From 76e68357de8c9d68864714d4c5d6134ea05837b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jesusaves <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2020 01:49:36 -0300
Subject: Split player.rpy in four files

 game/inventory.rpy | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 game/misc.rpy      |  74 +++++++++++++-
 game/party.rpy     | 152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 game/units.rpy     | 277 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 677 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 game/inventory.rpy
 create mode 100644 game/party.rpy
 create mode 100644 game/units.rpy

(limited to 'game')

diff --git a/game/inventory.rpy b/game/inventory.rpy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8551079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/inventory.rpy
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#     This file is part of Spheres.
+#     Copyright (C) 2019  Jesusalva
+#     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Player data displays
+init python:
+    def inventoryplace():
+        global Player
+        # Return next free slot index
+        try:
+            return Player["inv"].index(None)
+        except:
+            return len(Player["inv"])
+    def get_inventory():
+        raw=send_packet("get_inv", "")
+        pt=json_decode(raw)
+        if (pt == ERR_JSONDECODER):
+            return ERR_JSONDECODER
+        if (pt == FAILUREMSG):
+            # TODO: msgbox you're offline, quit
+            return ERR_LOGIN_DEFAULT
+        print "get_inv(): "+str(pt)
+        return pt
+screen inventory(blank=False, filters="True"):
+    # window
+    # hbox
+    vpgrid:
+        cols 4
+        spacing 5
+        draggable True
+        mousewheel True
+        scrollbars "vertical"
+        side_xalign 0.5
+        xoffset 15
+        #yoffset 45
+        #xfill True
+        yfill True
+        # The close button returns -1 and comes first
+        imagebutton:
+                if not blank:
+                    idle At("gfx/square/back_idle.png", czoom_70)
+                    hover At("gfx/square/back_hover.png", czoom_70)
+                else:
+                    idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70)
+                action Return(-1)
+        for i, item in enumerate(Player["inv"]):
+            # We don't care for None items
+            if item is not None:
+                # Needed because eval :rolling_eyes:
+                #$ ir=copy.copy(item["rare"])
+                #$ print str(locals())
+                python:
+                    evl=False
+                    #print "---- repr"
+                    try:
+                        alu=allunits[item["unit_id"]]
+                    except:
+                        alu={}
+                        stdout("ERROR, alu: not defined, index %d" % i)
+                    evl=eval(filters, globals(), locals())
+                    #print str(evl)
+                    #print str(filters)
+                    #print str(item)
+                    #print str(alu)
+                if evl:
+                    imagebutton:
+                        idle At(Composite(
+                                (340, 340),
+                                (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png",
+                                (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % item["unit_id"],
+                                (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % allunits[item["unit_id"]]["rare"],
+                            ), czoom_70)
+                        action Return(i)
+                        #alternate "Show the char data chart"
+screen char_details(un, hpval, akval, idx):
+    style_prefix "confirm"
+    frame:
+        at msgbox_emp
+        vbox:
+            xalign 0.5
+            yalign 0.5
+            spacing 30
+            label _("{b}%s{/b}\n%s\n\nHP: %d\nATK: %d\nLv %d/%d\nEXP: %d") % (
+                                    star_write(un["rare"]), un["name"],
+                                    hpval, akval,
+                                    Player["inv"][idx]["level"],
+                                    un["max_level"],
+                                    Player["inv"][idx]["exp"]):
+                style "confirm_prompt"
+                xalign 0.5
+            hbox:
+                xalign 0.5
+                spacing 100
+                textbutton _("Merge") action [SensitiveIf(Player["inv"][idx]["level"] < un["max_level"]), Return(-1)]
+                textbutton _("Evolve") action [SensitiveIf(evocheck(Player["inv"][idx]["level"], un)), Return(-2)]
+            hbox:
+                xalign 0.5
+                spacing 100
+                textbutton _("Ok") action Return(0)
+    ## Right-click and escape answer "no".
