// TMW2 Scripts. // Author: // Jesusalva // Description: // Magic School special class 027-1,117,131,0 script Laura NPC_FEMALE,{ if (MGQUEST && getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER >= 1) goto L_T3_S0; mesn; mesq l("Hello, and welcome to the Magic Academy."); if (!MGQUEST) { next; mesn; mesq l("Sorry, but I don't have time to play the guide with new faces. You'll need to find someone else."); close; } next; mesn; mesq l("I love living here, but I wish people weren't locked inside the rooms all time."); next; switch (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT)) { case 0: if (MAGIC_LVL >= 1) goto L_Tier1; break; case 1: if (MAGIC_LVL >= 2) goto L_Tier2; break; case 2: if (MAGIC_LVL >= 3) goto L_Tier3; break; case 3: if (MAGIC_LVL >= 4) goto L_Tier4; break; } closeclientdialog; goodbye; close; //////////////// /* First Tier */ //////////////// L_Tier1: mesn; mesq l("Also, I see you're a newly registered mage. Am I right?"); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_NO) { mesn; mesq l("Alright. I wish you good luck in your studies."); close; } mesn; mesq l("Good. Did you knew you could register to the Special Class, in order to get an extra skill point?"); next; mesn; mesq l("We only require a small fee of %d %s, or %d %s, or %d %s if you are poor adventurer.", 1, getitemlink(DivineApple), 25, getitemlink(SnakeEgg), 360, getitemlink(MaggotSlime)); next; inventoryplace ScholarshipBadge, 1; switch(select( rif(countitem(DivineApple) >= 1, l("I got the apple.")), rif(countitem(SnakeEgg) >= 25, l("I got the eggs.")), rif(countitem(MaggotSlime) >= 360, l("I got the maggots slimes.")), l("I will apply later."))) { case 1: delitem DivineApple, 1; getexp $MANA_BLVL*100, $MANA_JLVL*10; getitem ScholarshipBadge, 1; // NOT A BUG break; case 2: delitem SnakeEgg, 25; getexp $MANA_BLVL*100, $MANA_JLVL*10; break; case 3: delitem MaggotSlime, 360; break; default: close; break; } skill TMW2_SKILLPERMIT, 1, 0; getitem ScholarshipBadge, 1; mes ""; mesn; mesq l("Many thanks, your help has been invaluable. You now have an extra point, use it wisely."); next; mesn; mesq l("Listen, as you're new here, I'll give you my %s. I won't give it again, understood? This is my personal gratitude. Come again!", getitemlink(ScholarshipBadge)); close; ///////////////// /* Second Tier */ ///////////////// L_Tier2: mesn; mesq l("Maybe you're interested in the Special Class again? An extra magic skill point for a lot of items, what do ya say?"); next; if (askyesno() == ASK_NO) { mesn; mesq l("Alright. I wish you good luck in your studies."); close; } mesn; mesq l("Great news! Then please bring me 1 @@, or 200 @@ @@ 20 @@.", getitemlink(DivineApple), getitemlink(SilkCocoon), b(l("and")), getitemlink(ChocolateMouboo)); next; switch(select( rif(countitem(DivineApple) >= 1, l("I got the apple.")), rif(countitem(SilkCocoon) >= 200 && countitem(ChocolateMouboo) >= 20, l("I got the silk and chocolate.")), l("I will apply later."))) { case 1: delitem DivineApple, 1; break; case 2: delitem SilkCocoon, 200; delitem ChocolateMouboo, 20; break; default: close; break; } skill TMW2_SKILLPERMIT, 2, 0; getexp 30000, 1000; // Level cannot be lower than 35, use 40 as ref. mes ""; mesn; mes l("Many thanks, and once again, your help has been invaluable."); mes l("You now have an extra point, use it wisely."); close; ///////////////// /* Third Tier */ ///////////////// L_Tier3: ST_TIER=1; mesn; mesq l("Maybe you're interested in the Special Class again? An extra magic skill point, but this time in a dangerous journey, what do ya say?"); next; if (nard_reputation() < 8) { mesn; mesc l("I advise you to do more quests on Tulimshar and Candor, otherwise, you will fail right at the end."), 1; next; } if (askyesno() == ASK_NO) { mesn; mesq l("Alright. I wish you good luck in your studies."); close; } mesn; mesq l("I will prepare you a potion. But beware, that potion will only last 20 minutes. You should assign some intelligence points to succeed."); next; mesn; mes l("If it expires, you'll need to do another. To bake it I need 1 @@, 10 @@ and an @@.", getitemlink(EverburnPowder), getitemlink(MaggotSlime), getitemlink(EmptyBottle)); mesc l("Have Maggot Slimes, Bug Legs, Mauve Herbs and Money, lots of them."), 1; next; select