Current client release

Windows installer 0.0.20
Source code 0.0.20
MacOS X package 0.0.17
Slackware 10.2 package 0.0.19
Debian package 0.0.16 (see below for repository)
Debian package 0.0.16 (data)
Gentoo eBuild

For older versions please see our files page on SourceForge. Note however that they are no longer supported and likely to no longer work.

Subversion access

The latest version is always available from Subversion, see the Subversion instructions at SourceForge. The client module is named tmw. For checking out the latest development version (trunk) of the client this means to use the command:

svn co tmw

For more instructions you can also read our small guide on how to use SVN. Use the SVN version only if you're interested in testing the latest changes.

Debian repository

For convenience to Debian users, a Debian package repository has been set up here on SourceForge. The repository will also contain any dependencies of The Mana World that are not in the standard Debian repositories yet, which at the moment includes Guichan. To use this repository, add the following line to your sources.list file:

deb ./
deb-src ./

Then to install TMW do:

apt-get update
apt-get install tmw

Note: This repository currently only works with Debian testing and unstable because it's compiled to use libCURL with OpenSSL 0.9.8. If you're on Debian stable or Ubuntu, you'll need take the 0.0.16 debs above or compile Guichan and TMW yourself (the Guichan deb on their website won't work with Breezy because of incompatible GCC versions).