+    key "game_menu" action Return(0)
+# Show inventory button
+label inventory:
+    play music fadein 0.5
+    $ hud_clear()
+    # Try to update inventory
+    $ inv=get_inventory()
+    python:
+        try:
+            renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Error: %d" % int(inv))
+        except:
+            Player["inv"]=dlist()
+            for a in inv:
+                Player["inv"].append(a)
+label show_inv:
+    call screen inventory
+    if (_return >= 0):
+        $stdout("Selected unit index %d" % _return)
+        $un=allunits[Player["inv"][_return]["unit_id"]]
+        $show_img("unit_"+str(un["unit_id"]), at_list=[truecenter])
+        $hpval=readjust_status(un["rare"], un["job"],
+               True)*Player["inv"][_return]["level"]+un["hp"]
+        $akval=readjust_status(un["rare"], un["job"],
+               False)*Player["inv"][_return]["level"]+un["strength"]
+        $ret=renpy.call_screen("char_details", un, hpval, akval, _return)
+        # Proccess input
+        if ret == -1:
+            $who=_return
+            call upgrade_pre
+        elif ret == -2:
+            $who=_return
+            call evolve_pre
+        $renpy.hide("unit_"+str(un["unit_id"]))
+    else:
+        jump restore
+    jump show_inv
diff --git a/game/misc.rpy b/game/misc.rpy
index f436d2a..0471dc8 100644
--- a/game/misc.rpy
+++ b/game/misc.rpy
@@ -291,5 +291,77 @@ image spinner:
 #     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 #     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
-# Player data displays
+# Player data internals
+init python:
+    def ap_restore():
+        global ApTimer, Player
+        Player["ap"]+=1
+        if (Player["ap"] < Player["max_ap"]):
+            try:
+                ApTimer.cancel()
+            except:
+                pass
+            ApTimer=Timer(360.0, ap_restore)
+            ApTimer.daemon=True
+            ApTimer.start()
+        return
+    def update_ap(newval):
+        global ApTimer, Player
+        running=False
+        if (Player["ap"] < Player["max_ap"]):
+            running=True
+        # Update AP
+        # TODO: Do we allow over-the-cap AP?
+        Player["ap"]+=newval
+        # Handle the timer
+        if (not running and Player["ap"] < Player["max_ap"]):
+            ApTimer=Timer(360.0, ap_restore)
+            ApTimer.daemon=True
+            ApTimer.start()
+        if (running and Player["ap"] >= Player["max_ap"]):
+            ApTimer.cancel()
+        return
+    # Techinically a battle function, readjusts a value
+    # Rarity affects directly primary stat. We should distribute 140 points
+    def readjust_status(rar, job, hp=True):
+        newv=50
+        # Imbalanced class
+        if (job == Job_Swordsman):
+            if hp:
+                newv+=30+rar
+            else:
+                newv+=10+(rar/2)
+        elif (job == Job_Mage):
+            if hp:
+                newv+=10+(rar/2)
+            else:
+                newv+=30+rar
+        # Balanced class
+        elif (job == Job_Assassin):
+            if hp:
+                newv+=15+(rar/2)
+            else:
+                newv+=25+rar
+        elif (job == Job_Archer):
+            if hp:
+                newv+=25+rar
+            else:
+                newv+=15+(rar/2)
+        # All-rounder class, with no steady growth
+        elif (job == Job_Gunner):
+            if hp:
+                newv+=20+(rar/2)
+            else:
+                newv+=20+(rar/2)
+        return newv
diff --git a/game/party.rpy b/game/party.rpy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7847d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/party.rpy
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#     This file is part of Spheres.
+#     Copyright (C) 2019  Jesusalva
+#     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Player data displays
+init python:
+    # Function which list all unit id on party
+    def party_dupcheck(pid):
+        ar=[]
+        for unt in Player["party_%s" % pid]:
+            ar.append(unt["unit_id"])
+        return ar
+    def get_party(pid, internal=False):
+        raw=send_packet("get_party", str(pid))
+        pt=json_decode(raw)
+        if (pt == ERR_JSONDECODER):
+            return ERR_JSONDECODER
+        Player["party_%d" % pid]=pt
+        if (internal):
+            return False
+        allmem=""
+        for member in pt:
+            # Skip'invalid members
+            if member["unit_id"] <= 0:
+                continue
+            # TODO: show image
+            rfc=Player["inv"][member["inv_id"]]
+            allmem+="%d★ %s (Lv %d, %d exp)\n" % (allunits[member["unit_id"]]["rare"], allunits[member["unit_id"]]["name"], rfc["level"], rfc["exp"])
+            #Player["party_1"].append(member)
+        renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Party %d\n %s" % (pid, allmem))
+        return True
+    def set_party(pid, members):
+        raw=send_packet("set_party", """{"party_id": %d, "formation": %s}""" % (pid, str(members)))
+        pt=json_decode(raw)
+        if (pt == ERR_JSONDECODER):
+            return ERR_JSONDECODER
+        return True
+    def party_update(pid, pix):
+        newindex=renpy.call_screen("inventory", True)
+        # We only need inventory id's
+        # So make a Party variable with this
+        Party=dlist()
+        for une in Player["party_%d" % pid]:
+            Party.append(une["inv_id"])
+        if debug:
+            print str(Party)
+        # Add unit, but only if no duplicates are found
+        # Exception: If it is -1, then we can add
+        if newindex != -1:
+            dupcheck=party_dupcheck(pid)
+            dupid=Player["inv"][newindex]["unit_id"]
+            if dupid in dupcheck:
+                renpy.notify(_("You cannot add duplicate party members!"))