rif(countitem(MaggotSlime) >= 10 && countitem(EverburnPowder) && countitem(EmptyBottle), l("I have everything.")), l("I'm not ready."); mes ""; if (@menu == 2) { mesn; mesq l("Yes, as you see, the costs are high. Prepare yourself."); close; } if (TUTORIAL && nard_reputation() < 8) { mesn col(l("Tutorial Tom"), 9); mesc l("Unfortunately you're in tutorial mode, so I cannot let you go ahead knowing you'll fail. Please improve your reputation with Nard and then continue."); close; } delitem EmptyBottle, 1; delitem EverburnPowder, 1; delitem MaggotSlime, 10; ST_TIER=2; QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO=gettimetick(2) + (60 * 20); getexp 400, 0; mesn; mesc l("She mix the powder with the slime inside the bottle, and makes some weird mixture."); next; mesn; mesc l("She pours something on it, you're not sure what. And then utters some magic words."); next; // Reset timer, this is the place where it should really happen. QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO=gettimetick(2) + (60 * 20); mesn; mesq l("The potion is baked, and the time is now running! Read as fast as you can, don't miss details!"); next; mesn; mesq l("First thing is to get a @@. One from black market won't do, go to Halinarzo!", getitemlink(SunnyCrystal)); next; mesn; mesq l("Speak with ##BBarzil##b. Tell him it is for the Magic Academy. HURRY UP!"); close; // Logic handler L_T3_S0: if (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER == 1) goto L_Tier3; if (gettimetick(2) > QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO) goto L_T3_Fail; if (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER == 2) goto L_T3_S2; if (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER == 3) goto L_T3_S3; if (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER == 4) goto L_T3_S4; if (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER == 5) goto L_T3_S5; if (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER == 6) goto L_T3_S6; if (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER <= 9) goto L_T3_S7; if (getskilllv(TMW2_SKILLPERMIT) == 2 && MAGIC_LVL >= 3 && ST_TIER == 10) goto L_T3_Final; mesc l("Error, error, L_T3_S0 General Error, REPORT ME"); close; L_T3_S2: mesn; mesq l("Hurry up! Bring a @@ from Barzil in Halinarzo!! You only have @@ left!", getitemlink(SunnyCrystal), FuzzyTime(QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO,2,2)); close; L_T3_S3: if (countitem(SunnyCrystal) == 0) { mesn; mesq l("Where's the Sunny Crystal? Hurry up, you only have @@ left!", FuzzyTime(QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO,2,2)); } delitem SunnyCrystal, 1; ST_TIER=4; getexp 250, 0; mesn; mesq l("Good, you did it!"); next; mesn; mesc l("*chants more words, while the crystal hovers the potion*"); next; L_T3_S4: mesn; mesq l("I will need many Mauve Herbs! Do you have them with you? If you don't have enough, we'll lose everything! You need at most @@!", BaseLevel+40); select rif(countitem(MauveHerb), l("Yes, I have herbs. I assume the risks.")), l("No I don't have herbs. I'll be back."); if (@menu == 2) close; if (gettimetick(2) > QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO) goto L_T3_Fail; .@req=rand2(BaseLevel-20, BaseLevel+40); // Minimum is 40, max is unknown, defaults to 100 mesn; mesq l("I need @@ Herbs!", .@req); //next; // If you comment this next, you'll allow players to logout and prevent penalty. mes ""; if (countitem(MauveHerb) < .@req) goto L_T3_Fail; delitem MauveHerb, .@r; ST_TIER=5; getexp .@r*3, 0; //getitem MagicPotion, 1; mesc l("You quickly give her the herbs, and she skillfully mix them on a potion."); next; // You'll get a random amount of time, based on spent herbs // Usually, 10~73 sec, being 73 sec = 1m13s QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO=QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO+rand2(10,.