// TMW 2 Script // Author: // Jesusalva // Micksha // Description: // Part of Kamelot Guild Dungeon // TODO: Random guard (Tezer) on the cursed soldier statues (easter egg) 042-0,58,28,0 script King Arthur NPC_KING_ARTHUR,{ function arthurSpawn; .@g=getcharid(2); .@pos=getguildrole(.@g, getcharid(3)); if (.@pos > GPOS_VICELEADER) goto L_Refusal; if (getguildlvl(.@g) < 2) goto L_Annoyed; if (!$KAMELOT_COOLDOWN[.@g]) goto L_Tutorial; if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 1) goto L_Progress; goto L_Prologue; L_Prologue: mesn l("King Arthur the Micksha"); mes l("Hello Adventurer."); next; mesn l("King Arthur the Micksha"); mes l("So good you are here. We have a huge problem."); next; npctalk l("JAIL THEM!!"); mesn l("King Arthur the Corrupted"); mes col(l("JAIL THEM!!"), 9)+l(" -- No, wait!"); next; select "[START] "+l("What is going on here?"), l("Your problems are not mine. By the way, you really should consider taking a shower."), l("[TUTORIAL]"), "[QUIT] "+l("You are weird, I have to go, sorry."); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 1: goto L_Quest; case 2: if (any(true, true, true, true, false)) goto L_Smash; else goto L_Annoyed; case 3: goto L_Tutorial; case 4: if (!any(true, true, true, true, false)) goto L_Smash; else goto L_Annoyed; } close; L_Quest: mesn l("King Arthur the Micksha"); mes l("Something is happening down there."); next; npctalk l("GUARDS! GET THEM!"); mesn l("King Arthur the Corrupted"); mes l("It is so dangerous, and it... ")+col(l("GUARDS! GET THEM!"), 9); next; mesn l("King Arthur the Micksha"); mes l("You must be fast! The guards are also affected."); next; npctalk l("OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"); mesn l("King Arthur the Corrupted"); mes col(l("OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"), 9)+l(" Take this key, it opens the door behind my throne."); next; npctalk l("AFTER THEM!!"); mesn l("King Arthur the Corrupted"); mes l("Be careful! ")+col(l("AFTER THEM!!"), 9); next; // Be sure the quest only starts now, and destroy any eventual artifact KamelotCleanup(.@g); getguildmember(.@g, 2); // 2 = count by account IDs $KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g]=1; $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]=getguildavg(.@g); $KAMELOT_PC[.@g]=$@guildmembercount; $KAMELOT_KEY[.@g]=any(1,2,4,8); $KAMELOT_PASSCODE[.@g]=rand2(1, 31); // TODO: Kamelot Event could bypass the cooldown? ...Nah. $KAMELOT_COOLDOWN[.@g] = gettimeparam(GETTIME_WEEKDAY); mapannounce(getmap(), "##1KAMELOT CASTLE, GUILD DUNGEON: MISSION START!", bc_map); // Spawn a few foot soldiers arthurSpawn(1, 25, 29, 43, 37); arthurSpawn(3, 22, 43, 43, 73); arthurSpawn(5, 76, 55, 98, 77); mesc l(".:: KAMELOT CASTLE, THE GUILD DUNGEON ::."), 1; mes ""; mes l("1. Investigate Kamelot Basements"); mes l("2. Free Kamelot from its curse!"); next; mesc l("Please select quest difficulty."); mesc l("This will affect rewards, and decision is final!"), 1; select l("Normal"), l("Easy"), l("Hard"), l("Crazy"); mes ""; switch (@menu) { case 2: // Easy $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]-=15; $KAMELOT_PC[.@g]=max(1, $KAMELOT_PC[.@g]*8/10); mapannounce(getmap(), "Kamelot Difficulty set to: Easy.", bc_map); break; case 3: // Hard $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]+=15; $KAMELOT_PC[.@g]=max(1, $KAMELOT_PC[.@g]*12/10)+1; mapannounce(getmap(), "Kamelot Difficulty set to: Hard.", bc_map); break; case 4: // Crazy(fefe) $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]+=30; $KAMELOT_PC[.@g]=max(1, $KAMELOT_PC[.