+            else:
+                Party[pix]=newindex
+        else:
+            Party[pix]=newindex
+        if debug:
+            print str(Party)
+        # Set party
+        set_party(pid, Party)
+        return True
+screen party_main():
+    default party = 1
+    vbox:
+        xalign 0.5
+        yalign 0.3
+        label _("{size=32}{color=#fff}Party %d{/color}{/size}" % (party))
+        null height 20
+        hbox:
+            for i, item in enumerate(Player["party_%d" % party]):
+                imagebutton:
+                    if item["unit_id"] > 0:
+                        idle At(Composite(
+                                (340, 340),
+                                (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png",
+                                (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % item["unit_id"],
+                                (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % allunits[item["unit_id"]]["rare"],
+                            ), czoom_70)
+                    else:
+                        idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70)
+                    action Return([party, i])
+        null height 80
+        # The close button returns -1 and comes last (TODO)
+        imagebutton:
+                idle At("gfx/square/back_idle.png", czoom_75)
+                hover At("gfx/square/back_hover.png", czoom_75)
+                action Return(-1)
+label party_lobby:
+    call screen party_main
+    # Return to town
+    if _return == -1:
+        jump restore
+    # Update party index
+    $party_update(_return[0], _return[1])
+    $ get_party(_return[0], True)
+    jump party_lobby
+label party_lobby_enter:
+    play music fadein 0.5
+    $ hud_clear()
+    # Try to update inventory
+    $ inv=get_inventory()
+    python:
+        try:
+            renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Error: %d" % int(inv))
+        except:
+            Player["inv"]=dlist()
+            for a in inv:
+                Player["inv"].append(a)
+    # FIXME
+    $ get_party(1, True)
+    jump party_lobby
diff --git a/game/units.rpy b/game/units.rpy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3abaeef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/game/units.rpy
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#     This file is part of Spheres.
+#     Copyright (C) 2019  Jesusalva
+#     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+#     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+#     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+#     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#     Lesser General Public License for more details.
+#     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+#     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+#     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+# Units upgrade and evolution
+init python:
+    def evocheck(level, unit):
+        # Does an evolved form exist?
+        print "evocheck lv %d" % level
+        try:
+            nu=unit["unit_id"]+1
+            #print "nu is: %d" % int(nu)
+            next_name=allunits[nu]["name"]
+            #print "next name: %s" % next_name
+        except:
+            return False
+        # Level requeriment
+        return level == unit["max_level"]
+screen upgrade_char():
+    vbox:
+        xalign 0.5
+        yalign 0.3
+        # The unit
+        hbox:
+            add At(Composite(
+                        (340, 340),
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png",
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % unit["unit_id"],
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % unit["rare"],
+                    ), czoom_70)
+            null width 10
+            label _("{size=32}{color=#fff}%s{/color}{/size}" % (unit["name"]))
+        null height 20
+        $i=0
+        hbox:
+            for ignored in enumerate(material):
+                if i < 4:
+                    imagebutton:
+                        if material[i] >= 0:
+                            idle At(Composite(
+                                    (340, 340),
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png",
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"],
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % allunits[Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"]]["rare"],
+                                ), czoom_70)
+                        else:
+                            idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70)
+                        action Return(i)
+                    $i+=1
+        null height 20
+        hbox:
+            for ignored in enumerate(material):
+                if i < 8:
+                    imagebutton:
+                        if material[i] >= 0:
+                            idle At(Composite(
+                                    (340, 340),
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png",
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"],
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % allunits[Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"]]["rare"],
+                                ), czoom_70)
+                        else:
+                            idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70)
+                        action Return(i)
+                    $i+=1
+        null height 80
+        # The close button returns -1 and comes last (TODO)
+        hbox:
+            textbutton _("Merge") action Return(-2)
+            null width 80
+            textbutton _("Leave") action Return(-1)
+screen evolve_char():
+    vbox:
+        xalign 0.5
+        yalign 0.3
+        # The unit
+        hbox:
+            add At(Composite(
+                        (340, 340),
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png",
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % unit["unit_id"],
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % unit["rare"],
+                    ), czoom_70)
+            null width 10
