######################################################################################## # This file is part of Spheres. # Copyright (C) 2019 Jesusalva # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ######################################################################################## # Units upgrade and evolution init python: def evocheck(level, unit): # Does an evolved form exist? print "evocheck lv %d" % level try: nu=unit["unit_id"]+1 #print "nu is: %d" % int(nu) next_name=allunits[nu]["name"] #print "next name: %s" % next_name except: return False # Level requeriment return level == unit["max_level"] screen upgrade_char(): vbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.3 # The unit hbox: add At(Composite( (340, 340), (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png", (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % unit["unit_id"], (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % unit["rare"], ), czoom_70) null width 10 label _("{size=32}{color=#fff}%s{/color}{/size}" % (unit["name"])) null height 20 $i=0 hbox: for ignored in enumerate(material): if i < 4: imagebutton: if material[i] >= 0: idle At(Composite( (340, 340), (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png", (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"], (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % allunits[Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"]]["rare"], ), czoom_70) else: idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70) action Return(i) $i+=1 null height 20 hbox: for ignored in enumerate(material): if i < 8: imagebutton: if material[i] >= 0: idle At(Composite( (340, 340), (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png", (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"], (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % allunits[Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"]]["rare"], ), czoom_70) else: idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70) action Return(i) $i+=1 null height 80 # The close button returns -1 and comes last (TODO) hbox: textbutton _("Merge") action Return(-2) null width 80 textbutton _("Leave") action Return(-1) screen evolve_char(): vbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.3 # The unit hbox: add At(Composite( (340, 340), (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png", (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % unit["unit_id"], (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % unit["rare"], ), czoom_70) null width 10 add At("gfx/evol.png", czoom_70) null width 10 add At(Composite( (340, 340), (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png", (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % next["unit_id"], (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % next["rare"], ), czoom_70) #label _("{size=32}{color=#fff}%s\n↓\n%s{/color}{/size}" % (unit["name"], next["name"])) null height 120 $i=0 hbox: xalign 0.5 spacing 150 for ignored in enumerate(material): if i < 2: imagebutton: if material[i] >= 0: idle At(Composite( (340, 340), (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png", (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"], (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % allunits[Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"]]["rare"], ), czoom_70) else: idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70) action Return(i) $i+=1 null height 80 # The close button returns -1 and comes last (TODO) hbox: xalign 0.5 spacing 80 textbutton _("Evolve") action [SensitiveIf(material[0]>=0 and material[1]>=0), Return(-2)] textbutton _("Cancel") action Return(-1) label upgrade_pre: # who -> index. Set beforehand if who < 0: call screen msgbox("Error: Invalid upgrade parameters passed") return $ unit = allunits[Player["inv"][who]["unit_id"]] $ material = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] # Try to update inventory $ inv=get_inventory() python: try: renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Error: %d" % int(inv)) except: Player["inv"]=dlist() for a in inv: Player["inv"].append(a) jump upgrade label upgrade: call screen upgrade_char() $message=_return if (message == -1): $who=-1 return #jump restore if (message == -2): # TODO python: mats=list(set(material)) mats.insert(0, who) if -1 in mats: mats.remove(-1) stdout(str(mats)) ret=None ret=renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Are you sure you want to merge these units?", Return(True), Return(False)) if ret: # TODO: DISPLAY ANIMATION message=send_packet("upgrade", str(mats)) message=json_decode(message) try: lv=Player["inv"][who]["level"] narrator("Level up! %d -> %d" % (lv, int(message)+lv)) except: narrator("An error occured.\n\nError code: %s" % str(message)) renpy.jump("upgrade_pre") else: $ cand=renpy.call_screen("inventory", True) if cand in material and cand >= 0: "This unit is already to be merged!" elif cand == who: "Cannot merge unit with itself!" else: # TODO: Check for party #"Trying to fuse [cand], must check if in party, duplicate, etc." $ material[message]=cand $ del cand # WIP jump upgrade label evolve_pre: # who -> index. Set beforehand if who < 0: call screen msgbox("Error: Invalid upgrade parameters passed") return $ unit = allunits[Player["inv"][who]["unit_id"]] $ next = allunits[Player["inv"][who]["unit_id"]+1] $ material = [-1, -1] # Try to update inventory $ inv=get_inventory() python: try: renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Error: %d" % int(inv)) except: Player["inv"]=dlist() for a in inv: Player["inv"].append(a) #$renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Feature not yet available\n%s" % next["name"]) $renpy.hide("unit_"+str(unit["unit_id"])) jump evolve label evolve: call screen evolve_char() $message=_return if (message == -1): $who=-1 return #jump restore if (message == -2): # TODO python: mats=list(set(material)) mats.insert(0, who) stdout(str(mats)) ret=None ret=renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Are you sure you want to evolve this units?\nReagents will be lost forever!", Return(True), Return(False)) if ret: message=send_packet("evolve", str(mats)) message=json_decode(message) if message in ["200", 200]: # TODO: DISPLAY ANIMATION narrator("Evolution SUCCESS!") else: narrator("Error code: 101!\n\n%s" % str(message)) renpy.jump("inventory") else: $ cand=renpy.call_screen("inventory", True, 'alu["rare"] == %d and\ (\ (alu["unit_id"] == %s) or\ (alu["flags"] & UF_EVOMAT and alu["attribute"] == %d) or\ (alu["flags"] & UF_SUPEREVO) )' % (unit["rare"], unit["unit_id"], unit["attribute"])) if cand in material and cand >= 0: "This unit is already to be used as material!" elif cand == who: "That's the unit being evolved!" else: # TODO: Check for party #"Trying to fuse [cand], must check if in party, duplicate, etc." $ material[message]=cand $ del cand # WIP jump evolve