@r-27); L_T3_S5: mesn; mesq l("Good! Last step! West of Hurnscald, there is a magic fountain."); next; mesn; mesq l("Talk to the Fountain. Pour the potion on it. I advise you to put all your points on int if possible."); next; mesn; mesq l("Hurry up, you'll run out of time in @@!", FuzzyTime(QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO,2,2)); close; L_T3_S6: ST_TIER=7; mesn; mesq l("You did it! You're now on the last stage of this BORING and LONG quest!"); next; L_T3_S7: mesn; mesq l("Jesusaves wrote a grimorie, with ancient secrets of our world."); next; mesn; mesq l("Captain Nard have it. Fetch it with him! Quick, you only have @@ left!", FuzzyTime(QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO,2,2)); close; L_T3_Final: skill TMW2_SKILLPERMIT, 3, 0; ST_TIER = 0; // Clean up temporary variable getexp 120000, 0; // Yes, 120k experience points. Waw. mesc l(".:: Congratulations! ::."), 2; mesc l("You have completed the Jesusaves Grimorium Quest!"), 2; next; mesn; mesq l("Keep the Grimorie with you. It's a rare book which holds data from all others. The book shall guide your advances!"); next; mesn; mesq lg("Yes, courageous and worthy adventurer. You did well!"); next; mesn; mesc l("*sigh*"); mesq l("Now I can turn in my report to Professor Volrtaw... I should not have stayed behind the classes."); close; /// Fail handlers L_T3_Fail: if (ST_TIER == 3) { if (countitem(SunnyCrystal) > 0) { delitem SunnyCrystal, 1; } else { mesn; mesc l("WARNING. YOU ARE CHEATING THE SUNNY CRYSTAL QUEST."), 1; next; mesn; mesc l("YOU WILL BE PENALIZED WITH 60% OF HEALTH."), 1; mesc l("IF YOU DIE, YOU'LL SUFFER THE EXP PENALTY."), 1; percentheal -60, -100; close; } } if (ST_TIER == 10) { if (countitem(JesusalvaGrimorium) > 0) { delitem JesusalvaGrimorium, 1; } else { mesn; mesc l("WARNING. YOU ARE CHEATING THE GRIMORIE QUEST."), 1; next; mesn; mesc l("YOU WILL BE PENALIZED WITH 70% OF HEALTH."), 1; mesc l("IF YOU DIE, YOU'LL SUFFER THE EXP PENALTY."), 1; percentheal -70, -100; close; } } mesc l(".:: Mission Failed ::."), 1; mesc l("You ran out of time."), 1; mes ""; mes l("You should have gotten here @@.", FuzzyTime(QUEST_ELEVARTEMPO,0,2)); ST_TIER=1; close; L_Tier4: if (!ACADEMIC_RANK) { mesn; mesq l("Oh hello again. This time I need you to be enrolled here, for this, you need to either get a good rank at the Magic Olympics or by contributing to the world's knowledge. Talk to headmaster if you need help."); close; } mesn; mesq l("%s! I see you are a(n) %s here, very good!", strcharinfo(0), academicrank()); next; mesn; mesq l("Still interested in extra credit? Now that you're a(n) %s, you can sign this perfectly normal and standard %s, and by helping us out, by helping ME out, you'll gain the extra credit. What do you say? Not a bad deal, right?", academicrank(), b(l("Non Disclosure Agreemeent"))); next; mesc l("Sign the non-disclosure agreement?"); if (askyesno() == ASK_NO) close; mesn; mesq l("Perfect! So now that you swore secrecy, you can help me! Thing is... there was... a %s!", col(l("murder"), 1)); next; mesn; mesq l("You have access to the storehouse now, right? Well, that's where it happened!"); next; mesn; mesc l("*sighs*"); mesq l("And obviously, Professor Volrtaw assigned me to investigate! Look at me, do I look like an investigator to you? But, he told me I could pick any student to help me! And I choose you!"); next; mesn; mesq l("Please be a pal and help me! I'll be in a dire situation if you don't! Besides, you also want the extra credit, so it is a win-win situation!"); next; mesn; mesq l("You will find a statue different from the others. It is where the game balance was murdered and bugs added instead! No, not really - this is just a placeholder. Not cool!"); // Reward is 550k exp for this arc (investigate, interrogate, etc) // Next T5 arc will give 2 million exp points (find the PoN) // Then there'll be no more arcs nor extra credits // You'll gain the "Summon Princess of Night skill" // And a permanent MP boost. PoN takes 1h to expire // Real effect depends on your decision in Elenium Mines // Sparing the girl will boost PoN considerably. setq1 General_NightInRed, 1; // FIXME: Reset the quest, enclose in getq() close; /// Core code OnInit: .@npcId = getnpcid(.name$); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADTOP, FancyHat); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, SorcererRobe); //setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, NPCEyes); //setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_WEAPON, JeansShorts); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, any(8,11,20)); setunitdata(.@npcId, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, 5); .sex=G_FEMALE; .distance=5; end; }