######################################################################################## # This file is part of Spheres. # Copyright (C) 2019 Jesusalva # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ######################################################################################## # Editor labels for developers screen units_editor(): modal True frame: background Frame("gui/frame.png", 0, 0) xalign 0.5 yalign 0.5 ymargin 15 ypadding 10 xmargin 10 hbox: spacing 30 xmaximum 0.85 ymaximum 0.85 # Navigation viewport: #child_size (350, 1000) mousewheel True draggable True pagekeys True xfill False xmaximum 350 scrollbars "vertical" vbox: spacing 2 label _("Unit list") $i=0 for entry in allunitsbase: textbutton "{size=18}"+_("%d - %s" % (entry["unit_id"], entry["name"]))+"{/size}" action SetVariable("current", i) $i+=1 $del i # News screen viewport: #child_size (0.4, 0.8) mousewheel True #draggable True #arrowkeys True xfill False scrollbars "vertical" vbox: xalign 0.5 spacing 20 $ uedit=allunitsbase[current] hbox: label _("%s %s" % (star_write(uedit["rare"]), uedit["name"])) null width 30 textbutton "%s" % ifte(uedit["sex"], "(F)", "(M)"): action Function(ueditor, "sex", ifte(uedit["sex"], 0, 1), True) hbox: spacing 10 label _("ID: ") $ input=Input( value=UEditorInputValue(uedit, "unit_id", None, "int", dp=True), copypaste=True, allow="0123456789", length=8) button: #key_events True action input.enable add input null width 180 label _("(%d)" % uedit["unit_base_id"]): text_size 24 null width 24 label _("MaxLv. %d" % uedit["max_level"]): text_size 24 hbox: spacing 10 label _("Name: ") $ input=Input( value=UEditorInputValue(uedit, "name", None, "str", dp=True), copypaste=True, allow="qwertyuiopasdfghjklçzxcvbnm QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLÇZXCVBNM1234567890-+=!(),.:;", length=32) button: #key_events True action input.enable add input hbox: textbutton _("-") action Function(ueditor, "rare", -1) label ("Rarity: %s" % star_write(uedit["rare"])): text_size 24 textbutton _("+") action Function(ueditor, "rare", 1) null height 25 label _("Flavor text:") #label _(uedit["flavor"]) $ input=Input( value=UEditorInputValue(uedit, "flavor", None, "str", dp=True), copypaste=True, #allow="qwertyuiopasdfghjklçzxcvbnm QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLÇZXCVBNM1234567890-+=!()", length=512) button: #key_events True action input.enable add input null height 25 hbox: spacing 24 label _("HP %d" % uedit["hp"]) label _("ATK %d" % uedit["strength"]) null height 25 hbox: textbutton _("-") action Function(ueditor, "attribute", -1) label ("Element: %s" % ParseEle(uedit["attribute"])) textbutton _("+") action Function(ueditor, "attribute", 1) hbox: textbutton _("-") action Function(ueditor, "job", -1) label ("Job: %s" % ParseJob(uedit["job"])) textbutton _("+") action Function(ueditor, "job", 1) null height 25 hbox: textbutton _("-") action Function(ueditor, "flags", -1) label _("Flags %d" % uedit["flags"]) textbutton _("+") action Function(ueditor, "flags", 1) text "None: 0\nCannot levelup: 1\nCannot party: 2\nEXP+: 4\nEvoMat: 8\nDouble GP: 16\nUnsellable: 32\nSuper EvoMat: 64" size 12 null height 25 # TODO: Open skills.json and parse the IDs label _(".:: Skills ::.") hbox: label _("Active ID: "): text_size 20 $ input=Input( value=UEditorInputValue(uedit, "skill_id", None, "int", dp=True), copypaste=False, allow="0123456789", length=6, size=20) button: #key_events True action input.enable add input hbox: label _("Passive ID: "): text_size 20 $ input=Input( value=UEditorInputValue(uedit, "ability_id", None, "int", dp=True), copypaste=False, allow="0123456789", length=6, size=20) button: #key_events True action input.enable add input # TODO: Skills, portraits ########################################### null height 40 hbox: spacing 25 textbutton _("Save") action Function(ueditor_save) textbutton _("Close") action Return() null width 20 textbutton _("Recalc") action Function(ueditor_recalc) null width 20 textbutton _("New Sub") action Function(ueditor_new, True) textbutton _("New Unit") action Function(ueditor_new) ## Right-click and escape refresh screen key "game_menu" action Function(RestartInteraction)#Return() key "K_RETURN" action Function(RestartInteraction)#Return() init python: def ParseJob(job): if job == 1: return "Swordsman" elif job == 2: return "Unused" elif job == 3: return "Mage" elif job == 4: return "Archer" elif job == 5: return "Gunner" elif job == 6: return "Special" else: return "ERROR (%d)" % job def RestartInteraction(): renpy.restart_interaction() return def ueditor(key, operation, override=False): global uedit uedit=allunitsbase[current] print str(uedit["unit_id"]) if override: uedit[key]=operation else: uedit[key]+=operation return def ueditor_save(): global