+            add At("gfx/evol.png", czoom_70)
+            null width 10
+            add At(Composite(
+                        (340, 340),
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png",
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % next["unit_id"],
+                        (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % next["rare"],
+                    ), czoom_70)
+            #label _("{size=32}{color=#fff}%s\n↓\n%s{/color}{/size}" % (unit["name"], next["name"]))
+        null height 120
+        $i=0
+        hbox:
+            xalign 0.5
+            spacing 150
+            for ignored in enumerate(material):
+                if i < 2:
+                    imagebutton:
+                        if material[i] >= 0:
+                            idle At(Composite(
+                                    (340, 340),
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/bg.png",
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/units/%d.png" % Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"],
+                                    (0, 0), "gfx/square/%d.png" % allunits[Player["inv"][material[i]]["unit_id"]]["rare"],
+                                ), czoom_70)
+                        else:
+                            idle At("gfx/square/bg.png", czoom_70)
+                        action Return(i)
+                    $i+=1
+        null height 80
+        # The close button returns -1 and comes last (TODO)
+        hbox:
+            xalign 0.5
+            spacing 80
+            textbutton _("Evolve") action [SensitiveIf(material[0]>=0 and material[1]>=0), Return(-2)]
+            textbutton _("Cancel") action Return(-1)
+label upgrade_pre:
+    # who -> index. Set beforehand
+    if who < 0:
+        call screen msgbox("Error: Invalid upgrade parameters passed")
+        return
+    $ unit = allunits[Player["inv"][who]["unit_id"]]
+    $ material = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
+    # Try to update inventory
+    $ inv=get_inventory()
+    python:
+        try:
+            renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Error: %d" % int(inv))
+        except:
+            Player["inv"]=dlist()
+            for a in inv:
+                Player["inv"].append(a)
+    jump upgrade
+label upgrade:
+    call screen upgrade_char()
+    $message=_return
+    if (message == -1):
+        $who=-1
+        return
+        #jump restore
+    if (message == -2):
+        # TODO
+        python:
+            mats=list(set(material))
+            mats.insert(0, who)
+            if -1 in mats:
+                mats.remove(-1)
+            stdout(str(mats))
+            ret=None
+            ret=renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Are you sure you want to merge these units?", Return(True), Return(False))
+            if ret:
+                # TODO: DISPLAY ANIMATION
+                message=send_packet("upgrade", str(mats))
+                message=json_decode(message)
+                try:
+                    lv=Player["inv"][who]["level"]
+                    narrator("Level up! %d -> %d" % (lv, int(message)+lv))
+                except:
+                    narrator("An error occured.\n\nError code: %s" % str(message))
+                renpy.jump("upgrade_pre")
+    else:
+        $ cand=renpy.call_screen("inventory", True)
+        if cand in material and cand >= 0:
+            "This unit is already to be merged!"
+        elif cand == who:
+            "Cannot merge unit with itself!"
+        else:
+            # TODO: Check for party
+            #"Trying to fuse [cand], must check if in party, duplicate, etc."
+            $ material[message]=cand
+        $ del cand
+    # WIP
+    jump upgrade
+label evolve_pre:
+    # who -> index. Set beforehand
+    if who < 0:
+        call screen msgbox("Error: Invalid upgrade parameters passed")
+        return
+    $ unit = allunits[Player["inv"][who]["unit_id"]]
+    $ next = allunits[Player["inv"][who]["unit_id"]+1]
+    $ material = [-1, -1]
+    # Try to update inventory
+    $ inv=get_inventory()
+    python:
+        try:
+            renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Error: %d" % int(inv))
+        except:
+            Player["inv"]=dlist()
+            for a in inv:
+                Player["inv"].append(a)
+    #$renpy.call_screen("msgbox", "Feature not yet available\n%s" % next["name"])
+    $renpy.hide("unit_"+str(unit["unit_id"]))
+    jump evolve
+label evolve:
+    call screen evolve_char()
+    $message=_return
+    if (message == -1):
+        $who=-1
+        return
+        #jump restore
+    if (message == -2):
+        # TODO
+        python:
+            mats=list(set(material))
+            mats.insert(0, who)
+            stdout(str(mats))
+            ret=None
+            ret=renpy.call_screen("confirm", "Are you sure you want to evolve this units?\nReagents will be lost forever!", Return(True), Return(False))
+            if ret:
+                message=send_packet("evolve", str(mats))
+                message=json_decode(message)
+                if message in ["200", 200]:
+                    # TODO: DISPLAY ANIMATION
+                    narrator("Evolution SUCCESS!")
+                else:
+                    narrator("Error code: 101!\n\n%s" % str(message))
+                renpy.jump("inventory")
+    else:
+        $ cand=renpy.call_screen("inventory", True, 'alu["rare"] == %d and\
+ (alu["unit_id"] == %s) or\
+ (alu["flags"] & UF_EVOMAT and alu["attribute"] == %d) or\
+ (alu["flags"] & UF_SUPEREVO) )' % (unit["rare"], unit["unit_id"], unit["attribute"]))
+        if cand in material and cand >= 0:
+            "This unit is already to be used as material!"
+        elif cand == who:
+            "That's the unit being evolved!"
+        else:
+            # TODO: Check for party
+            #"Trying to fuse [cand], must check if in party, duplicate, etc."
+            $ material[message]=cand
+        $ del cand
+    # WIP
+    jump evolve
cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2