// TMW2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Alchemy System (Player, Guild, NPC) // Notes: // Base for Evol MR // Usage: AlchemySystem ({scope}) // Scopes: CRAFT_NPC, CRAFT_PLAYER, CRAFT_GUILD // If an invalid scope is passed, .knowledge won't be set but will be required // Returns true on success, false on failure function script AlchemySystem { // Set .scope, .knowledge and .success .scope=getarg(0, CRAFT_PLAYER); if (.scope == CRAFT_PLAYER) { copyarray(.knowledge,RECIPES_ALCHEMY,getarraysize(RECIPES_ALCHEMY)); } else if (.scope == CRAFT_GUILD) { copyarray( .knowledge,getd("$RECIPES_ALCHEMY_"+getcharid(2)),getarraysize(getd("$RECIPES_ALCHEMY_"+getcharid(2))) ); } .success=false; setskin "craft2"; .@var$ = requestcraft(2); .@craft = initcraft(.@var$); .@entry = findcraftentry(.@craft, CRAFT_ALCHEMY); if (debug || $@GM_OVERRIDE) { mes "found craft entry: " + .@entry; mes "knowledge value: " + .knowledge[.@entry]; } if (.@entry < 0) { .success=false; } else { if (.scope == CRAFT_NPC || .knowledge[.@entry]) { if (GSET_FIXED_ALCHEMY) { .@m=limit(1, GSET_FIXED_ALCHEMY, 25); } else { .@max=(is_sponsor() ? 25 : 10); mesc l("How many to brew? (%d-%d)", 1, .@max); input(.@m, 1, .@max); } // Alchemy loop .@i=0; while (.@i < .@m) { .@s=validatecraft(.@craft); // Could not validate (not enough resources) if (!.@s) { mesc l("Not crafting - insufficient materials!"), 1; break; } .@s=usecraft(.@craft); .@i++; callfunc "FYE_Olympics_AL"; // Exploiting?! if (!.@s) break; } .success=true; } else { .success=false; } } deletecraft .@craft; setskin ""; return .success; } /* Alchemy can rely in cross-building Where a weaker potion is base for a stronger one Standard Duration = 2 minutes ~ 5 minutes Reagents: Water ...Eggs? ...Milk? Nymph Poison Death Potion Manapple Products: Tea (Chamomile, Spearmint, Oolong, Jasmine, Yerba Mate?) → Argaes Water + «Herbal Reagent» OK Coffee (Shadow Herb + Tonori Water) OK Piberries Infusion (Piberries + Curshroom) OK Atropos Mixture (Lachesis Brew + Clotho Liquor) OK Death Potion (Dragonfruit + Nightshade Tea) OK Smoke Grenade (Cactus pot + Coal) OK Grenade (Cactus pot + Sulfur Powder) OK Scented Grenade (Cactus pot + Moss) OK Haste Potion (Plushshroom) OK Strength Potion (Chagashroom) Return Potion (Hurnscald Recipe => Ocean Croc Claw + Hard Spike? Grass Seeds?) OK Status Reset (Curshroom + Mana Piou Feather) OK Homun Stat Reset (Curshroom + Manapple) OK Move Speed (Gem Powder + Fluor Powder) OK Precision (Piberries + Mt. Snake Egg) OK Dodge Potion (Piberries + Snake Egg) OK Luck, Dex, Int, Vit, Agi (Gems + Tea) OK Sacred Life (Golden Apple + Elixir of Life) OK Sacred Mana (Golden Apple + Celestia Tea) OK Sacred Revival (Sacred Life + Sacred Mana) OK Broken Warp Crystal? (Wurtizite + Black Mamba Skin) OK Magic Apple? (Divine Apple + Manapple? Death Potion? Sacred Life/Revival?) OK Purification Potion (Nymph Poison + Sacred Life) OK Iced Bottle (Tonori W. + Argaes W.) OK Insurance Contract (» Insurance?) (Quill + Reed Bundle) OK Insurance (Quill + Death Potion) Mysterious Fruit? (Legendary) For all Scrolls: Quill + ? (depends on scroll itself) » Summon Scrolls (Based on mob parts, 1× mob?) → alignment_cansummon() + SummonMagic() or summon() directly → Criteria between weak/strong version is alignment → When aligned, scrolls always summon strongest ver → Level must be equal or superior to strongest, tho » Maggot/Giant Maggot: Bug Leg (Lv 40) » CaveMaggot: Maggot Slime » Green Dragon/Nightmare: Dragon Scales (Lv 105) » Wolvern: Wolvern Pelt » Moggun/Yeti: Frozen Yeti Tear (Lv 60) » Terranite/T.Prot.: Terranite Ore (Lv 90) » Magnus Heal (Lifestone) » Area Provoke? → Scent grenade? » Guild Skills? OK » ScrollAngelLightA ( + ) OK » ScrollBattlePlansA ( + ) OK » ScrollDefenseBlessA ( + ) OK » ScrollCriticalFortuneA ( + ) → TODO: Kyrie Eleison (Absolute Shield) → With self-stun, makes you a temporary wall? → Maybe a item of Quill + LoF Coin for guild skills? (LoF Quill) // Skills for Aegis Shield, all beyond maximum level // Slimes, Snakes, Fairies, Darth Duck, Mr. Prickel // PoisonS.Mushroom // TODO: Lizards, (Black)Scorpions, Moonshroom, Black Mamba, Centaur skill TMW2_HALHISS, 10; skill TMW2_KALSPIKE, 9; skill TMW2_LIMERIZER, 10; skill TMW2_FAIRYKINGDOM, 9; skill TMW2_DUCKY, 10; skill TMW2_FAIRYEMPIRE, 10; */