allunitsbase allunitsbase.sort(key=lambda x: x["unit_id"]) f=open(get_path("units.editor.json"), "w") json.dump(allunitsbase, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) f.close() renpy.notify("File saved as units.editor.json") return def ueditor_new(sub=False): global allunitsbase if not sub: ueid=(100000+len(allunitsbase))*100 rar=1 nam="New unit" flav="A standard unit in the game." attr=1 sex=0 job=1 else: ueid=allunitsbase[current]["unit_id"]/100*100+1 # Truncate rar=allunitsbase[current]["rare"]+1 nam=allunitsbase[current]["name"]+" +"+str(rar) attr=allunitsbase[current]["attribute"] sex=allunitsbase[current]["sex"] job=allunitsbase[current]["job"] flav=allunitsbase[current]["flavor"] allunitsbase.append({"skill_id": 0, "strength": 500, "rare": rar, "name": nam, "ability_id": 0, "attribute": attr, "hp": 500, "unit_id": ueid, "sex": sex, "max_level": 10+(rar*10), "job": job, "cost": rar**2, "flags": 0, "unit_base_id": ueid/100, "flavor": flav}) renpy.notify("New unit added: %d" % ueid) return def ueditor_recalc(): global uedit uedit=allunitsbase[current] job=uedit["job"] rar=uedit["rare"] STR=0 HP=0 # Sum must be 800 if job == 1: STR=300;HP=500; # Swordsman (DEF+) elif job == 2: STR=400;HP=400; # Assassin (TODO) elif job == 3: STR=500;HP=300; # Mage (ATK+) elif job == 4: STR=400;HP=400; # Archer (balanced) elif job == 5: STR=600;HP=200; # Gunner (unused) elif job == 6: STR = 0;HP = 0; # Special # Apply rarity modified STR*=(rar+1)/2.0 HP*=(rar+1)/2.0 STR=max(int(STR), 1) HP=max(int(HP), 1) # Save data renpy.notify("%s\nHP %d->%d \n ATK %d->%d" % (uedit["name"], uedit["hp"], HP, uedit["strength"], STR)) uedit["strength"]=copy.copy(STR) uedit["hp"]=copy.copy(HP) allunitsbase[current]["strength"]=copy.copy(STR) allunitsbase[current]["hp"]=copy.copy(HP) # Correct unit family and max level if needed allunitsbase[current]["unit_base_id"]=allunitsbase[current]["unit_id"]/100 allunitsbase[current]["max_level"]=10+(rar*10) return def ueditor_delete(key1, key2=None, key3=None, key4=None): global uedit uedit=allunitsbase[current] if key2 is None: del uedit[key1] #del allunitsbase[current][key1] elif key3 is None: del uedit[key1][key2] #del allunitsbase[current][key1][key2] elif key4 is None: del uedit[key1][key2][key3] #del allunitsbase[current][key1][key2][key3] else: del uedit[key1][key2][key3][key4] #del allunitsbase[current][key1][key2][key3][key4] return def ueditor_input(key1, key2=None, tp="int", temp="", key3=None, key4=None): #temp=renpy.input("Please insert new value for this variable.\nCurrent value: [variable]") global uedit uedit=allunitsbase[current] variable="" # Key looping if key2 is None: target=uedit[key1] elif key3 is None: target=uedit[key1][key2] elif key4 is None: target=uedit[key1][key2][key3] else: target=uedit[key1][key2][key3][key4] # Convert input if needed # tp int → convert to int # tp key → Replace the key # tp bool → Toogles the value if tp == "int": try: variable=int(temp) except: renpy.notify("Invalid numeric input") variable=0 # Sorry, but gets bad otherwise elif tp == "key": try: uedit[key1][temp]=copy.copy(target) renpy.notify("Key replaced") del uedit[key1][key2] # Not sure "del target" would work return except: renpy.notify("ERROR, doing nothing") variable=target elif tp == "bool": try: variable=(not target) print "New boolean: %s" % str(variable) except: print "Illegal boolean" renpy.notify("Illegal boolean") variable=target else: try: variable=str(temp) except: renpy.notify("Invalid string input") # Save input # Key looping if key2 is None: target=uedit[key1]=variable elif key3 is None: target=uedit[key1][key2]=variable elif key4 is None: target=uedit[key1][key2][key3]=variable else: target=uedit[key1][key2][key3][key4]=variable return class UEditorInputValue(InputValue): def __init__(self, variable, key1, key2, inpu="int", key3=None, key4=None, dp=False): try: self.variable = variable except: self.variable = "" self.inpu = inpu self.short_display = dp self.default=True self.editable=True self.key1=key1 self.key2=key2 self.key3=key3 self.key4=key4 def get_text(self): try: if not self.short_display: return str(self.variable) else: return str(self.variable[self.key1]) except: traceback.print_exc() return "" #return globals()[self.variable] def set_text(self, s): #globals()[self.variable] = s ueditor_input(self.key1, self.key2, self.inpu, s, key3=self.key3, key4=self.key4) def enter(self): renpy.restart_interaction() #renpy.run(self.Disable()) #raise renpy.IgnoreEvent() label units_editors: $ uedit=allunitsbase[0] $ current=0 $print("") $print(".:: THE BUILT-IN UNIT EDITOR ::.") $print("Use ESC to redraw screen, saving input") $print("") call screen units_editor $print("Unit Editor closed") menu: "Save Changes": $ ueditor_save() "Discard Changes": pass jump restore