setUsername($_POST['username']); $acc->setPassword($_POST['password1']); $acc->setEMail($_POST['email']); $acc->setGender($_POST['gender']); $val = $acc->validate(); if (is_array($val)) { foreach( $val as $error) { $err .= $error . "
"; } $showform = true; } if ($_POST['password2'] != $_POST['password1']) { $err .= "The given passwords don't match!"; $showform = true; } if (TMWAccount::existsUsername( $_POST['username'] )) { $err .= "The username is in use!"; $showform = true; } if ($enable_captcha) { // check captcha $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); if (!$resp->is_valid) { $err .= "The captcha was incorrect!"; $showform = true; } } if (!$showform) { // create the account if (!$acc->storeAccount()) { $err = "The was an unknown error while storing your new account"; $showform = true; } } } include("includes/common.php"); placeHeader("Registration"); if ($showform) { ?>

With this form you can register for a new account. We will never give your email to someone else or send you spam! Its only purpose is to be able to send you back whether account creation succeeded.

Security warning: Do not use the same username and password on two different servers. The server admins can read all of them in clear text and nothing stops them from trying them on other servers. It happened a lot in the past that users of the official server got "hacked" because they ignored this important precaution.

"; } ?>
" . $err . "
Retype password:

Your account was scheduled for creation! In a few minutes you should receive an email with verification of your new account.

If the account doesn't work after five minutes, please contact Freeyorp on the forums or IRC. We can make it for you.