// TMW-2 Script. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Applies effects for INC_* (STR doesn't exist) // Valid values: INCAGI INCVIT INCINT INCDEX INCLUK INCHIT INCFLEE // Doesn't works: SC_STRUP // Works if .@min == .@max: INCMHP INCMHPRATE INCMSP INCMSPRATE /// Untested Values: WALKSPEED (reverse logic) INVINCIBLE (broken) // PS. SC_CRITICALPERCENT (Crit) SC_FOOD_CRITICALSUCCESSVALUE (Crit) SC_STRIKING (Crit , ATK) // // Variables: // .@delay Second of buffing // .@type SC_* // .@min Min amount of type // .@max Max amount of type (optional) // SC_Bonus(delay, SC, min{, max}) function script SC_Bonus { .@delay=getarg(0); .@type=getarg(1); .@min=getarg(2); .@max=getarg(3, .@min); if (.@delay <= 0) return false; // Get the bonus value if (.@min != .@max) .@bonus=rand2(.@min, .@max); else .@bonus=.@min; // Remaining time and effect conversion .@v=getstatus(.@type, 1); .@t=getstatus(.@type, 5); // Convert remaining time to seconds, rounded down if (.@t > 1000) .@t=.@t/1000; else .@t=0; // If there was effect previously, get ponderate average if (.@v > 0) .@v=ponderate_avg(.@bonus, .@delay, .@v, .@t); else .@v=.@bonus; // Update time value to ms and to stack .@t+=.@delay; .@t*=1000; // Debug print if needed if (debug || $@GM_OVERRIDE) debugmes "Effect %d (+%d percent) for %d ms", .@type, .@bonus, .@t; // Restart the bonus sc_end .@type; sc_start .@type,.@t,.@v; return true; } - script inc_sc_bonus -1,{ OnUse: SC_Bonus(@delay, @type, @min, @max); @delay=0; @type=0; @min=0; @max=0; end; }