый элемент одежды и одень его.
Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#0
+Отлично, что ты для меня припасла сегодня?
Perfect, which food did you get for me today?#1
+Отлично, что ты для меня припас сегодня?
Please, don't tell people that you've seen me, I don't want to be thrown to sea as food for sharks or decapitated, not again!
Пожалуйста, не говори никому, что ты видел меня, я не хочу, чтобы меня выбросили за борт на корм акулам!
@@ -516,7 +519,7 @@ RightBarrierCheck
@@ -537,34 +540,34 @@ She is the nurse and the shipkeeper of this ship, and also an excellent cook!
Она медсестра и управляющий этого корабля, а еще - превосходный повар!
So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe he comes from that guild, as that sign was on his raft.
-Вот поэтому мы хотели предупредить тебя, что он может придти из этой гильдии, знак которой был на его плоту.
+Вот почему мы хотели предупредить тебя, может быть он из той гильдии, знак которой был на плоту.
So that's why we wanted to warn you, maybe she comes from that guild, as that sign was on her raft.
+Вот почему мы хотели предупредить тебя, может быть, она из той гильдии, знак которой был на плоту.
So, how do you feel? I see that Julia did a marvelous job! You look in good health now.
+Ну, как ты себя чувствуешь? Джулия чудесно над тобой поработала! Сейчас ты выглядишь здоровым.
So, how is it going? Did you meet any other crew members yet?
+Как у тебя дела? Ты встретился с кем-нибудь из команды кроме меня?
Some sailors are trying to talk to you..
Некоторые матросы пытаются заговорить с тобой..
Sorry but I can't tell you anything about that.
+Прости, я не могу тебе ничего об этом рассказать.
Sorry but I have no time for this.
Прости, у меня нет на это времени.
Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me Magic Arpan because I know one or two yaing magic spells.
-Прости, я забыл представиться. Меня зовут Арпан, но другие матросы называют меня Магический Арпан, потому что я знаю пару заклинаний.
+Прости, я забыл представиться. Меня зовут Арпан, но другие матросы называют меня Маг Арпан, потому что я знаю пару заклинаний.
Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#0
+Прости, у меня и без тебя много дел.
Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1
+Прости, у меня и без тебя много дел.
Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
Внезапно ты слышишь голос с неба.
@@ -585,19 +588,19 @@ That's a good idea, go rest a bit and I'll see you tomorow!
Это хорошая идея, иди отдохни немного, увидимся завтра!
The giant bogeyman!
+Огромное привидение!
The sailor chugs his beer
+Матрос хлюпает пивом
The sailor is turning his back to you.
+Матрос отворачивается от тебя.
The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
Матросы взяли тебя на корабль, чтобы помочь тебе.
There are still some rattos left! Do you want to abort the quest?
+Там еще есть крысы! Хочешь прерваться?
There is some flying yellow plush around you, they're called pious. Getting a roasted leg of one of them would be perfect.
В округе водятся летающие желтые курицы, их называют пиуc. Заполучить жареную ножку такой было бы неплохо.
@@ -612,19 +615,19 @@ This door seems locked
Эта дверь, видимо, заперта
This girl is lucky that we found her before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on her raft?
-Этой девушке повезло, мы нашли ее до того, как это сделали акулы. Я понятия не имею откуда она приплыла. Кстати, вы видели герб на ее плоту?
+Этой девушке повезло, мы нашли ее до того, как это сделали акулы. Я понятия не имею откуда она приплыла. Кстати, вы видели знак на ее плоту?
This girl needs help, let's rescue her!
+Этой девушке нужна помощь, давайте спасем ее!
This guy is lucky that we found him before a shark did. I have no idea where this came from. By the way, did you see the logo on his raft?
+Этому парню повезло, мы нашли его до того, как это сделали акулы. Я понятия не имею откуда он приплыл. Кстати, вы видели знак на его плоту?
This guy needs help, let's rescue him!
Этому парню нужна помощь, давайте спасем его!
This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on her.
+Такие разговоры наказуемы, но я соглашусь, что тоже не очень их люблю, так что приглядывай за ней.
This kind of talk should be punished, but I agree that I don't specially like them too, so keep an eye on him.
Такие разговоры наказуемы, но я соглашусь, что тоже не очень их люблю, так что приглядывай за ним.
@@ -633,22 +636,22 @@ Too bad that you do not want to help me.
Очень плохо, что ты не хочешь мне помочь.