@g]*15/10)+3; mapannounce(getmap(), "Kamelot Difficulty set to: Crazy.", bc_map); break; } close; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // King manages to control himself L_Annoyed: npctalk l("Don't bore me."); closeclientdialog; close; // King loses his coolness. L_Smash: npctalk l("MEEEEEERLIN!!! SMASH THEM!!"); maptimer(getmap(), 300, instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnPreSmash"); closeclientdialog; close; OnPreSmash: specialeffect FX_CUPID, AREA, getcharid(3); addtimer(380, instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnSmash"); end; OnSmash: die(); end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// L_Progress: if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 64) goto L_Reward; npctalk l("What are you still doing here?! GO!!"); mes l("Read tutorial again?"); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_YES) goto L_Tutorial; close; L_Reward: .@cn=$KAMELOT_MX[.@g]/3; mesn; mesq l("Thanks for vanishing the source of the curse."); next; mesn; mesq l("Since Merlin left in an expedition with Morgan, strange things have been happening in Kamelot."); next; mesn; mesq l("Please accept this reward from my part. And if anything else happens again, I'll leave the doors open for you and your guild."); next; warp "014-4", 67, 27; if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 128) goto L_DoReward2; $KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g]=$KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g]|128; getitem GuildCoin, .@cn; // TODO: Make this a decent reward getitembound any(SilverRing, GoldenRing), 1, 2; guildgetexp(.@cn*2000); goto L_DoReward2; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// L_Tutorial: // Update variable if ($KAMELOT_COOLDOWN[.@g] != gettimeparam(GETTIME_WEEKDAY)) $KAMELOT_COOLDOWN[.@g]=gettimeparam(GETTIME_WEEKDAY)-1; mes b(".:: KAMELOT CASTLE ::."); mes "The Guild Dungeon of Kamelot Castle"; mes ""; mes l("Kamelot Castle is a GUILD DUNGEON which refreshes WEEKLY."); mes l("Only the Guild Master and the Vice Leaders are capable of starting this quest."); next; mes l("An unlimited number of members can join."); mes l("Once the quest is started, entrance will be closed."); mes l("No one can go out during the quest, so ensure every guild member has proper equipment, potions, and time for this dungeon."); next; mes l("Additionally, for the optimal experience, ensure your party has at least the following members and items:"); mes ""; mes l("* Thief"); mes l("* Mage"); mes l("* %s", getitemlink(TreasureKey)); mes l("* %s", getitemlink(Lockpicks)); mes ""; next; mes b(".:: VICTORY REWARDS ::."); mes l("Victory prizes include guild experience, guild money, and guild bound items."); mes ""; mes b(".:: DEFEAT PENALTIES ::."); mes l("If your guild is defeat during the quest, you'll need to wait the weekly cooldown to expire."); mes ""; mes "----------------- by Lancelot"; next; clear; if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 1) goto L_Progress; goto L_Prologue; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// L_Refusal: if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 64) goto L_Reward2; mesc l("This man is THE LEGENDARY KING ARTHUR!"); mes ""; mesc l("I better leave talking to him to the guild Vice Leaders and Master."); close; L_Reward2: mesn; mesq l("Thanks for your services, knight. One day, you might even deserve a seat at this castle."); next; L_DoReward2: mesn; mesq l("Farewell, until the next time. Shall we met again, and may the light guide our paths."); warp "014-4", 67, 27; .@cn=$KAMELOT_MX[.@g]/10; // Penalty if you dragged the guild down if (BaseLevel < getguildavg(.@g)*5/10) .@cn=.@cn*5/10; // Penalty if you carried the guild if (BaseLevel > getguildavg(.@g)*15/10) .@cn=.@cn*5/10; // Your reward .@cn+=1; getitem GuildCoin, .@cn; getexp BaseLevel*10, .@cn*35; Zeny+=.@cn*1000; guildgetexp(.@cn*350); close; OnKillMob: if (!playerattached()) end; .@g=getcharid(2); if (.@g < 1) die(); getexp $KAMELOT_MX[.@g], $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]/2+1; end; function arthurSpawn { .@label$=instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnKillMob"; .@gcount=getarg(0); .@x1=getarg(1); .@x2=getarg(3); .@y1=getarg(2); .@y2=getarg(4); .@g=getcharid(2); if (.@g < 1) die(); .