######################################################################################## # This file is part of Spheres. # Copyright (C) 2019 Jesusalva # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ######################################################################################## # Player data displays init python: def inventoryplace(): global Player # Return next free slot index try: return Player["inv"].index(None) except: return len(Player["inv"]) def get_inventory(): raw=send_packet("get_inv", "") pt=json_decode(raw) if (pt == ERR_JSONDECODER): return ERR_JSONDECODER if (pt == FAILUREMSG): # TODO: msgbox you're offline, quit return ERR_LOGIN_DEFAULT print "get_inv(): "+str(pt) return pt screen inventory(blank=False, filters="True"): # window # hbox vpgrid: cols 4 spacing 5 draggable True mousewheel True scrollbars "vertical" side_xalign 0.5 xoffset 15 #yoffset 45 #xfill True yfill True # The close button returns -1 and comes first imagebutton: if not blank: idle At("gfx/square/back_idle.png", czoom_70) hover At("gfx/square/back_hover.png", czoom_70) else: idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70) action Return(-1) for i, item in enumerate(Player["inv"]): # We don't care for None items if item is not None: # Needed because eval :rolling_eyes: #$ ir=copy.copy(item["rare"]) #$ print str(locals()) python: evl=False #print "---- repr" try: alu=allunits[item["unit_id"]] except: alu={} stdout("ERROR, alu: not defined, index %d" % i) evl=eval(filters, globals(), locals()) #print str(evl) #print str(filters) #print str(item) #print str(alu) if evl: $ btn = unitsquare(item["unit_id"], czoom_70) imagebutton: idle btn action Return(i) #alternate "Show the char data chart" screen char_details(un, hpval, akval, idx): style_prefix "confirm" frame: #at msgbox_emp yalign 0.95 vbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.95 spacing 30 label _("{b}%s{/b}\n%s\n\nHP: %d — ATK: %d\nLv %d/%d — EXP: %d") % ( star_write(un["rare"]), un["name"], hpval, akval, Player["inv"][idx]["level"], un["max_level"], Player["inv"][idx]["exp"]): style "confirm_prompt" xalign 0.5 hbox: xalign 0.5 spacing 100 textbutton _("Merge") action [SensitiveIf(Player["inv"][idx]["level"] < un["max_level"]), Return(-1)] textbutton _("Evolve") action [SensitiveIf(evocheck(Player["inv"][idx]["level"], un)), Return(-2)] hbox: xalign 0.5 spacing 100 textbutton _("Ok") action Return(0) ## Right-click and escape answer "no". key "game_menu" action Return(0) # Show inventory button label inventory: play music MUSIC_PARTY.id() fadein 0.5 $ hud_clear() # Try to update inventory $ inv=get_inventory() python: try: renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Error: %d" % int(inv)) except: Player["inv"]=dlist() for a in inv: Player["inv"].append(a) label show_inv: call screen inventory if (_return >= 0): $stdout("Selected unit index %d" % _return) $un=allunits[Player["inv"][_return]["unit_id"]] $show_img("unit_"+str(un["unit_id"]), at_list=[ttop]) # truecenter $hpval=readjust_status(un["rare"], un["job"], True)*Player["inv"][_return]["level"]+un["hp"] $akval=readjust_status(un["rare"], un["job"], False)*Player["inv"][_return]["level"]+un["strength"] $ret=renpy.call_screen("char_details", un, hpval, akval, _return) # Proccess input if ret == -1: $who=_return call upgrade_pre elif ret == -2: $who=_return call evolve_pre $renpy.hide("unit_"+str(un["unit_id"])) else: jump restore jump show_inv