// Quick SVN guide // Authors: ElvenProgrammer, Chetic, Bjorn Lindeijer, Matt 1. Intro If you don't know what SVN is, I suggest you to just get the latest release. There are currently no SVN snapshots available. If you want the latest developments, you have to work with SVN and compile yourself, as described below. 2. Get latest SVN If you're a Linux user just type svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/themanaworld/tmw/trunk tmw If you're a Windows user, follow this brief guide: 0. Get TortoiseSVN at http://tortoisesvn.sourceforge.net/ , install it, reboot if necessary. 1. Go to the folder where you want your TMW SVN folder to be. 2. Right click and choose SVN Checkout. 3. In the URL of repository field, write "https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/themanaworld/tmw/trunk" without the quotation marks. 4. Set the Revision to HEAD 5. Press OK When you want to update the SVN, simply right click in or on the SVN folder called tmw and choose "Update SVN"