For DMCA complaints please email and we will try to correct it within 30 (thirty) days. This special license file covers assets only, for code, you must refer to their headers and to the COPYING file. Notes: Works submitted by Jesusalva and under CC0, may also be used as if they were under the Apache license without the need of prior consent. ---- GPLv2: Licensed under GNU General Public License version2 or later. See also the GPL file. GPLv3: Licensed under GNU General Public License version3 or later. See also the COPYING CC BY-SA 4.0: Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported. See also the CC BY-SA 4.0 file. CC0 : Licensed under Creative Commons Zero Also known as “Public Domain Dedication” MIT : Licensed under the MIT License. See also MIT file. CC-BY : Either 3.0 or 4.0, depending if version was specified or not. This copyright notice must be kept intact for use, according to CC BY-SA compatibility terms. Where relevant, you must also include a link to in your credit. DO NOT assume endorsement from the authors listed below! The artworks may have been modified without notation about the edits in order to work with this software, we strongly advise to look at their original sources first! Some modifications may also be applied on-the-fly by the client. Support the artists! Good Open Source art is hard to find. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Useful links: (Open Game Art) (Arcmage - A libre CCG) (Doofus 1/BfW Git repository) (Pepper Carrot, webcomics) (David Revoy personal blog) (Iron Thunder, game dev) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Folder path/to/the/licensed/work.something (Author) (License) (Notes/Contributors/Authors/Co-Authors/Sources/etc.) # BG bg/battle2.jpg (Écrivain) (CC0) (OpenGameArt) bg/castle.jpg (yd) (CC0) (OpenGameArt) bg/tavern.jpg (?) (CC0) (Bridge to Hrad Valdštejn - edit by Jesusalva) bg/wilderness (Uncle Mungen) (CC BY) (Lemma Soft Forums) # MOBS 950001 Fire Wizard Female (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950002 Brightshield (Doofus1?) (CC BY SA) (Archaic Era - BfW) 950003 Archer (Kathrin Polikeit) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950004 PROVIDED BY CLIENT 950005 Foot Soldier (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950006 Squad Leader (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950007 Conscript (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950008 PROVIDED BY CLIENT 950009 Spearman (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) ****** 950012 Jezzabell (Ironthunder) (CC BY 4.0) (OpenGameArt) ****** 950022 Dwarf Warrior (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950023 Deadly Shock (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950024 Cyclops (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950025 Dimensional Pocket (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) 950026 Dark Mana Breather (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) # DIALOG Foot Soldier (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) Squad Leader (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY SA) (Arcmage) # UNITS 10X00X Owl Princess (David Revoy) (CC BY SA) ( 10X00X Volcano Monster (David Revoy) (CC BY SA) ( 103004 Christmas Card 2010 (David Revoy) (CC BY) ( 104004 Winter Fairies (David Revoy) (CC BY) ( # BANNER xmas2020 (Jesusalva) (CC BY) (Contains artwork from David Revoy)