// TMW-2 Script.
// Author:
//    Crush
//    Jesusalva
// Description:
//    Alcohol effects
//    TODO: Retroactive, weakens every hour...
// Variables:
//    @taste    Alcohol taste (0~100) - influences exp up
//    @Alcohol   Alcoholic rating (0~100) - influences Attack Speed Malus, Min. Vit and duration
//    ALC_DELAYTIME For how long you are drunk (the delay) - gettimetick(2)
//    ALC_THRESHOLD How drunk you are (the bonus)
//    When drunk, attack speed is lowered but exp gain is increased.
//    Attack Speed Reductor: SC_ATTHASTE_INFINITY (reset upon death), SC_ATTHASTE_POTION2 (not reset upon death)
//    Max HP Reductor: SC_INCMHPRATE
//    EXP Increaser: SC_CASH_PLUSEXP (not reset upon death), SC_OVERLAPEXPUP (reset upon death)

function	script	ALCReset	{
    if (ALC_DELAYTIME < gettimetick(2))

-	script	alcohol_sc	-1,{

    // Stack remaning bonuses if the last one hasn't finished
    // remaining_bonuses(sc, type)
    // type 0: delay
    // type 1: value
    function remaining_bonus
        if (getstatus(getarg(0)))
            if (getarg(1))
                return getstatus(getarg(0), 1);
                return getstatus(getarg(0), 5); // Shouldn't it be 5?
        return 0;

    if (@Alcohol <= 0 || @taste <= 0) {
        Exception("Invalid alcoholic item, deleting without any effect.");
    // Just to be sure

    // Do you have enough vitality to hold your beer?
    // Skip this check on the first drink
    if (ALC_THRESHOLD) {
        if (@Alcohol+ALC_THRESHOLD > .@vit) {
            if (GSET_ALCOHOL_NOOVERDRINK) dispbottom l("You vomit, you are too drunk for this to have effect anymore.");
            else dispbottom l("You vomit, you are too drunk and drinking is harmful.");
            dispbottom l("Raise vitality to be able to drink even more.");
		    sc_start SC_CONFUSION, 5000, 0, 10000, SCFLAG_NOAVOID; // Warning, forces user to use @resync!
            if (GSET_ALCOHOL_NOOVERDRINK) end;
            percentheal -@Alcohol, -@Alcohol;
    .@deltatime=2*60*1000; // How long (in ms) each Alcohol point works? (max. 100 points)
    // Default value is 2 minutes per alcohol point - you'll be somber after at most four hours.
    // Beer (7): 14 minutes
    // Wine (16): 32 minutes
    // Sake (25): 50 minutes
    // Rum (40) : 80 minutes (1h20)
    // Ale (70) : 140 minutes (2h20)

    // Taste is affected by users near you.
    // Each user raises exp bonus in 1.5%, capped to the beverage taste
    // If you are with many people, drink a better beverage! ;-)
    getmapxy(.@m$, .@x, .@y, 0);
    .@bonus=getareausers(.@m$, .@x-12, .@y-12, .@x+12, .@y+12)-1;
    @taste+=min(@taste, .@bonus);

    // Alcohol EXP Bonus - ponderate average, so having more VIT doesn't means
    // more experience - only more time (be careful when mixing alcohol!)
    .@v=remaining_bonus(SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, true);
    .@t=remaining_bonus(SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, false)/1000;

    if (.@t) .@val1 = ponderate_avg(@taste, @Alcohol, .@v, .@t);
    else .@val1 = @taste;

    // Put the delay in ms.
    .@delay = remaining_bonus(SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, false);
    .@delay = .@t + @Alcohol*.@deltatime;

    // Reset EXP Bonus based on the new cumulative delay and average exp bonus
    sc_start SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, .@delay, .@val1;

    // Recalculate Alcohol Threshold and time
    if (ALC_DELAYTIME < gettimetick(2)) {

    // Debug comment if you need to check stuff
    //debugmes "%d %d | %d %d | f t ", remaining_bonus(SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, false), remaining_bonus(SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, true), remaining_bonus(SC_ATTHASTE_INFINITY, false), remaining_bonus(SC_ATTHASTE_INFINITY, true);

    // For debuff I'll use inc_sc_bonus utilities (exp gain = atk speed loss)
    .@min=-(remaining_bonus(SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, true)*2);
    .@max=-(remaining_bonus(SC_OVERLAPEXPUP, true)*2);
    // Sanitization, and nerf the debuff
    // DEX and VIT may affect a tiny bit (there's caps)
    .@min=min(0, .@min*limit(50,  500-.@pam, 500)/500);
    .@max=min(0, .@min*limit(100, 500-.@pam, 500)/500);
    SC_Bonus(.@delay, SC_ATTHASTE_INFINITY, .@min, .@max);
    if (debug || $@GM_OVERRIDE)
        debugmes "Alcohol penalty: %d ~ %d for %d s", .@min, .@max, .@delay;