We should be there in a few days, and once we arrive, I will advertise the warrior guild of what happened, I'm sure that they can help you.
+Мы должны быть там через несколько дней, и, как только мы приедем, я расскажу гильдии воинов о тебе и о том, что с тобой случилось. Я уверен, они могут тебе помочь.
We thought that you could help us understand this, all we know is that we found you back in the sea, adrift on your raft.
+Мы думали, ты можешь помочь нам разобраться в этом. Все, что мы знаем,это то, что тебя вытащили с плота, плывущего по течению в море.
We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#0
+Мы пытались отстирать их, но морская вода их практически уничтожила. Поэтому мы дали тебе эти вещи, они не очень хорошие, но это все, что у нас есть.
We tried to clean them but the sea water mostly killed them. It's why we gave you these cloths, they are not very good but it's all that we got.#1
Мы пытались отстирать их, но морская вода их практически уничтожила. Поэтому мы дали тебе эти вещи, они не очень хорошие, но это все, что у нас есть.
We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#0
+Мы будем йайать там несколько дней, так что мы высадим тебя там. Увидишь, жители отзывчивы, да и можешь попросить помощи у гильдии воинов. Они помогут тебе найти работенку или, может быть, разузнать, что случилось до того, как мы тебя нашли.
We will be yaying there in a few days, so we will drop you off there. You will see, citizens are polite and you can still ask for help in the warrior guild. They can help find a job for you or maybe help you find out what happened to you out at sea!#1
+Мы будем йайать там несколько дней, так что мы высадим тебя там. Увидишь, жители отзывчивы, да и можешь попросить помощи у гильдии воинов. Они помогут тебе найти работенку или, может быть, разузнать, что случилось до того, как мы тебя нашли.
What am I suposed to say?
Что я должен сказать?
@@ -669,19 +672,19 @@ What is Artis?
Что такое Артис?
What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
+Что я должна делать после того, как возьму одежду?
What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
+Что мне следует делать после того, как я возьму эти вещи?
What yeye could I do for you today?
+Что йейе могу сделать для тебя?
What? This reward is too small!
Что? За такую маленькую награду?!
Where are my old clothes?
+Где мои старые вещи?
Where can I find Julia?#0
Где я могу найти Джулию?
@@ -696,7 +699,7 @@ Who are you?
Ты кто?
Who is this Julia?
+Кто эта Джулия?
Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#0
Почему француженка? Она русская!
@@ -705,13 +708,13 @@ Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
Почему француз? Он русский!
Why are you hiding?
+Почему ты прячешься?
Why don't you go outside?
Почему ты не выходишь наружу?
Why not, I need to train anyway.
+Почему бы и нет, мне все равно нужны тренироваться.
Why not... but, who are you?
Почему бы и нет... но кто ты?
@@ -738,7 +741,7 @@ Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
Да, Арпан дал мне эти вещи.
Yes, please!
+Да, пожалуйста!
@@ -750,25 +753,25 @@ Yeye, it's the logo of the warrior guild of Esperia, I wonder what this yoiis wa
Йейе, это знак гильдии воинов Эспирии, я понятия не имею, что этот йоис делал так далеко от побережья.
Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#0
+Йейе, тебе повезло, что ты выжил. Сейчас ты в хорошей форме, ты помнишь, что случилось?
Yeye, you are really lucky to be alive. You are in good enough shape for walking, do you remember what happened?#1
+Йейе, тебе повезло, что ты выжил. Сейчас ты в хорошей форме, ты помнишь, что случилось?
Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#0
-Йейе, ты до сих пор не достала свою одежду!
+Йейе, ты еще не забрала свою одежду!
Yeye, you still did not get your clothes!#1
+Йейе, ты еще не забрал свою одежду!
You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
+Сейчас ты на корабле, мы на пути к Артису - промышленной столице.
You are full of wine, my friend...
+Ты пьян, мой друг...
You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
Ты находишься на плоту, плывущем по течению в море
@@ -789,7 +792,7 @@ You can't go there!
Ты не можешь пойти туда!
You don't remember anything before this.
+Ты не помнишь ничего до этого.
You really are quite amnesic.
Ты и правда довольно забывчивый.
@@ -798,34 +801,37 @@ You see some items in the box. Take them out?
Ты видишь вещи в ящике. Взять их?
You should go and get some sleep.
+Тебе нужно поспать.
You should go see them.
Ты должен пойти и увидеть их.