@avg=$KAMELOT_MX[.@g]; .@m$=getmap(); for (.@i=0; .@i < .@gcount; .@i++) { .@mobId=CursedSoldier; .@mob=areamonster(.@m$, .@x1, .@y1, .@x2, .@y2, strmobinfo(1, .@mobId), .@mobId, 1, .@label$); // Reconfigure the monster setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LEVEL, .@avg); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_STR, 1+.@avg/6); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_AGI, 1+.@avg/7); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_VIT, 1+.@avg/6); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_INT, 1+.@avg/6); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_DEX, 1+.@avg/7); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LUK, 1+.@avg/6); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ADELAY, 2072); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKRANGE, 1); // Battle Status setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_MAXHP, .@avg*20); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_HP, .@avg*20); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKMIN, .@avg*25/10); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKMAX, .@avg*45/10); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_DEF, 1+.@avg*6/10); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_MDEF, 1+.@avg*3/10); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_HIT, .@avg*4); // Advised: x3 setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_FLEE, .@avg*25/10); // Advised: x4 // Critical calculation .@min=1; .@max=max(.@min, min(15, .@avg/6)); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_CRIT, rand2(.@min, .@max)); // Loop through } freeloop(false); return; } OnInit: .distance=4; .sex=G_MALE; npcsit; end; OnInstanceInit: .distance=4; .sex=G_MALE; npcsit; end; } 042-0,69,24,0 script #K042-0_69_24 NPC_HIDDEN,0,0,{ end; OnTouch: .@g=getcharid(2); // Cart Restriction if (countitem(RentCart) && $HARDCORE) { dispbottom l("I cannot enter Kamelot with a cart."); end; } // Quest already finished. if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 64) { dispbottom l("I should talk to King Arthur."); end; } // Quest (not yet) started if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 1) { warp "042-1@"+.@g, 55, 99; } else { dispbottom l("The door is locked."); end; } // Maybe event must be fired if (!($KAMELOT_KEYMASK[.@g] & 16)) { .@label$=instance_npcname("#KDoor0421", $@KAMELOT_ID[.@g])+"::OnArrival"; deltimer .@label$; addtimer 15000, .@label$; } end; } 042-0,86,27,0 script Guinevere NPC_GUINEVERE,{ function guinevereSpawn; .@g=getcharid(2); .@pos=getguildrole(.@g, getcharid(3)); if (.@pos > GPOS_VICELEADER) goto L_Refusal; if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 1) goto L_Hint; npctalk3 l("Oh, hello %s.", strcharinfo(0)); end; L_Refusal: mesn; mesq l("Hello, %s.", strcharinfo(0)); next; mesc "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]"; mesc l("She doesn't seems to trust me... Maybe I should bring a guild vice-leader, or even better, the guild master himself."); close; L_Hint: mesc l("Guinevere is the King's Wife. If you talk to her, the King will be upset and will send soldiers to you."), 1; next; mesc l("However, she may have a better assessment of the current situation better than you and your allies."), 1; next; mesc l("Continue anyway? You'll die if your allies cannot protect you!"), 1; next; if (askyesno() == ASK_NO) close; // Okay... So here we go (again), spawning monsters guinevereSpawn(1); mesn; mesq l("Ah, %s, a good thing you're here. You must help!", strcharinfo(0)); next; guinevereSpawn(1); mesn; mesq l("Something very terrible happened."); next; guinevereSpawn(2); mesn; mesq l("They're back - and they took hold of your majesty - my husband - king Arthur!"); next; guinevereSpawn(2); mesn; mesq l("Of course, he doesn't likes the fact you're talking to me."); next; guinevereSpawn(3); mesn; mesq l("*They* couldn't take hold of me, but I'm bound to this