// TMW2 Script // // @shroom // Plushroom Angel Script (Plush: 1011, Chaga: 1128, Clover: 1028) - script @shroom 32767,{ end; OnShroom: if (.@atcmd_parameters$[0] != "") .@mobId=atoi(array_shift(.@atcmd_parameters$)); if (.@atcmd_parameters$[1] != "") .@mobAm=atoi(array_shift(.@atcmd_parameters$)); if (.@atcmd_parameters$[2] != "") .@mobName$=implode(.@atcmd_parameters$, " "); // Checks if (!.@mobId) .@mobId=PlushroomField; if (getmonsterinfo(.@mobId, MOB_MODE) & MD_BOSS) Exception("Boss monsters cannot be summoned.", RB_DISPBOTTOM | RB_ISFATAL); if (!.@mobAm) .@mobAm=1; if (.@mobName$ == "") .@mobName$=strmobinfo(1, .@mobId); //.@gmType=(Sex ? NPC_GAMEMASTER : NPC_GAMEMISTRESS); .@gmType=(Sex ? GameMaster : GameMistress); .@gmId=monster("boss", 45, 45, strcharinfo(0), .@gmType, 1); // Max 40 connected players for this to work .@c = getunits(BL_PC, .@players, MAX_CYCLE_PC); for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@c; .@i++) { debugmes "@shroom: Attach account %d to spawn %d %s (%d)", .@players[.@i], .@mobAm, .@mobName$, .@mobId; attachrid(.@players[.@i]); getmapxy(.@m$, .@x, .@y, 0); unitwarp(.@gmId, .@m$, .@x, .@y); sleep2(20); unitwalk(.@gmId, .@x-1, .@y-1); sleep2(200); unitemote(.@gmId, any(E_HAPPY, E_HAPPY, E_ANGEL, E_EVILCROC)); sleep2(150); // Adjust amount based on player level .@Ammo=limit(1, BaseLevel/15*.@mobAm, 60); //getmapxy(.@dm$, .@dx, .@dy, UNITTYPE_MOB, .@gmId); //debugmes "Spawn %d mobs at %s, (%d, %d)", .@Ammo, .@dm$, .@dx, .@dy; areamonster(.@m$, .@x-3, .@y-3, .@x+3, .@y+3, .@mobName$, .@mobId, .@Ammo); sleep2(320); detachrid(); } // Cleanup unitwarp(.@gmId, "boss", 45, 45); unitkill(.@gmId); end; OnInit: bindatcmd "shroom", "@shroom::OnShroom", 60, 100, 1; }