For DMCA complaints please email and we will try to correct it within 30 (thirty) days. This special license file covers assets only, for code, you must refer to their headers and to the COPYING file. Notes: Works submitted by Jesusalva and under CC0, may also be used as if they were under the Apache license without the need of prior consent. ---- GPLv2: Licensed under GNU General Public License version2 or later. See also the GPL file. GPLv3: Licensed under GNU General Public License version3 or later. See also the COPYING CC BY-SA 4.0: Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported. See also the CC BY-SA 4.0 file. CC0 : Licensed under Creative Commons Zero Also known as “Public Domain Dedication” MIT : Licensed under the MIT License. See also MIT file. This copyright notice must be kept intact for use, according to CC BY-SA compatibility terms. Where relevant, you must also include a link to in your credit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Folder path/to/the/licensed/work.something (Author) (License) (Notes/Contributors/Authors/Co-Authors/Sources/etc.) # Fonts f/ShadowedBlack.ttf (Paul Lloyd) (GPLv2) (From Freecol) # GFX gfx/actionarea.png (-) (-) (-) gfx/action.png gfx/evol.png (Ren'Py Team) (MIT) (Modified by Jesusalva) gfx/off.png (Jesusalva) (CC0) gfx/spinner.png gfx/nourishedflower.webp (Santiago Iborra) (CC BY-SA 4.0) (From Arcmage) ## BG gfx/bg/academy.webp gfx/bg/battle.png (Écrivain) (CC0) (OpenGameArt) gfx/bg/darklands.png (Écrivain) (CC0) (OpenGameArt) gfx/bg/forest_sunset_fg.png (Faewild) (CC BY 3.0) (LemmaSoftForums) gfx/bg/forest_sunset.png (Faewild) (CC BY 3.0) (LemmaSoftForums) gfx/bg/town.webp ## CARDS gfx/cards/1.png gfx/cards/2.png gfx/cards/3.png gfx/cards/4.png gfx/cards/5.png gfx/cards/6.png gfx/cards/bg.png ### ELE gfx/cards/ele/-1.png gfx/cards/ele/0.png gfx/cards/ele/1.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/cards/ele/2.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/cards/ele/3.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/cards/ele/4.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/cards/ele/5.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) ## DIALOG gfx/dialog/0.png gfx/dialog/archmage.webp gfx/dialog/assassinshadow.png gfx/dialog/deadlyshadow.webp gfx/dialog/detective.webp gfx/dialog/mentor.webp gfx/dialog/rebel.png ## GUI gfx/gui/cog_hover.png (JellyCat) (CC0) (OpenGameArt/Modified) gfx/gui/cog_idle.png (JellyCat) (CC0) (OpenGameArt/Modified) gfx/gui/crystal.png (Phobi) (CC0) (OpenGameArt/Modified) gfx/gui/ele_0.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt/Modified) gfx/gui/ele_1.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/gui/ele_2.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/gui/ele_3.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/gui/ele_4.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/gui/ele_5.png (Chrisdesign) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) ## MOBS gfx/mobs/950004.png gfx/mobs/950008.png ## SPHERE gfx/shpere/0.png (-) (-) (-) gfx/shpere/1.png (Chrisdesign/Jesusalva) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/shpere/2.png (Chrisdesign/Jesusalva) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/shpere/3.png (Chrisdesign/Jesusalva) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/shpere/4.png (Chrisdesign/Jesusalva) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/shpere/5.png (Chrisdesign/Jesusalva) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/shpere/6.png (Chrisdesign/Jesusalva) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) gfx/shpere/7.png (Chrisdesign/Jesusalva) (CC0) (From OpenGameArt) ## SQUARE gfx/square/1.png gfx/square/2.png gfx/square/3.png gfx/square/4.png gfx/square/5.png gfx/square/6.png gfx/square/7.png gfx/square/back_hover.png gfx/square/back_idle.png gfx/square/bg.png gfx/square/mask.png ### UNITS ***Cleanup required*** ## SUMMONS gfx/summons/1.webp gfx/summons/2.webp gfx/summons/3.webp ## UNITS gfx/units/10000000.png # GUI gui/elegant.png (?) (CC0) (Open Game Art) gui/HUD.png (Melle) (CC0) (Open Game Art) gui/WideBB_insensitive.png (Jesusalva) (CC0) ***All other assets are default Ren'Py assets (MIT)*** # SFX sfx/bgm01.mp3 sfx/bgm02.mp3 sfx/bgm03.mp3 sfx/bgm04.mp3 sfx/bgm05.mp3 sfx/bgm06.mp3 sfx/prologue.mp3 sfx/regnum.mp3 (Arnaud Conde) (CC BY-SA 3.0) ("Posthomus Regnum". Jamendo) sfx/shining.mp3