castle; I can't leave."); next; guinevereSpawn(3); mesn; mesq l("They are in the basement, pulling the strings from behind."); next; guinevereSpawn(3); mesn; mesq l("The way is full of dangers. Not only king soldiers, but the beast has an army of their own!"); next; guinevereSpawn(4); mesn; mesq l("You need to be very careful. Use the sewers to reach... them."); next; guinevereSpawn(4); mesn; mesq l("Also, listen well, because there are traps and dangers on the whole way. Their leader sealed themselves in safety."); next; guinevereSpawn(5); mesn; mesq l("I'm afraid you'll need a key to reach them. But there's a fork on the way."); next; guinevereSpawn(3); mesn; switch ($KAMELOT_KEY[.@g]) { case 1: .@path$=l("West"); break; case 2: .@path$=l("North West"); break; case 4: .@path$=l("North East"); break; case 8: .@path$=l("East"); break; default: .@path$=l("ERROR, REPORT ME: Invalid: %d", $KAMELOT_KEY[.@g]); break; } mesq l("The key is on the sewer %s path. Be careful. May the light be with you.", b(.@path$)); if ($KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g] & 2) close; next; guinevereSpawn(5); mesn; mesq l("And one more thing..."); next; guinevereSpawn(2); mesn; mesq l("Take this with you. And please bring Arthur back, the world needs him!"); $KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g]=$KAMELOT_QUEST[.@g]|2; // Player Reward for completing this stage getitem any(SacredImmortalityPotion, SacredLifePotion, SacredManaPotion), 1; getitem GuildCoin, 5; // Guild Reward for completing this stage .@ggp=100+$KAMELOT_MX[.@g]*4; .@gxp=$KAMELOT_MX[.@g]*2; $GUILD_BANK[.@g]+=.@ggp; guildgetexp(.@gxp); // 2xp per player average level (max 200/300) // Guild Master Notification .@gm$=getguildmaster(.@g); if (!getcharid(3, .@gm$)) end; .@gma=getcharid(3, .@gm$); .@gmb=getcharid(0, .@gm$); if (!isloggedin(.@gma, .@gmb)) end; message .@gm$, strcharinfo(0)+" cleared Guinevere: Guild GP +"+.@ggp+" Guild XP +"+.@gxp; close; OnKillMob: if (!playerattached()) end; .@g=getcharid(2); if (.@g < 1) die(); getexp $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]*2, $KAMELOT_MX[.@g]; end; function guinevereSpawn { .@label$=instance_npcname(.name$)+"::OnKillMob"; .@gcount=getarg(0); .@g=getcharid(2); if (.@g < 1) die(); .@avg=$KAMELOT_MX[.@g]; .@m$=getmap(); for (.@i=0; .@i < .@gcount; .@i++) { .@mobId=CursedSoldier; .@mob=areamonster(.@m$, 82, 26, 90, 34, strmobinfo(1, .@mobId), .@mobId, 1, .@label$); // Reconfigure the monster setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LEVEL, .@avg); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_STR, 1+.@avg/6); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_AGI, 1+.@avg/7); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_VIT, 1+.@avg/6); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_INT, 1+.@avg/6); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_DEX, 1+.@avg/7); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_LUK, 1+.@avg/6); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ADELAY, 2072); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKRANGE, 1); // Battle Status setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_MAXHP, .@avg*20); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_HP, .@avg*20); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKMIN, .@avg*25/10); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_ATKMAX, .@avg*45/10); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_DEF, 1+.@avg*6/10); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_MDEF, 1+.@avg*3/10); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_HIT, .@avg*4); // Advised: x3 setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_FLEE, .@avg*25/10); // Advised: x4 // Critical calculation .@min=1; .@max=max(.@min, min(15, .@avg/6)); setunitdata(.@mob, UDT_CRIT, rand2(.@min, .@max)); // Loop through } freeloop(false); return; } OnInit: OnInstanceInit: .distance=4; .sex=G_FEMALE; end; }