You still got a few days before we arrive at the port, maybe you can learn something from them?
-У тебя все еще есть несколько дней до того, как мы прибудем в порт
+У тебя все еще есть несколько дней до того, как мы прибудем в порт, может, ты можешь научиться чему-нибудь у них?
You stupid, it's an english, look at her head form.
+Тупица, он англичанин, посмотри на форму его головы.
You stupid, it's an english, look at his head form.
Тупица, он англичанин, посмотри на форму его головы.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
+Хотел от меня избавиться, да? Сюрприз! Я еще здесь.. *ик* Или там...
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
-You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
+You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0
+Ты йайо спал довольно много дней, наша управляющая Джулия была здесь с тобой все это время, делала все, чтобы залечить твои раны.
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#1
+Ты йайо спала довольно много дней, наша управляющая Джулия была здесь с тобой все это время, делала все, чтобы залечить твои раны.
You?? Here??
+Ты?? Здесь??
diff --git a/langs/lang_vls.txt b/langs/lang_vls.txt
index 3f70ca91..a1f13c7a 100644
--- a/langs/lang_vls.txt
+++ b/langs/lang_vls.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Evol Online
@@ is helping me.
+@@ es mi an 't 'elp'n.
About this Esperia's Guild, I wonder about them, if I may speak frankly. There are rumours going around that they did some monstrous things and that they are hiding quite alot of things from us.
@@ -89,7 +89,10 @@ Kun dje mi entwa bring'n da gen groente es?
Click on the NPCs around you to continue the introduction.
-Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#0
+Could I ask you what your native language is? A sailor told me you're russian, but another one told me you're french... I'm a bit lost. I will register you on the ship boarding list just after that.#1
Could you explain to me where I am?
@@ -234,10 +237,10 @@ I don't want to change my language, sorry.
I feel ok.#0
+'k voele mi goe.
I feel ok.#1
+'k voele mi goe.
I made a mistake, I would like to change my language.#0
@@ -333,10 +336,10 @@ I'm not.
I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#0
+'k voele mi nie goe, 'k goa were in min bedde krup'n.
I'm sick, I'm going back to bed.#1
+'k voele mi nie goe, 'k goa were in min bedde krup'n.
If I saw *hick* who you wereee.... *hips* Would not have helped you!
@@ -363,7 +366,7 @@ Julia
Knifes on the table
+Mess'n ip den toafel
@@ -489,7 +492,7 @@ Okay, I'm ready to work!#1
Okay, but what can you offer me?
+Ok, wa kun dje mi gev'n?
Okay, you can start!
Ok, ge kunt start'n!
@@ -561,10 +564,10 @@ Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Arpan, but other sailors call me
Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#0
+Sorry, moa 'k benne bezig nui.
Sorry, but I'm busy right now.#1
+Sorry, moa 'k benne bezig nui.
Suddenly, you hear a voice from the sky.
@@ -591,7 +594,7 @@ The sailor chugs his beer
The sailor is turning his back to you.
+De Zeeman es an 't wegdroai'n van gie.
The sailors take you aboard their ship to help you.
De zeeman'n droag'n ui ip 'un skip om ui 't 'elp'n.
@@ -669,7 +672,7 @@ What is Artis?
Wad es Artis?
What should I do after taking these clothes?#0
+Wa moe 'k ik doen achter da'k die kleren è gepakt?
What should I do after taking these clothes?#1
@@ -705,7 +708,7 @@ Why Frenchy? It's a Russian!#1
Why are you hiding?
+Vo wa zei j' gie an 't verstopp'n?
Why don't you go outside?
Vowa goa j' nie noar but'n?
@@ -738,7 +741,7 @@ Yes, Arpan gave me these clothes.
Joa, Arpan ei mi die kler'n gegev'n.
Yes, please!
@@ -768,7 +771,7 @@ You are actually on a ship, we're on our way to the commercial capital of Artis.
You are full of wine, my friend...
+Ge zit vul me drank, manneke...
You are on a raft, adrift in the sea.
@@ -815,7 +818,10 @@ Gie stommekloot, 't es nen ingels, kijk't na zin hooft.
You tried to get rid of me, eeh?? But surprise! I'm still here...*hick* Or there....
-You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#0
+You were in a bad mood and you should be happy that we found you before the sea took you.#1
You were yaying sleeping for quite some days there, our shipkeeper, Julia, was here with you, she did her best to fix your injuries during this time.#0